LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (LEA) ARMORED TACTICAL VEHICLE REQUEST m; NY25863 AGL-NCY NAMr-tz OSWGQO City Police Department l?tX): ADDRESS (N0 v.0. Bux):169 2_nd St CITY: gswego EMAIL: I PHONE: 315-342- 345342?200 l. 'l ol?Armorcd 'l'actical Vehicle Requested (ii?a speci?c type is required): 2. Number ot?Armored Vehicles Requested: 1 I 3. Geographic Responsibility (Square Miles 11High Intensity Drug Traf?cking chO No 6) Verify at: 1 :r'r'w awhile 5. [5 the willing to accept an Armored Tactical Vehicle that is: Tim;ka Wheeled lfilhcr 6. Number/{me of 1208/l033 Armored Tactical Vehicles Currently on im-cntOry: 0 7. Specialtfonsidcrulions: No current armored capability within the county. Cunent emergency rescues require high risk tactics. Vehicle would be available to neighboring jurisdictions if requested. ?l he Chicl' lixccmive Of?cial/Head of Agency (Local Field Of?ce), b} signing, certifies that the requesting agency listed abm-c has the appropriate funds. personnel. and equipment to operate and maintain the requested vehicle. it is also understood that this agency will not sell. trade. or cannibalize for parts. armored vehicles ucQuired thruugh the 1033 Program. The) certify thatall information contained above is accurate and the request For an armored tactical vehicle is warranted and has been approved DATE 3/19/12 CHIEF EXECUTIVE 0608er HEAD OF LOCAL AGENCY El.) NAM NATUR STATE COORDINATOR: Doha-I EJw/ffd?c?w_ (NOT REQUIRED FOR FEDERAL) lNl?if-ID SIGN/trim}; USE ON LY LESO OFFICIAL: WAS TO THE PRIORITY 4 ya? I H80 Norhs: DISAPPROVED lw REASON: