LII of If; 1 13 Eariuw Univets?ly g??ircliri "e a r?aa il' I I 1 ?chenleg farms - I-hlerI-c Damn, "lrrl . as I INN E?lrnE-gie t. [35'1" '55 .2 33'1" if?! I I lug. 1 2* Chem [run 511 I I 3 a L1: ?Huff-5Emin- - Endt . - Iri'n?l'Jhn?writAmericans want choices 66% of Americans want more transportation options so they have the freedom to choose how to get where they need to go. 73% currently feel they have no choice but to drive as much as they want do. 57% would like to spend less time in the car. Future of Transportation National Survey (2010) Pittsburgh?s transportation modes 400% increase . ?Ma 2.20/0 1 1 2013 Census (one year estimate) Transportation Trends (among ages 16-34) -23% +40% Frontier Group_Transportation and the New Generation +24% 7% Enthused and Confident 60% Interested but Concerned <1% Strong and Fearless 33% No Way No How Route Preference High Preference Low Preference I Bike onijyr path MUWUSE Bi ke-specific facilities Path 0 I Residential street Cycle track I unpaved bike route esI entla street seam: diverters Multl use 'd bike route paths Major street bike lane, no parked oarso' 0' RESldentlEti street Major street shared lane. no parked cars Major street bike lane. parked oars Major street . shared lane. parked cars Major streets Major street with parked oars Major street no parked cars Less safe More safe Route Safety University of British Columbia_Bicyc ist Injuries and the Cycling Environment study Criteria for Evaluating Bike Infrastructure Safety Community Support Route selection Continuity Existing Street Layout Data Pavement Reallocation Measures Speed Limit Parking Evaluation Criteria ARTE: Emma Comma 351E Emu Emmiiltaa Moon Gmu litmus 'j SPC Regional BikelPed Committee Economic Bath Comma Evaluation Criteria : Data 2015: First city-wide Bike / Ped Count STATS: 76 volunteers 38 intersections photo : Bruce Chan . . .. _h - Elli: Heme Mayer City Ceuncil City Centreller Public Safety OFFICE OF l?vi?i?t?iilR i if City Directery 3i] Mayer William Pedute Issues Executive Order 011 Ceiuplete Streets Pelicy fer Pittsburgh Rights ef Way Peljcy will impact streets, sidewalks and ether critical pieces ef infrastructure used every day PITTSBURGH, PA [April TC, 2015] Meyer William Fed ute teday anneunced the City's cemmitment te adept a cemplete streets pelicy fer Pittsburgh's public rights ef way. The Mayer issued an Executive Order calling en the City Planning Directer te werlr with all city departments. autherities and agencies te develep a cemplete streets pelicy and framewerlr to guide the design, censtructien, maintenance, and use at the city's public rights ef way. The pelicy wilE impact streets, sidewalks and ether critical pieces of infrastructure used every day in the city by these ef all ages and incernes, and these with disabilities, whether by driving, wall-ring, bicycling, using public trans pertatie n, er previding emergency services. ?Investing in smart, muitimedal transpertatien infrastructure is ameng the greatest needs facing Pittsburgh, and will net only su ppert ecene mic grewth, but the health and safety ef everyene in the city. Threugh cempiete streets pelicies and pregrarns we wiil cemmit te