EXHIBIT 13 Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 1 of 47 Document 4-13 SEARCH WARRANT CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN DISTRICT STATE, or wrscousm ss. In the Circuit Court ofthe First Judicial District of Wisconsin MILWAUKEE COUNTY The State of Wisconsin, to any Sheriff, or any Law Enforcement officer of the State of Wisconsin: WHEREAS, 1. oral testimony was presented to the Circuit Court Branch of the First Judicial District and recorded'by a stenographic reporter on and . I WHEREAS, 2. David E. Buddc has complained (by attached affidavit) to this court upon oath, showing probable cause that on today?s date in the County of Milwaukee, there is now located and concealed in and upon certain premises, located within the City and County of Milwaukee, and more particularly described as follows: DESCRIBE PREMISES: Premises occupied by the Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services, Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 North Street, Room 308, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. See Exhibits A and B. The premises are described more particularly as an office within a suite of offices on the third floor of the Courthouse. The target office is within the suite of. offices entered through a door labeled ?308?. it is located on the west side ofthe Courthouse on the third floor. The door to the office has ?308-8? affixed to it. And this search is for certain property in this office, to-wit: DESCRIBE OBJECTS All records and information relating to violations of sections 946.12, 1 1.36 and 1 1.61 ofthe Wisconsin Statutes, viz, Misconduct in Public Of?ce and Political Solicitation involving Public Officials and Employees for the time period since January 1, 2009 relating directly or indirectly to political activity while a County employee. As used in this warrant, the terms ?records? and ?information? refers to papers as well as data contained on Milwaukee County computer workstations. It also includes papers as well as all items capable ofelectronic storage ofdigital data (such as hard disks, jump drives, thumb drives, CDs, DVDs, external USB drives, 3.5? disks or other media that can store data), which devices are found in the office described above. As used in this warrant, the term ?political activity? includes, without limitation, contact for the purpose of campaign activities, the making or soliciting of campaign contributions, fundraising, and/or lobby activities. THIS WARRANT AUTHORIZES A FORENSIC EXAMINATION OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT AND PERIPHERAL DEVICES SEIZED DURINGEXECUTION. Which things constitute evidence of the commission of crime, to wit: (Continued on page Fun?Wm.? Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 2 of 47 Document 4-13 a ?26? DESCRIBE CRIME OR CRIME-S: (1) Misconduct in Public Of?ce; and (2) Political Solicitation involving Public Officials and Employees committed in violation of sections 946.12, 1 1.36 and 11.61 of the Wisconsin Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, in the name of the State OfWisconsin, you are commanded forthwith to search the said premises and/or the said person(s) for said things, and take possession thereof, if found. You are further commanded to return this warrant within forty?eight (48) hours before the Assistant Chief Deputy Clerk ofthe Circuit Court, Crime, Misdemeanor, Traf?c Division, or his designee, to be dealt with according to law. THIS JOHN DOE SEARCH WARRANT IS ISSUED SUBJECT A SECRECY ORDER. BY ORDER OF THE COURT, PURSUANT TO A SECRECY ORDER THAT APPLIES TO THIS PROCEEDIN G, YOU HEREBY COMMANDED AND ORDERED NOT TO DISCLOSE TO ANYONE, OTHER THAN YOUROWN ATTORNEY, THE CONTENTS OF THIS SEARCH WARRANT THE FACT THAT-YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS SEARCH WARRANT. VIOLATION OF THIS SECRECY ORDER IS PUNISHABLE AS CONTEMPT OF COURT. I further order that this search warrant shall be returned directly to Circuit Court, Room 609, Courthouse, 901 North 9?ll Street, Milwaukee, where it shall be maintained under seal in Case No. 1.0JD000007. itiiess, the Hon. eal NettesheRii i, Reggve Judge for the Fir; udiei?aIDithisgn inS?v ?Wenonable Neathl?ttesheim Reserve Judge of the Circuit Court .: Z, Co "a mL 1?9. Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 3 of 47 Document 4-13 CIRCUIT COURT . 33. COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE Dated at Wis, 20 I hereby certify that by Virtue of the within writ I searched the within named premises and found. the following: - same now are in. my possession subject to the diSposition of the Circuit Court. Police Officer Deputy Sheriff Constable Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 4 of 47 Document 4-13 .3393 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Case AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR Information and Records Relating to Cindy AiIcher FILITED STATE OF WISCONSIN - DR: 1 7 SS. ., MILWAUKEE COUNTY DAVID E. BUDDE, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and sa 1. I am the District Attorney Chief Investigator. I submit this Affidavit to assist the John Doe judge in the above?encaptioned proceeding. 2. incorporate by reference my statements concerning my qualifications as set forth in prior Affidavits submitted to the court in the John Doe investigation. 3. incorporate by reference all of the Applications, Affidavits and other papers that have been submitted to the court in these John Doe proceedings, especially those papers that follow. 4. Detailed below, I have discovered evidence that Archer was engaged in political activity on multiple occasions over a sustained period of time while she was working as the Director of the Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services. make this Affidavit principally to search and seize records and information in the form of digital evidence contained on computer workstations issued by Milwaukee County for Archer's use. PREMISES BE SEARCHED 5. Based upon information I have received from Mary Ann Grimes of the Milwaukee County Corporation Counset?s Office, which in turn was based on Milwaukee County Human Resource records and discussions with Steve Kreklow (the current Milwaukee County Budget Director), I know that Archer worked as the Milwaukee County Budget Director from February 1, 2007 until May 21, 2008 and as theDirector of the Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services from May 22, 2008 until December 10, 2010. Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 7 of 47 Document 4-13 6. Based upon my December 2, 2010 visit to the Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services, located within the Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 North '9th Street, MiliNaukee, I know that Archer?s office is located on the west side-of the Courthouse on the third floor. Her office in within a suite of offices entered through a door labeled ?308?. Archer's office has a name plate to the left (south) of the door, which at the time I viewed it, had Archer?s name on it. The doorto Archer?s office has ?308-8? affixed to it. 7. request that the court authorize a search of this office for the purpose of locating any Milwaukee County issued computer workstations. OBJECTS OF THE SEARCH 8.. This affidavit seeks permission to search for all records and information relating to violations of sections 946.12, 11.36 and 11.61 of the Wisconsin Statutes, viz, Misconduct in Public Office and Political Solicitation involving Public Officials and Employees for the time period since January 1, 2009 relating directly or indirectly to political activity while on duty as a County employee. 9. As used in this Affidavit, the terms ?records? and ?information? to include all items or evidence in paper, compmenzedwr digital form, by whatever means they may have been created or stored, including any form of computer or electronic storage (such as hard disks, jump drives, thumb drives, CDs, DVDs, external USB drives, 3.5? disks or other media that can store data). I 10. anticipate that the primary source of records and information to be seized will be in the form of a Milwaukee County computer workstation. As a matter of personal experience and common sense, however, I also anticipate that, in the area surrounding the target computer that Archer'used, there may be other forms of digital evidence of the type described above, such as hard disks, jump drives, thumb drives, CDs, DVDs, external USB drives, 3.5? disks and other electrOnic media that can store data. Therefore, for the purpose of seizing this type of evidence, I ask that the court authorize . a search of the office space within which Archer's computer is located. 2 . Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 8 of 47' Document 4-13 PROBABLE CAUSE MISCONDUCT IN PUBLIC OFFICE 8: UNLAWFUL ACTIVITY BY PUBLIC EMPLOYEE Archer?s Partisan Poiitical Activities During Work Hours 11. know that conducting political activity from government offices may be Misconduct in Public Office in violation of Wis. Stats. It is also a potential direct and/or Party to a Crime violation of Wis. Stats. 