C06235715 Approved for Release: 2015/04/29 C06235715 (b)(3) NatSecAct (U) Di sseminating or sharing any part of this document outside CIA must comply with AR 10-16. AR 2-28 (U//AIUO) ANNEX B --GUIDANCE FOR CIA ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE UNITED STATES (Formerly HR 7lANNB) OGC- AGENCY REGULAllON SERIES 2 (INTELLIGENCE ACll VIllES) PUBLISHED ON 23 DECEMBER 19B7 Revision Summary (U//Al UO) PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT AR 2-2B (formerly HR 7-1 Annex B) dated 9 August 1982, ·has been superceded by AR 2-28, dated 20 July 2005. The 2005 version is not in the usual Agency regulatory format; it is formatted to retain the structure as approved" to maintain (b)(3) CIAAct consistency with other, similar is~ uances . (U) Users needing assistance with this issuance are directed to contact, - -- - - - - - ' L....__ _ _ _ _____, via email at (b )(3) C IAAct Regulation Summary (U//AI UO) Annex 8 to AR 2-2 outlines the duties and responsibilities of. CIA as we ll as limitation upon intelligence activities ·undertaken by the Agency within the United States. I. (U) Authorities (U) Executive Order 12333; the National Security Act of 1947; the CIAAct of 1949, and ·other applicable laws, regulations , and directfves, as well as intelligence policies. II. (U) Policy I. (U) INTRODUCTION A Executive Order 12333 outlines the duties and responsibilities of CIA as well as limitations upon intelligence ac tivitie s undertaken by the Agency. The Order reflects the requirements of the National Security Act of 1947, the CIA Act of 1949, and other laws, regulations, and d irectives, as well as intellig ence policies. These revised procedures , which implement Sections 2. 3, 2.4 and 2. 9 of the new Order, were prepared by CIA, were approved by the Attorney General , and are issued by the Director of Central Intelligence. These procedures s upersede all existing procedures addressing the same subject matter. However, employees must also comply with Agency regulations that reflect the requirements of the new Order and AR 2-2B SliiCj;leT/!GI,O, IPdTER~JAL U.S!! 01\JCYii\IOFORN Approved for Release: 2015/04/29 C06235715 1 of 15 C0 623 5 7 1 5 Approved for Release: 2015/04/29 C06235715 Agency policies regulating employee conduct within the United States. B. PURPOSES-These procedures are intended to : 1. Permit and encourage legitimate intelligence activities to the maximum extent possible so that an aggressive and effective intelligence effort may be carried out free of unnecessary restri ctions; 2. Provide legal protection to employees who follow the procedures by providing authority for intelligence activities; and · 3. Assure the American public and the intelligence oversight mechanisms that all CIA activities . in the United States are lawful and related to legitimate intelligence objectives. II. (U) RESPONSIBILITIES. CIA is responsible within the United States for: A. (U) Collecting, producing, and disseminating foreign intelligence and counterintelligence, including counterintelligence and significant foreign intelligence ·not otherwise obtainable. The collection of foreign intelligence not otherwise obtainable shall be coordinated with the FBI as required by the 2005 CIA-FBI Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); B. (U) Conducting counterintelligence activities, in coordination with the FBI as required by the 2005 CIA-FBI MOU; C. (U) Collecting, producing, and disseminating intelligence on foreign aspects of narcotics production and trafficking; D. (U) Conducting ~esearch ; development (including testing), and procurement of technical systems and devices relating to authorized functions; E. (U) Protecting the security of its installations, activities, information, property, and employees by appropriate means; F. (U) Cond ucting Intelligence Community services of common concern as directed by the NSC; G. (U) Conducting special activities in support of national foreign policy objective s abroad approved by the Pres ident and consistent with applicable laws; and H. (U) Conducting administrative and te chnical support activities necessary to perform the functions described above. Ill. (U) AUTHORITIES All CIA activities within the United States must be related to the responsibilities identified above and must be authorized as outlined in these procedures. SlaCJ;leT/ICL0 c l~nERPd~L US~ Of~LT/1\IOFORIITiir;;lW\b U ~i!: mJb¥/~ J OFOml Approved for Release: 2015/04/29 C06235715 11 of 15 C062357 1 5 AR 2-2B (b)( 1) Approved for Release : 2015/04/29 C06235~ 1 ~( 3) NatSecAct SEeF(ETH81A IPHERP4AL USE OPILY~PIOFGml Approved for Release: 2015/04/29 C06235715 12 of 15 C062357 1 5 (h)( 1) Approved for Release: 2015/04/29 C062357~2)(3) NatSecAct I B. (SI/~~F) LIMITATIONS 1. (S//~W) Use or placement of a staff employee or an asset in an (b)(1 )ni zation in the United States to s ot or assess U.S. citizens is rohibited . (b)(3) NatSecAct 3. (SIIf\IF) Collection within the United ·states of significant -foreign intelligence not otherwiseobtainable may not be undertaken for the purpose of acquiring information concerning the domesti c activities of United States persons. 4. (S//~dF) A person is employed by an organization if he or she is employed by, assigned to , or acts for the organization. C. (U) APPROVAL PROCEDURES FOR PERMI.TIED ACTIVITIES 1. (U) Before approving an undisclosed participation the app roving C IA official must determine that such participation is essential to achieve one or more of the lawful purposes AR 2-2B 6EGRET/IG I ,O,I~JTi!!j;IW(, I ' 55: Of:>!! YINQFORt\1 Approved for Release: 2015/04/29 C06235715 13 of 15 C062357 1 5 Approved for Release: 2015/04/29 C06235715 specified in Part VII I.A. above. All determinations made under these procedures shall specify the duration of the participation, not to exceed three years , unless reapproved in accordance with these procedures. 2. (U) All requests to the Director, Central .! ntelligence Agency, Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency or DDO for approval of an undisclosed participation shall be forwarded through the General Counsel. All other requests will be subject to, but not require, the review of the General Counsel. IX. (U) ADMINISTRATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE A. (U) A person who is officially acting in the absence of an employee may exercise the powers of that employee. B. (U) Authority granted to an employee, other than the General Counsel, may be exercised by any person who is senior in the Agency's channel of authority. C. (U) The se procedures are not intended to , and do not, create any right or benefit enforceable at law or in equity by any ·party against the United States, its departments , agencies, entities, officers, employees or agents, or any other person. D. (U) These procedures shall become effective immediately upon signature by the Director, Central Intelligence Agency, the Attorney General, and the Director of National Intelligence. APPROVED I approve the foregoing procedures in accordance with Executive· Order 12333, as amended. In my opinion, intelligence activities conducted pursuant to and in accordance with these procedures are lawful. [Signed] Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General, on July 20, 2005 1 approve the foregoing procedures in accordance with Executive Order 12333, as amended . [Signed] John Negro ponte , Director of National Intellig ence, on June 24, 2005 1 approve and establish the foregoing procedures in accordance with Executive O rder 12333, as amended. (Signed] Porter Goss , Director, Central Intelligence Agency, on June 21, 2005 Ill. AR 2·26 (U) Responsibilities SFCREIIICIA 11\ITFRI\!AI liSE ON ! Y /NQfO R f\1 Approved for Release : 2015/04/29 C06235715 14 of 15 C06235715 Approved for Release: 2015/04/29 C06235715 (U) [This provision is part of the ARGO template and is NOT part of the approved policy; See · Section 1-1, above.] (b)(3) NatSecAct AR 2·28 SEGRET/IC I..atiPHERr~AL US~ er~t:t'fi~CF'C~I~ Approved for Release: 2015/04/29 C06235715 15 of 15