DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE OFFICE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT . REPORT OF INVESTIGATION REPORT#: 2006503363R001 APPROVED Note: This document contnins neither recommendations nor conclusions of the Office of Law Enforcement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It is the propmy of this office and is loaned to your agency. It, nnd its contents are not to be distributed outside of your agency. CASE TITLE OPERATION: G-BIRD SENSITIVE CASE REPORT DATE CASE NUMBER 0610912006 2006503363 REPORTING OFFICER - -S~ APPROVED BY (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) SA C/LE/Region .5 SUBJECTS OFREPQRT SYNQPS!S This report will document the unlawful smuggling of finches from Guyana into the United States. DISTRIBUT/ON Internal List REPORT STATUS PENDING (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) This document cont:iins neither recommendations nor conclusions of lhc Office of Law Enfon:cmcnt, U.S. Fash and Wildlife Sc:rvicc. It is the property of this offi<:c 1111d is loaned to your ngcncy. It, and its contents, lll'C not ID be distribuled oulSide of your agency. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION INV #: 2006503363 Title: OPERATION: G-BIRD Report #:00 l finches and last May 2005 he brought in two (2) finches. stated another passenger namedandbrought in 29 finches on that flight as well. stated ~re information about who is smuggling, buying and selling finches from Guyana and would meet with SAnext week. WI issued seizure tag number 854340 to the seized property. The five (5) live finches were sent to USDA Vet Services to be quarantined. The five (5) live finches, one dead finch, six hair curlers and birdseed were voluntarily abandoned to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service~achment 3). SA logged the evidence in the New York OLE evidence room. SAescorted out of the airport. On 6/9/06, SAreceived a call fromat l5~ stated. is willing to help in any way possible with the investigation. knows of three key people who buy finches from Guyana travelers and sell them within the community. SAcontacted the U.S. Attorney's Office and spoke with AUSA . On 7/10/06, only three of the five live finches survived USDA' s quarantine according to USDA Veterinarian (Attachment 4). SA picked up and sent three live finches to a wildlife care facility in Florida (Property Receipt - Attachment 5). DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECTS. DOB SS U.S. Passport No. - PRIOR VIOLATIONS No previous wildlife violations were identified for this subject in LEMIS. No matching records for this subject were found in NCIC Criminal background query. Page 2 of 4 (b )(6),(b)(7)(C) This document contnins neither n:commc:ndations na- 1:t111clusions of the Office of l..:iw Enforcement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It is the propeny of this office lllld is loaned to your agency. It. 1111d its C011tcnts, 111e not 10 be distributed ou&sidc of your ngency. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION INV#: 2006503363 Report #:001 Title: OPERATION: G-BIRD WITNESSES. Special Agent- 70 E. Sunrise ~ NY 11581 Wildlife Inspector70 E. Sunrise Hwy~ - NY11581 LAWS VIOLATED. Title 16 USC 545 It is imlawf1'1 to fraudulently or knowingly bring into the United States any merchandise contrary to law, or receive, conceal, buy, sell, or in any manner facilitate the transportation, concealment, or sale ofsuch merchandise after importation, knowing the same to have been imported or brought into tire United States contrary to law. To wit: On 6/8/06,imported five (5) live finches and one (1) dead finch into the United States. Each bird was concealed in hair curlers. Title 16 USC 3372 a (2) (A) To import in interstate or foreign commerce any fish or wildlife taken, possessed transported, or sold in violation of any law or regulation ofany state or in violation ofany foreign law: To wit: Guyana law ~he exportation of finches from their country without pennits from Guyana. On 6/8/06,imported five (5) live finches and one (1) dead finch without any permits. Evidence. Seizure tag number: 854340 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 live finches (Cared for by Fauna Link Facility, Plant City, Florida). 