12.] also know that misconduct is defined as conduct that is inconsistent with the duties of one's office, State v. Schultz, 306 Wis.2d 598, 743 823 (App. 2007), andimany sources, such as employee handbooks as well as official email and memos, can be used to determine duties associated with an office. State v. Jensen, 272 Wis.2d 707, 681 230 (App. 2004). As relevant to this case, however, the Code of Ethics for Milwaukee County is published as part of the County Ordinances and Section 9.06 expressly prohibits political campaigning by County employees.3 Likewise, the County Technology Use policy prohibits the use of County computer equipment for political campaign activities. 13.The John Doe judge previously authorized a ?968.375 Search Warrant for the Google GMail account of timrussellwi@gmail.com as well as kmrindfileisch@gmail.com. Records in connection with those warrant were delivered to the Milwaukee County District Attorney?s Office on August 18, 2010 and October 26, 2010. 1 Wis. Stats. provides "No employee may, the officer's or employee's capacity as such officer or employee, do[ an act which the officer or employee knows is in excess of the officer's or employee's lawful authority or which the officer or employee knows the officer or employee is forbidden by law to do in the officer's or employee's official capacity") 2 Wis. Stats. ?11.36(2) provides ?No person may . . . receive from any . . . employee of a political subdivision of this state any contribution or service for any political purpose during estabiished hours of employment or while the officer or employee is engaged in his or her official duties?) 3 Section 9.06 of the County Ordinances entitled "Political Activity? provides: (1) CAMPAIGN PROHIBITIONS: No county public official or employee at his or her piece of employment while engaged in his or her official duties shall, for the apparent purpose of seeking to elect or defeat a person seeking elective office: Wear or display any campaign material. Distribute any campaign literature. (0) Soiicit contributions for any candidate. Engage in political campaign activities for any candidate. Circulate nomination papers for elected office. 3 Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 9 of 47 Document 4-13 14. The following table summarizes e?mails, attached as Exhibits A to P, which i have examined from among those obtained through the execution of the Gmailfsearch warrants. Ia. Tim Russell, referred to as ?Russell?, 'Tim Russell?, and ?timrussellwi@gmail.com? in the address lines ?of ArCher?s emails, was formerly Walker?s Deputy Chief of Staff and is currently the Milwaukee County Housing Administrator. Based on my review of emails obtained in the'course of this investigation, I also believe that Russell did significant amounts of work for the . Walker gubernatorial campaign, including work on county time. b. I also know that Tom Nardelli, referred to as ?Nardelli?, ?Thomas Nardelli?, and in Archer?s emails, is currently Walker?s Chief of Staff in the Office of the Milwaukee County Executive. c. Based on my review of emails and other evidence obtained in the course of this investigation, I believe that references to ?jillbader@gmail.com? and ?Jill Bader? in the following emails refer to Jill Bader, the Communications Director for the Walker gubernatorial campaign. d. Investigation has also revealed the Keith Gilkes, referred to as ?Kgilkes?, 'Keith Gilkes?, and in Archer?s emails, was Walker?s 2010 gubernatorial campaign director and has been appointed Chief of Staff by Governor?Elect Walker. e. Further, I believe that RJ Johnson, referred to by Archer as Johnson?, and ?rj@rjjohnson.org? in her emails, was a consultant for the 2010 Walker gubernatorial campaign. f. Based on my review of the emails produced so far in this investigation, I also believe that when Archer addresses emails to and she is referring to Governor?Elect Walker. g. I know that Kelly Rindfleisch, referred to as 'Keily' and 'Keliy-Rindfleisch? in Archer?s emails was the Deputy Chief of Staff in the Milwaukee County Executive?s Office. My review of emails to and from Rindfleisch, along with discussions I have had with Rindfleisch, lead me to believe that Rindfleisch also 4 Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 10 of 47 Document 4-13 did significant amounts of work for Walker?s 2010 gubernatorial campaign, including?work on county time. - h. I know that Fran McLaughlin, referred to as ?Fran? and served as the Communications Director of the County Executives Office. Based on my review of emails, I also believe that McLaughlin may have been involved with the Walker 2010 gubernatorial campaign, including work on county time. i. I also know that Jim Villa, referred to as ?Villa? and ?Jim Villa? by Archer in her emails, is Walker?s former Chief of Staff and currently serves as a political adviser to Walker. EXH TO CONTENT SUMMARY ATTACHMENT A December ?Russell? and ?Nardelli? Forward