me: To: Mammanmnaz Sevgla Sn": cam) one: 23/u1/2n15 09 0214 Subject: RE Meeung on January 21st omcm Mormng Just a quick note to thank you and Sergro for your demonstrauon on Wednesday. It was extremely well recewed and proved to be a real opener for what can be acmeyed. Once 1 have a dear on now we are to proceed or n1 redurre any further Information Etc 1 wm cenam'y be touch Once agam, thank you both very much' Cheers Jon meage- man, HeHalunathan, as per aw Dravmus zanvevsatmn, we'u wan fm Wu the \abe dune Marnon wevWednesdav 21 mease me at my mane numbev far any emergenry Best regards, Maswmhanu Luvw KEV Acmum Manager Jznualy 215! omcm P'ease can you provide me an agenda for the demonstrauon next week. Regards Jan Ongma' Message Magnum mum m; n5 Jammy 2015 was to same-me Jonathan a. Selgm Sanka: Meetmg January and mum new Venr '5 banked meumg nUanunW 1151 we are mm; We (swn 15w as), kde me knaw 31 mm: mm! are gamg us up the mammg Asagfeed,we'H Derfwm .1 hve an the mum's Tagezher Nun me [here Wm be my :aHeigue Sergm (mined hem} Our '5 the myan in we have mewth meenng Regards Luvw KEVAcmumManager Wan Smgapnre DC mm mm 11m email by me Secure Inman :upphedby Vodalonc Mm (cc-rm mum>> Numba mam/0052 In case ofploblems, please (all your Mganlsauons IT m: as may be :Mamamally 193m, momuwtd and/0r to. legal mm". Mamba :Dawn can new"! rm MINE: n. am and any in "mm 'Mg "mm Ryan mu vb." mm "(magnum asp-15m m; .5 iwwd mnfnenue b, Nu. . mmmame wreximfll. "mm, nanmew-wrung new 293 3517 Em. x.n. mm mm by mum mum". Masons mum wan: humusautumnalam, can new"! rm MINEmama may m, um may .. mum mwed 1m; mm: W. mu mm :mfl me under i as mm. 11.: mm bum email was scanned far Viruses by vb: GnVerm-nml Scour: urns me Supphed by Vodalone wuh Symamec cm. (axe Numbazmem/msz mumml hashes" mum "mum