FMLTEIQ my ,3 2 WW I . chi-plan" Mm Commonwea? HI w! 11:56 MEDICAL CEHWATE OF DEATH Hiya E, "Pvt-?5? cwnr-J 1" - "7.21m an; an.? 30. CI. mmrma' w- 75'" 1.4.xtgREGISTRY or wm ?Tzz:- Hevmuutn . A 347336 SE: '1ng I sun": :35_ my. 156?- Harry September 23. if?: ?7 5.1.: TWP T'i-li Hui: 0- South Shore Hazsgital inn-1 Jun-'4 :Jc'nv cach 4. ?Tgain-hung ,anl'dlo white mam-m. pun -. 51 ?lm; 3 mp :Jxl? I never marrge . .7..- ?zvs?r-?m F. an J. Barry I HA 1W :?muiuan. :xuufm um? running -- 3.1L . 9:05 qw? 'u Tip?"r"; 505 as 1] Castle Green, Harghficld. Plymouth. HA. 0205f! . I Ashley R. HA :1 iE_l 11 Castle Green. Har?hfield. MA 02050 mother Mahler R. Cli'r darn-r Elm 3 Sept. 27, 2011 3- full.? Siltil II Erratum: '1 I Pine Hill Cemeterv uincv MA 1Keo?nane Funeral Home. 785 Harmonic HA 021%) Ill?! mc?xl'u ?M?ul'm?l?l WI w. I I ?lth?! 1" ?a ?but Ema-r: MW!?ch um f]Ca-mwnxur-u-m: nu our-v fr; ?g ?15: I . H. I 'H?l .. .I?r - - 5173 In? my" Ural .a 521?! an rams-av?ul dun-'1 Fl - In L-A. .1 an; 4: .-. ?tnl. .1 I .I. ?au?su: . sept. . heinm. 1th)- Sept. .3 . Mia-Luv . ?iv?"315v Ja?ie I. uni?? - i Valum@: I 9ages: 1*19 Exhibitg: EONE QF SS. SQPEREQR 9 THE CQUR firtk?s??r?r?z?v?r?k%?c?cir?t ?k a? ~35 ?if. Baggy Backgt xa? RSELEY SEE Qackat E3 13~??7 EOE BEARING BEEQRE $35 P. yg?RE Ear Cammamwe<h: ?iymauth Ceu?iy Bisirict $tterney?s foi?? '32 E?imant Sif?Qt 50x Bracktem, Mg By: gra?k Middl?i??, ?sgistgmi Bistri?t ?it0r?ey araggry Nobia, Agsistant Digtrict Far tha S?f?ida?i E?xry: Summgr Street, ?@*rth F230: B?gtgag ?g ?Zli? Liam Scuiiyy quwlfa Ea? :Ea Safand?n: er: 126% Fuzngce Bfaak 9&ng?v ?ginsy; ?g $225? 3y: Egguii? E??cgtgi Czimin?i @Qig??i i513 ?rgifimg ?ffg?ia; ?Qgrt Eggaztgz ??8w$?3wgi?Q axis 21% . 21wontwiw 93 2w, .1 mimixhim ax,? XZ a; 11, . Am ?and [Th sway? 1? ML a a a in.THM WE. 15w ?aw Asa ?zzmyer my.? A:anHwqu mmmi; ?32,4 mat? .3 ?sh Ma ?a Liz, ?tamat,? SW 2 133+ 433? J3 saw wig/mm nixmm Jim l~4 attempt to resuscitate her. All witnesses from the medical profession, EMTs, the police, first responders, indicated that it appeared that the child was deceased, had no breath, no respirations, and had been dead for some period of time. ?She was transported by ambulance to South Shore Hospital where she showed no signs of life, despite efforts by the medical personnel there to resuscitate her. She was pronounced at 12:51 p.m. Police began investigating at the scene. Police and witnesses would describe the scene, Judge, as a twowbedroom apartment in which eight or nine people were living there against basically, against eviction proceedings. The victim?s room was described as filthy, full of dirty dishes, dirty clothes. There were four five people sleeping in one 8 by 10 bedroom, including a three year old, a four year old. The five?month~old victim, who was sleeping in a bouncy seat and didn?t have a bassinet or any type of crib. The parents were sleeping on the ground on a mattress. When the police went into that bedroom, besides noticing all the clutter, all the filth, and all the dirty dishes and dirty laundry, they also saw, in plain sight, up on the wall on a shelf, a bag that contained hypodermic needles. They also saw a cigarette box that clearly had on the outside, in between the cellophane and the box, a big hunk of what appeared to be heroin. 