% MEETING DOCUMEN Commissiofi Trade Policy Committee S.53 NB: This document con unauthorise " aton classified RESTREJNT EU/EU RES ”'gvbe disadvantageous t0 the int RESTRICTED. TRICTED tS Of the therefore ’ required by the Council's DG c 1 7 RESTREINT U fEU RESTRICTED BK/sy me w EU RESTIgüCTED Äl wg Trade 32/2014 wg {g S UBJE CT: ‚ mancial regulation ü RESTRICTED _ Ng-gv #2252332522-7 „{ägw EU RESTRICTED Ear information ‚- - tion in financial Services ‚ gotiations (19 — 23 May, Please find attacth th “EU’S proposal of the regulatory coo t0 be circulated t0 the ahead of the next 5';h round of TTI 2014 U RESTRICTED ‚WM 3,: 5,pr ‚am z du??? r‘n‘ EU RESTRICTED Article 53 — Regu atory cooperation The t0 work together towards furtääw financial stability. ‚35%; [T he Parties S all _discuss in w n otiation e concepts of _‚_‚mutual reIiance/equivalence/substituted u a nce. Based an the outcome these s arg? inter alia, those aäopted by the G20, the Financial the Basel Committee on Bankin - envisaged financial regulation when taking prudential measures which ”tifä'iix' ‚ “5&5” "Käfig": EU RESTRICTED may signifie tly affect marke öperators of the 0&9 Party, with theä‘View t0 ensun'ng — i i'mrence of the regulation and measurä 7% ä compliance),‘_‚_‚_the Parties shall provisions for process of assessment of based on [mutual reliance/equivalence/siiä" 'Stituted complianägäeä] with respect t0 the regulatory and srvisory framework of the other P could i es, the Parties t0 fle Party assesse the rules ww implementiggsmtemationally agreed standards or which the 0€ er Party relies. The Parties commit t reasons rgfimff'a 7. On the reqqgst of one Party, the o Party comgiäts to jointly examme any measures may have an ' - c the ab of market Operators t0 provide finaneial Services wi erritory of both Parties, with thWew t0 rendering the meas cohw while keepjng the possibility ü take rudeflt' ons in conformity wä Article 52 - (Prudential er prior t0 to positive outcome of the [mutu liance/equivalence/substituted co T'ance] assessment 13m the purposes o {äthe assessment, Parties shall noiwi'equire that the othä i assessment on regulatory outcomes. EU RESTRICTED ‘Qägss-IY' am?» EU RESTRICTED substantive -‚ assessment. 3% ' ancial Regulatory Forum shall e on detailed guidelines iance/equivalenceisubstituted compliance] adapted f6}; each r into supervisors o consultations. governance of the Forum is to b iväiasigned in full respect t0 ' the independence ofthe regulato ' Vhe governance of the Forum woul ‘ clude rules on accountability ofregulator nd supervisors (in line with the le * The Forum would collect and hare the necessary and EU RESTRICTED appropriate datq‘among regulator “fo allow the day t0 day supervisiono cross- border firms a effective co-operation and plannüiä -r round the resolution of (hese firms. 171€ mles on the goverlnance of the For ' "would also include rules l on transparency vis-ä-vis the sta ders ofthe Parties] ' composition of flae EU Q1 ‚ the Forum, including the involve t and representation of Member States, will be discussed _ ' Member States and will be only t0 the 1. The Parties inform each obr on any plann ame regulation and ‘ ' ‘ (ii) inadcguate cooperatioy in the superv1510n of financi 3 „_‚a. „a x 5522;.) „ 5E “633g“? cal mediation, where the ed. The EU RESTRICTED ß [T he process technical mediätion and deta‘ d guidelines (iücäuding accountability) gotiation] access of the parties 1‘0 dispute s _ = mechanism established under with respect t0 regulatory coope?‘ financial servic «Aed to in Article 61 (1) (i) is not am ved or if one .15 does "' not adhere to the outcome of the hnical mediation procedure, malence/substituted compl' c mgnt of its own mlegfiäää EU RESTRICTED EU RESTRiCTED