.1 F: .- RAI LS I. DEVELOPME FRAMEWORK ?u a 25 YEARS AGO RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK “. . . The Forks shall be developed as a ‘Meeting Place,’ a special and distinct, all-season gathering and recreational place at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, through a mixed-use approach including recreational, historical and cultural, residential, and institutional and supportive commercial uses.” –Excerpt from The Forks Renewal Corporation’s Mission Statement (1987) CONTEXT RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Parcel 4 Canadian Museum for Human Rights Railside Union Station Festival Field The Forks Market Children’s Museum YOU ARE HERE This is a 20 Year Plan to transform the 12 acre surface parking lots at Railside and Parcel 4 WHAT WE HEARD RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Input from the Citizens of Winnipeg has been, and will continue to be, central in shaping the long-term vision for the Railside and Parcel 4 lands. CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT TO DATE HAS INCLUDED: COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDER INTERVIEWS [Spring/Summer 2013] Initial round of interviews with key community stakeholders representing local public agencies, community organizations as well as the a cross-section of businesses and institutions that currently reside at or near The Forks site. CITIZEN WORKSHOPS [July 19, 2013 and September 26, 2013] Citizens participated in the two facilitated workshops which sought input into the public space components of the plan and potential mix of uses. PUBLIC OPEN HOUSES [July 23 and 26, 2014] Hundreds attended a series of Open Houses at The Forks Market to present and collect feedback on the preliminary concept plans for the Railside and Parcel 4 lands. PHASE 2 FOCUS GROUPS WITH WINNIPEG’S PROFESSIONAL DESIGN COMMUNITY (November/December 2014) The Forks, in association with StorefrontMB, held a series of focus groups with representatives from Winnipeg’s professional design community in Fall 2014 to discuss the future potential of the Railside and Parcel 4 lands and generate ideas about land use, urban design and public space. “Making it all green space would be easy, but wouldn’t solve a more complex problem. A park would be covered in snow most of the time. We have to recognize that we are a winter city. You won’t be able to draw people there with just a park.” “A mid-to-high density residential neighborhood. Street retail and sidewalk eateries. Hidden laneways, full of surprises. Addictively walkable, a new discovery at every turn - charming, historic yet modern - playing off the railway theme - distinctly "Winnipeg". It's time to forge our own style. Memorable. This land is 'ground zero' for future generations' impressions of Winnipeg.” KEY MESSAGES FROM THE CONSULTATION PROCESS TO DATE: ONLINE (www.theforks.com/railside) Platform to provide information and solicit feedback on an ongoing basis. Between May 2013 and October 2013, the website received over 4,500 hits, with over 100 respondents to a survey on the public space components of the development. PHASE 1 Selection of direct quotes from community stakeholders + citizens collected during the Ƥrst phase of public consultations. IMPERATIVE Few participants said the lands should be left alone. Most said that the two surface parking lots, particularly Parcel 4, have a negative impact on the overall Forks experience and are undesirable land uses. The development of The Canadian Museum for Human Rights has further increased the imperative for revitalizing the Railside and Parcel 4 lands in the minds of many. MIXED-USE The majority of participants in the phase one public consultations support the lands being developed as mixed-use environments, with public and community spaces and commercial uses. While some participants advocated for the entire lands being developed as a park space, only a minority of those consulted favoured this position. CONNECTIONS Participants advocated that the two parcels should be developed in partnership to ensure that they both enhance and strengthen the physical connection between The Forks and the rest of the downtown. For example, this could be accomplished by designing the main public space in such a way as to provide a north-south linear connection (e.g. pedestrian promenade or green corridor) from northern end of The Fork to its heart (i.e. The Port and The Forks Market). “I think a restaurant and café conƤguration with a piazza and fountain would enable people to come to The Forks and stay down there and dine and hear live music, etc. Right now The Forks is completely dead after 6 p.m. except for one or two restaurants.” “People have a sense of ownership of The Forks. What goes there should be a showcase for the city. We need to have this [plan] be a model of ‘best practice’ for the city.” WHAT WE HEARD RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK “...there needs to be a residential component to The Forks...currently, you can shop, play, embrace, history, and culture, go to museums, and enjoy the river at The Forks... but what has been missing and is still missing is can we Live at The Forks! I’m not talking about hotels. Can we actually live and eat at The Forks, a mixed-use centre of residential and component is missing. Imagine The Forks of the Future... Shop, Eat, Play, History, Culture, and NOW LIVE AT THE FORKS.” CHARACTER The Railside and Parcel 4 lands should strive to replicate/enhance the pedestrian-level activity and bustle that currently characterizes The Forks site. Most participants characterized their vision for the lands as one with multiple activities and experiences, more celebratory in nature, similar to what currently happens at The Forks. NATURAL ELEMENTS The public space component of the plan should establish green and natural elements as the central organizing feature. While an “urban experience” was preferred and advocated by most participants (e.g. plazas, public art, cafes), many do not want green or natural elements to be sacriƤced in order to achieve an urban experience. Ideally, the plan should strive to achieve both urban and natural elements in harmony. STREET LEVEL RETAIL AND RESTAURANTS Nearly all participants in the phase-one consultations supported retail and restaurant development on the lands at street level. Many said that if incorporated, they should be unique or have a “destination” quality to provide more reasons to visit The Forks. “We are seeing the beginning of a pedestrian network in our downtown. We need pedestrian connectivity between our busy downtown anchors like The MTS Centre and The Forks. How do we get people to walk through this site to rest of the downtown - that is the question.” “A greenspace in the downtown core where people can go to relax, where people from baseball games, the museum, or The Forks can escape the buildings and relax, and potentially learn about Manitoba landscapes as well. A restored prairie would bring a piece of our history into the core, and potentially expose hundreds of thousands to this unique feature that has helped make our province great.” “Mixed use, active all year round, public art, collaborative creative space, plaza, patios, people living, gathering, engaging. If designated a green space, needs to be animated in winter months. Not a memorial, but respectful of the juxtaposition next to the museum. A persistence connection between Main Street and The Forks.” MULTI-UNIT HOUSING Multi-unit housing should be considered as a potential land use for the two parcels. Many participants said that a residential population would improve safety and the viability of The Forks. However, there is a high expectation that housing at The Forks should strive to be innovative or a “showcase” in some way. Ideas included unique architectural design, unique mix of tenure and incomes, or unique building technologies (e.g. green). CULTURE AND COMMUNITY There was a strong desire expressed by participants that The Forks continue to grow as a place that interprets history, showcases contemporary culture, and provides a focal point for the broader community. Many said that the Railside and Parcel 4 lands should house a new cultural or community project of some nature, although no consistent suggestion emerged, and it will take time to narrow and implement the best ideas. Therefore it is recommended that a portion of the lands be “banked” for such a future project. DESIGN GUIDELINES SpeciƤc design guidelines for the Railside lands and Parcel 4 development should be created and strictly adhered to. Most participants acknowledged that The Forks is trustworthy and has accomplished a high design standard for public spaces, however concerns exist that commercial development on the site may not live up to those standards without a clear framework. “Community space to bring people together, need restaurants and bars waterside in this city.” “A cool, green space where relaxation, learning and exercise are possible.” “A dining, entertainment and leisure area.” “...go with the original landscape but offer things to do or spaces to use. Must have parking for Forks and Museum.” GUIDING PRINCIPLES RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Our overarching goal is to create a welcoming place. Based on the citizen input received to date, The Forks will adopt the following, as their guiding principles, in their ongoing efforts to advance the planning and development of the Railside and Parcel 4 lands: • ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY to a diversity of development interest, entrepreneurs, residents & the public; • ENCOURAGE A MIX OF USES including high quality public spaces, retail, commercial, live/work, condominium and rental residential; • IMPLEMENT A GREEN APPROACH to development and operations, based on The Forks’ Target Zero policy; • DESIGN FOR WINNIPEG’S VARIED CLIMATIC CONDITIONS; • DEMONSTRATE INNOVATION AND DESIGN EXCELLENCE; and, • STRENGTHEN CONNECTIONS TO DOWNTOWN. TEN BIG IDEAS RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK The long-term vision for the Railside and Parcel 4 lands is all about placemaking. The following are 10 big ideas that we’re actively pursuing as we reƤne the development plan. Together, the realization of these ideas will help us achieve our aim of creating a welcoming place . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Residential Village at The Forks Public Art Production Spaces / Storefronts Rapid Transit Hub at Union Station Highline - Elevated Pedestrian Corridor Pedestrian Promenade Target Zero Community Facilities Best in Local + Independent Retail More of The Forks 01 RESIDENTIAL VILLAGE AT THE FORKS RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK To create a medium density residential village with interesting public spaces, high quality design and closely spaced storefronts at ground level; a place where pedestrians are prioritized. 