Bl)()s IN MOTION um BDO Em )loyee Newsletter October 1, 2014 Issue 1.4 - Region 4 Welcome to the Dallas Fort Worth International Ailport (DFW), nestled between Dallas and Fort Worth, TX. It is the largest airport in Texas and second largest in the United States. The air- port?s ?ve terminals and fourteen checkpoints spread out over 17,000 acres makes riding the Sky-Link mono- rail system essential for pas- sengers and employees. Other local available trans- portation includes the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART). DART opened in August and links the surrounding met- ropolitan area with the air- port providing state of the art train service. BDO, Lance Thompson, advocates, ?Going green will help re- duce carbon dioxide emis- sions? ?I?m taking the train to do my part!? Because of large size, it presents a huge challenge for the DFW BDA program. Con- versely, despite the huge geographical layout the DFW-BDA operation strives to improve itself and contin- ues to function at a high lev- el of performance. For example, the PCA audit highlighted some exception- al practices including re- sponding to security breach- es, communication between 59 The Uniqueness of DFW terminals, and collaborative in-briefs with stakeholders. Our efforts re?ect the pride we have in our BDA pro- gram. In addition to the great size of DFW and our program?s ability to main- tain a high performance lev- el, the BDOs themselves make up its uniqueness. BDO made a difference by e11- couraging the use of whisper radios at DFW in an effort to improve communication of behavior observation. BDA- ex- claimed, ?We integrated the use of whisper radio tech- nology to allow BDOs to communicate real time from any position at a checkpoint thereby improving the effec- tiveness and ef?ciency of our immediate checkpoint com- munication?. The Employee Encouragement Team (EET) is organic to our program originating from BDOs such is making a difference. a program, ?bridging the gap?, to promote communication and cooperation between BDOs and the rest of the workforce by explaining the BDO mission through dis- cussions during new-hirer classes. When asked what ?bridging the gap? meant to him, Jesse responded, ?Bridging the gap is provid- ing a unique understanding of how BDOs and TSOs work together in achieving the mission of providing safety to the ?ying public While seamlessly screening every individual Visiting the air- port. We work together in harmony to provide a seam- less yet ef?cient layer of se- curity for the passengers undergoing screening. I ugly believe that by ging the gap, an under- ding for how we all work ther to accomplish the sion has been grasped.? se BDOs make a differ- e. Many others contribute to the uniqueness of the DFW BDA program, like BDO, who plays catcher for the DFW BDA softball team, ?Playing team sports encourages team work that fosters social rela- tionships with one another?. Not to be forgotten, our ?nger tips. The DFW BDA program consists of individuals with varying de- grees of talent, interests, and passions all serving with excellence that come togeth- er in dedication to DHS, TSA, and the BDA program. Airport - DFW Article Photo by: Page 2 BDOs in Motion IAH BDO Of The Year: LBD EBD is one of our i11- novative bright shining lights. This out ?of-the-box thinker is responsible for the creation of IAH Airport?s ?rst BDO Counnunity Emergency Response Team (CERT). -who has an extensive history working alongside of FEMA and Law Enforcement agencies petitioned upper leadership with a so- lution to our ever-expanding emergen- cy preparedness issue. Taking an ac- tive role, he came up with a free of charge program to educate BDOs with disaster preparedness techniques for hazards that may affect the IAH air- port. This (8) week training course provides BDOs with basic disaster response skills, such as ?re safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, BDO CERT members can assist with real life events that oc- cur in our airport daily when profes- sional responders are not immediately available to help. After the devastating attack at LAX this training and preparedness is essential for BDOs as often we are looked to as ?rst responders due to our mobility and easy identi?cation. Thanks to this training, one of our members was able to contribute in the life saving efforts of a passenger traveling through our airport. who is currently participating in ongoing CERT training used the knowledge she obtained from the program while providing emergency CPR compres- sion to an unresponsive male passen- ger at IAH airport alongside of a lone HPD of?cer. Her partner MBDO- He used the crowd control tec iniques 1e learned during the train- ing to assist. Through the initiatives of EBDC- and lifesaving efforts of MBDO confi- dence in dealing with real world disas- ters and lifesaving has begun. persistent in improving our workplace and profes- sional workforce with the help of a few other dedicated members, has started a movement. For more information 011 starting a CERT programs at your air- port, please email? Congratulations are definitely in order, Thank our third C.E.R.T. class in September 3, 2014. Airport-IAH Article Photos Provided? Page 