CANADA 1867-2017 #17 29447883 In celebration of Canada?s 150th anniversary of Confederation, it was a natural choice to make the Canadian Maple Leaf the focus of the logo. It is a symbol that our country takes great pride in, and it is used to express our identity to the rest of the world. Above the leaf, there are rays of varying colour that represent the diversity as well as unity of our country. These rays are also the light of the future and the milestones in time that Canada will come to experience. The waves on the left and right side of the Canadian Maple Leaf symbolize the passage of time from the moment Canada became a confederation in 1867, to today. At the bottom of the logo incorporated Aboriginal design, tying back to the roots of Canadian people, and the country?s history. The overall design is cheerfully celebratory, and very proudly Canadian. Document release under Document communivu? en I term ine Access to lnionnalion Act. I de la Loi sur l'acc?s a I'inl'ormation in?0008 Shah-5V- 1867 2017 #20 27166732 The maple leaf has long being a symbol of Canada. A symbol that lives in the hearts of Canadian people every day and makes each of us, as diverse as we are, a part of it. So a Canada formed by its people is represented by a large maple leaf symbol formed by smaller ones. Not ones structured like the one in our flag, but each different in colour and shape, yet equally important to form the whole. As the autumn leaves tumble to the ground, each going its own way, they form the spectacle of the fall, only made possible by the diversity of its components. Each proud to be part of something bigger. Document release under Document communique en verlu the Access 10 lnformaliol I Acl de la loi sur I'acc?s a l'informal-on ?h ?lial 191?? CANADA 150 1867-2017 5A4. .le-l vat-8L7 CANADA 150 i . 1867 2017 ,r #26 29447745 The maple leaf is the nation's most iconic symbol, and used subtle design choices to represent Canada and its Confederation. The base of the leaf is made up of 4 diamonds (diamonds are celebratory gems), with nine more expanding outwards from them, meant to represent the four provinces that formed the Confederacy in 1867 eventually growing to the 13 provinces and territories. The repeated shape is meant to create a sense of unity, and the 13 shapes forming the leaf represents our togetherness as a country. In the colored iterations, the center 4 diamonds are the similar in color. From left to right, similar colors are used in a row if more than one joined Canada in the same year. The multi-colored iteration gives a feeling of diversity while the red one shows pride and unity. "Willi-Ill ?mh?l" v.2 CANADA 1 8 6 7-201 7 150 #40 29111163 My submission is a visual representation of the 1867 process of Canadian Confederation. The design plays on the idea of the many long roads (both literal and figurative) which were joined together to form our great nation. Each road arrives at the same focal point, the signing of our constitution. The six leaf segments represent the diverse cultures, ethnicities, ideologies, landscapes and climates that exist together in the true North and define Canada as a nation. Sincerely, [[Name of contestant]] Student at the University of New Brunswick Ff Ina? 5T CANAD CANADA #49 29456050 A multicoloured logo commemorating Canada's 150th anniversary has 13 points representing the thirteen provinces and territories. The colours reflect the pride and joy of Canadian?s, our great outdoors; from the great lakes to the abundant land and mountains, we have it all. The many triangles as a whole form a maple leaf, a representation of all different facets of Canadians, our diversity makes us unique and strong. The triangular shapes also splay outwards like firework rays reflecting on the celebrations that we have to look forward to for Canada?s 150th anniversary. I CANADA150 1867-2017 . (ANADMSO (:ANAnmso #71 26991525 Ce logo repr?sente le Canada de plusieurs fagons. Premi?rement, les couleurs vives repr?sentent Ia flamme qui anime notre nation a travers le temps, et la force qui nous uni les un aux autres. Deuxi?mement, Les courbes qui imitent la forme de la feuille d??rable symbolisent Ie mouvement et le changement, ainsi que les hauts et les bas qui on b?tit Ie peuple fier que nous sommes aujourd'hui, et serons demain. Troisi?mement, le tout appel a aux festivit?s, a la c?l?bration par son allure dynamique. Pour termiher, la feuille d??rable ?tant un symbole universel, elle demeure reconnaissable tout en arborant un aspect moderne et styl?. i I as CANADA 1 5 0 1867- 20H CANADA 150 Iiil?i'! rm #129 26907904 With this logo I wanted to demonstrate that Canada has many different opportunities, signified by the outward-facing triangles, while still maintaining its strong core of values and communal unity. It is a stylized polygonal version ofthe maple leaf, representing Canada's movement towards modernity, while the fonts have an aged look, a throwback to the founding of our nation. ?i 1867 20l7 #167 The logo takes the shape of the Maple Leaf, a national symbol of Canada. The leaf itself is comprised of thirteen triangles (including the steml), each representing one of our provinces and territories. The outer components of the leaf are held together by the Tower of Victory and Peace, a national monument. Just like on Parliament Hill, the tower sits on the central axis of its surroundings binding our nation into a single, powerful entity. DUCUmf?fnl release under . D-?itunzwr - . lo J'mnu'm?ld" ?3 [Wm Ian-ms; n. 1 5 {1'1 .5 "1 gm i 53V is #187 Par le logo que j?ai d?cid? de cr?er, j'ai voulu repr?senter un Canada uni, fort et festif, et ce depuis plus de 150 ans. En premier lieu, grace a une police d??criture imposante, forte et droite, Ie nombre 150 est clairement mis de l?avant pour repr?senter un Canada uni et fort, et ce depuis Ia signature de la conf?d?ration. Deuxi?mement, la feuille d??rable ?tant l?embl?me du Canada j?ai d?cid? de lui dormer un cot? festif et unificateur par le biais de la disposition que la feuille et Ie chiffre z?ro (du nombre 150) font ressortir. La disposition de la feuille d??rable nous rappelle un feu d?artifice, ce qui nous d?montre le cot? festif de l??v?nement. Bien s?r, Ie logo se veut ?tre sobre et professionnel pour d?montrer un Canada prosp?re et professionnel. [nom] 3g onls Fi Mk CANADA 1 5 . 1867 - 2017 #283 To celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation, I chose to create a stylized red maple leaf - the most recognizable of all Canadian symbols. The design is a collection of unique pieces which complement each other, symbolizing the many contributors who collectively built Canada, paying homage to the native population, the settlers over decades of immigration and nature - one of this country's greatest influences. The space in between these pieces are the 'rivers' that simultaneously protect and bring together the-diverse cultures, paying tribute to Canada's rich environment and pointing towards unity and a brighter and peaceful future. The majestic design evokes pride and by drifting through the wind, hints at its past and limitless future, showing off its blossoming beauty 150 yearslaten sp-nn17 PH WA i' CANADA 15 #9 29457183 Ce logo repr?sente la feuille d??rable comme un livre qui raconte une histoire, si on Ie souffle, le vent fait le mouvement des feuilles en montrant le d?but de la conf?d?ration, I'union des provinces du Canada ainsi que des timbres postales qui montrent ?venements importants des diff?rents p?riodes de l?histoire du Canada. Egalement a quelques feuilles en blanc pour continuer a graver I?avenir. La police utilis?e est Abadi MT condensed extra bold . . . Fri/1M IS a, #77 28878590 I have created this logo for the Canada 150 - Confederation 1867-2017 Celebration year. If you look closely at the logo you can count 13 sharper peaks in total, nine peaks in what represents the Canadian flag, one top of the number 5, and one in the base line, one inside the zero and the outer ribbon of the zero. These peaks represent the ten provinces and three territories that form the Canada Confederation. The circle inside the upper peak of the logo not only represents the Peace Tower which is the best known symbol of Canada but also represents the clock of time in our Canadian History focusing on the past, present, and the future of Canada. The circled ribbon in the number zero represents continued diversity and unity as all Canadians work together for a better country. (Logo is meant to be on angle) f? l867 2017 CANADA150 CANA I A150 1 867- 2017 ?tidal? #163 This logo UNITY: All thirteen