the quality design and maintenance of rights ef way, and further mark Pittsburgh as a leader in 21 st Century planning," Mayer Pedute said. The Executive Order issued teday signaled the city's ce mmitment te guide investments in transpertatien infrastructure in ways that benefit all residents, businesses and Published: Friday, April 1a, 1015 Contacts Tlrnetlly Mc?utty Cernn'l unicatien a eager City of Pittsburgh Cell: 41 9'99 Em ail Teels is v: Mere Executive Orders articles Mayer Issues Executive I:thler Enacting Strategic Investment and Maintenance Ptan Public Safety. Public Werirs. and Parks facilities Mayer Wili'iam F'edute Issues Executqu Curler Creating Early ?l?ll?ll? Researces .--.. a eserGH Search Links Heme Biegraphy 1 Executive Team 1 Transitien Teams Feedback Ferm Greup Preclamatien Ferm Individual Preclamatien Ferm Beards. Autherities 3' Cemmissiens servePGH Apply fer a seat en a beard. authority. er cemmissien Welceming Pittsburgh Cemmunicatiens Press Fleleases Letter ef Suppert Request Ferm Executive Stay Updated LIKE USDH FABEBDDK I i UM Types of On-Street Bicycle Facilities MOST PROTECTION Shared Lane Bike Lane Buffered Bike Lane Protected Bike Lane B CE VD BL W LO E G ows D (E) Sharr W LO GE BI FIFTH AVE VD BL MORE WOO ST LLE LD NT D AR AY NEVI EFIE BELL E AV RE ST SON BER AM ARD BAY Existing Sharrows BI Existing Protected Cycletrack CRAIG O ’H FORB ES AV A AR BO UQ H Existing Bike Infrastructure UE E AV TS T T FIF D OO W AT ST SA UI ST LO AR LT CO Staircase SC HE NL EY DR IV E ENUE Existing Bike Lane T TS Jonc Stai onetiS i3) 0' ExistingSharrows Existing Protected Cycletrack Existing Bike Lane Proposed Shared Lane Marking Proposed Bike Lane Proposed Protected Cycletrack bikeshare station 'who?) 2015 Proposal 17:, i I It93/ 46?? 1' cl" LagExisting Sharrows Existing Protected .- Cycletrack I :3 'r 1 Existing Bike Lane II Proposed Shared Lane Marking Proposed Bike Lane Proposed Protected Cycletrack Joncane Staircase O’ Big Bay Section 1 N O YS NN TE E AV Y PL ER AY T UE N TO E AV SIT ER IV UN K AC UQ T LY AN KM R PA TH BO O’Hara - Bigelow - Bayard SECTION 1 Existing PARKING LANE 8’-0” VEHICLE LANE 12’-0” VEHICLE LANE 12’-0” STREET WIDTH: 40’ - 0” O’HARA STREET N Bouquet to Dithridge EXISTING PARKING LANE 8’-0” O’Hara - Bigelow - Bayard SECTION 1 Bike Lanes PARKING LANE 8’-0” BIKE LANE 6’-0” VEHICLE LANE Minimum: 10’-0” VEHICLE LANE Minimum: 10’-0” STREET WIDTH: 40’ - 0” O’HARA STREET N Bouquet to Craig Bike Lanes BIKE LANE 6’-0” Western Institute 2015 Proposal Q40 Existing Sharrows 6&6 Existing Protected Cycletrack Existing Bike Lane Proposed Shared Lane Marking Proposed Bike Lane Proposed Protected Cycletrack \oncaire Staircase talrcase O’Hara - Bigelow - Bayard SECTION 2 Existing VEHICLE LANE 9’-0” VEHICLE LANE 9’-0” VEHICLE LANE 9’-0” STREET WIDTH: 36’ - 0” Bayard St Craig to Neville EXISTING VEHICLE LANE 9’-0” O’Hara - Bigelow - Bayard SECTION 2 Bike Lanes BIKE LANE 4’-0” VEHICLE LANE 9’-0” TURNING LANE 10’-0” VEHICLE LANE BIKE LANE 9’-0” 4’-0” STREET WIDTH: 36’ - 0” Bayard St Craig to Neville Bike Lanes TE EN LEM RT OC BO T NO T TS TS RO UE BE UQ CENTRAL OAKLAND neighborhood streets T N SE Existing Sharrows