3?5 Thay examined all of Ehe itgmg an the shelf and feumd 2 itams baisAging :0 bath defend?mtg :ight next ta 5 ta a big 3 bagket. Ingide t?a basket; wham it dgmgad were gumezcug Eygad?rmia ?Q?deS, bath ugad and aamS?d; Egga?gg pie?a Qf rcpe uge? ta tie fo an arm; ?repgerg; a3 wall &5 pieceg 0f herGia i3 that buaket. Ea a sum ta??i of 3 gz&mg 9f hezglm wera lggatgd a: :hg sceng. 8 @Glisa alga ?hg ssene Eva $?by bgttie$. 33% baby battia had what was appazgm: RQW baby fermuia iv TEE 18 athex was dry amd Eaeked li?e an aid baby Settle. Bath 11 weza takaa, E??t is tha St?t? Peiice Crime $ab fa: testi?g. 12 Reguitg ef thgga tests, Ea?azg wage th?i t?g bgby bettl? with the mew farmula im ii testad pagitive fez Gpiatea. it 1% ha? aa? aaetyl merphime, a maxphine daxiva?iva, i; 13 Th@ iiquid* 1% h?by was bxeugh: t@ @ffic&, an wag t?e m?xi ?agw fL?rg nge ?8 gig?g GE iraam?, 28 gigng Sf 1mm digte C?uge ag daath. Thege g?m?ing 1% ?Gx;$gleg? rgga?tg a&m? 23 iaigga ;t Eggultgd La ?gmaiigg 33a: tie b??y tagte; ?Q?;i;vg 21 iA Ag: bice?; 1% Ear kl?g?y; in may far mcxp?zx?g 32 %?Eg ?%Ciaf@? :Qmi?i?g am? tia: 23 sf M?va ?gat$ wag aagtg gaggsJijg Qua 2% sf :3 hi: Sygiagg ggainf 1 3 m2": 3? a ?gwix?gw Hwy?: quW/z?n ?1 Win gx~ v?xe *2 (gm LJ?wa-ng lwyaLg aid 1 iv i; 3 ?:wmzug?m?w?kgs m_ pwwitm?p? 1~6 the fact that the baby bottle that the evidence shows she was given at approximately 7:30 according to Ryan Barry?s first statement to Marshfield 9.0. and subsequent statements to the state police that he had prepared a bottle at 7:30, that he had used a 1iquid form of formula that was concentrated; that he put 2 ounces of water with that formula, and then fed the baby approximately 1 ounce out of those 4 ounces, which was consistent with what the police found, which was a baby bottle with approximately 3 ounces in it. That?s the same bottle that had the morphine or poison in it when it was tested. The case began to go through a investigation, including grand jury witnesses being brought in. Just to give you a summary, Judge, there were multiple witnesses, but all witnesses pretty much had the same thing to say, both defendants moved into this apartment sometime in about May 2011. Just to give you a little background on Ashley Cyr, she gave birth to Maya in April 2011. She indicated to investigators and to DCF that she did not even know or was unaware that she was pregnant untii she was six months aiong. During that same time frame she was using heroin dai1y. Once she became aware that she was pregnant, she continued with her heroin use daily up until the day she gave birth to Maya Barry. As a result, baby Maya was born heroin addicted and had to stay in the hospital approximately six weeks to be inkimam .3 I 6 U. 2n1mm Ensmm.Ezw 1m1.4m mm mi 1G . Emma mum. WW Gm :v?(my a a ?i +9 a? 1mm3.. 3mmmmhum.1: swig in? if.? a 1 gm a mt m5.? .. was1mm.? are?. 73 wiz? a asAu3), ?zz? 7; 72M 4. aw we; may/W a En1,3nMyWu.? m; KEEN ?gs? 1 ?ii 2 Hi my,? KW Wmaw??zk 34:31? 