Justification and Appr oval For Other than Full and Open Competition 1. Contractim! Acti vitv. HQ AFSOC/A7KQ 427 Cody Ave. Hurlburt Fld FL 32544 POC: Jeffrey L. Lowman (850) 884-2022 2. Description of Action. Thi s action is a 6-month urgent and compelling bridge contract for continuation of intelligence support to direct combat operations for AFSOC and USSOCOM Special Operations Forces (S OF). Implementation o f this action is only required to allow su fficient acquisition lead time for AFSOC/ A7KQ to compete a contract for long teml services. The previous contract under the Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SM DC), Mod 25 to DASG60-02-D-0006 TO 0023, will expire 31 Mar 11 and cannot be extended due to ceiling limits. SMDC performed an extensive management review and determi ned that the AFSOC effo rt would not fit under thei r new Warfighte r Analysis and Integration contract. On 15 Feb II , SMDC notified AFSOC that they would not be able to provide any additional support. Thi s purchase will be funded using available cu rrent year Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funds . 3. Description of Supplies or Services. Air Force Special Operations Command (A FSOC) is respons ible for fielding and executing Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR), Processing, Exp loitation, and Dissemination (PED) capabilities. These responsibilities are vast and encompass an overall intell igence effon in explo iting intell igence infomlat ion collected by multi-sensor ai rborne ISR platforms to include: manned platforms, surface/ground and satellite collections/operations, and unmanned aerial system s-remotely pil oted aircraft (UAS -RPA). The predominance of intelligence support is to UAS-RP A operations but also includes intelligence suppon to AFSOC and SOF forces deployed to mul tiple geographic regions throughout the world. Costs are projected to be between SI5 and S20 milli on fo r the 6-month performance period. 4. Authoritv Cited. 10 U.S.C.2304(c)(2) as implemented by FA R 6.302-2 -- Unusual and Compelling Urgency. 5. Reason for Authoritv Cited. Contract under SMDC. DASG60-02-D-0006 TO 0023. established in 2007 and continues under Modifi cat ion 25, until 31 Mar 2011. cannot be renewed or extended. AFSOC/A2 was worki ng close ly with SMDC in gett ing the contract awarded when notified by SMDC/KO on 15 Feb 11 that our effort was rejected. This late notification does not allow fo r AFSOC/ A7KQ to work a new long tenn contract prior to expirati on of the current contract on 3 1 Mar II. Currently. there are 202 CM E's supporting this requirement and the loss of this effon on I Apr II would seriously impair the AFSOC and SOF mission. 6. Efforts to Obtain Competition. With the unexpected rejection of AFSOC business by SMDC, AFSOC has not had the opportunity to analyze the market for potential contractors to meet the requi rements of the Performance Work Statement (PWS). The urgency of need, the inability to foresee SMDC's rejection, and the magnitude of this requirement all preclude full and open competition prior to expiration of the current contract. 7. Actions to Increase Competi tion. The government intends to comply with competition in contracting act (CleA) requirements in a ll future acquisitions involving this requi rement. The urgent nature of this "bridge" contract necessitates the lim iting of competition to meet the 31 Mar II deadline. The bridge contract is strictly limited in duration to the time required to compete and award a new contract. 8. Market Survev. A market survey for this requirement will not be conducted due to the strict deadline of 31 Mar 11 for contracted services; however, thorough market research will be conducted on future sim ilar requ irements to all eviate the need for limited competition. 9. Interested Sources. SA IC is the incumbent contractor currently supporting this requirement. As the incumbent, SAfC is the only company that can perform the services without AFSOC and SOF operations experiencing serious damage from a break in contractor services. 10. Other Factors: Unusual and Compelling Urgency. Loss of202 contractors in direct support of the AFSOC intelligence mission is not only detrimental to the mission of AFSOC but to USSOCOM, the Intelligence Community and national security. The effort provided by these contractors, provide direct support to targeting, information operations, de liberate and crisis action planning and 24/7/365 operations. Thei r contribution in anal yzing the total co llection effort and providing actionable intelligence to joint-forces conducting the full range of military operations to include support to SOF engaged in combat operations is critical to the overall AFSOC intel!igence focus. There is no mechanism in place or that can be developed in the near term that can compensate for the loss of these contractors. The impact to AFSOC/PED operations will be a loss of 4.9 orbits (out of 10 orbits) tasked by USSOCOM. 11 . Technical Certification. I justify that the support ing data under my cognizance which are included in the justification are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. NAME: Michael D. Lewis TITLE: Chief, ISR Strategy and Plans & SIGNATURyJ'2t