5lpr 13 12 09:11a LAW ENFORCELIENT AGENCY (LEA) ARNIORED TACTICAL VEHICLE REQUEST SCWER ID: AGENCY NW: Chester?eld Of?ce POC: ADDRESS (No v.0. Box): ?09 Rd- Cm; Chester?eld STATE: ZIP: 29709 BMAI h8$t?f?8id$h6fif?0f9 mom 843-62! 843-623-3534 1. Type of Armored Tactical Vehicle Requested (if a speci?c type is required): Any wheeled mored tactical vehicle 2. Number of Armored Vehicles Requested: 1 Geographic Responsibility (Square Miles CoveredHigh Intensity Dmg'i?ra?adng Area (HIDTA): Yegm Verify at: - teh . ov/hidta Is the LEA willing to accept an Armored Tactical Vehicle that is: Trader Wheeied Eimer NumbedType of 120N103 Armored Tactical Vehicles Cun?uniy on Inventory: 1/ 107mm APC (NSN: 2350010696931) 7. SpecialConsiderations: We would prefer a wheeled armored tact]! vehicle mpablo of stopping up to a .50 BMG round and with blast protection In the underbelly for protection from booby traps or Improvised explosive devices. The vehicle should be able to transport at least 8 people. The Chief Bxecuu've Of?cial/Head of Agency (Local Field Of?ce), by signing, certi?es that the requesting agency listed above has the appropriate funds, personnel, and equipment to operate md maintain the requested vehicle. It is also undeniood that this agency will not sell, trade, or cannibalize for parts, armed vehiclm acquired through the 1033 Program. They certify that all information coruained above is accurate and the rapes: far an armored tactical vehicle is wax-muted and has been approved CHIEF EXECUTIVE omcuu: Sheri? Sam Parker DATE: 04/1 0/2012 HEAD or LOCAL AGENCY amen STATE coonmm'rom ?32-7013? (NOT REQUIRED FOR FEDERAL) mm NAM 3mm LESO DATE LEA WAS ADDED TO THE NATIONAL PRIORITY LIST: 9? LESO NOTES: DISAPPROVED BY Leso:[: REASON: