Fm": HILIPPE ANTOINE To: cc: "Mama serum" naokr learn com) Date: 23/u4/2n15 23 as 55 Sublec - NCA) relerenoe oall Hl Max, Tnanls lor My 5n oenls mmenls' Ir yes, sure, we can nave one olour layonle European dlem 7) havlng a mat mm mm lo bond the ease Maybe wewould llxe lo lake lne opbonunny lo lell lnal ne nas lo oome lo ane7 Became the relerenoe doesnl want to dlsouss over lne pnone Just one ldea ln order lo "conlml' a oll more the exchange And naue mm usmng rs ln Mllan, so name can dlsouss also lne oudgel wnal do you ll he can lrayel ln a lnal could be a good apbroaon We would also need lo find lne relerenoe a use case lo lne one NCA rs lookrng lor 27 regarolng lne duesllon on lne key logger, can be an obponunlly In the ease ms plan rs lo buy lne broouol vra a meanrng lne burmase ollne RCS system by buyrng a sbeomo lunclronalrly (key logger) lor a speorno operalron ll rs lne case, men ll ls an opbonunrly ll case on lne oonlrary ls lo reduoe lne brroe runner, lnen ls NOT good So we need lo underslano wnal rs benlnd 25M lor configuraunn rs unlonunalery rloroulousry hm (sorry ll I'm uslng omlal aorecrrve I really warn to make lne pan my ooyeollve nm to ormoze, jusl helng lao1ual So, sorry ln aovanoe) We snoulo not sell brroe So oonoluslon,l1ne wanls to purchase me first system under a name, no problem llnewanls lo reduoe lne oosl lo lne Key logger we should not lollow We should propose a apbroaon muon preler a yearly lloerse approaon lnslead or In malang drllered payment, I would preler lo onarge yeany, and lne year aller the same onarge (or nrgner ll lunollonalmes grow) Yearly paymenlsnoulo rnolude lne yeany average ol wslol over a penoo M3 or 5 years, wnlon would be lnoluolng mse lney need IL Maroo Knows now to do the calmlallnn (we do ll lor Tulkey and lor Nayanl) yearly pnoe should be around shave SUUKE lam anllopaleo lo you so mar Mlen you wake up you can 111an runner about 1 And then we muld Skypewhen I wake up me VP Development Hackmg Team Milan Singapale DC com emau Le 23 avr 2015 a as 53 Luppl Humm> a ecm w-nne, Mme ma, was: see belnw me emu > He '5 asking be (untamed hum me a! mu eusmmers Iar some velevema am he an use In Bush Intema'lv nur seluum. HI: seem venues! .s knaw n's pussme Dumhaxe emu (enam Future: at am speemd He ms vequesc with "avemnan Spen'm' pmd'axe Axxummz mm he the age ms nm the first me ms venuesc), am eenumeeu u's 3'50 3 maltev a! we Due to me uerv law we cf the nuaulmn may helleve we Shauld evamate emer what ahaut a mun-pie yaav pnymem @Mzrw, an you please meekwnn Grumman Ifwe an nravlde Nu than (anuqu @Mme mlmne, mm zhaul pmpesmz a payment 2 yeem v; far yaw (anvemeME, endase me umpesel they hay: Jonathan mam mm, Sen gmemuapnle 201mm to: lam: mun" subjen- RE Meeung mJenuarvzm omcm H. To help me Jusllfioallan oroeess was wanderlng whemer you mum eomae: some ol yaul' law eniorcemerll :usmmels/agerlnes and see lf mey would eomaez me yum enaorsemems for your umducl help my ousmess case can Show mzryour Svslem ls used by omer lnfluenllal law eniorcemerll oodles, [do undelslarld ma: mey may not want In gez man mu .1 wuuld eenalnly strengthen my would ll also oe possmle me quomuon down In a or a sonware key loggefl The reason nemna .s 1 may be able (0 gez ourenasea y.a dlflererll as ll ls ooerazlon and ms would allow us [a men grow me as we wuuld men have me oase platform nope ml; all makes sensel regards Jon Sam. 21 ADM 2015 ,l Suhj RE Meeungoulanuarym Hellulamlmn, thankvau lur vuur undzle (in you please let me knuw when the new budgek shuuld oe allnated7 the meamme, keep you uosleo on me future oeuelapmems ufam sulutlml in mm Vau'll We all the mlormmon up to dale Best regalos, Lupvl xey Aemum Manager Mllan Slnganal: DC WW mall' mubll mum humspkarHORF'E Jmaman man max, mm] Sent: named. 15 awe 201515 46 n7 Mag'm lam mpn' Subj RE omcm n. Mass'mmano Jusl an update [er you, We were uname secure funds a! rne end of me fluzndz' year sa we are currently wamng for rne new budgets za he messed. Your pmflucl was recewed emenrelv wen by 3" names and was a rea' opener [or wnarcan he acmevefl, no no! need any [unher \niormauon a! srage an: ww be canraa enanges Take care Jan fins-r Mammann Law mm Sen 31Marm2fl151420 n7 wwm,mn subjm: RE Meenng neue Mr nape 0H5 amml Van weu reqerenre am \an (unld you was: let me new what rs yum eramamn Mnur swarm: Hasvuurleam had the enanee dismiss rernnelnm A: per Yam mdlatmn, Severnl gmups wnuld be Irwn'vzd .n the armed, rneremre Vnu needed same urne gamer an rnereeanark (1n ynu please me knuw need same rnere (mm my snie: aesr regards, man. my Aerennr Manager Milan srngapnre DC (am mar-anaemaean an mublle Dhune' mm: summon>>: Jmalhan Sen lunedi iehbma 201515 29 To lam: mpw' Subjem RE Meeung omcm Hr \am verv we" thank Sarw u: Wm mm' mum when n. [mm 11mm: venudi 23 gamma 2015 1015 'SPmNamoer, lunmhan Cc swans" 099mg: an lanuary 2m gm mammg, mm yew mm cc 750 099m: x: an Jznualy 215! orncm Mermng Just a uurck note to thank you and Sergro for your demonstration on Wednesday. It was extremely well recerved and proved to be a real opener for what can be acmeved. Once I to proceed or rn requrre any further Information etc I will certainly be touch. Once agam, thank you both very much! Cheers Jon Mammam mum sent 15 may 2015 17 re smwmom Jam a. Sergm ve-sm m" sum R: Meemg anla'ma'y 21g HeHnJanathafl, 15 Perm" Drawn": the ram aHhe Maroon (5mm 15W 65) age on am an Wednasdav 21 mease in" me a! my mama number lar any emergenry Best regards, KEVAcmuntManaKev Wan smgzuore Wathgtan at hukmgtum (um mm' Wm n. mm" manzdi 13 gennm 2on mo A ww- Cc Serglu Haus- Oggmn: RE Meelmg an January 2m owcm Please can you provide me wun an agenda for the demonstration next week. Regards Jon ~0ngma' Mauge-- -- hum: Mam am: mm m; Sent: as Jammy 0915 smmow: mm . "Sugm ms ,w Sanka: Meenng mlanuarv 2m 6mm and mum New Year \s banked and [anhrmefl luvw KeyAzcnuntManagev Hatkmyeam Mflan Smgapare DC Wm mafl mam Dhun ms email was by me comm-um; Secure 1mm my;le by Vodafone mm swam (CCTM Cemfmaxe Numba 2009/09/0052 In case please call 340mman nuns IT Helpdesk xmay be alumna-Ally 193m, and/M mam for ltgal purposeagummy Messages yam