R: Re: DA approach Giancarlo Russo Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 10:51 AM To: Marco Catino Cc: Daniele Milan; 'd.vincenzetti@hackingteam.it' Guys, This is exactly what we want to avoid: on the ?eld challenges means we are moving the focus to the result and not to the technology itself. If you buy a Ferrari, in Maranello they can teach you how to drive. They can not grant You will be the winner of the race. If Beretta sell you a gun, the most peculiar and sophisticated one, they can teach how to use it. They can not grant you are going to shoot your target properly on the ?eld. I can sell you RCS Galileo - i can not grant you have the proper procedure, information background and social engineering skills to infect the right target. All the consideration regarding the "legal framework" can not be addressed by In case this concern is true, I?m sure no DA will even try on the ?eld. Giancarlo Russo COO Sent from my mobile.