may Umg?zmza om ?airigliirtl no; 151m "1 ?39 Em ?033 7 - .29ng 23223623 WK Eym. 3% a . 2. Din? 2.5m $82. 2:53 038Fir. bl Pf" Haulbnw? cam on 2033. .m dam ?1 5262 510 FE nmwmonuv 0. Km 1 Ana FD 1+ Ont nymr?ul ma .9: On m?nr?f +c mmh;pm 32L: Ipm??P +P3r5mh hop ?th H. Tc paw 7.1. Mn1.m.w JLFL. fr? IMMEFF .9f2. fr? Mm}: an. .133: 335;; .f F?wirw .731. ch pm .L all: .H vaer? Immurl i: Lima?.me DH. Duf?l?. mf?Fww +9 .t1r+n. M?b+r. vamm<_mOm< bnjoz 7 . lg?? 22.0 dm Zhim .1 1. t? Kn. . LII. RN .. L1 1 .Cua . Tun Hapmurt?h?. .. 4.. . J. #1 J.QU.H3 rm HAur bibl? Fax Server i 3111 'r I'l 1 1H 41F JUN COMPLETE IF CABLE thlCIE'u? f' SPESI NAME Keven Gram #:429 January 29. 2013 Code Sigma-F3 DATEDF Ian 19.20% mg 0 g' roam? 3WESI Who .51 mums; Captain Francs Kr:er Grant r429. CD AnThOny Soto #1213 CD #302? (7.0 Teras 53cm: Pauiene Smith. Rik Dianne- Jntda? Inmate ?ashed . Mmul'ly 53k: T-51 . - -. WHAT tGFficer's Report: was Emmet-mag [i1e5[ [331.15, I notified the bOOklng nurse RN who stated to send Inmate McNulty lo the crime it'nL-n notlfied dpDrOIi-?nituly 0200 whlle (ondurtz-ng a security tour Inmate Flashed McNqu stated to the that he Cap-tart: Dei?rnssa at the situation. inmate McNuH-g was. esmrted inmate Mch'ulty to bookmg by 5015. At 042.? was eswned back lo the act-by (.0 Sam and Mane-{Liar A: soon?as mmale Mc-Niulty atenved Into the broth he stated the: he wax. feeling mm inmate 51;: red to war-able and Sorc- and r. Manozchl slowiy gurded hum to the ground. nal 5 to centrar control. Buggi, BIN and Rm Jordan :esponoed Captain DQIGrosso anpronmately {1425 Icalled in code Sig Inmate McNuIt?; was [aytng face dc-wn an the ground. KW Smit". asked inmate Mch'ufty to ate nd up and he did not remand While inmate laying on the ground Rm Smut mat his pressure and RN Bog-3i molt pulse. ?rm Sam}: asked RN E35994 "what do you 90:" and he rephed "not g?od'. FUN S'mth then stated {91?s take hunt down to the HEN T?9?10'd'?mtm ?3 get Up and get in the Wheeichaar your to the (lime. inmate Mahlqu get up and set In wheelchalr. FUN then [urned to Canlair- Del-Grease and snared 'E've been [10mg rm; to zone; to be tacit-d". S11'rh mot Inmate preitureagarn while was seated in the wheelchairand Lid to has ten Inmate Mcfuulry? was a he {ar- :50 SUPERWSOR iilh FSee-mt 4m; 4 - dibfZUIB 1:38 49 PH PAGE 73014 Fax Server nun-U] i'r(-1. IRHF 3.. .?il?l SW4: f? PALEmark 0.. Sugit? whee'red 15 ms :erl and when he want .nJ mm: rm rt.? Ar 04.15 Iwent do .?hm mm was he femer am: he aratec never far: lake thus Deime' A: . Cm the {ml-9T. mike: ng turning from Ifw inmate Mch?ulry am: he was mung approximatelym??rheard moan: Side Ircr?nd memmam calm forLD mar-arts hi5 1r porn. - .rc? A: Inmate Mc?Julry he a9 Iawng an ?15- bed moanrnq Iaeked how was he feelang again and he stated ne- AT appron'rmeiy U455 I werr down the EJEF agdrn inmate- was mum; on the again. approxmatew 356:") 'wt-nt dawn me her to con?uc: a: arunzy mu: 5nd rrmaze Mc?ultv was Hfl?? rn the bet! again moaning melted his name 3 nrnes and he did not rem-and to me, Fabwrved fhar hing. line-n mum 1hr Um}: and spake- ro Rm Smuh and ruld he: mail he was arm breat nbsewed aha: In mare was breathing but he was no: to me [Billing cm to him. Rm Smuh armed that she was (arm-rag up. I normed Canaan 5mm.- res?onced and afzer Dbicru?ing McNuiw she stated sh: to gr; :1 I31: Leii Hher nonfled Captam Dei?rcsso and he mid me to have Ssz-Jr Come mm from 35am and anus: me. When R-N Smut-h and I warn into the cell she stated to me hut [ht code. I then ran down merit! and [alred in Code Signali Cannes Cont?OI. then went hadn't: to me Cl?? and Fm Smith asked me :0 help her to get inmate Mch'ulty :0 the gaunt! We slid rn'mte McNuny to the ground using Ms mattress. Em Jordan {expanded and bath RIM '5 started to administer CF R. FUN bm?h handed me her phone? and Ink! me to calf 911 In which dad Captain remanded and took over [h a phone 53:! Rm 80ng rtspon-ded WIN de?bn?amr was administered to rnmate MrNulty. Medzcal staff cuntmued CPR untii EMS armed and?rook over A: H- apgronmateiy 3605 EMS inmate McNulty. NAME DATE are: vet? 2/8/2013 1-38 49 PH PAGE 2x914 Fat: Server g1 ?it Hi] r' a ti llatc; lo: lit-put} Commissioner lit-ands Smithson From: Captain Francis Delgrosso lie: Deitth Of Inmate Rashati S-lcnolts On this date at approximately 0203 inmate Rashad Menult} {Blo?tZIlI l- complained to Of?cer Kevin Grant #1429 of experiencing chest pains. Officer Grant immediater noti?ed myself and the Booking nurse RN. Josh Boggi. Of?cer