EXHIBIT 16 Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 1 of 19 Document 4-16 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT Wu? lN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Case No. 10 000007 MILWAUKEE i 2 . i i TENTH PETITION TO ENLARGE SCOPE OF JOHN DOE I 2 i. i WHEREAS, Bruce J. Landgraf, acting as an Assistant District . a. for the County of Milwaukee, filed a Petition for the Commencement of Proceeding dated May 5, 2010; I WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin has filed Subsequent Petitions to enlarge the scope of this proceeding as warranted by the evidence produced in the course of this investigation; I WHEREAS the John Doe judge has granted thePetition to Commence this proceeding and has also granted all Subsequent Petitions-to enlarge the scope of these - proceedings; WHEREAS, as set forth in my Affidavit submitted as part of this Petition, have now. discovered suspected law violations involving Wisconsin Statutes Section 946.12, MiscoriduCt in Public Office, and Wiscmsin Statutes Section 19.31 et Seq-n the Open I Records Law, relating to Milwaukee County generally-and the Office of the County ExeCutive, the Department of Administrative Services and the Department er Health and I WHEREAS, have reason to believe violations of said sections have been committedwithin the jurisdiction of this court; NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the information contained in my Affidavit showing evidence that criminal violatiOnsQf Wisconsin Statutes Sections 946.12 and 19.31 et seq. may have been committed-in Milwaukee County, I hereby request that the scope 'of the Jehn Doe proceeding referenced above be enlargedto include these . suspected violations and that, pursuant to ?96826 of the Wisconsin Statutes, WitneSSes be .l'subpoena'ed and questioned on oath relating thereto-.- Dated this day of February I . "r I Po. Address kg . S-afetyBuilding Room 405 I 821. West State Street . Bruce JT'Landgraf Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 Assistant District Attorney (414) 278-4645 - Voice - . State Bar Number 1009407 - (414)? Filed 4-16 i STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY I THE A JOHN DOES PRocEEoiNe Case No. 10JD000007 . AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF TENTH PETITION TO ENLARGE SCOPE STATE oF WISCONSIN I - - . - I )ss. . FEB 7201?; -- - . so Banner? Bruce J. Landgraf, being first duly sworn on oath, depoces and i I am an Assistant Attorney acting in support of the above encaptioned John Doe proceedings. I I 2. I make this Affidavit in connection with my Petition to Enlarge the Scope of these JOhn Doe Proceedings. task that the court extend the John Doe investigation to include suspected violations of the duties imposed by the Open Records Law of Wisconsin. I I 3. I respectfully submit that the purpose and goals of this aspect of the John Doe investigation would be to determine what Open Records Requests were received by the County Executive, the Department of Administrative Services (including the Information Management Services Division) and/or the Department of Health and Human ascertain the respOnses toIeach such Open Records request; (3) determinewhether government records generally, and private email communications specifically, were withheld from the Open Records responses; and (4) determine whether the circumstances of such withholding if any withholding did occur were criminal; I I ,Invsupport of the Petition to Enlarge Scepe,_I_ note the following principles of law. I I I As a general rule, under the Open Records law, ?any?reguester has a right to inspect any record? as these terms are defined under WisConsin law. Wis. - Stats. I b. A .?record" is material on which written, drawn, printed, __spo_ken, . visual, or electromagnetic information is-recorded or preserved, regardless of Case Page30f 19 Document 4-16 physical term or characteristics, which has been created or is being kept by an authority." Wis-Stat. As stated by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in Schill v. Wisconsin Rapids School District, 2010 WI 86, 1122, 327 Wis.2d 572, 786. 177, whether a document is a record under- Wis. Stat. I 1932(2), the focus is on the content of the document. To be a record under theicontent of the document must have a connection to a government function. c. information regarding government business kept or received by an official in a private internet account is more likely than not a ?recor within the meaning I of the Open Records law. OAG 1?06-09, at 2-3.1 - d. An ?authority? includes any local elected official and his office. Wis. Stats. Further, an elected of?cial is the legal custodian of his orher records and the records of his or her of?ce, and the official may designate an employee of his or her staff to act as the legal custodian. Wis. Stats. I e. The records custodian must respond to a public records request. ECO, inc. v. City of Eikhorn,2002 Wl App 302, 111113-14, 259 Wis.2d 276, 655 510. 