Fan: 4? .leJ-u'l' (knell-LT I't-Ti-t'htlel' i?tirtr-ijr' lt? 't sis-i: tots-rt {fit}. in 't he issues to be Dear Mr. "or apartment no Ioeareo at South Johnson ?treet. being tamed off early. past due rent Fers. on on This letter is in response toa deposit dispute addressed are deductions liar general chiming. electrit'tty the electrie hill. the expiration were noted at the time of" your lease [July 31. Etlt?} the apartments final of the ?nal inspection hy the inspector and tool},- around and under the appliances; the ahittets; behind and Farrier: other items left in kitchen to charge at the expiration cleaning is a territorial: to its condition at the commencement Hills-ll. and to- ['E?djr' the unit for the d. Please ?nd eneiosed photos ot? Concerning Ehr.? general cleaning charge- at inspection tool. plaee. Particular areas that cleaning err-a- ssrro- crumb-s on the area Floor. kitchen sink; the interior-exterior of refrigerator-hereto Food on inside the toilet: and the bathroom sink Faucet and hasin- ?eneral ot'tlie loose. as additional cleaning was required to "restore the dwelling unit of the Mooney" tL'rtt'fon?n Residential Landlord and Tenant Law. Chapter 56 incoming tenant. The charge was accurately assessed and will not be refund?: noted cleanliness issues For your retards. ?ts you know. AFTS Downtown took over management of your agreement signed between you and A is: APTS on May 15. ED charge for the electricity to be turned off at the expiration of the lease- Due to this oversight, the credited to the account. ESE-IMO past due rent-?fees on account, the July rent was not paid and additional fees were apptigd Regarding the that balanoerowed. norm-ding to your lease agreement, speci?cally item 3: errant agrees to pa}- Landlord its rent for the rental unit during the ori . Etna! term toast to July 31, as follows: on or before the l? day Euslt l?llqu?ftleitl tor the ?rst month. and per month on or before the l" any of each month. thereafter with interest or penaltyr for postmerns reoeisred after day of the month. or for retuan cheat: apartment during your tenancy. but honors the lease E19. Aeeording to the lease agreement, there is at} will he as Follows: day plus 5&de tlrerea?er. Pursuant to your lease and in aoeordanee with Chapter Stile Tia ofthe I . ott'a Tenant Landlord account was charged a total of $4101!) for late rent and ??1.00 for the Juiy it], Hill] ?Three Day Hm??ol??tl?i GrQuit." LES-Emildm 26a off?urgerse and Chapter SZEAJTB of the Iowa Tenant Landlord Lat-i.r state' evento I . Landlord t'ttatgl.I terminate this Rental Agreement by giving Terror! is ?'l?ee da arm-tilt 1 I at notice of none ._.andlord intention to mm the Bartel Ayeerrtem ifrent is not paid 1itritl'iin 1:1 periodtiil' lime. hug-o . feeanddte . inmwl?tymuleueayeemuf?mm w. m5. aridlowa EMch'rr; H11: d'lcd'thclimi l'i:rr Eh:- hill. encimcd yuu ?nd 1'2] I'll-15': Ill Mil-rum Enter HIE-during lh-I.? afluly. during which tin-u: ymu mquifcd tn my ML your law: with A a APTS. Th: ?rst bi? rmciwd. in up.- .mum of HM. um- rar ch: hailing win-I1 MI E?J?I-ulnfy 23. 2mm Tn: mu hill wheat. in Ih: urmm. wat- for billing 'FI-cri?d at July 13- Eu- Au?u? 5. As your Inn: c?d?l Jury 1MB, an ?rm- was mm in t?rm wen: chum-rm in: may: from Anal-Hi I [hmgh Auguu 5 and you Hm chargc-d 3 Hum scrum: chug: which is nut italic-d mm. the ma! ?mm will tn: nrcditnd $523!. Th: rtmining ?flhc chat-trinity bill. fur which y?u I11: um Iii-bl: fur, ram-ins tm mount. Apl?mmlt Dawnlawn thank:- ynu for taking. the limit In submit a hutch and np?l?gim fur any inmnucnienc: this lira-?lial! mty have cant-Id. ?r'nur Emunl has tun truade a Intal of $132.13. Ital-ling balanm awed tn $2136. Flu-5e fit-mil uf?l?? by Hmmb-tr 15. l?l?l In amid :I?I?um. 'I'hre: Guys Hamil-.35, this ?naI dcpusilinn in the Shady. Eyll: APTS ?aunt-nun ?r Threat Guys Hun-Hing; LLP