02 PUBLIC ART RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK To provide opportunities for the integration of public art throughout the development, including public plazas designed by Winnipeg artists. 03 PRODUCTION SPACES/STOREFRONTS RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK UNION STATION DE NA ME O ED PR OS ION T OP PR DUC O PR THE FORKS MARKET CMHR INN AT THE FORKS JOHNSTON TERMINAL THE CHILDREN’S MUSEUM EXISTING SITE To create affordable spaces for artists and makers to produce and sell their wares. LOCATION 04 RAPID TRANSIT HUB AT UNION STATION RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK * WILL HAVE NOTATIONS FROM PREVIOUS DIAGRAM RAPID TRANSIT REDEVELOPMENT Work with Via and Transit to implement designated Rapid Transit corridor along rail line and develop transit hub at the existing Via Rail Station (Rail Museum to be relocated to The Forks) BROADWAY AVE. INTERIOR UPGRADES: ESCALATOR CONNECTING TRANSIT HUB TO VIA STATION + MAIN STREET MAIN STREET CONNECTION TO THE FORKS AND BROADWAY PROMENADE THE FORKS BROADWAY PROMENADE VIA STATION ENTRY + CONNECTION TO MAIN ST. AND BROADWAY TO MAIN ST. TO THE FORKS SECTION A-A To support the transformation of Union station into a Rapid Transit hub. 05 HIGHLINE ELEVATED PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK To develop a second ƥoor ‘highline’ adjacent to the existing rail line that creates a unique elevated open space and provides additional pedestrian connectivity between the Railside and Parcel 4 lands and potential new linkages to Main Street. 06 PROMENADE RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK To transform Israel Asper Way into a beautifully landscaped, pedestrian-oriented promenade that includes a variety of all weather active transportation and Ƥtness-related amenities. 07 TARGET ZERO RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK WE’VE GOT AN IMPRESSIVE GOAL ZERO GARBAGE, ZERO WATER WASTE AND ZERO CARBON EMISSIONS. We get nearly four million visitors a year. That’s a lot of garbage, a lot of toilets being ƥushed, a lot of exhaust from cars and a lot of expensive power to heat and cool our buildings. It’s also a lot of money going up the chimney, out the window, down the drain and into the garbage. So, we’ve come up with TARGET ZERO as a way to be good to the environment while saving money. With TARGET ZERO we are working hard to reduce our impact on the Earth, so we’re taking every step we can to implement innovative and responsible environmental practices. For more information, visit: www.theforks.com/target-zero To achieve our Target Zero goals and reduce The Forks’ overall environmental impact. Key sustainability measures will include the development of a District Utility for The Forks to heat and cool buildings, geothermally heated sidewalks to clear snow and keep pedestrians comfortable and safe, and on-site biocomposting, among a host of other innovations to divert garbage, reduce water waste and curtail carbon emissions. 08 COMMUNITY FACILITIES RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK To facilitate the integration of new community facilities into the development, including a potential community centre, arts and cultural facilities, and educational spaces – to support the burgeoning downtown neighbourhood. 09 BEST IN LOCAL + INDEPENDENT RETAIL RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK To animate ground ƥoor storefront spaces by strategically targeting and attracting the best local retail and restaurant operators/entrepreneurs. 10 MORE OF THE FORKS RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK To ensure that the future development of the Railside and Parcel 4 lands becomes an extension The Forks in every way – being open and accessible to everyone and beneƤting from world class site operations and programming. STRUCTURE PLAN RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK FUTURE COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITY UNION STATION POTENTIAL TRANSIT HUB PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE INE HL E OS OP PR IG DH SE L4 CE IXED U R PA URE M T FU DE NA ME O D PR SE PO TION O PR DUC O PR E SID L I : A 2 R E AS SE PH ED U X I ADE M EN OM R P IAN TR S DE E SID IL RA ASE 1: SE PH ED U MIX ED OS OP PR PE THE FORKS MARKET CMHR INN AT THE FORKS JOHNSTON TERMINAL THE CHILDREN’S MUSEUM NEXT STEPS RAILSIDE + PARCEL 4 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Citizen Engagement The Forks will continue to engage the public and community stakeholders as development plans for Railside and Parcel 4 lands evolve. Plan ReƤnement The Forks will reƤne the concept plans for the Railside and Parcel 4 lands and prepare an overall Development Framework / Master Plan to deƤne the 20-year vision for these lands. The public will have an opportunity to provide their feedback on the Development Framework before it is Ƥnalized. Developer Solicitation The Forks will begin to solicit interest from the development community in late Fall/early Winter 2015 with the aim of identifying capable and like-minded development partners for the initial phase(s) of development. The Forks is committed to a developer selection process that is fair, equitable, transparent and competitive. Collaboration with our Federal, Provincial + Municipal Shareholders The Forks will continue to collaborate with its three shareholders to implement a responsible strategy for the long-term investment in public spaces and amenities within the Railside and Parcel 4 Development.