of e-mail containing the Scoring of 15, 2009 scoring of vendor proposals for Vendor 11:10 AM housekeeping services Proposals December iillbader@qmail.com, Confidential information regarding Org 1972 21, 2009 'Kgilkes?, ?Nardelli?, coliectivebargaining agreements documents 1:10 PM ?Russeli?, and December 'Fran?, Information regarding the scope Capital Budget 22, 2009 ?l wrote: Got it. 3 To: Kelly respond if you get this. From: carcherl?wi.rr.com Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 10:27 AM subject: test thanks Case Filed Page 30 of 47 Document 4-13 Budde, David From: oarcher1@wi.rr.oom Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 3:58 PM To: Russet! Subject: Fwd: Fw: Employee by Seniority Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Green Attachments: Fw? Employee by Seniority (2.75 MB) FmL_Enu?oyee by Seniority I One of my union people are telling me that the reason we are not getting the union?s attention with layoffs is because we are not hitting seniority (which we already knew). Attached is a list of represented staff by seniority. My union person also said we are not hitting the 'professional' level union employees but rather focusing on low level units and that accross the board layoffs might be more effective. Also, we talked to Jack and Barry today about proceeding with privitizing housekeeping at the airport and perhaps the HVAC staff. The Board passed the resolution that will keep us from further privitizing without their approval. I am following up with departments that may have propodals in the hopper that failed in the last budget that would allow us to issue contracts over the next month. There are not many. If we proceed with the layoffs at the Airport and prvitize, we need to be prepared to do our last wave of layoffs. Hence the list below might be helpful. Don't tell Nardelli I sent this to you. He is already being funny about it so just keep this between us. Case Filed 07t31/15 "Page 31 of 47 Document 4-i3 Page 1 of1 Budde, David From: Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 3:39 PM To: I carcher1@wi.rr.oom Subject: Fw: Employee by Seniority Attachments: Rep Positions by Archer, Director Department of Administrative Services 901 North 9th Street, Room 308 Milwaukee, WI 53233 Direct: (414) 278-4808 Fax: (414) 223-1245 Forwarded by Archer/DOA/Milwaukee County on 03/22/2010 03:38 PM From: Sue Drummond/DOA/Milwaukee County To: Archer/DONMiiwaukee Date: 03/22/2010 03:35 PM Subiect: Employee by Seniority ?ikm.?i.u . . . ii.? 11:53.13: 1'4? Cindy reformatted the report to match what John had sent earlier. It is sorted by department then seniority hours. Please note the Seniority hours are the hours in the union not necessarily hours with the county (ie Fran Flanigan has 7.32 years in the union but has 25 years career in the county). Also i converted Seniority hours to years by dividing the hours we have posted in the system by 2080 (hours normally worked in ayear). Let me know if you have any questions. Sue Drummond Payroll Manager Milwaukee County 901 9th Street Room 301 Milwaukee Wl 53233 Office (414) 278-4359 Cell (414) 322-2302 Fax (414) 223-1901 This message is intended for the sole use of the individual and entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended addressee, nor abthorized to receive for the intended addressee, you are hereby notified that you may not use, copy, disclose or distribute to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. if you have received this message in error, please immediately advise the sender by reply email and delete the message. Case 2:15-cv-00922-LA Filed 07/31/15 Page 32 of 47 Document 4-13 12/1/2010 Page 1 of3 Budde, David 'From: catcher [caroher1@wi.rr.com] Sent: Thursday, April 08. 2010 7:23 PM To: skw@soottwalker.org; 'Thomas Nardellit Ce: 'Kelly Rindfleiseh'; 'Fran McLaughlin'; 'Keith Gilkes'; Johnson?; 'Jill Bader? Subject: RE: DeBruin Creates Yet .One More issue at BHD Scott, can 1 share this email with Lisa via her home email address? We have no idea of who this doc is and what 'his story is. has a tendency to over-react and i would like to hear from Lisa (via private email) what the real story is. If you send the Sheriff over there, it wilt result in ?overkiil? just like it did with the security staff. He tends to overdo it. Can i get Lisa's read on this? . Also. she failed to mention that according to Nardelli, she reported this problem to you very much. 69 From: skw@scottwalker.org Sent: Thursday, spril 08, 2010 4:33 PM To: Thomas Nardelli Cc: Kelly Rindfleisch; Cindy Archer; Fran McLaughlin; Keith Gilkes; Johnson; Jill Bader Subject: Re: DeBruin Creates Yet One More Issue at BHD Why have they not done anything? Was there some question about access? Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlaokBerry From:- Thomas Narclelli Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 14:01:33 ?0700 (PDT) To: Scott Cc: Kelly Fran Keith RJ Johnson<1j @rjj ohnson. org>; 1 ill ader Subject: DeBruin Creates Yet One More Issue at BHD The email below was sent to your County account. It details how she shared information with Sehultze who sent an Open Records Request to her. This is Lynne's to give us a heads up just after she responds at the itiday deadline to the ORR. We've heard nothing from Sehultze, but I know we'lt get a cell at 3:30 tomorrow informing us that he has a short fused deadline. From: Lynne DeBruinICtyBoardtMilwaukee County To: County Exec lneUCo ExeciMilwaukee County@milwoo Co: David ClarketSherilf_DepUMilwaukee County@milwoo. Lee HollowaletyBoardtMilwaukee County@mitwco. Harold Mesten?CtyBoardfMitwaukee Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 33 of 47 Document 4-13 12/ 1/2010 Budde, David From: oarcher1@wi.rr.com Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 12:48 To: jillbader@gmail.com; Kelly; Kgilkes; Nardeili; Russell; Villa Subject: Walker opportunity? Attachments: update guys; doyle and City streetcar route (15.6 update guvs; doyle and City streetcar route (15.6 KB) update guvs; doyle update guvs; doyle andliD;Ctu. -- man, I think the CEX should blast Barrett over his transportation priorities. This article has good info in it including the projected operating costs for this street car loop. Based on how misinformed people were about transit at our listening session, perhaps it is a good time for the CEX to distinguish himself from Barrett on an issue that peOple seem to have strong opinions of. First, Barrett does an end round to _Congress and take over 60% of Federal money that was intended to support the Milwaukee County transit bus system in getting average people to their jobs and decides to build a 'tourist trolley' to circle down town instead and the he supports choo choo train that goes no where. Both of these initiatives have absolutely noting to do with getting everyday people to and from their jobs. The trolley will be used by downtown attorneys' and businessmen to get to and from lunch everyday and the train to the Dane County airport will be used by legislators and high?paid business peeple that want to work on their lap tops to and from their jobs. Not to mention the locally funded costs of both of these systems which will fall to the taxpayers. .- .. Case Filed 07l31/15 Page 34 of 47 Document 4-13 Page 1 of1 Budde, David From: carcher [carcher.1@wi.rr.com] Sent; Tuesday. May 18, 2010 6:13 PM To: gopfran@yahoo.oom; 'Jill Bader'; 'Jim Villa'; Kelly Rindfleisch; rj@rjjohnson.org; Tim Russell; timrussellwi@gmail.oom; Scott Walker Subject: email access In light of recent events, I will no longer be checking this email account dtlring the work day. We discussed this among CEX staff this morning and were unable to find alternatives. We can discuss more on Friday AM, but for now if something is urgent, please reach me on my personal cell phone (414) 881-4482 Cindy . . Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 35 of 47 Document 4-13 12/1/2010 . Budde,Davm From: carcher1@wi.rr.com Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 2:37 PM To: jilibader@gmail.com; Kelly; Kgiikes; Nardelli; Russell; Villa; SKW SLH?ect: Nuen?annrequest#2 . Laurie Panella Interim IMSD Director 901 N. 9th Street Courthouse, Room 307C Milwaukee, WI 53233 5/7/2010 EXHIT Dear Ms. Panella, This letter is a request under Wisconsin's Open Records Law (Wis. Stat. If you are not the proper legal custodian for any of the requested records, forward this request to the proper legal custodian and inform us of the name, department, title, and contact information for the proper legal custodian of those records. As provided by the Open Records Law, we expect that your response will be provided as soon as possible with no delay. If we do not receive a response by June 18, 2010, we will assume that you have denied this request. If this request is denied, please email online@markforgov.com with the specific reason(s) for denial and the reference(s) to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely, and advise us of the process through which we may appeal. ?The denial of public access generally is contrary to the public interest, and only in an exceptional case may access be denied.? (Wis. Stat. 19.31). If any records are redacted, please provide the reason(s} for redaction. Open Records Request If records are available electronically, please provide them in that format to online?markforgov.com. 1. Please