1 in this Attorney General opinion, the issuewas whether a town chairperson may discuss town business in a private website and refuse to allow requestors to participate in that discussion. The Attorney General addressed two issues, the first of which was whether the website was a public record. The Attorney General concluded that, more probably than not, the private internet site was a public record. in this regard, the opinion stated: Ms. Valentine, as town chair, liker has the authority to create a website, and it is -'commonplace and customary these days for public officials to maintain one (though they are usuallyopen to the pubiic). Gathering and presenting information about town business to persons in the town is'certainly one of Ms. Valentine?s official functions as is receiving and responding to their concerns. Ms.__Vaientine is evidently using this website as 'a vehicie to communicate with constituents about town governance and operational _matters. Awebsite created by Ms. Vaientine On her own computer and .at her own expense that included pureiy personal content sharing pictures of family vacations, or solely limited to a political campaign), would likely not conStitute a record, nor might her comments in a restricted group website to which she beionged in her persona! - capacity. But a website called_?Making Saiem Better" in which the town chair actively - presents and receives-written communication on matters of public interest that reiate to the Chair?s official duties (library board representation, a high school addition project, and a round-about intersection), seems to be connected with that town chair's otticiai purpose .or'function regardiess of Ms. Valentine?s claim that she intended to act in a personai capacity. . Case Filed 07/3/15 Page-40f'l9 Document-446 5. i would respectfully submit that the mandates of Wisconsin Statutes ??946 12(1) and (3) are applicable to Open Records duties. Those sections make it a Class l_ felony . for a public official or employee to either: I I I a. intentionally fail[ ]'or refuse[] to perform a known mandatory, nondiscretionary, ministerial duty of the officer's or employee's office" or employment within the time or in. the manner required bylaw; or b. Whether by act of commission qr omission, in the officer's or employees capacity as such'officer or employee exercise[ a discretionary powerin a mannerinconsistent with the duties of the officer's or employee's office or employment or the: rights of others and with intent to obtain a dishonest advantage for the officer or employee or another. - 6. In support'of my request to enlarge the scope of this investigation to include the handling of Open Records requests by Milwaukee County Government generally and Specifically by the Office of the County Executive, the Department of Administrative- - . Services and the Department of Health and Human Services, submit the following facts and circumstances: a. l'begin by noting as a general principle that, in this investigation, we have long observed county officials using a private email system based upon lnternet? accessible accounts with providers such as Gmail.com and Yahoo.com. I b. I, and the investigators supporting this John Doe, have also noticed that many, many e-mails sent to and from private e?mail accounts concern the business of county government. For example, Exhibit A is an email authored by the head of the Department of Administrative Services, Cindy Archer, using a private e-mail account identified as carcher1@wi.rr.com. It is an e-mail obtained. from the aCcount. in this e-lmail, Archer'openly states that she uses -?this private account quite a bit to communicate with SKW (Walker) and Narde'lli (Walker?s Chief of Staff).? . - 0. Exhibit .is-a copyof a spreadsheet taken from Cindy Archer?s office during the execution- of the-John Doe Search war-rant authorized On December 17, 2010. The spreadsheet lists Open Records requests and the status offsuch requeStsI-as July 28,2010; Cindy Archer served on an ?Open Records? group- Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 5 of 19 Document 4-16 that managed and responded to Open Records Requests. This document was likely generated in cbnnection with'the discharge of that duty. d. I note that Exhibit Blists a request by ?Schultze? (a reference I believe to be to Steve Schultze of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) Marks? (a reference believe to be to Lisa Marks, the interim Director-of the Department of - Health andjl-lu'man Services. The timing of this request, supported by my review of e-mails seized during the course of this investigatiOn, suggests to me that the requeSt concerned the highly publicized problems occurring at the Behavioral Health facilities