2 dead finch (Destroyed and documented by USDA Vet Services). 6 hair curlers (NY OLE). 1 bag of birdseed (NY OLE). 1 dead finch (NY OLE). Page 3of4 (b )(6),(b)(7)(C) This document conlllins neither n:commendations nor conclusions of du: Office of Law Enforcement. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. ll is the It. and ilS coa1cncs, :ire not to be distributed OUISidc of your ngcney. prnpa1Y of this offi<:und is lollMd to )'OU!' ageney. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION INV #: 2006503363 Report #:001 Title: OPERATION: G-BIRD ATTACHMENTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. passport and declaration. Fonn 3-1984 dated 6/8/06. USFWS Abandonment Form signed 6/8/06. USDA Veterinarian letter dated 7/11/06. Property Receipt dated 7/10/06. Page 4of4 bH.121 In -JJ: y-wgmw-w-u 1* - i Jyrug??" . mo; rule-JIM i, - 12-'15 .rlo Pl. I If nil-?Lug? -. I- LFI --. Pf?'?fmr Mr? rmfu :nJirj'?.4111333-" 3.4595 a. . Pvt-J?- -r 4 I [Lg-11:. 55:: 1 LT: . 51* . ;mm ?og?fbh?) JtV-r . (b)(6),(b )(7)(C) U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICI PLAC£ "'J.d WAIVll Belore we ask you any queshons, you must understand I have read this statement of my 11ghls and I under· your tights. stand what my rights are I am w1lllng to make a st;ite· You have the right to remi1111 silent. ment and answer questions. I do nOt want a .s. nlll AJllD WU.OUR SEaV1CC n11ml'I OP LAW El'IFO•CEllEllT 813-650-8650 (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) PROPIRTY RECEIPT DATE .\ND TIME Of RECElPT;· :'Ell NO. p.1 FILE NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: (1) INV# ~(5"'o'>J~ Attachment #~ROI #_f_ Page# ( r of...:./_ _ ercl.J' eutffJ da.1 ••• aLcnc i• a -l'W'Cd • • • eo•plcte b.Ye11lor7 I• - • (reeiehed/•i•C'i lty) (1.....terred r.... ) lh aadenlped n tlat-. 1lae ••411 place. ••• th•t &Jae Hid wa1 . . . . ia tlM rrceeac:c el; - .. ••• do•• ... ••..y .... -1aJ ac1i.-11111.- receipt al a -n al thb laTc.e-, mad daat It ,.. _._, roa• a.ass C•l•U 08/ 1112006 FRI 11 : 40 CTI/ RI ND 94351 ®001 . . (b)(6),(b}(7)(C) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEIUOR U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE OFFICE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORT OF INVESTIGATION REPORT#: 2006503363R002 APPROVED Nole: This document cont:iins neilher rec:ommend:ltions nor conclusions oflhcOfficc oflAw Enforcement, U.S. Fish :md Wildlife Service. It is the property of this officc ;iml is lo;ined ID your agency. It, :ind ilS contents :ire not Ill be dislributed outsklc of your ;igcncy. CASE TITLE OPERATION: G-BIRD SENSITIVE CASE REPORT DATE CASE NUMBER 08/29/2006 2006503363 REPORTING OFFICER . s. . . REPORT STA ros PENDING APPROVED BY SACllE/Regio11 S SYNOPSIS Th~ocuments the smuggling of thirteen (13) live finches into the U.S. from Guyana on 08/08/2006. The smuggler,- 1-.. ~nded by U.S. Customs and Border Protection at J.F.K. International A· ort. The finches were found in hair curlers in- -carry-on baggage. FWS SAsandinterviewed at the ai ort. An employee at the Guyana airport was used to get the birds around airport security procedures in that country. admitted to receiving payment and promises of payment to deliver the birds to individuals in the U.S. At least one of these recipients is involved in the commercialization {resale) of smuggled finches from Guyana. QLSIIWJJOKlJ:i Internal list .s~ (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) This document cunt~ins neilhcr r«ommcudations nor conclusions oflhc Ollke ofUiw Enforcement. U.S, Fish and Wildlife Servlce, It is the prop~ny of ll1is office Pnd is loaned to your 11gency. It, nntl 1ts contents, urc: not to be distribut<: