Paris, July let 2015 lw 8r. 3, Membre d?honneur Mister reg NT Ie Dalaillama Minister of the Environment Open Letter PO 274 Hastings Vic 3915 - Australia Dear Minister, The announcement made by your government regarding the culling of two million cats is appalling the whole international community. May I remind you that cats are, such as dogs, pets. Killing two million cats out of a population of 20 million is a scandal, a shame! This animal genocide is inhumane and ridiculous; the 6 million dollars you plan to spend in destroying these animals would be much better spent in setting up a large-scale sterilization campaign. These campaigns have been proven very effective everywhere they have been experienced. My Foundation works all over the world with the Australian veterinarians of ?Vets Beyond Borders to neuter successfully stray animals. Killing cats in order to protect other species is scandalous. Indeed, you are about to scatter harmful chemicals in the wild, potentially dangerous for all species without any distinction. You expose these animals to a death under atrocious suffering. In addition to being cruel, killing these cats is absolutely useless since the rest of them will keep breeding. My Foundation works on this kind of issues for decades and I can assure you that no alternative is efficient but neutering. Sterilized cats will still defend their territory but will not breed anymore. These are the reasons why I implore you, Minister, to dedicate the 6 million dollars budget not to cull 2 million cats but to set up a vast sterilization campaign instead. The public image of Australia is disastrous: kangaroo massacres, wild horses Your country is far from being exemplary. It is high time to stop these barbaric and pointless practices as they put the spotlight on your country the worse possible way. Your country is sullied by the blood of millions of innocent animals so please, don't add cats to this morbid record! Humane cruelty is limitless but changing one?s mind is a proof of intelligence and humanity. lam counting on you, don't disap oint me. c" i Brigitte Bardot President FONDATION BRIGITTE BARDOT RECONNUE PUBLIQUE PAR DECRET EN DATE DU 21 FEVRIER 1992 28, rue Vineuse - 75116 Paris - France a T?GOP Paris 662 05T