COMMONWEALTH 0F MASSACHUSETTS SUFFOLK, SS TRIAL COURT DEPARTMENT SUFFOLK SUPERIOR DIVISEON DOCKET NUMBER 201:; SUCK 20928 COMMONWEALTH V. MARIVETTE MORALES CQMMONWEALTHE STRTEMENT OF THE CASE On October 5} 2012, the Grand Jury far Suffall: Gaunt}? returned {he above-captieneQ ihree~count indictmem against the ??fendam, The indictment charges the defendant wi?h: inveluntary manslaughter (GL. Cl 265: 13)? recklesg endangermeni of a child (GL. c. 265, 13L): and unlawful (if a Class substance (CGCal?e) (62L. (3. 94C, 34) in camectian with the ?eath of her six-manthuold daughte: Dejalysa 0f hyperthermia {in March 9-le3 20129 Tha fitrllawing is; a summary {3f the widenae pfesentsd the gian? jm??yx1 Eating the {lay on Fr?ziayg Maid?; 93 2012?! {he ??fmdani {?36k four and Si}; garascriytia? muscle mlaxam pills given :9 he: by a {?end fer W?th they had beef; pregarib??, That; right? {his dsfendgm {4:}le 31a? infam daaghter :33 mi: 8:24 pm? ihe ?gfenclam gallg? mm ?318 lg}? {?kf the KFC r?g?aara?i as: $395 Calambig Email Sma?lla?a? vidai} ?35 ?13 gwkigg Essa: {ha XE: {Elsi @gl?a? 27mg Slag Eat}: g: 3:24 pm; Th? 5533 M. Sgwgiagagm fi??ii? ig??gg??g m: Eliza away gfg??a?: mg?gs 3&5; 3E3E5333 afgg?kg?gi ?fia? ?13323. :3 a mg was; mi gimmi?? Ea"; $3 a: mm?gfgigzg: g?aismam ?g?g s32? ?y??wga 55%: ml? @633; 133353;?: 59: {?313 2 neither she 1101* he: i?fam daughtez? 16ft {ha vehigie until {emerging?:3; parsannel gauged the defendant? a,th wag askeep o; megmciaus ?3ehiad {he whe?i 5f the Lexusb minates 1:08 am. an Saturday; March 16;, some faur~mdam?haif hams lawn A pedestrian gaggiag iha KFC at arming! 22:36} am an Mam}; 10 midnight mt?? the waning SUV 3:163 saw that ihsre was a wemar: bf?hi?d ihe wheel: Th8 pedestriaa gated ?rm SUV because: ih?: KFC was aimed and {he Lexus was {he oniy which in pai?king m: The pedest?an sentin?ed {m ta 131$ canvenimce 3mm On his way back: {an 131:: twenty minutes Eater? {11$ p?dest?an again naiad {he r2122}:ng E?his time; he imke? a: {he and was wncemed Thai She waded me?iaa} a?m?ari, The gadesi?an $313611 9H and went 3:122:21; t9 wait f0? emergency persamel t0 amaze. th? Boston Fire Department; Begta? Emergency Medical Services, (EMS), 331d the Bestsn Palice Depa?meni amived Within mi?utss. The EMTS were coacamed that tha defendant was either {his victim Gf an everdcase? Emergengy persmmel blacked Isudly on this: driver?s sicfe window if tha SUV far same time but maid mt rouse the defendant. Emergency p?rsonnei prepare? 133 break a wind?w in nrder {a expel} the Lexus when an emsrgency medical {echniciaiz (EMT) m??ed that {here was an infant in a seat 13:: the back seat. Emargemy then beg?m rgckimg th? SUV in an a?empi t9 mum rim ??fendant. after Emergg?cy pegsgmei mi:de {ha which ff}? Swami minutegf, the ?afanda?? EiW?k? am? at palisa diresiigrig szagpe? 921:5 832$ ?r??ghi?i?g ?lm {kg ?efe??a?i aygaare? {iis?riaam? 