provide all electronic correSpondence to or from the following people that contains any of these words phrases (in either the actual correspondence or the_metadata attached to the correspondence): Governor, Neumann, Election, Republican, Democrat, ReinCe, Priebus, ScottForGov, scottwalker.org, myscottspot.org, facebook, twitter, jsonline, MarkForGov, StrongWisconsin, Tim Russell, Timothy Russell, Schulze, Gilkes, Fadness, Fuller, Grebe, Bader, Evenson, Karst, Haag, Ripka, McFarland, Rivera, Dieck, Blinker, Hoisington, Tea Party, Graber, Aprahamian, Mark Block, Brad Courtney, Stitt, James Villa, Jim Villa, convention, endorse, endorsement, Lincoln day, Klauser, Kohler, Citizens for Responsible Government, CRG, Americans for Prosperity, AFR, Republican Party of Wisconsin, RPW, - WISGOP, GOP, Republican Party of Milwaukee County, The Bradley Foundation Limit the records to June 1, 2009 through May 31, 2010. If such records do not exist for this time period, provide the records for as far back as they go and provide 1) a record of the disposal or destruction of the records in this request since June 1, 2009 and 2) the data retention policies and procedures for the records in this request. Milwaukee County Employees: Scott Walker, Timothy Russell (Tim Russell), Darlene Wink, Thomas Nardelli (Tom Nardelli), Sherry Hill, Frances McLaughlin, Dorothy Moore, Robert Nenno, Cheryl Berdan, Edward Eberle, Brenda Cannon, Hattie Daniels?Rush Case Filed 07/81/15 Page 36 of 47 Document 4-13 I 2. Please provide every internet browsing'history log file, web browser cache, temporary internet file, bookmark, and cookie from all web browsers Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari) on the computers used by the following people, and from backup copies on all central fileservers, storage devices, and archive devices unless the backup copy duplicates a produced document. Please keep the file and directory metadata intact. Milwaukee County Employees: Scott Walker, Timothy Russell (Tim Russell), Darlene Wink, Thomas Nardelli (Tom Nardelli), Sherry Hill, Frances McLaughlin, Dorothy Moore, Robert Nenno, Cheryl-Berdan, Edward Eberle, Brenda Cannon, Hattie DanielsnRush 3. Please provide the date and time, duration, caller?s phone number, callee?s phone number, name of the Milwaukee County employee, and any other easily available call identifying information for all calls originating from or received by a Milwaukee County landline or cell phone assigned to one of the following former or current Milwaukee County employees. If Milwaukee county did not assign a landline or Cell phone to an employee, please provide the above request for the phone located at the desk(s) where the employee was located. Limit the records to January 1, 2009 through May 31, 2010. Records for this time period are expected to exist as the telephone company maintains such records. However, if such records do not exist for this time period, provide the records for as far back as they go and provide 1) a record of the diSposal or destruction of the records in this request since January 1, 2009 and 2) the data retention policies and procedures for the records in this request. Milwaukee County Employees: Scott Walker, Timothy Russell (Tim Russell), Darlene Wink, Thomas Nardelli (Tom Nardelli), Sherry Hill, Frances McLaughlin, Dorothy Moore, Robert Nenno, Cheryl Berdan, Edward Eberle, Brenda Cannon, Hattie Daniels~Rush Please include all attachments to any emails responsive to this request. We realize that some of these requests may take longer to compile than others. Please advise us as each individual group of records becomes available for my examination or possible dissemination. Please advise us in advance of any fees in excess of $50.00 for compiling this information. As a not~for?profit entity under the laws of Wisconsin, we request that you provide these records for free or at a reduced charge pursuant to Wis. Stat. Please email online@markforgov.com with any questions about this request. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Sincerely, Mark Neumann_for Governor 2120 Pewaukee Rd., Suite 120 Waukesha, WI 53058 Filed 079/31/15 Page 37 Document4-13 Budde, David From: Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 2:35 PM To: - jillbader@gmail.com; Kelly; Kgilkes; Nardelli; Russell; Villa; SKW Subject: - Neumann request #1 Dr. Karen R. Jackson Director of Human Resources 901 N. 9th Street Courthouse, Room 210 - EXHIBIT Milwaukee, WI 53233 6/7/2010 Dear Ms. Jackson, This letter is a request under Wisconsin's Open Records Law (Wis. Stat. 19.3lm39). If you are not the proper legal custodian for any of the requested records, forward this request to the proper legal custodian and inform us of the name, department, title, and contact information for the proper legal custodian of those records. As provided by the Open Records Law, we expect that your response will be provided as soon as possible with no delay. If we do not receive a response by June 18, 2010, we will assume that you have denied this request. If this request is denied, please email online@markforgov.com with the specific reason(s) for denial and the referencels) to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely, and advise us of the process through which we may appeal. ?The denial of public access generally is contrary to the public interest, and only in an exceptional case may access be denied.? (Wis. Stat. 19.31). If any records are redacted, please provide the reasonls) for redaction. Open Records Request If records are available electronically, please provide them in that format to online@markforgov.com. 1. Please provide the first name, last name, department, title, start date, end date, job code, job description, salary, whether the person was hired or appointed (if appointed, by whom) of every former and current Milwaukee County employee. If any if the listed fields are not available, please continue to produce the remaining fields. Please provide the data in an Excel spreadsheet or comma?separated values (CSV) format. Limit the records to only include people employed at least one day between January 1, 2009 and May 31, 2010. If such records do not exist for this time period, provide the records for as far back as they go and provide 1) a record of the disposal or destruction of the records in this request since January 1, 2009 and 2) the data retention policies and procedures for the records in this request. 2. Please provide the personnel records of the following Milwaukee County employees. Please note that public employees have no expectation of privacy in records demonstrating potentially illegal conduct even if disclosure would dilute their Case 2:15-cv-00922-LA Filed Page 38 of 47 Document 4-13 effectiveness at their jobs. State ex rel. Ledford v. Turcotte, 195 Wis. 2d 244, 252, 536 130, 133 (Ct. App. 1995). The purpose of this request is to uncover information on employees suspected of campaigning for Scott Walker for Governor using Milwaukee County reSources or while on Milwaukee County time. Milwaukee County Employees: Scott Walker, Timothy Russell (Tim Russell), Darlene Wink, Thomas Nardelli (Tom Nardelli), Sherry Hill, Frances McLaughlin, Dorothy Moore, Robert Nenno, Cheryl Berdan, Edward Eberle, Brenda Cannon, Hattie Daniels?Rush We realize that some of these requests may take longer to compile than others. Please advise us as each individual group of records becomes available for my examination or possible dissemination. Please advise us in advance of any fees in excess of $50.00 for compiling this information. As a not~for?profit entity under the laws of Wisconsin, we request that you provide these records for free or at a reduced charge pursuant to Wis. Stat. Please email online@markforgov.com with any questions about this request. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Sincerely, Mark Neumann for Governor 2120 Pewaukee Rd., Suite 120 Waukesha, WI 53058 Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 39 of 47 Document 4-13 Page 1 of1 Budde, David From: I carcher [carcherl@wi.rr.com] Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2010 10:22 PM To: ?Jill Bader?; 'Jim Villa'; Kelly Rindfleisch; rj@rjjohnson.org; Scott Walker; Tim Russell; timrussellwi@gmait.com; Subject: email me anytime! broke down and uograded my personal cell phone to a blackberry with this email address. Feel free to email me anytime. Absolutely no connection to Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 40 of 47 Document 4-13 12/1/2010 Budde, David From: Sent To: Sumect Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: I talked to Rj this AM and he wants some more analysis of the City budget. carcher1@wi.rr.com Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:21 AM Russeil city budget Follow up Green Can you secure me a hard copy of the Mayor's 2010 recommended budget so I can get familar with the layout, compile it. tables, Once I find the appropriate data, Brain could help us Let me know. definitions etc? It is too hard for me to work off of an electronic copy. - Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 41 of 47 Document 4-13 Page 1 of1 Budde, David From: carcher [carchert @wi.rr.