?ec 23. 20'? 9 34AM BASTROP COUNTY 30 No.2678 272 LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (LEA) ARMORED TACTICAL VEHICLE REQUEST SCREENER - Doom "90531 AGENCY NAME: Bastrop County Sheriff's Office ADDRESS Box): 200 Jackson Street Cm: TeXas m: 78602 Mamas?qu mom 512 549- 512 549 5188 1. Me of Armored Tactical Vehicle Requested (ife speci?c type is required): Leneo armored vehlcle(Bearcat) 2 Number ofArmored Vehicles Requested: 1 Geographic Respomibility (Square Miles Coveted):896 High Intensity Drug 'I?ra?icking Area (HIDTA): Verify at 5. Is the LEA willing to accept an Armored Tactical Vehicle ihat ie' Tracka Wheeled Either 6. Numberfl'ype of 1208/1033 Annored Tactical Vehicles Currently on Inventory: None 7 SpecialConsiderations: m? leaned :Mm'lli The Chief Executive Of?cial/Head of Agency (Local Field Of?ce), by signing, certi?es that the requesting agency listed above hes the appropriate funds, personnel, and equipment to operate and maintain the requested vehicle. It is also understood that this agency will not sell, trade, or cannibalize for parts, armored vehicles acquired through the 1033 Program. They certify that all information contained mate and the request for an armored tactical vehicle is warranted and he: been approved sxecunvr: omcuu: [6907 More? DATE: 2 22% HEAD OF LOCAL AGENCY STATE COORDINATOR: 2- (NOT REQUIRED FOR FEDERAL) LESO OFFICIAL: i DATE LEA ms ADDED TO THENATIONAL mom"? us'r: . LESO NOTES- DISAPPROVED BY 1330:]