25 ?33; 25:} EW ,3 as wail a3 neighborg, a8 a 1&331: 3f th?ge campm?iatg, they were alga rei?g ?vi?ted Gmce 33$ lamdiard realized that thig m&ny perle wera a: ib? hQuSa. ?32 6 thi?gg is Ca?varga, uu?ga, an Sgptembgr 23rd. ?nd Ryan Barry?g Subgequemt Stai$ment5 ta "it? (13 Emma EM: . (1?2 EM ,3 5:3 ?22? . Si} ("53 i it; (If :3 it} {if} g: a (if: (321 Ci?? $13 (I) i?@icgt% th?t zhe hergi? abuse camtimwg? :5 be ??ily, ?gm?iimgs ?wg Sf bagg gash p93 d&v, amd Sg?iinuad right up :a tha a: a? ?aya Barry?g d?ath. it wag bath intxaveaaug and S??fti?g, meaning Ryan Barry wauld use m@@dl@3. ?e a3 recently as thig warning that ha weuig u?e m?$d?33, Shv?t up in tbe b?thr?am; break the nge?ieg @mei 0 333 ad flugh them dawn twilet. He described taday, &ft@r Qing glacad made: arreat, that n13 gir friem?, Aggie? Cyr; PW: wag aqualiy r?cklags with th@ ??rsin, alt?eugh Sh? S?erted it .3 gem?ra?ly. 3e ?eg?zibe? igci?emt, whan aske? what hg m?an: ?es: 57., 1-1me 7 5 3m i ?a $3 zggki@?bf wEQ?a h?d a?td SEQ GE Em? hgigzen 3 ('21 Seugg?s beskgf pm: kaxgim 27:; .4 ~77 .gm? :hgg LQLQ Egg quk Gm Lh? ?hwiQ ?a;;arem ma ?24? 2.: ?up; 2 ?35353: $.31 WILLEE ifi%3? ?23338 a w; ?a mm 4.4 xv?? E. a ?u a :341mgMm53w MmmymmEmil 2 8% bag cemvictiang was is: uttering in 2 2011. Ssnvictiam far Siat?tary rgp? in ZQGE. ?e was 3 ES: 3% menthg an that, REPS Q5 3, ?shEQy &lss wag Charg?d with gaggesgian 9f th@ 5 harain and gdmittgd gufficiemt fgats is that aad ha? t?zg? de?&uiis 03 it. Sh? algg had cen?ia??dg withgat a fiadingg 9% he: {acar? i9: 9f hypa?ezmic 8 $130 Cs?viciiga far pagseggian Sf h?f?i? id 2??Ea Baagd an the facig, Judgg, bgged an Eh? huge am?unt 1% 0f @f the Kackiess indiffer@mce 9f bath defendantg 21 i?war?g the haalth an? wealth and safety GE their thrge yamng 22 children an& th? regaita?t d?ath 0f fiVQ?MG?ih?uld baby, E?m Jggi a VJ. i: 3, .2. V?s. f; - t0 3k fha you @03d b0*% of t?em a cash bai? 3% THE Ca?gf: Th??k yau. wefemd&nt3? if M23 marniag, your Homer. Liam Sgully fax 1% Ryan Egzry. Obviaualy, like :9 5133? 333:: by m? by 2? tailing Ehe C$?ft what ?xag?dy t?ig ?a3 bgen i? hi3 E8 life $3 193% hi3 daugh?gr :hig way. Hg hag 2% virtu?ll; ??streyed by :his 1953 an? tG live with this 28 gia?ab?g i?g wgrgi EGSS t?gi a3? gjgii :cai? @ng engrze 22 w?gi? be ?ga?h $5 a Chii?; AS m?iter w?at 22 1;:cumgtaisaga End 3% igga @H?gri?g tag: igvg ?3 Ea gigs ??giag astivg $?3w11g 1m12 1 proaecuter outlinas a a Scenaxie th?i he says exigted in 2 termg 0f tha drugg in the apartm?mt; the ?rugg use WM th? qug 3 an the tha dzug aciivitw gaigg in and eat of 4 the agaztm?nt, which kind 0% iaaveg me with a quaatigm: if 5 they anew in Begember Of 2012, that thig w&5 a hemisidg, why 6 w& Stamdimg in im Sciab?r sf %hat tagk 3G :Gng? Whai kin? GE m&3fe&gaacag what ki?d GE m} M: 8 wag 33? ?hv waxvm?t t?ege fagts dgvei?p?? nefer%? Why 9 w& hara ye&:s later; 1? New, candidly, having just Came inte th? cage today, 1 31 cam?t ye: answer all these quesbians, ha: 1 can pretty much 12 guarantae thgi if ihage factg were ihig cleaz, wa would have been h?re lag? January, Gr gebruary, or March, 0r April, oz 1% May, GE Smmetim? b?f0?? new. The fact that th?f? gig 1% ?sfendamts, and dad, charged in a 0&se like :hig alga 26 brings a? a :3 me: they don?: realiy knaw wha: E?ey can?: t?33 what hagpeng?g thara wag 18 a bad giiuatiaa, amd they?fe leaking, ?3 the: a?auid; is fibd 2? if th?r@ ?5 a @?rsa? is be auip?b?e, find th?t righi gargan, 2Q tEeg Qa??t iig?zg ii amt; fight? :?gy 3&Ffi figgra :3 2i am: iifg mm ihg avidgmae igmfi giggr? :2 T?af? 13 azag gag 13 2mg agar?vg?i& QQJE: :3 i?Qng? 14% Sx?mlit?d fish :He bi:nzizal La$13??