provinces and territories represented as metaphorical strands. These strands are unique in form and colour and band together to create a singularity, the iconic Canadian maple leaf. Each strand plays a role in creating the logo. If any strand is removed, the logo will slowly cease to resemble the maple leaf. STRENGTH: However these strands are all intertwined and locked together, creating a strong bond. DIVERSITY: The strands are all different, representing the diversity ofthe nation?s people. GROWTH: The leaf is also presented rooted to Canada but open upwards to symbolize never-ending growth. Like a tree, we see through this logo how Canada has grown from 1867 to how it is today and will be in 2017. ?9??020 MN CANADA 1 5 #215 This logo is simple in design but demonstrates the unity, pride and celebration of Canada. The symbolic Canadian maple leaf speaks to all three of the listed characteristics and should always be represented. The flag pole in the middle brings together the unity of our country and represents the nations capital, Ottawa, along with the Parliament buildings without it being to political. The 150th Confederation is portrayed cleanly by the simple thought of raising the Canadian flag for the first time and the pride that comes from it. Documenireleasc unch enz'em i l" ll'IeAccessloinformant:an ln?ornm?ulo'? I - 1867 - 2017 #236 The logo is a representation of Canada's journey from confederation to today. The canoe represents Canada?s heritage and follows a path which forms a maple leaf, the most identifiable of all Canadian symbols. The path itself is uneven and rugged. It represents the many challenges that Canada has faced and overcome successfully. Fourteen points are found along the path forming the maple leaf and represent the ten provinces, three territories and the aboriginal peoples of Canada. The path ends at a point directed up and away, representing Canada?s future. The path is also exponential demonstrating Canada?s exponential growth and success over the last 150 years. The colours are FIP red on a white background, the official colours of Canada. In this case, red represents Canada?s pride, passion and fire. Finally, white (combination of all colours) represents the solid, multicultural foundation on which Canada was built. Document communiqu? en vertu ntreleaseunder '1 1 a. I: 3320;332:5510 lniormaiionAct dela Lousurlaccesalimomntion r. 2 Mia?Y 150 CANADA 1867 i! 2017 #255 The majestic moose represents the pride ofthe Canadian people; the allusion of our maple leaf replacing his mighty antlers symbolizes Canada's great strength. The bright red color embodies celebration and excitement in a subtle way without relying on literal symbols and allows for more versatility or future use. The simple sans-serif font modernizes the logo and helps bring us into 2017. Additionally, using the rounded rectangle shape rather than a badge or circle is modern and unique. The logo works individually or with a word mark, reversed and in different color schemes. The logo is both contemporary and elegant, which shows off Canada's strong center forthe arts and good design sense. it gives us a powerful reminder that we are a great, cultured nation who made the journey to where we are today by utilizing our bountiful land and forward-thinking people. Document mleasr: under Document en vc-rhz I) 3 A: was In lu?n'imf?cn ?u ?n in. i n- 1.. rr?: a; inhuman?: ?Famlbf ur'. ?Li . 3:3. CANADA CANRDA CANADA 1 1867-2017 1867~2017 136?-2017 #267 My logo design is a stylized Canadian maple leaf formed by a collection of symbolized stars. The red Canadian maple leaf is a known and recognized Canadian symbol of national pride. With each of the circles being a star, the thirteen stars united together symbolize the thirteen unified provinces and territories. By having the stars connected by lines, they also resemble fireworks shooting into the night sky ?marking a celebration. Some tend to wish on stars for particular desires to be fulfilled in the future, yet the light emitted from stars themselves are a part of the past scientifically. When looking at stars, one is seeing the stars how they once were because the light emitted from stars take time to travel to earth. Hence, stars can be seen as the past and a promising future at the same time. 1D ?rm-)4