532$ mg?eg i335 Sag-2% ng?pg gf ??mxigz?i?g Ska apg?am? Ea} {ham {:a?f?sgd giggk ?igi ?hggwa Egg ggig? 3313,23 ii: ii} ?xgmim?ga it}: ?azwgga?g?? {33% wai? mgg?z?g ?w?ini?? $33 3:235; :?E?gri i?mg i?g? Etaga?? Egg? A3 Sigma Gf ih? smegma-y a?ended t9 the defsndani, an EMT note-d tha?? the infant in {he ear sea: laiar dsiermined ?0 be the defendani?s daughier Dsjalyse app?ared lifelegsl She wag dragged far the Outslda wea?her; temperatures that night was is law 30:5. The baby wag hundl?d a numher 6f layers 9f clathimg? ?ihe eutermasi 0f which wag a hgavy smwsuii, and was: savaged by a blaaket. The EMT {00k the baby :0 ambulance and began a?empiiag in vain ii} resuscitate ha: She was when by ambalance :9 the Resign Medical Gama; she was pmmunced dead approximat?ljg six mimieg a?ar arrivals ihf: {im? Elia? hair {1&th wag {amperage was magma at lili? degmeg Fahfmheit. Polise task the dafenda?t {0 the Medical Center, where an exgaeriensed emergency?ream nurse cancluded that sh? appeared H) be ?on the 119d,? 01? under Elia in?uence 0f heroin. Th? defmdam, whe was in despair at {he lass of her daughter, nonethelegs periadiaally appeared to 10:53 cansciousness befme jerking back to wakefulnesg. At the dafendani?s raquegtg a name breughi her baby?s bedy fm' her held. The Emergeney-mam nurse that {ha defendant held her daaghier?s body awkwardly. The defsenclan? then lay dam} an the hospiial gimme? Wh?f? she was ssaied, aradlacl her i?fm?i daughterls body? 21ml fell asl?ep, the haspital that {naming 395105;. hgmicide deiaciiveg a?empie? {a imam-law the defendant Afi?z? a few ml??i?S? hm?geverl Stepped questis?ing her heaausa she cm?me? {a had {ff latermliiemly; tried pmguaga {ha {E?fmdam :13 remain ha {ha hggpiial fa? @hgswa?ilam hi3}; sha Elia defmdam lf?f? $16 hagp?al {is ha: family gig lfgmam 835$? l? ih? Swill Eh? {3f l?i?i a gayg?lg m?mh? "Shh {fig fgg?gm 251335; l?l?l Ehg $33? h3g3 gig-E: gig hf ?hilly? gmha?ahm ga? Ex?? {is ?hf?i?gz? mag: ?gs: Ehsmh his??sgl {jggi?g Wi?? 332$ a??vg? g: ?55 ?3,232? 4 Taxiceiagy results yielded pzesumptiva g?gi?ve reguiig far 60mins an? 0:33:33? inciu?ing Rama-amphina and ?rieiha?ans. A sabseque?i search 3f the dafmda?i?s Candactsd parguam it; a ssarch warra?a answered a plastig bag {:Qma?ning 0.06 gramg of ?36338? 3: plagtie bag sa?tain?ng 2?s. iazga as}? a whiiag pdeary Subsiaac?i msembk? waging bl? tegiad mga?ve fer substancesg piastii?: bag camaming marijuana? arid, 23, 3331113363.? pills that have mi ye? hem te?ad. iMrsuani if}: S?at??h warrant, cia?iectives inatmated a mechanis examim {he 88V fer axhaagi E6336 ath?ir Simila: fa?ig Nam wag fauna. PQEES alga: madacied am ?-ngrimmt, rmni?g th? Lemg fer Swami hams in a i?mpamture siege 1:3 $133? {m {13% nigh: af Mamh 940;}, 28323 wiih ?he heat 38%: as i: had been left by the defendant. The expsr?m?at pmduaed a iampera?ture 0f 94 degrees Fahrenheit inside the vehicia? A11 autapsy anducted {m the infani dstermixxed the cause 0f death i0 be hype?h?rmia? 01? everheating. In an interview later an March 10, 2012? with 1:303th Palics hemicide deteciives; the defendant remained her activi?es that night She mid palice that She had taker; appraximateiy ?ve ?mugcie mama?s? given :0 he: by a famiiy friand. She danied having consumed any 01316:? ?mgs. Shf? made saveral wntiadistary statem?ms abeut her activities en the night {if March 9-18 and agked pg?ae Wh??lef i: was ?