+ ?mdL ?y fm?gh ma1mmmm?aim 12W ?mm1mmmm,? at my 3 :8 .igm 1.anmy,? Apr/W 2 nix/W m; 1w 1*14 1 ?xylainimg what Cguidf which wga that he did as: Hr} iermg 2 thig had haerned, GE th?se queations zem&in, 3 wauid gubmii, wnangwared at tui$ time. And :iat briags me ta, agil, whg?s Ryan Barxy? 30 yeazs 5 aid, y$amg man, hegg hazn in Quincy, ha W??t t0 Earth Quincy 6 %igg Sahaag ?atil the 12th gr&g@{ ha bag a $33 gag, ?e is ciil?rea when he cam find warkt Egcently he 8 WW f0: ggvg? ya??mambex in iesai 88 a? tunmai werker, and dazing ghe time dig thaxa was lat cf werk, and he wag lucratiVQ ?1 M33: sf ihat werk MW he?g 3:111 a mamber 9f that 12 unisn, but 0f t?ai werk ?gs dxi?? up. ?aw L%?s making a if? mg 3S a l?adscap?r. Ha Still livgg 1% Quincy. cf his .L gm: family i3 Exam Quincy: big methez, hi5 E13 ansleg, big PA 43;; 1 aumtg, hi3 gzandm?ther arg 31? in Qui?cy. Ee?s feua? {.57 iadiggni by ih;3 astrt, he ?eega?t ?a?a pasgpert. ?e SM dgegn?: evgm hawe an gcti?e ?rivgx?g a: 2:13 LimaSbbmiL that ha 3 39: L?lg 1% mgralmg Edi? invegtlgaiiam be?n g?l? GB ygaxs Raw, a?irg {i2 annalS m?f?l?ig affESZEu hi?? EELS if? 3:132:85 r~ A h? ?m 2; S??ft? L??y ?,?ecia? :u L:&d ?gm. i L?z?k dj? 32,3 ?a rs": xx arm? 4?33? MW JVLLE Si {diiwki 3:30;: ?ingxgul?d?g Wu. Lila: 2133:; :y?s ?:33 3%;ng *t'wys 3; gwf?iv (E "fmyk- mm ?rue ?Lg; {?315 VMSC MWVi??de guhi?m 3:39; b?flu?i?: {33 me? Au 33%? 3.45? m7 Agrwm ?3 ?my ny wgii 9 iaam?t? My?: 4? ??vigxw? d?$d m, in I w. 4m LLEGEW L?lezzi 3 4?3?3135 ?u @5345: gisamhm-gg 1M25 2 in light of :hat, in lignt of my cliant?g ecgmeic 2 circumgtaHCQg, which the cauzt is aware 9f, 1 wauld ?3k the 3 C?uzi t0 a Saab %ail in the amgunt sf 3 would 4 agk that be be glacgd 93 am elecirgnic ms?itaxing 5 Syst?m with a ?urfew in pigce mgnit?red by the p?0b&tiom 6 sffice in thig asurt. A?d alga th?t h@ be gamfine? initially w} ta hig glasa GE Eggi?ance, which wax: t0 gut sg ihe I?c?rd in ffO?i Gf :ha media, but whici has ta 9 the prabatian cffice 0f igig agar: is $3 the Sity 0f 1G Quiacy. wsuld ask that the asuzt @139 Ord?f that the 33 dafendant not age amy iilagal druga 0r alcghel, and t0 Smbmit is regular teg?iag at 33% difQCiiOm 0f pxob3340m Jf?iC? 0f PM 14 THE CGURE: $hank youm ?au?gai? 15 US. AQGERS: ?Gad ?ftermacm, year Eanaz. Bethaay Ragers 15 GE banalf sf ha. Cy: Siandimg in fax G?%gliay. End 2? $3 w? 18 TEE Th&n% y?u? ?ag? 2% aha aauzt :6 get a cash mall 2? is aragz $7 3gb?it :0 gigg?ga?ia msmit?rg?g Sk?ald ?1 Sh? Egg: tag Bag; {hat :iim caafi an? 323%: 22 33% sg?z? dgama gpgr??zigt%e 23 Y?gv E?nar; :ig $?11 13 in *hg 2% ngi?3& m?n?ity :ga: w? gi algexi ii: gsgfi $$i3i$%f iig 1, 0 mm 3 1 i "Ema ?was.? 23 mum1mm mum?was LL Wu.? MU . i an? 52wagmu mu, 1 -1 8 a b7 tnmy]. nu 11 Emumy?23(?an?: Q) a ?saw at; ?i 4 12am my.? I 3Q I, as?31anhrs. 2W ti nv mm 1mm? H. a 0 r? 12waim 1m!? 3G Ham 1.1.2% VAN vi}; AHJ a makmHem (raw my,? mm {My} 1 gr, mm, . Wu mammym1,? mlnus)?. mm,? mu ?1 1 My?. mi. Vi we?mm? Um WM 0 .ism Mywigaxis. n32alum K: Hum. fa