85/28f2613 15: 46 3286298392 P080 PAGE E12 LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (LEA) ARMORED TACTICAL VEHICLE REQUEST SCREENER ID: AGENCY (300W 5% 09m P00: 322% Egg?. mgr-gm, 5' Cum brawn?) ADDRESS 13 OM be Sm mo ClTY:%uz_ STATE: mtg, ZIP: PHONE: FAX: - ?392 1. Type ofArmored Tactical Vehioic Requested (if a type is required): -- Number of Armored Vehicles Requested: Geographic Responsibility (Square Miles Covered): 13 1 55;: Mike: 15 the LEA in aHigb Intensity Drug Traf?cking Area (HIDTA): Yes 0 No Verify at: 5. Is theiLBA willingm acceptan Armored Tactical} Vehiolc that is: Trackch Wheeled Either 6. of 1208/1033 Armored Tactical Vehicles on Inventory: in?? . SpecialConsiderations: - (S'an W4 Hm Sadat-a:ng W9 (rm-r chm? hm mu VM 1, IMW The Chief Executive Of?cial/Head of Agency (Local Field Of?ce), by signing, certi?es that the requesting agency listed above has the apprOpriate funds, personnel, and equipment to operate: and maintain the rechsted which. It is also understood that this agency will no: ac", trade. or cannibalize for parts, armored vchides acquired through the 1033 Program. Thesy certify that all information contained above is accurate and the request for an armored tactical vehicle is warranted and has been approved 7 CHIEF EXECUIWE omcmu: s'nwm Mm Ems MAD OF LOCALAGENCY -: . A . ewe? WW, Faso 4.. sum COORDINATOR: mm: 13%} (NOT REQUIRED FOR FEDERAL) LESO USE ONLY LESO OFFICIAL: DATE LEA WAS ADDED TO THE NATIONAL PRIORITY LIST: 8 - 3 LESO NOTES: . 4 DISAPPROVED BY 1,2505 REASON: