02l0612012 12:59 HS Police Department 0W1 321 G708 P0023002 LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (LEA) ARMORED TACTICAL VEHICLE REQUEST SCREENER m. AR6877 . .l-lot Springs Polloe Department POC ADDRESS (No p.0? Box): 641 Malvern Avenue CITY: Hot Springs STAIE: Ar ZIP: 71901 PHONE, 561-?3?i-?e?ie?xt 501-321-6708 1. Type of Armored Tactical Vehicle Requested (if a speci?c type is required): Wheeled armored vehlcle 2. Number ofArmOred Vehicles Requested: 1 . Geographic Responsibility (Square Miles Covered): anw'mm 'Wn? ??High Intensity Drug mmcking Area (HIDTA): Yes No Verify at: 5. Is the LEA willing to accept an Armored Tactical Vehicle that is: TrackedO Wheeled Either 6. Number/Type of 1208/1033 Armored Tactical Vehicles Currently on Inventory: 0 65"? 7. SpecielConsiderations: several ori?ce! areas cf responsibility include the largest theme park Antansas Magic Spungs Fa?ls. Caklawn Racetrack has one of the largest daily attendance ram forhom racing In the nation. three hydro about dams and a National Park located directly In the center ofthe cw. are a regional and commercial area and the daly population ol'tsn emcee 100,000. The Chief Executive Of?cial/Head of Agency (Local Field Of?ce), by signing, certi?es that the requesting agency listed above has the appropriate funds, persmmel, and eqmpmentm operate and maintain the requested vehicle. It is also understood that this agency will not sell, trade, or cannibalize parts, armored vehicles acquired through the 1033 Program. They certify that all information contained above is accurate and the request for an armomd tactical vehicle is warranted and has been approved CHIEF EXECUTIVE Z74 ?ora harem; HEAD OF LOCAL AGENCY NAME I "i STATE COORDINATOR: L, 1., .