PROTECTED BIKE LANE EXISTING SHARROWS K OA D ND OO ST RA EY N FIF LA W AT E AV M TH Existing Protected Cycletrack ES PL M E AV SE Existing Bike Lane T NEW SHARROWS M EE cK PL DAYLIGHT INTERSECTIONS ALONG LOUISA AR LT CO ISA Proposed Shared Lane Marking ST U LO T TS Proposed Bike Lane S T TS Proposed Protected Cycletrack BA TE LE LK HA STAIRCASE WITH BIKE RUNNEL ' New Left Turn Lanes Bigelow Blvd. Ruskin Ave. Bellefield Ave. N Dithridge St. Craig St. Neville St. YA BA TR N CE ows D (E) Sharr W LO GE BI FIFTH AVE VD BL VD BL W LO MORE WOO ST LLE LD RD NEVI EFIE BELL VE EA ST E IG B CRAIG O’ H FORBES AVENUE A AR BO UQ H UE E AV TS T T FIF D OO W AT ST SA UI ST LO AR LT CO Staircase SC HE NL EY DR IV E SON BER AM ARD BAY Parking Utilization 1pm PERCENT OF AVAILABLE PARKING BEING UTILIZED 80-100% 60-80% 40-60% 20-40% 0-20% (E) NO PARKING ZONE Existing Bike Lanes Existing Sharrows T TS YA BA TR N CE ows D (E) Sharr W LO GE BI FIFTH AVE VD BL VD BL W LO MORE WOO ST LLE LD RD NEVI EFIE BELL VE EA ST E IG B CRAIG O’ H FORBES AVENUE A AR BO UQ H UE E AV TS T T FIF D OO W AT ST SA UI ST LO AR LT CO Staircase SC HE NL EY DR IV E SON BER AM ARD BAY Parking Utilization 8pm PERCENT OF AVAILABLE PARKING BEING UTILIZED 80-100% 60-80% 40-60% 20-40% 0-20% (E) NO PARKING ZONE Existing Bike Lanes Existing Sharrows T TS LLE NEVI ST VD BL FIFTH AVE O DE A Parking Removal FORBES AVENUE Parking Remaining BO UQ UE TS T SO TO SC (5) E AV FIF ST TT NO N LA ND D OO ST W AT SA UI S ST LO HE NL TOTALS: EY DR IVE 41 off-peak parking spaces 44 parking spaces K OA SE AR LT CO BA TE TH RPP Parking RA CRAIG VD BL O’ R HA A ’H Parking Counts W LO GE BI (30) ows D (E) Sharr VD BL (21 off-peak) G BI MORE WOO RD YA A B SON BER AM IG E W LO OW EL RPP DG GE (9) ST HRI LD (20) BI TR N CE CRA DIT EFIE BELL VE EA ARD BAY T TS OMBUS If! MEHOW Western Institute Thackeray Lytton Bigelow Belle?eld Dith ridge Craig Oakland Projects Oakland Bike Lane Network BRT Port Authority Parks Conservancy Schenley Dr Green Street What’s next? 2015 JUL BIKE PLAN Council briefing 2016 AUG BIKE PLAN Public briefing SEPT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR Taxi Police MAY BIKE PLAN Neighborhood Meetings (Council, Neighborhood Groups, Bike / Ped Committees) Mobility plan outreach Meeting OUTREACH OCT Mobility plan outreach Meeting Outreach to Specific Stakeholder Council groups Complete streets workshop Education / outreach around complete streets policy Port Authority BIDs Schools Neigh groups Emergency Services PROJECT BASED OUTREACH (BIKES, BIKESHARE, PEDESTRIAN NETWORK) PEDESTRIAN PLAN Council briefing PEDESTRIAN PLAN Public briefing Creation of better web presence, updated content and eductational material Creation of Bike Ped Safety Video Oakland Network 40th St Climbing Installation Lane Installation East Street Repaving / Installation BUILDING PLANNING Route and Signage Installation BIKESHARE EXPANSION Design of Route and Signage Plan STEPS COUNT Creation of a Pedestrian Plan Creation of Street Design Guidelines 2016 BIKE LANE INSTALLATIONS STEPS COUNT Safe Routes to Schools Engagement JUN Kristin Saunders Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator 412-393-0150