operated by Milwaukee County. The date of the I Schultze reqtrest is listed as March 31, 2010. I I e. Exhibit is a copy of an e?mail obtained from the account. It includes a copy of a letter that County Supervisor DeBruin sent to Scott Walker using the county e-mail system. Reflected on the bottom third of page-'1 of Exhibit C, the DeBruin e-mail was forwarded to Scott Walker using a I private email account. The top of page 1 on exhibit is an e-mail from Cindy Archer to scott Walker and others. Archer asked to send the DeBruin letter to ?Lisa,? (a reference I take to mean Lisa Marks, the lnterim Director of DHHS). Archer specifically asks Walker to allow Archer to send this via a ?ihome email - address.? Moreover, Archer plainly states, would like to hear from Lisa (via private email) what the real Story is.? The date of the e-mail is April 8, 2010. I . f. Exhibit is a May 14, 2010'e?mail recovered from Cindy Archer?s office as described'above, It is a Milwaukee County e?mail dated May 14, 2010'received from the Democratic Party of Wisconsin asking for e?mails that include certain words and domain addresses. have myself seen numerous e-mails in multiple private accounts containing these words Her-domain addresses. As just one _example,l note that the previous exhibit, Exhibit C, weald fall within the scope of this request as a cemmunication concerning the business of Milwaukee County and which included one of the key vvords specified in the Open Records request, v'izg, See the. reference to ?Jill Bader the bottom one-third of page 1 of EXhibit c. . . Filed o7/s1/15 Page 6-of'19 Document4-16 g. inasmuch as the Director of AdminiStrative Services, Cindy Archer, wished- to solicit a written statement from Lisa Marks using a private e-mail account I (rather than her Milwaukee County account), it is reasonable to Suspect that the private e-mail system was intended as a'means to circumvent the Open Records laws. 'In other words, knovving that Milwaukee County emails would have to be produced by the information Management Services Division in response to any future Open Records request forcorrespondence concerning the Behavioral. Health facility, it is reasonable to suspect that the private e-mails sent and received outside the Milwaukee County e-rnail system - were intended to keep these government business communications secret. I h. Exhibit is an e-mail obtained from-the account of It is a'series of e-mails sent on Tuesday, July 27, 2010. Thee?mail sent from Rindfleisch to the Friends of Scott Walker campaign manager, Keith Gilkes, at 9:51am. makes direct reference to ?open records requeSt's? submitted by "Umhoefer and SchultZe? (a reference take to be to Journal Sentinel reporters David Umhoefer andSteve Schultze); These requests concern ?O?Donnell? (a reference take to mean the O?Donnell parking structure which partially collapsed in late June 2010 killing a teenage boy). Gilkes responds to Rindfleisch's comment that the Coimty executive?s office was sending information-about construction ?as its (sic) found." He writes: I think as you move through the review on the records send them a batch and then have [Communications Director] Fran [McLaughlin] from time to time ask them if they got everything they were looking for. - agree giving them more is better, especially with them focused on the construction, keeps the focus there. Go through the process and manage them. You are doing this the right way. I I note that-EXhibit' Ereflects the County Executive?s Deputy Chief Iof Staff, Kelly Rindfleisch, consulting-with the FOSW campaign manager, Keith Gilkes, - On iSsues relating to how and what is released under the Open Records law, a suspicious circumstance in and of itself. I also? note that Giikes comment, ?giving them more is better,? su_ggests_that reSUltedin his recomm'endatiOn that t?less? should. be given. __Cas_e 07/?1/15 Page 7 of 19 Document 4-16? - 7. I know that the Office of the Milwaukee County Executive is located in the Milwaukee Codnty Courthouse at-901 North 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All other departments and divisions off-Milwaukee County government as identified in-this' Affidavit are located at various offices Within Milwaukee County. 8. For all the foregoing'reasons, I respectfully request that the court authorize the expansion of scope as contained in my Tenth Petition accompanying this Affidavit. Dated-at Milwaukee, Wisconsin-on this of bruary 2011. WM \3 Bruce J. Landgraf - Assistant District Attorney . Milwaukee CoUnty Subscribed and sworn to befor?e?meMilwaukee, Wisconsin an? . I. ?a a this Li? day of 1. 3: Y3 $0135.? 