UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE econ DEFENSE PEMAEDN WASHINGTON. on. JULillili'i The Honorable John McCain Chairman Committee on Armed Services United States Senate Washington. DC 20510 Deaer. Chairman: I are writing regarding the nomination of Admiral John M. Richardson, United States Navy, for appointment to the grade of admiral and as the Chief of Naval Operations, which is currently at the Santa. Your-staff requested the Department?s views regarding aNmIimcs article on alleged n?sconduct by Admiral Richardson (Enclosure). The article reported an allegation that, while serving as Director, Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, Department of the Navnyepartment of Energy, Admiral Richardson spent taxpayer ?nals on publicity or propaganda to mgage in grass-roots lobbying. Such mnduct, if substantiated, would violate title 18, U.3.C., section 1913, "Lobbying with appropriated moneys," also known as the "Anti-Lobbying Act?; Public Law 113 - 76, "Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014!; title 31, U.S.C., section 1301,, "Application," also known as the "Purpose Statute?; and title 31, U.S.C., section 1341, "Limitations on expending and obligating amounts," also known as the "Anti-De?ciency Act." 11113 Department of Defense Inspector General Investigations of Senior Of?cials (ISO) Directorate investigated the allegation and did not substantiate the allegation. The ISO Directorate concluded that Admiral Richardson did not spend taxpayer funds on publicity or propaganda to engage in grass-roots lobbying and did not violate applicable standards. There is no adverse infomation oncoming Admiral Richardson since his last Senate con?rmation, nor is thee, to the Department?s knowledge, a pending investigation of alleged adverse information. The unsubstantiated allegation against Admiral Richardson should not preclude favorable consideration his nomination. Con?rming the nomination is clearly in the best interests of the Department of the Navy, and the Department of Defense. . . ?trust-this response will enable 1h: Com?ttee to continue pmogsing tho nominn?