wake! JUNE 22, 1982 inn XIX In mum mummy a mum m/ ?IMIzam-u a mums a nu- v. .nv" (- q, I: NEW MORALITY -I-Iow will it affect them? The charge leveled against the Bible's morality is, It's not practical. So society has substituted a new morality. Does it pass the test of practicality? Jesus said: "Every good tree produces .ine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit." Is its fruit .ine or worthless? He also said: "Wisdom is proved righteous by all its children." Have the "children" of the new morality proved its wisdom to be righteous? (Matthew 7: 17; Luke 7:35) This series of articles, "The New Morality-Harvesting Its Crop," looks at its oHspring. The look may shock you, but the publishers feel it's necessary to alert you to a growing trend in many parts of the world The New Morality Its effect on children ODAY'S sexual revolution is shattering the fabric of society. Old values crumble as Self is enned and Me reigns as king. "Do your _ thing" is the guiding slogan of the . Is sex before marriage your thing? ,· '. Is it extramarital sex? Do it! Is Jmosexuality? Do it! Is it divorce on 'him? Do that too, no matter whom :ts. · _' everyone by any means subscribes litany of the new morality, but umbers taking up the chant are ooming. Books, magazines, movies ·elevision are increasingly preoccu·1th sex, much of it involving foron and adultery. Afternoon shows ··soaps" reek with it, and they now . like a plague into evening prime ~upposedly reflecting normal huationships, such shows are in fact of musical beds. gay liberation movement pushes to :-omosexuality morally acceptable, ~en homosexuality and the Bible's -- ···--.-, become issues in TV shows, it is e's position that is made to look and stupid-typical examples are ar series "All in the Family" • • A *S*H." TV Guide said homo-,- ·-'-"-·-.,u , e 22 . 1982 sexuals have become the most effective lobby in television. Major producers and networks consult gay groups before planning programs with gay themes. Far more flagrant, however, is the present escalating invasion of the living room by pornographic cable TV. Youths are imitative, and they note the examples or role models that adults are providing. What adults do has far more impact than what they say. And that impact is frightening! In the United States one out of every five children has had sexual intercourse by age fourteen. Half have had it before they finish high school. Three out of ten sexually active girls become pregnant. In the United States unwed teenage mothers have 600,000 babies annually, and 9,000 of them are born to girls eleven and under. Added to all of this are unreported pregnancies and those terminated by abortions. A million and a half runaways annually flee their homes to live on the streets, and thousands end up as male or female prostitutes controlled by pimps. "A basic tenet of modern developmental psychology," Dr. Sam Janus says in his book The Death of Innocence, "always has been the belief that between 3 The New Morality-Harvesting Its Crop infancy and adolescence, sexuality goes underground-becomes 'latent' -in the interests of psychic and physical growth." He then observes that this latency period "is a thing of the past, and that our children are going straight from babyhood to puberty as fully sexual beings, with no intermission. The eroticization of children is becoming a fact of life in modern society." Janus later elaborates on this loss of childhood: "Gone are the halcyon days when little boys had time to join boys' clubs, build clubhouses, and play ball. Some, of course, still do but the numbers decline. The same goes for little girls, who once played with dolls and hoped some day their knights in shining armor would come along, marry them, and live happily ever after with them." More and more children are being robbed of these years needed for physical, intellectual and emotional growth. Television commercials push kiddie cosmetics-lip gloss, nail polish, powders, perfumes and other like products for girls three to fourteen years of age. Ads for designer jeans show ten-year-olds bumping hips in discotheques. Calvin jeans commercials have Brooke Shields provocatively posed and asking, "What comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing!" and "If my Calvins could talk, I'd be ruined." The experts-psychiatrists, pediatricians, teachers-all agree that preteens are striving to look and act older, reacting to an environment saturated with sex, materialism and drugs. The childhood years are being telescoped, passing too fast too soon, and the child is being cheated out of one of the most delightful periods of life. 4 One psychologist said: "We dress our children in miniature adult costumes with designer labels, we expose them to gratuitous sex and violence and we expect them to cope with an increasingly bewildering social environment-divorce, single parenthood, homosexuality. Many adolescents feel betrayed by a society that tells them to grow up fast but also to remain childlike." The most appalling proof of the decay of values is that there are obscenity laws, but the courts can't decide what is obscene. Many judges are so busy wringing their hands over freedom of speech and press that they cannot discern the difference between legitimate ideas and opinion on the one hand and obscenity on the other. They cannot see that hardcore pornography, even showing on film or in print small children engaged in sexual acts, is totally without "redeeming social merit." It's like saying strychnine in meat must be allowed, since the meat part has "redeeming nutritional value." Previous to the new morality there were principles of right and wrong. Now it is the era of permissiveness. Now saying No is the no-no. Now the fad is, 'Do your own thing. Forget love of neighbor, even if that neighbor is a six-year-old child. Now it's self-love, all the way!' The new morality that many extol as liberation is actually exploitation. In The Death of Innocence, Dr. Sam Janus asks: "Has liberation become libertine? Has the vaunted liberation of children turned them into sacrificial lambs on the altar of the sexual revolution?" There are strong reasons for answering both questions, YES! AWAKE!-June 22, 1982 The New Morality-Harve•ting It• Crop Chickens'' and ''Bawks'' "Just as it occurred in the days of Lot."-Luke AWKS swoop down on chickens, and farmers keep loaded shotguns handy to blast the hawks. however, those words can carfferent connotation. The "chickare young boys, the "hawks" are omosexuals, but the analogy ends The farmers are missing. The laws dequate, enforcement is poor, the are lenient and the "chickens" bectims. This problem is not new. It the way back to Sodom and Go-·"" But the last decade has seen an -.:rmsingly aggressive pursuit of "chick- -i::- 17:28 ens" by the "hawks ." Their brazenness has scandalized those elements of society still able to be scandalized. In both New York City and in Los Angeles some claim that boys are more in demand than girls. A Los Angeles police sergeant who works with child vice says: "The figures for this area show that it's between 70 and 75 percent boys to 25 percent girls." In Massachusetts a call-boy operation was discovered, where 250 boys were available for sex anywhere in the state for $50 and up. It turned out to be, however, only a branch of a national network headquartered in Houston, Texas. "Hawks" could call there from anywhere in the country and order "chickens" by telephone. Within half an hour a boy would be at the caller's door, provided the "hawk's" credit card cleared. The "hawks" have formed groups and demand respectability . The Rene Guyon organization, based in California, boasts 8,500 members. Their motto is "Sex by eight or it's too late." Numerous other man-boy sex organizations exist. Lists are compiled that show where boys can be picked up in every state. One such organization has headquarters in London, with branches in the United States and m~n of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, from boy to old all the people in one mob. And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to • 'Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us ~ may have intercourse with them.' "-Genesis 19:4, 5 5 The New Morality-Harvesting Its Crop other countries. The homosexuals are pushing for changing the laws to lower the age of consent and to legalize sex between adults and children. They are fighting for children's rights, they say, and make themselves out to be crusaders. The Gay Community News said: "The gay liberation movement is fighting not merely for the rights of adults to engage freely in homoerotic acts, but also for the millions of our society's children to enjoy a free sexual life ... and [for] the rights of children to control their own bodies. At a time when abuse of children by their parents is epidemic, it is ironic that it is men who love boys who are made into the ultimate criminal." Children's rights to be abused, prostituted, sodomized? Their proclaimed concern for children's rights is a cover-up for men whose only interest is gratification of their own sexual perversion. When the children become a little older these "loving" adults dump them back on the streets and pick up new victims. Willing or not, children at these tender ages are unable to understand the choice they are making or to foresee the consequences. They are victims. They are vulnerable. Misguidedly they seek affection from a homosexual and are psychologically devastated when they are cast off. Some are murdered. One homosexual man killed thirty-three boys and buried them under his house. Where has all that supposedly great love gone? Support for homosexual causes comes from strange sources. The Bible is clear on its view of homosexuality. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of their practice of it. The Mosaic law forbade it, under penalty of death: "When 6 a man lies down with a male the same as one lies down with a woman, both of them have done a detestable thing. They should be put to death without fail. Their own blood is upon them." The same position is expressed in the Christian Greek Scriptures concerning such men: "God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene.·· -Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26, 27. In spite of these Biblical denunciation . many clergymen and churches speak up for the homosexuals. San Francisco, the population of which is 30 percent homosexual, illustrates the point. One news report reads: "Much of the tolerance comes somewhat surprisingly perhaps, from organized religion-from the major Pro estant, Anglican, Roman Catholic, and Jewish churches and synagogues ... Rev. Otto Sommers, the 50-year-old conference minister of Maine's 250 United Church of Christ congregations, ... say: 'Homosexual sex, just like heterosexual sex, is a gift of God to be lived under the ethic of love. We all live under Christ.· Notwithstanding the pronouncemen ~ of many of today's religious leade and their church organizations, Jehov · God's view of homosexuality has nc· changed . And , concerning conditions o. earth at the time of his second coming Christ Jesus said: "Just as it occurred the days of Lot . . . the same way it \\ · be on that day when the Son of man to be revealed."-Luke 17:28-30. AWAKE!-June 22, 19