3 BDOs in Motion The Austin Inter- national Airport (AUS) dis- plays many aspects of Aus- tin?s uniqueness and weird- ness. Walking through the airport you will see people with guitars and multiple stages that feature live music by local musicians. The wall d?cor consists of local art, pictures of local landmarks and landscapes, Texas sports and music memorabilia. Austin, Texas is often re- ferred to as the, ?Live Music Capital of the World". Just about everywhere you go in town you can catch great live music, for example, ?Blues on the Green? at Zilker Park offers free live music for Austinites over the summer months. South by South- west (SXSW) and Austin Keep Austin Weird City Limits (ACL) are just two festivals that Austin hosts every year. SXSW and ACL feature some of the best musicians in the industry and great local talent. Does anyone like the out- doors? There are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy in Austin and in the local area. The weather is often sunny and warm which enables many Austinites to enjoy the outdoors. Floating in the local rivers in nearby San Marcos and New Braunfels is probably the ?coolest? ac- tivity over the summer months. Swimming at Bar- ton Springs, kayaking and paddling on the local rivers and lakes are among the 10- cal?s favorite water activities. The, ?Green Belt? is one of the many hiking and biking trails throughout the area that are fun and challenging. If you ?nd yourself planning a trip to Austin and think you have your itinerary pre- pared, leave some wiggle room in it. You just may ?nd something interesting or weird on our walls at AUS to add to your itinerary. ?Keep Austin Weird", is our city motto. So keep your eyes out for, ?weirdness?, enjoy it, and help keep Aus- tin weird during your visit. On behalf of the AUS BDO Team, we would all like to congratulate LBDO ment will be unique because he is Austin?s ?rst BDO to retire. LBD Farewell and Happy Retirement to on his retirement. His retire- at TSA began in 2002 at CLE, and in 2006, he became a BDO. AUS was lucky enough to have him transfer in 2010 from CLE. Over the past 8 years, as mentored many BDOs. We will all greatly miss atulations on your retirement, and we all wish you many years of happiness to come! Airport -AUS Article Photos by: Page 4 BDOs in Motion TUL BDO Of The Year: BDO lic speaker for a woman?s ministry. the ?ight. The passenger began crying ling her time as a BDO, she has because she was afraid of her boy- ie many positive things for the BDO friend and they did not have anywhere gram, as well as, TSA. Here is an else to go. mple of one: At the end of the shift,? May, we had a female passenger went back to check on the passenger veling with a baby that BD - and her baby. A passenger overheard the conversation and offered to place her in the airport hotel. y, mentioning that she had seen her helped the young woman and her baby terday. to the hotel shuttle. She then went to 011 the store to buy a change of clothes, ?ight the day before and were try- diapers, toiletries and food for them. again. The passenger told Kristi The young woman was overwhelmed that she was ?eeing an abusive rela- at the kindness shown to her and her tionship and that she was afraid the baby. baby?s father would ?nd them. They had left with the clothes on their back The Passenger and 1191? baby made the and a few diapers. Her family had ?ight the 116? day. She called bought her a ticket to come home. - When She 1'93C119d 1191? family to say, thank you. Later, while performing her Playbook Airport TUL duties, aw the pas- senger and discovered she was placed Amde Photo by: 011 stand-by and was unable to get on gue Page 5 BDOs in Motion TSO Support at DAL The DAL BDO Team took the time to acknowledge the \vvorkforce with a BIG thank you card and mints that they set up in the brie?ng room for all shifts. It was a way to show their appreciation to all of the of?cers and to let them know that they could not do their job without them. IAH Tip: Switch It Up! Make sure you give your partners a chance to hone and perfect their skills by keeping your work routine varied by alternating roles and responsi- bilities. If on rotate four artners daily consider A BDO was observmg passengers 111 the Man? . . 3 3 . ?nding a new way to conduct your dally work rou- aged Inclusmn line as a TSO swabbed hands. tine The BDO noticed female passenger appearing nervous during this procedure. The TSO swabbed the woman?s hands and the woman . le valying initial strategy; Follow the steps, asked, that checking The but be ?exible with your partner. responded, ?Yes, in a minute we will see if the DNA is ok.? The ETD machine cleared and the BDO told the woman that the DNA was ok. The 0 Role reversal: If you commonly conduct Casu- Woman smiled and said, ?Oh good!" a] Conversation, conduct the property search in? stead. BDO Funnies Below are some suggestions: 0 Practice by discussing hypothetical situations. Constructive Critiques: Learn from each other, after all, we all have different Build your team up with positive feedback! Re- member, you create best practices by practicing. Airport-TUL Article by: Airport-IA}! Article by: BDA Program Of?ce HQ mm In Motion Support