Step 1: Adjustments are made based on district characteristics Cost of Education Index (CEI) – based on 1989 -1990 district characteristics such as size of district, teacher salaries of neighboring districts, % of low-income students in the district. The CEI has not been updated since 1991 Multiplier ranges from 1.02 to 1.20 Basic Allotment – amount that every school district is guaranteed to receive in state and local funds for each student in Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Adjustments are made $4,950 for FY2014 $5,040 for FY2015 Small or MidSize District Adjustment Sparsity Adjustment Adjusted Allotment (AA) Step 2: Adjustments are made for student characteristics Start with the Regular Program Allotment Regular Program Allotment Adjusted Allotment Regular Education ADA (students not eligible for weighted funding) Regular Program Adjustment Factor (RPAF) Created in 2011 to reduce the regular program allotment. It was set to 100% for 2014 and 2015, effectively eliminating this reduction before it expires at the close of FY2015 Then make adjustment for the weights or allotments attributed to special populations. Weights and allotments are assigned for Compensatory Education (0.20), Special Education (1.1 to 5.0), Career & Technical (1.35), Advanced Course Career & Technical, Bilingual/ESL (0.1), Pregnancy Related Services (2.41), Military Allotment (only by appropriation), Gifted & Talented (0.12), Public Education Grant (0.1), High School Student, New Instructional Facility Allotment, Transportation Allotment. For example: The Compensatory Education weight is a 20% add-on for a student that is economically disadvantaged: Adjusted Allotment 0.20 Compensatory Education Enrollment (ADA) Compensatory Education Allotment For example: The High School Allotment allows for $275 per each student in ADA in grades 9 through 12: Adjusted Allotment $275 ADA for grades 9 through 12 Once all of the allotments are calculated they are added together to arrive at the High School Allotment Tier I Entitlement Step 3: Calculate the State and Local Share of the Tier I Entitlement First determine how much revenue can be generated through local property wealth: Compressed Tax Rate ($1.00 for each $100 of property value for most districts) Local Fund Assignment (LFA) – The portion of the Tier I Entitlement that the district is responsible for Prior year property value as determined by the Comptrollers Office Then  the  state’s  share  is  the  amount  of  the  Tier  I  Entitlement  over  the  Local  Fund  Assignment   Tier I Entitlement Local Fund Assignment (LFA) State Share of Entitlement If the Local Fund Assignment for a district is more than the Tier I Entitlement that district is subject to the Recapture provisions of Chapter 41 in the school code. One hundred fifty-three districts were subject to recapture in FY2015. Tier I Entitlement < LFA = Recapture Tier I Entitlement > LFA = State Aid 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Five Recapture Options: Consolidate with another district Detach property Purchase attendance credits from the state Contract to educate nonresident students Consolidate tax bases with another district Now  on  to  Tier  II….   Tier II funding is based on Weighted Average Daily Attendance (WADA) Take the Tier I Entitlement (subtract) Transportation Allotment (subtract) New Instructional Facilities Allotment (subtract) High School Allotment (subtract) 50% of the Cost of Education Index ----------------------------------------------------Adjusted Tier I Entitlement Adjusted Tier I Entitlement Adjusted Basic Allotment WADA