Thisfield is searchable for IIB information only, although it is retrieyalole lin both yiewsl for FARNDALE and RECOVERY information as well. The file type as defined in headers of intercept. Fingerprint identification deriyed using appid The Forward Instruction Taole that identified how to route the associated data. A code deriyed from Forward Trigraph representing a political state or nation, or its territory. ECHELDN routing token applied by dictionary oased text keyword scanning en gInes so that selected Intercepts can be routed to a requesting system and or an 'Composltion of Forward_DIctIonary_Category and the forward selector to proyide relationships on display. The forward selector Is the component of the ECHELDN selection expr? 3-character string, determined loythe collection system, and indicating thetarget from which thetraffic originated lie. Target country digraph service letter, eg - diplomati from_post is from the ""pre-email days it indicates the originating post, which might be an embassy. These fields are likely to contain a tetragraph such as BAGD lBaghdadl The dictionary instances used by the front end system lon sitel to perform dictionary scanning.