6/2/2015 Mammting Timeline2008- Imellipeda This page contains dynamic content -- Highest Possible Classification BannerTerms of Use lntelink Blogs Bookmarks eg?hirp lnteldocs Search Search Enterprise Catalog A Reccnt Qicarch on Community Galle 1 mn ?t lntelSharc 'St 1% O. 0 Living Intelligence 00 3 comsowewweisow?wwe l9} Messenger . 12. RSS Reader l3. Tapioca l4. URLShortener i l. 2. Help 1. ln Hi i' 2. 3. SubmitaTicket 4. Watch 5. - Outages - Intelink Instant Messenger (11M) service will undergo maintenance that may result in NSA Linkup federated users being momentarily disconnected. Users directly connected to the service will not be impacted. Start: Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:30:00 AM End: Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:45:00 AM (Note: times shown are local to you) we 6/2/2015 Manhmting Timellne2008 - lntellipedia (U) Manhunting Timeline 2008 TOP Jump to: navigation, search Main article: See also: Manhuming Time/I'm: 20/ I See also: 'l'imeline 2010 See also: Manhuming Time/I?m) 2009 (U) The following manhunting operations took place in Calendar Year 2008: Contents [bile] MU) August 0 ll - 2 (Ulluly 2.2 (U) Serbia 3 (ll) May 0 3 (ll) Pakistan 0 3 2 (U 'l?urkgy 3.3 (U)Somalia 4 (U) April 0 4.1(Ullrag 4.2 (U) Pakigta 4.3 [U)Somalia 4.4(UlAfghanistan - 5 (U) March (U) Thailand 5.2 (U) Soma lia 5.3 (U) Afghanistan 5.4 (ll) Pa kigtan 6 (U1 Februam 6.1 (UlPhilippincs 7 (U) References 0000 Legit] (U) August lesiill (U) Syria itmi 1; L;'t l'AIla-lnliala- 2/8 6/2/2015 Manhunting Timeline 2008- Intellipedia (U) Syrian Brigadier General Muhammad Sulayman was assassinated on 1 Aug 2008. 0 (U) 1 August 2008: Syrian Brigadier General Muhammad Sulayman was assassinated by a sniper near 'l?artous. Sulayman had a hand in three primary areas: internal Syrian issues connected to the regime and the party; sensitive military issues; and lielmnon-related issues, through which he was apparently connected both to lIi/ballah and to others in the Lebanese political arena. Different elements may have wanted to see Sulayman dead, and the implications ofhis assassination varied according to the respective theories.??1 0 USA, GBR) I August 2008: The assassination of Syrian Brigadier General Muhammad Sulayman by Israeli naval commandos near 'l?artus, Svria was the first known instance of Israel targeting a legitimate government official]L11 [gm (U) July [ml (U) Pakistan 0 (S) 28 July 2008: According to open and clandestine reporting, )aida's CBRN leader Abu Khabab was killed in l?akistanU??l Lil igd_it (U) Serbia 0 (U) 22 July 2008: Radovan Karadxie, former leader ofthe Bosnian Serbs, was arrested by the Serbian security service for war crimes after eluding authorities for ill l?d_itl (U) May [ed?it] (U) Pakistan 3/8 6/2/2015 [e_di_t (U) Turkey Manhunting Timeline 2008 - lntellipedia 2 May 2008: 'l?urkey sent l7 aircraft to strike camps in the Qandil region, including those associated with senior leadersliJ [gm (U) Somalia 0 (U) I May 2008: a US. Navy 'l?omahawk missile strike in the central Somalia town ofl)usa Marreb killed Aden llashi Ayrow, a militant long identified as one of Al top operatives in East Africa and the top commander of the Shabab Movement, an lslamist militia, which the American government recently classified as a terrorist group. According to witnesses and a spokesman for the Shabab, more than 10 people were killed, including Ayro, his brother and several other high-ranking Shabab commandersul?ll [edit] (U) April l?LiIl (U) Iraq 0 (U) April 2008: Attacks carried out by Predator llAVs doubled over the previous month, totaling 12 strikes. The primary targets were insurgents who launched rocket and mortar attacks against Baghdad's Green Zone and during counterinsurng operations in Sadr (?itv Operations personnel praise the UAV ability to respond immediately to detected threatsl?l (U) Pakistan [edit] (U) Somalia 0 (U) 4 April 2008: Somali pirates operating in the (iulfofAden seized the 850-ton private yacht l?onant with 22 French citizens and 10 others on board. President Nicolas Sarko/v ordered French military forces to locate and make contact with Ponant. French military forces made contact on April 6 and CMA-CGM, the boat's owners, began negotiations. According to press reports, CMA- CGM paid a $2 million ransoml?l At least 10 (iroupe d' Intervention de la (iendarmerie Nationale counterterrorist police ?ew to Djibouti on 7 The pirates released the hostages unharmed on 1 1 April, with only superficial damage to the boat. Working with French naval forces including helicopters from the helicopter carrier Jeanne d?Arc, frigate Jean Bart and corvette Le Commandant Bouan, the task force pursued and captured six often Somali pirates as they attempted to escape into the Somali All 30 hostages were ?own back to France while the pirates await triall?l See also MV Hijacking April 2008 edit (U) Afghanistan 0 (U) 7 Apr 2008: US and Afghan forces attack the remote villages ofShok and Kendal, targeting 4/8 6/2/2015 Manhmting Timeline2008- lntellipeda llizb-e-lslami Gulbuddin forces that had gathered in the village with Ta liba militants. Governor 'l?amim Nuristani passed on a rumor from Afghan troops that (lulbuddin llekmatyar, leader of Hizb-e-Islami, was rumored to have been meeting with top deputy Kashmir Khanw [eri_it] (U) March [edit] (U) Thailand 0 (U) 6 March 2008: US. Drug Enl?dreement Ageney (DEA) announces that arms dealer Vikter (aka "The Merchant of Death" and a former major in the QB) had been arrested in Bangkok. Accused of offering to sell 100 surface-to-air missiles to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), Bout, who had assembled a portfolio of cover companies and airlines, including nearly 50 former Soviet ea rgg) tra ns god a ircraft, had been the subject of a 2003 United Nations report for "embargo busting" and a 2005 Department ofthe Treasuty report for illicit support to nefarious groupsl-m On 26 Apr 2010, a 11131 erimina ceun dismissed Bout's claim that his arrest by in Bangkok was illegal because a US. DEA agent assisted in the apprehension. The US. government was appealing a decision by the court denying a pending extradition request to return Mr. Bout to New York to stand trialehe Bess ian parliament officially condemned his arrest in September 2008 and called for Bout's return "to his motherland." Charges of Russian bribery have hung over the proceedings. The United States has made several efforts to counter Russia. President Geerge W. Bush raised the issue with Thai leaders in 2008. President Obama's national security adviser, James 1.. Jones, wrote to members of Congress in November 2009 that the administration has "pressed repeatedly" at the "highest levels" of the The i government for Bout's extraditionl-DJOn 20 Aug 2010, a Thai appeals court ruled that Bout could be extradited to the United Stateslz?Ql 12?1-1 LEJ [edi_t] (U) Somalia 0 (U) 3 March 2008: The United States launched a Temaha wk missile in an attempt to kill Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, a Kenyan terrorist connected with the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania];ll 9?3 [edit] (U) Afghanistan 0 (U) March 2008: British Special Forces conduct covert operations against drug smugglers in southern Afghanistan for the first time.l?2?5?l [edit] (U) Pakistan 0 (U) March 2008: The United States has stepped up its use of pilotless planes to strike at Al-Qae da targets along Pakistan's rugged border area, a measure that in the past drew protests from President Pervez Musharraf but now has his government's tacit approval. Since January, missiles reportedly ?red from QIA operated Bredatet drones have hit at least three suspected hideouts of Islamic militants, including a strike on a house in a South Waziristan village called ToogQ?(ll The moves followed a tacit understanding with Musharraf and Army chief Gen. Ashfad Kiyani that allows U.S. strikes on foreign fighters operating in Pakistan, but not against the Pakistani Taliban, the officials 5?8 6/2/2015 Maml?ing Timeline2008 - Imellipeda [eait] (U) February [edit] (U) Philippines - 4 Feb 2008: Philippine Armed Forces, acting on sole-source - reporting that- insurgents are present, raid the village of Maimbung on Jolo Island in the southern Philippines; the Armed Ferees ef the Philippines claim government troops engaged in an hour-long gun battle in which two soldiers and three Abe Sayyaf gireap (ASG) terrorists were slain and only afterwards noticed that the villagers?two of whom it later claimed were ASG members?had been killed, saying they may have died in the cross?re or in a simultaneous incident between warring local families. ASG vows retaliationlz?m [gljt] (U) References 1. I Amir Kulick, "The Assassination of General Muhammad Sulayman: Looking for the Motive", I Israeli Pundit: Sulayman Assassination'Considerable Source ofWorry' for Syria (U), GMP20080824739005, Institute for National Security Studies, 14 August 2008. See also: 0 AI-Arabiyah Poll: Assassination of Syria's Sulayman Internal Regime Cen?iet (t1 GMP200808I4054006, Al?Arabiyah Net, 14 August 2008 Israeli Website: European Sources Say Shawqat Family Behind Syrian Gen's Killingtti), GMP200808I 1739001, Sigint, 10 August 2008 ?zrian Ba'th Party Of?cial Denies Slain Aide Supplied Missiles to Hizballah (U GMP20080810643001, Quds Press, 1 1 Aug 2008 0 Lebanese Paper Cites Sources on Assassination of Syrian General Sulayman (LI), . gaunterterrerism sleeperatie Terrarism gilebal War en Terrerism 'I?errerist and Armed Militant gireaps mama Bin Ladin i rr ri - NCTC DI Radicalization and Extremist Messages tireap (REM) 0 NCTC AI-Oaida and Sunni Extremists-Americas Group .92mg; Skepe - CIA Ceantenerrerism Center - CIA CTC Of?ce of Terrorism Analysis 0 CIA CTC OTA Iraq Jihad Analytic Group (IJAG) - PACQM ,[Itztz gzembating Terrarism Divisien Caanterterrerism tzeeperatien 0 CT Ceeperatien in Afriea 0 CT gieeperatien in the Amerieas - CT gzeeperatien in Earepe QT Ceeperatien in East Asia - CT Coeperation Intellipedia W- W- W411 . . . . gzeeperatien Researees Manhunting - LQBAINA - Extremist Websites ef Nate Laws Counterterrorism Laws of Various Countries Retrieved from . . Catego_ries: rr ri tr Pl lgeanterterrerism glegperatien Law Enfereementl Speeial Operatiens Ferees Ceanterterrerism QQanternareeties tzaanterpreliferatien Piraey aleng the 6?8 6/212015 Somali coast Non?state Actors 'l?agging 'l?racking and Locating TOP This page has been accessed 417 times. 0 watching users This a Ie was last modified 20:04, 22 June 201 by Personal tools 0 lidward.snowden 0 MV talk 0 My preferences - Mvwatchlist 0 MV contributions Log out Namespaces Page 0 Discussion Variants Views 0 2 C. 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