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:46 AM To: Kelly Rindfleisch Subject: open records requests ljust sent an email to the breakfast group. Based on what Keith is telling me about the Mayor?s Office we may want to slow our process down. I know it seems like we are taking our time, but in comparison to the Mayor's Office we are operating a lightening speed. i am only talking about the ones related to SKW, not O'Donnell park. My sense from Keith is that we should be operating one step above ignoring Maybe at the meeting today you should focus only on O?Donnell Park issues and delay the rest until the next I also needto give Panetla guidance on how fast to do these and my gut is we are doing them too fast .. Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 42 of 47 Document 4413 12/1/2010 Budde, David From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: =ww BHD RFP (8.41 KB) See below. carcher'l @wi.rr.com' Thursday, August 19, 2010 2:49 PM jillbader@gmall.com; Kelly; Nardelli; Russell; vma Fwd: Fw: BHD RFP Heads up Fwy BHD RFP (8.41 KB) Looks like they will not be able to get this out by end of August ~a at least not without some substantial push back from CEX Office. Case 2:15-cv-00922-LA Filed 07/31/15 Page 43 of 47 Document 4-13 I Page 1 of2 Budde, David From: Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 2:46 PM To: carcher1@wi.rr.com Subject: Fw: BHD RFP Archer, Director Department of Administrative Services 901 North 9th Street, Room 308 Milwaukee, WI 53233 Direct: (414) 278-4808 Fax: (414) 223-1245 Forwarded by ArchertDOAiMilwaukee County on 081399010 02:45 PM From: Geri LydaleHStMilwaukee County To: ArcherlDOAfMilwaukee Cc: Allison RozektDOAr?Milwaukee County@miiwco, Joan County@milwco, John County@milwco. Steven KreklothOAfMilwaukee County@milwco Date: 08? Bi2010 06:12 PM Subject: Re: BHD RFP - 3345339652?; . ?asyxm? r-?Av- 1 - - Cindy, was shooting for the end of August. However, when we all met with Zimmerman, they were pretty clear that this type or RFP takes some time even with the information already compiled from the proposals on the move to St Mike?s. They stressed that the more information you provide up-front with very defined and specific parameters the better off you wilt be at the end of ensuring a good outcome and attracting solid . bidders/developers. They provided a concrete example of how a process can get complicated with minimal up- front information. The group during the meeting struggled a bit in defining our parameters given the politics of the Board and making sure we couid deliver on what the County Executive, wanted to achieve in the RFP . Given we knew the County Executive, wanted this out by the end of August and Zimmerman, felt that ideally that was a short timeframe we pushed back on them to work with us to get it out by September, 10th. We definitely, need them to assist us in getting this done. We were trying to assure that the RPF was completed before the County Executive, delivered his budget and prior to the next HHN Committee mtg. While, keeping in mind that a . resolution to built a new facility would be introduced by some Board members during the September Board cycle. The goal is to have the finai document ready for pickup by the public on September .10th and a draft ready for review by September, 3rd. recognize ,that I said we could have this completely by the end of August but after talking with Zimmerman, I believe this is the best we can do given the timeframe and still have a very respectable outcome and product. This is about a week or so after the end of August. Please, give me call if you wish to talk further. .Geri. From: ArcheriDOAIMilwaukee County "To: Geri County@milwco, John Joan Cc: Steven KrektowIDOAlMilwaukee Allison RozeleOAlMiiwaukee County@MiLWCO Date: 08!18t2010 02:40 PM Subject: BHD RFP Case Filed 07/31/15 - Page 44 of 47 Document 4-13 12/1/2010 Page 2 of2 The CEX wanted the RFP out by the end of August. I talked to Geri and she indicated this could be done. Steve is now telling me that at the meeting yesterday it was decided the target date was Sept 10. I have already told the CEX based on what Geri told me that it WOULD be out by the end of August. What's up? Archer, Director Department of Administrative Services 901 North 9th Street, Room 308 Milwaukee, WI 53233 Direct: (414) Fax: (414) 223?1245 This message is intended for the sole use of the individual and entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended addressee, nor authorized to receive for the intended addressee, you are hereby notified that you may not use, copy, disclose or distribute to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received this message in error, please immediater advise the sender by reply email and delete the message. Case Filed 07/31/15 Page 45 of 47 Document 4-13 12/1/2010 at. 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