Nerth Pert Pelice Department Hansen?n} Respense te Resistance Repert bate: Time: 20:3? heurs Charges: Baker Act Repert II [Attach ce pv ef Incident Repert}: S?lrtibfid?? ?fficer?s Mame {print}: Pchehn McKinney IDII: HS Witness: I'viurges, Saaten, Bush 3: Cenneii Incident Lecatien: 4232 Reneva Ave. Subject: Marit- Race: vvhita Sea: bristle Resistance bv Suspect {check all that apva and describe}: Hene Passive Subject did net with mvverbal erders. Helaid passiver en the greund with his hands canceaiad. Active [3 Aggressive Deadlv Ferce Resistance Respense bv Officer [check all that apply]: {Ifficer Presence:LInifermed v.35 HE. Bedv Armer: UnitTvpe: Marked unmarked Unit 3:10.51 Physical Centrei {describe}: Hen-lethal Weapen [describe]: Deadlv Ferce [describe]: Additienal Pretective Restraint Devices Required lHebble er ether]: Special Circumstances {check all that apply}: Felenvr Step Suspect's Preaimitv te Weapen [describe]: Subfect had recentlt]r cut himself. it was unknewn if he was still in'pessessien ef the weapen. Special Itnewiedge {subject?s past behavier if knewn, i.e. resists arrest, assault en e?icer}: ??icer Exhausted {describe}: thicer It'necited te the Greund [describe]: Df?cer Disabled er Injured {describe}: Imminent Danger [was suspect armed er believed armed -- describe}: are e-us Pass 1 Di 3 Repert II: Palice Tactics}r Equipment Used- {checls all that apply}: Expandable Eaten ECD Displayed Persenal Weapens Flashlight [j Canine Bite- Yes He Firearm Painted at Suspect handgunfriflefshetgun {describe}: agency issued Sig Sauer P225 held at high ready pesitian during Chemical Spray Hen?Lethal ECIJ Depleyed a pertien ef the enceunter. Firearm Fired-- bandgunfriflefshetgun {describe}: Deyicey i.e. spit} mask, bubbles {describe}: ?ther ticket beak, clipbeard, etc. {describe}: Circumstances {check all that apply and till In any infermatien that clarifies the Ftespense ta Resistance}: Age Elf ?fficer: 23 ?f ?f?cer: MHIE Hatiwst at Df?cer: Multiple Officer: "res hie Iyes,hew many: 5 Gender eI Suspect: Mam age at Suspect: as s'aa'ylseibs SkillefSuspect: Unyn?wn MultipleSuspects: yes Hp In}uries: Werethere any injuries? yes bin ?fticer Suspect Was medical attentien required? yes MD ?fficer [Tl Suspect E??l?ln 3W5 tr??tm?nt Injuries eccur red frem deg bite. Refer ta that repert fer mere infarmatien. Phetegraphstaken ef subject and Injuries: ?r'es Ne Narratiye Summary - briefly describe the incident [centinue en page 3 if needed}: I respended te 423d Henaya Aye. as a back up efficer. While enreute, It was learned that Mari: the subject, was in a wedded area Seuth ef Langtree Ave. and Nerth cf Rene-ye eye. I subsequently respended tn the weeded area be assist. Upen arrlya], I was directed to the specific area the sublect was currently in. ?nce there, I ceye red the subject with my agency issued Sig Sauer P226 at the high-ready pesitien and gaye him numereusyerbai erders te shew his hands. The subject did net cemply and preyided nc- verbal respense. {Since the subject cauld be mayed tn a safer area te be searched. I centinued te preyide lethal cayer. ?nce the subject was bmitt by {attach supplement if needed}: fw 9:77? it ?i?cer'?l?ign eggs, Dal: Sergeant's Signature te Within Pelicy? Eyes ?a WE REVIEW AND Md? "Mary - IDII Date Within Pellcy" E/?ms/D Nu Furtherlnyestigatiun Required yes ??hlr; Refer ta IA Yes Ej?hlb Diuisicrn Level yes ?g 1 I H. Ll. Ed ?feg yritten eapla natlcin required. 'Lieutenant?s Slgnatu PHI-119 -- reyised 021113 page 1 Dr 3 Narrative Summary - Continued from page 2: Report 2014-07?1360 searched and NPFD began medical treatment, I holstered my weapon. NPPD-MQ Page 3 of 3