LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (LEA) ARMORED TACTICAL VEHICLE REQUEST SCREENER ID: WI3331 AGENCY NAME: Kenosha County Sheriff's Department poc? ADDRESS (No PO. Box): woo-55?? St CITY: KenOSha STATE: 53140-3794_ Emukenoshacounty-org 262-605- 262-605-5407 1. Type of Armored Tactical Vehicle Requested (if a speci?c type is required): 2. Number of AmIored Vehicles Requested: 1 g, 3. Geographic Responsibility (Square Miles CoveredHigh Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA): Yes No 0 Verify at: 5. Is the LEA willing to accept an Armored Tactical Vehicle that is: rackedO Wheeled Either 6. Number/Type of 1208/1033 Armored Tactical Vehicles Currently on inventory: 1984 Peacekeeper 7. SpecialConsiderations: Kenosha County Sheriff Tactical Team is a mum-jurisdictional team with members from 3 County Law Enforcement Agencies. It is also called upon to respond to regional incidents at times as well. The Chief Executive Of?cial/Head of Agency (Local Field Of?ce), by signing, certi?es that the requesting agency listed above has the appropriate funds, personnel, and equipment to operate and maintain the requested vehicle. It is also understood that this agency will not sell, trade, or cannibalize for parts, armored vehicles acquired through the 1033 Program. They certify that all information contained above is accurate and the request for an armored tactical vehicle is warranted and has been approved CHIEF EXECUTIVE PENG- Beth? Sheriff DATE: 1 0 404 1 HEAD OF LOCAL AGENCY PRINTED NAME SESNATURE STATE COORDINATOR: Qi aha 3.. [aid 1? (NOT REQUIRED FOR FEDERAL) PRINTED NAME SIGNA I LESO OFFICIAL: DATE LEA WAS ADDED TO THE NATIONAL PRIORITY LIST: 3? LESO NOTES: DISAPPROVED BY LESOD REASON: a? *w?l II (a (f