UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA LAFAYETTE DIVISION MARISELA VALDEZ HUERTA, ET AL CIVIL ACTION NO: 89 VS. JUDGE HAIK MAG. JUDGE HILL L.T. WEST, INC., ET AL DEPOSITION OF SERGEANT LUCAS LAVERGNE The oral deposition of SERGEANT LUCAS was taken in the above-entitled cause, pursua nt to the following stipulations, before Cheryl Ven.able, CCR, at the offices of Borne Wilkes, 200 We st Congress Street, Suite 1000, Lafayette, Louis iana, on the 20th day of June 2012, beginning at 9: 00 aOm' Page 1 Page 122 the documents he had, correct? Yes, sir. Do you remember anything that Mr. West said? I can remember him saying -- he was explaining, you know, like them leaving, how dangerous it was for them leaving. I don't think the girls understood. I don't know if you want me to say what he said. Yeah. I want you to say exactly what he said. He said -- like looking tcmlards the girls, he said, "Mucho fuck you. [muzho kill you." And that was it. Did you hear or overhear hiu1say anything else to the women? No, sir. So he said that to the womerL correct? Yes, sir. And you know that becausejyou had turned around in your seat? Yes, sir. So you could see him looking at the women? Yes, sir. I apologize if I asked you this. Did you hear him say anything else to tile women? No, sir.