A.Soto#1217 was immediately dispatched from hooking to 3-West to escort Menulty to the Booking Nursing Station. Of?cer Soto arrived at the Booking Nursing Station with Mcnulry at approximately 0212. Upon arrival he was evaluated by RN. Boggi who evaluated Menulty and took his vitals. Menulty was in a state of panic and nervousness constantly shifting around in his chair. Doll?o this it took several attempts by RH. Boggi to get a blood pressure reading. When he ?nally did i heard him state to Mcnulty that it was ?a little high but still normal?. After asking Mcnulty what he had eaten along with other questions RN. Boggi called the on call Doctor (Raul L?lloa]. After completing the call he informed me that he would like Mcnulty escorted down to the Old Jail clinic to receive medication for possible indigestion after which he would return to booking for an ?observation period?. Of?cer A?oto escorted Mcnulty to the (lid Jail clinic at approximately {ll-ill. At approximately 03!? RN. Boggi arrived at the OJ. clinic and administered the medication to Mcnulty. They then walked back to booking arriving at approximately 0324. At approximately 04]] RN. Boggi cleared Mcnulty to return to his cell in est. He was escorted to 3-West by Of?cers ASoto and Manocchittlt'll'i. They arrived at 3-West at approximately ?1416. Upon their arrival inmate Mcnulty collapsed in the from tier of the block. Of?cer Grant dialed in a Signal 3 to Jail control. R.N's Josh Boggi. Paulette Smith and Diane Jordan responded and arrived at Mill. 1 then arrived on scene at 042.3 h?lcnulty was conscious but dazed. After examining Mcnuity RN. Smith told him to ?get up and walk!" She attempted to pull him up by the arm several times. Menulty was speaking at this time and stated ?1 want to use my toilet. I gotta use my toilet". He then got off the ground and 1 unru- a ., . . . Lat JHIVEF 1:38:48 PM PAGE 3/014 Fax nerver with assistance, got in the wheelchair. RN. Smith then stated ?l?ve been doing this too long to be fooled". She then wheeled him to his cell. Mcnulty got up on his own power and walked to his cell toilet. RN. Smith then stated to him ?no number two and you will feel better". Officer Grant then secured the cell door. the was out of the block she stated to Of?cer Grant that she will call him shortly to see how Menulty is doing. I informed Of?cer Grant to make additional checks on in addition to his regular security rounds, and all responding staff left the block at 043i. Of?cer Grant made several checks on between 0431 and 0500 and he responded to Of?cer Grant each time stating ?ive never felt like this before?. at 0500 however did not respond to Officer Grant. O?icer Grant did however observe that he was still breathing. lie then called RN. Smith and informed her ofthis. She then came up to his cell. After observing Mcnulty she stated she wanted to go in the cell. lie then notified me I told him I was responding but to have Officer Szcur assist him and let her in immediately. Of?cer Grant entered the cell with her. She immediately told him to call in a Code 3. When i arrived on the scene RN. Williams already had Mcnulty on the floor administering chest compressions. She then yelled to ?call 91]? Of?cer Grant had her cell phone which i took and called 911. An incoming call then came in from Dr Ulloa. 1 they were relieved by a Paramedic who continued CPR until and after the ambulance crew arrived at 0543. They continued CPR till approximately 0555. Ambulance crew left block at 0601. Inmate Mcnulty pronounced dead at Westchester Medical Center at 06l0. Message left with S.C.O.C. reporting death at 1130.8tate Report faxed to the S.C.O.C. at 1205. Special Reports from Officer Kevin Grant attached. Original Inmate Statement form, Report 0f Inmate injury form and Property Confiscation form attached. End 10DATE: 2?9? TH: (APT. FRANCIS DELCRUSSU Jail Dixisiml FROM. SGT. JUL "u 124?,- L. Jail Division RE: IL-XSHAD MCN 1.5 AT APPROX. I AND HULH TU WEST BLOCK CELL 5. THLY OBSERVED CELT. FROM TIFR THE CELT. WAS NOT WE LEFT BLOCK AT APPROX 9830. AT APPROX {Hf SLUT: WAS TU 36 BLOCK. MOVE WAS COMPLETED AT APPROX. {1931 DETFCTIVE LAURA GULLIAN. ROBERT BARBER. POLICE OFFICER SHANNON REILLY AND 301' JAMES HARRISON T0 3 WEST BLOCK FELL *9 5. AT THTS TIME THE CELL WAS OPENED FOR THE TEAM T0 BEGW TNVESTTGATIOH. I ESCORT ED THE TEAM OUT AT APPROX I GAVE PO. REILLY COPY OF INMATE SUMMARY SHEET AND A OF A OF REPORT 1: .I-IJ-ES. ALSO A COPY OF LESE 0F FORCE EPORT '1 LORENZO