05!23!2013 15:38 Lav CID 5W157937794 P0021002 LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (LEA) ARMORED TACTICAL VEHICLE REQUEST SCREBNBR Hair" 5 NAME: LaVergne Police Department POC ADDRESS (No pa 5093 Murfreesboro Rd. CITY: LaVelgne STATE: TN ZIP: 37086 lavergnetn.gov 615-79_ FAX: 615-793-2393 1. Type ofArmorod Tactical Vehicle Requested (if a speci?c type is requiled): ?57 MRAP 2. Number of Armored Vehicles Requested: 1 - Geographic Responsibility (Square Miles CoveredHigh Intensity Drug Traf?cking Area Yes No Ve?fy at: is the LEA willing to accept an Armored mum Vehicle that is: Treeka Wheeled (5) Either Number/Type of 1208/1033 Armored Tactical Vehicles Currently on Inventory: 0 7. Sp eeialConsidoratiolls: We have the largest sub alvan in TN as well as the largest lraller park. The TN dlelrtbutlon and storage to: [he Co-Op houses loraosmounta mm and manipulate located lnowuty. Tnmlomo a lame nmluuh may. We aluo magnum. Our clly ls also bordered by a large lake which ls mad and operated by Army corp Eng. We also have 6 Schools In our clty. The Chief Executive Of?cial/Head of Agency (Local Field O?lce), by signing, celti?es that the requesting agency listed above has the appropriate ?lnds, personnel, and equipment to operate and maintain the requested vehicle. It is also understood that this agency will not sell, trade, or cannibalize for parts, armored vehicles acquired through the 1033 Program. They celtify that all infmmation contained above is accurate and the request for an armored tactical vehicle is warranted and has been approved CHIEF EXECUTIVE Mike Walker DATE, 5-23-13 HEAD OF LOCAL AGENCY .4 STATE COORDINATOR: but? 3 nk ER DATE: 5 1:13 - 3 (NOT REQUIRED FOR FEDERAL) PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE LESO USE ONLY LESO OFFICIAL: DATE LEA WAs ADDED TO THE NATIONAL PRIORITY LIST: 5" l? - I 3 LESO NOTES: DISAPPROVBD BY