3* Notary PublicState of Wisconsin array: ?was My commissmn IS - - Case-2:15-cv-00922-LA- Filed Page 8 of 19 Document 4-16 .. Bruce J. La?ndgraf From: Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 2:03 PM To: .Kelly Rind?eisch Subject: RE: test - Consider youself now in the "inner circle". I use tnis private account quite a bit to communicate with SKW and Nardelli) You should be sure you check it throughout the day. I Congrats on your appointment. I am here'for you if you need anything or if you just need to talk. Cindy Kelly Rindfleisch Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 14:01:33 ?0700 (PDT) To: Scott Cc: Kelly Fran Keith RJ Jill Subject: DeBruin Creates Yet One More Issue at "l?iae- emaii below was sent your (foamy 1'1 detsiis how infiwmasioh with Selmi'lze who sent as {loan Records lioqeest'to her. This is sitter: to give us a heads up just after she responds at the it? day deadline to the ORR. - We?ve Etc-axe nothing item Scholars, but i Emmy we?ll gel a col? at 3:30 {onion-ow linemen}; as that has a short ?tsoti deadline. - ii'i'oz?h: Lynne County To: County Exec Ineb?Co ExecIMilwaukee County@milwco Cc: David County@milwco, Lee HollowayICtyBoardfMilw-aukee County@m_ilwco, Harold Mester/CtyBoardfMilwaukee Date: PM Request for immediate security enhancements Walk-In Clinic age -. DocUment 4-16 - Dear Scott, I am writing to ask that you intervene immediately to provide a 'safeclinical experience for patients [and staff) utilizing the Behavioral Health Division?s Walk-In Clinic and to seek your support for having the entire BED I facility reviewed by Sheriffs Department law enforcement personnel to identify other safety issues that may exist at the entire facility. I am also writing to express my frustration with the lack of response from Mr. Chianelli, Director, Behavioral Health Division, andMs. Lisa Health and Human-Services - DeparhTient, regarding this safety issue which I brought up to them in late Feb. 2010. . - I in mid-February, 2010, I was contacted by Dr. Elaine Sorem whoworks at the Walk -In Clinic. She informed me that in the past few months, there were three instances where weapons were brought by patients into the walk-in clinic? two knives and one gun. In each instance, the weapons .were brought in by patients coming for therapy who informed clinical staff that they had brought their weapon into the clinic due to fears for their own safety. The clinical Staff were not threatened and no. violence occurred. Dr. Sorem was frustrated with "these continuing unsafe incidents" because she had discussed'similar incidents and the safety issue they raised with BHD administration on multiple occasions over the past year. Her conversations were with the Director of Crisis Services, Mr. Jim Kubicek. . The Walk In Clinic?s most direct entrance does not have any weapons screening equipment or metal detectors. There is a sign that tells visitors that weapons are not allowed. The Emergency Room department, located nearby, does-have metal detectors, and Dr. Sorem felt that it would be a simple and inexpensive fix for the county to have Walk?In Cilinic visitors and patients use the ER Department entrance which is monitored. If that was objectionable for some reason, adding a metal detector at the currently Used Waik-ln Clinic entrance, would work also. Additional security staff might help, but Dr. Sorem informed me that on at least two occasions an alarm which had been activated to call for security staff during a threatening incident apparently didn't work because security staff never heard it. From what she said this was not a failure of staff, it was a failure of the-aiarm system. (would you look into this too?) In the year before Dr. Sorem Contactedmy office, nothing had been done. Iii-frustration, she contacted me. I explained the situation to Tom Nardelli, who was supportive and had both Mr. Chianelli and Ms. Marks contact me Within 24 hours. Ms. Marks promised an immediate review and that action would be taken. Mr. Chianelli promised the same. That was late Feb, 20l0. Dr. Sorem c'Ontacted me again in late March, notifying me of another incident. This time a box cutter was brought in. Again, the patient self reported the weapon and no violence occurred. Still I . no response from administration. I'm still waiting to hear back from Mr. Chianelli and Ms. Marks from our'Feb. - conversations. - - I spoke with Dr. Sorern today to learn if the administratidn had made security enhancements. It is April 8, 2010. They have not. Dr. Sorem informed me that she emailed Mr. Chianelli, Dr. Harding, and Mr. Kubicek last week to report further incidences. So far, she received two emails saying the matter would be looked into but no-action has been taken. if locking onedoor and having patients enter through the ER is the easy fix, how long does it take to lock a door? . - Last 'weekmore weapons were brought into the Walk lnClinic. According to Dr. Sorem, one situation inVoIved a patient who was off her medicationand experiencing command auditoryhallucinations; Her history inciudes a violent incident where she used a knife. The patient wasaccompanied by a relative who informed the clinician that the patient had concealed a knife in her clothing. The patient confirmed this and produced a large knife. Again, no one was hurt. Another weapons report involved avisitor who broUght in two knives but saw the no I weapons sign and handed his knives to a nurse practitioner, asking that the knives be returned when he left. Weapons should be handled by law enforcement not nursing staff. I The Walk In Clinic must begin screening all visitors and patients immediately re-direct admittance through the clinic through the already monitored Emergency Room. This simple for shouldhave happened within days of Dr. Sorem?s first contactin administration a year ago, or within days of- my contacting Mr. Chianelli and Ms. Marks. ..Case 2:-15-cv-00922-LA Filed 07/31/15- Pageiz ot19 Document 4-16 You may remember a phene conversation you and had on Sun., Feb. 21, 2010. You called to disCuss the next day's Personnel Committee's vote on whether the county should increase the number of 2010 furlough days to 22 for. some county employees. I had not yet committed to voting for the additional days due to my concerns that . staffing levels within direct patient care areas that were not operations were already low and the further loss of staff wduid reduce patient care quality as well aspose safety risks. The Walk In Clinic is such a facility. You immediatelysupported my amendment to exempt these direct care staff from the additional furloughs. The County Board unanimously adopted the amendment and Department of Administration staff have worked closely with BHD to make sure all needed staff are exempted. - BHD administration staff clearly saw that additional furloughs would pose patient care and safety risks and moved I expeditidusly to prevent the potential threat. Why they would NOT recognize that the Walk In Clinic's ongoing weapons situations posed. an ongoing immediate threat to patient care and safety, and, why they would NOT take . steps for more than a year to enhance security is incomprehensible to me. I asked Dr. Sorem what reasons administration gave for not taking action. She Said it was because Mr. Kubicek felt that requiring walk in clinic patientsto go through metal detectors might make them feel like the county didn't trust them. He told her he wasn't comfortable with making them do it. The irony of his response is that in most of the weapon situations described, the patients themselves didn't feel safe so they brought weapons in. The patients' own actions are telling the county they want additional protections. All patients and visitors at our hospital go through metal detectors and citizens can't get one plane or visit the courthouse without going through detectors. For everyone's safety, Milwaukee County needs to immediately provide a safer environment in the BHD Walk In Clinic. I If there is any logical, reasonable, understandable reason why metal detection screening and enhanced security should not happen at the 'Walk In Clinic, no one in over a year has told Dr. Sorern what that is and no one has told me since I became aware of the situation in Feb. and contacted the administratiorr. - Because the lack of understanding and action appears to exist even at the top administration, I'm concerned about the level of security awareness and preventive measures that exist at all BHD facilities. To assist the County in identifying if signi?cant risk exists elsewhere, I ask your support in asking the Sheriff to have his personnel review all BHD facilities and to report back to you and to the County Board on safety issues his staff identifies plus corrective measures he feels could be put in place. Obviously, a mental health center is a different type of facility than a jail and a mental health center serves patients, not inmates, but I believe the Sheriff?s staff are capable of recognizing that security. measures must be fine tuned to fit the location and types of clients and personnel served. I look forward to your response. Supervisor Lynne De Bruin Filed 07/31/15 . Page 13'of19' Document 4-.16' . and County Executive Walker containing-the foliowing words fro o. Tamara . I I 13? 91V OpenRecords Request . . Charlesanne Wilson to:.Cheryl Berdan osnzuzoro 01:37 PM Sender Date . Subject - I Chariesanne Wilson 05H 4/2010 01:37 PM Open Records Request - Forwarded by Charlesanne WilsonICo ExeciMilwaukee County on 05f1412010 01:37 PM From: Brandon Lorenz . To: - . Vb Date: newt/201.0 01:26 PM Subject: Open Records Request #2 Mr. Thomas G. Nardelli Chief of Staff Courthouse, Room 3068 901 N. 9th StreetD Milwaukee, WI 53233 - Dear Mr. Name-111, . . 