[her} fauli,? Wham CanerSd with {he 3f i316 KFC Vida}? ?115 defendant mid. p?iiwy 3&1: 5% it W33 my fau?tf? Dated: Navember 14, 2012 Respectfulig submi?ad the Cemmenwealth? DANIEL F. CONLEY DISTRICT ATTORNEY Wk: .. f2 82514:} A. Daakiz} Asgigtam Biggie: A?emay Suffmk {bum}? Distriat Attemey?g Of?ce One Bui?nch Place} Figsr 1305mm Massachusetts 02124 Talephene: (617) 6} 9-4308 Certificate Number REGISTRY DIVISION OF THE CITY OF BOSTON COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2 8 3 5 4 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I hold the office of City Registrar of the City of Boston and I certify the following facts appear on the records of Births, Marriages and Deaths kept in said City as required bylaw. 1 1726 Commonwealth of Massachusetty . .- MEDICAL CERTIFECATE or DEATH 2 12? 3 0 7 8 1434 I ?amiss;me OFVETAL RECORDS AND STATISTICS ocue CASE NUMBER I REGISTERED NUMBER STATE use ONLY . Mm LAST SEX 3 Mar 10 2?12 5 Suffolk Boston Medical Ce?te one 1 WW I . VETERAN ?W?mm? m? I ?wm'mm m?w? 506 77 7717 may armm summon? 9 5.3 mm? R1 . Elma-Hum WW9) 1 I oer can Hispanlc came?mm W1 may gos swig.? Ham msmmaFommCau-wy) I I ?g Sept 5 2011 Boston Mass 13 LAST (?mutt-kmme MUMOCCUFAWMW rm) . marrle COW.W7 5? 1 (2&0 Tremont St Boston Suffolk Mass 05;;wa WW name WNW noth Wmum?am ?k?m A?ant?ra .m?r Marivette Morales Mass .. 7 2251mm Moantara 541 Shawmut Ave #301 Boston Ma 02118 FatherHI zawamoemnzou mm H'Tten-h WINE magma: 3% Kim 2? OR A Gerald Rodgers 5235 7-. -- 07". St Michael Crematory Boston Mass 31-" I. OR Mar 23 201% Mann 5; Rodgers #4 Perkins St Boston Ma 02130 WTW 7 I: menu Dusk! 31 AUTOFSW UYes EINO Yes [3mm 3mm [XII-tornicido ?Smcuda? DATE 35? ?mm; 3pm Investigation 9 ON OR ABOUT UNKNOWN DYes Dr; MARCH 10' 201;; MAM CONFINEID IN HEATED MOTOR VEHICLE WHILE VEHICLE DRESSED IN MULTIPLE LAYERS OF CLOTHING AND COVERED WITH BLANKET 695 COLUMBIA ROAD, BOSTON, MA as EXAMINER 0321mm?: 370 APPX am mm; mm UNMOWN March 10, 2012 . wmn245676 an TIMEPW L, Ha g: YSTREET BOSTON. MA 0211B .II. . mummy-am?me 37h -r M, I mm 4:11 {amemm moves 2012 {we 40:: eves-.335 we 5mm mnw?mo PM RN GPA t3 NP DATEW mom March 20 2012 mmwag 2 51mm I'Doris Revnouis WITNESS my hand and the SEAL Of the CITY REGISTRAR Norther hereby certify that by annexation, the records of the I. following Cities and towns are in the custody of the City Registrar of Boston: on this Day of AD. Annexed .t 1 1 East Boston 1637 aim/? ?304 Roxbury 1868 City Registrar Dorchester 1370 Chariestown 1874 Brighton 1374 aper 9 so ece Hcaesora esalonso Sgtsan 8 Ch 314 Act H.892 "th tt A west Roxbuw 1874 City Registrars Shal? have the same force and effect as that of City Registrar,? Hyde park 1912