Frank H. Schiller Beams amen Hater FEB PIES-HEM. Manuiatiu?nu m?mu Emil-[1m in; um? I hhnbefty Park. can? mm m" F5 213 FEE BEES- FE set Lee lu'l?rt? May 12, 198? Mr. Richard Stauber Distriet Ranger 1824 Eduth Cnmmercenter San Bernardinn, CA 92408-3430 Dear Hr. Stauber: ?ur company, under User Permit Nn.?235, has been transparting water via a pipeline Federal Fnrest Land for the past ?;t1he latest 10 ear permit will expire in August, is - nur intentinn, wit is - - - e?FdFestry .- Serviee tn renew this permit and send tn my attention any documents, farms and instructians needed for this purpnse. Tnur help will be appreciated. Very truly yearseff-E4! anDahlman B. D. Lindpp -g A. J. Peever 6m? ha. .21 fl Hr. Stauber: Driginal inadvertently sent thrnugh regular mail snurees rather than Registered Maia intended. kiwi/?irts? was: 77,7?