1am writing to request the folloWing records from Milwaukee County under Wisconsin?s Open Records Law (1931-39, Wisconsin Statutes): Copies of e?mails and attachments, schedules, call logs,' written Correspondence, and any Other documents to and from Darlene Wink, Fran McLaughlin, Thomas areli 5.: - 1/1/2009 to 5/1421: Governor 0 Jim 0 Doyle JED 0 Barbara WMS Pag?uo?lg Digest . . I Case ?3 mitt 6d? PW .. ., Grigsby I Lena Tayliori'Ii Obama Karl" Rove George Bush. John- McCain I Mike Tate White House Stimul?s Recovery Act Tdmy Thong-330n- Republican - D?moclyat- El??fion Campaign .. Filed _b_7/31_/15' Paige-150'f119' Document.4-.1eg '0 '-"-Rcince Priebus _0 Tea- 0 Party 0 0 Block 0 Mark '0 Ne?mann 0 Tom 0 Barrett 0 1111 0 Badcr '0 Johlilsoin': o. 0' DEV 0 0. Schillith 0 Daa' 0 Rice - Ialsc respectfully request copies of c?ma'ils and attachments to and from all of Darlene Wick, . - Fran McLaughlin, Thomas Nardelli?; Kelly Rind?ejsch and._coumy Exam-1% Walkem I . accounts to andifr?om from 1/1/2009to._ 5&5/14/2010; - .. [Filed 07/31/15 of .19 . Dbc?uthht-?A?l?i @RGAorg @RNC.com @Wisgop.org @scottwalkerorg . afphqorg @Wpriorg abc.com - . . . . Elli part of the information is available imrr'lediately, I'Would prefer to have access to the information immediately while the remainder of the information is prepared for review. It is not my intention to burden you or your staff with this request during such difficult fiscal times, so the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Will pay any fees related to producing and delivering copies of the records. However, please contact me before proceeding if the cost will exceed $100. I would appreciate a written reSponse to my request ?as soon as practicable and without delay,? as required by Wisconsin?s Open Records Law. - Best, Brandon Lorenz . Deputy Communications Director Democratic Party of Wisconsin 1310 KingSt. Suite 203 Madison, WI 53703 Office: (608) 260?2407 Cell: (414) 241-0730 I Email: brandonl @Iwisdemsorg Follow us online: wisdemsorg/facebook .. 93"Case' Filjedj07/3i/15 it 'Lof-1'9 3' Document-4:16 From: T0: .. Subject:- . Re: JS Date: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:55:43 PM Let me know and get it taken care . Sent from my US. Cellular BlackBerry? smartphon - - From: "Keith Giikes - Friends of Scott Waiker" Date: Tue, 27-3ul 2010 14:29:05 . To: Subject: RE: JS You should do this and get it to talk radio ASAP to get our spin on it right away. I wouldsuggest doing this for tomorrow AM. I can make the pitch to Scott on it - we should make sure he knows what you are. doing before we do it. But yes - this shOuld absolutely be done. Keith (3i lkes Friends of Scott Walker . Of?ce: (414) 4532010 Message-??-? - From: - Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:03 PM - To: Keith Subject: Re: JS . Jesus tom is dense sometimes. Stop me if you knew this - bice called last friday about us charging weishah 2800 bucks for his open records reguest. He's gonna spih it as we?re charging this outragous aamourzt and the public has-a right toknow. - - For his $2800 he got four pages. My thought was to get Weber or charlie the . request the hours it took IMSD to complete the request and the response.- Spin it as'this jackass spent $2800 of taxpayer money' and wasted hours and hours ofcounty employees time on a political ?shing expedition. This would . preempt any story bice would do. - - - - - Tom doesn't-get it at all.? Message -- From: Keith . - To: kmrindfleisch@gmail.com Subject: RE: JS Sent: Jul 27, 2010 9:56 AM Sounds-like a very good process. think as you move through the review on - . the records - send them a batch and then have Fran from time to time ask them if they got everything they were looking for. .I agree giving them "more is better, especially with them fec'USed on 'the' _'construction, keeps the focus there. Go through the" process and manage them. YOU are doing this the right waysage-1810f. 19. Document-44,16 BHD Eet me know if you have anything new to update there whenever. I Keith Gilkes Friends of Scott'Walker of?ce: (414) 453-2010 From: kmrind?eisch?gmaiLcom [m i! :kmri ft i be} maii. m] - Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 9:51 AM . - . To: Keith - Subject: JS Umhoefer and Schuitze have been hounding to release o'do'nnell tecords'. -(they have open records requests). is anxious to get them what they want. We are trying to determine what can be released. Last night,I had Fran call Schuitze and waik through their requests to determine if info provided ful?lled their request and what they stiEl needed. Goodwill gesture so they'know-we aren?tbolding out. seemed pleased with that. We?ll keep sending them info as its found and ok'd to release and sees it. All the stuff they'want is related to the build of it, so there shouldn't be anything negative for skw. I didn't mention on the phone calf cause Tom would have a shit The BHD questions continue. I need to get up to date on that. I?ll let you know of any red flags. - I - Sent from my US. Cellular BlackBerryR sma rtphone Sent from my US. CellUlar BlackBerryR smartphone . 07/31/15. Page-19m?