i Royal Canadian Mounted Police as Gendarmerie royale du Canada Commissioner a Commissaire Guided by Integrity, Honesty, Professionalism, Compassion, Respect and Accountabiy Les valeurs de fa GRC reposent sur Fintégrié, honnéteté, JUL 29 2081 te professionisme, la compassion e respect tI responsabiisation Hon. Hugh. Flemming, Q.C. Attorney General Minister of Justice and Public Safety P.0. Box 6000 Fredericton, New Brunswick £38 5H1, Canada Dear Minister Flemming, 1am writing to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 15th, 2021 in which you indicated having lost confidence in RCMP Assistant Commissioner Tremblay as the Commanding Offcer of Division. tis unfortunate that neither |, nor my management, were aware of any concerns regarding the leadership of Assistant Commissioner Tremblay prior tothe receipt of your etter, a there may have been an opportunity to proactively address some of the issues you've raised. That being said, recognize that your decision was not arrived at without significant thought and consideration Working constructively together, believe we can reach a positive resolution in a timely manner that will ensure al partis involved are treated with respect and dignity. | am also confident this can be accomplished without the requirement to invoke Article 7.4 of the Provincial Police Service Agreement. Deputy Commissioner Brian Brennan, Contract and Indigenous Policing, has already personally spoken with your Deputy Minister, Michael Comeau, and they have agreed to work collaboratively on ths matter and any future requirements elated to the leadership of the RCMP in New Brunswick. 100k forward to our continued work on keeping the people of New Brunswick safe and secure. Kindest regards, Brenda Luck Commissioner cc: Hon. Blaine Higgs, Premier of New Brunswick Hon. Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness of Canada Michael. Comeau, Q.C, Deputy Attorney General and Deputy Minister of Justice and Public Safety Deputy Comisioner Brian Brennan, Contract and Indigenous Policing Ong Cour Ory Ontre) HAI