In! DECLALSSEEWEOR i171 ii, US ?0 E, JILAW Dega?u an": of Justice W'eshi?gma, 11C. 20533~9001 Sepmmibe: 21 201 3. {Emmi Rage Chief . Kansas City Wsw? Police .1 ?25 Lecast E33333 City, MD 64:36 Re: ?ning?: 9f Wireless Cn?e??oa Equipmeni?'ec?nolegy mi Neu? Disclosmfe: Db?ga?ons MW 01?ch The ?g?bmmtiorz in documeni is the property 0f the Federal Bureau cf ?wa?gm?iorz aid may be d??ibm?zd w?fr?u the Fedzml imam? (mi it?! caz?mcfazgj, US. ifzfeliig?nce, lag: e?brcem 1:955:33 safag) or profec?mz ofgidis and {ml-Mm witk mad fa 3mm. B?m?tz?m beyn?? these ers?l?as'withom FBI Ogara?maf Tacfmolog Division wharizaliah is 1370515325in Precautions slam/52d be {when :0 mm 1:21.55 ?yromw?m is ?ared mzdfor damaged" in a Irmmter that pmduis Wiker?zad access. Lg?brme?ozz bearing ?125 :2de may mt be [{5ng in fag-LII proceedings pv?hom?st racgz?w?ng Worm?on?am ?3322 Grfg?zd??g agezag-L Barbie-23* are pro?i?ited?om subsequen?y p?s?mg zha' ?gz?bmmiiorz Meir-{zed 0725;: we?s?tz on an wzclassf?eziaermrk I Dear Chief R033: We han} 733611 advised by Harris Corporation of the KEBSBS City 3435301313:? Po?ce: 'Depar?nant?s :aqu?st 39113033336. Cami}: Wir?lesS w?ec?oa eqz?pmen?tecmolog'j mahuf?agture? By Hams Corgoxa?e?. Consisteat wi?h the: Con?i?ons on ??313 axrzhoziza?on granted in Hatfis Cofpora?o? by the Federal Cpmuni?a?ons 'Comzr?ssi?ofl (FCC), state and. 1032-3} law ageacies- must wording: Wi?l The Fade-Ia} Bursa: 0E3 Eaves?ga?e? (F8313 sampleia agree-men: p?o: the acquisition 211d 1336 qi equiymant?iechuoiogy aufho?zad by the FCC amhp?za?on. As 7513. age wag-13w eni?erc?meai ass?5:151:63 rely on wireiass ce?ecti?n equigmea?tach?alogy to minim: Em??y?a?ho?zad 6166110 smW'Bi?ngce. Disciosiug the existence of and Le capia?i?es provid?d by such Equipmani/teeh?glo :0 gublic would IEVeai Sc?si?va techn?iogic? Gaga?) ?i?eg 13883353813 by the 126:; mfgmema? {zomu?t?j aa?. may 3110' *5 .indi?iduals? Wham ?31$ 3qu an: of imfas?ga?on wheraiu thic; equipmm?c/t?chuology is used it: eagle}? cmmtemsasmes ?50. avoi? dateeion "law axis mam/ant This work? 110,? 02323! yeiwtie?iy an ?gs: its lives and thsical 32133:}? 9f a?omemeat o?ssrg aa? etha: 1911313, bvi sis-r; a5. . . #141 52-1}? mi Miguel ssemitgf in?estiga?ozrs. Thar-f is; (if iafoma?oa' amid 1, - I 1 .5 ?rx?v'm'l - mile maDmL pm? - 1103 Emu-me C: gamut; ?ll?{311212 {?383,332 GETEICLAL USE {1.1117 EAW for. investigations. in order to ersure that such Wireless collection ega?pment/technolo continues to he ava?a?ole for use by the lav-J enforcement the anal an)? hie?nuance related to its fononons, Operation and use shall he eroteoted horn potersii?al oomproroise'bg-r precluding disclosure ot'this information to the public any manner hie-hiding by not limited to: in press reieasesr in court documents, during judicial heanngs, or xiun'ng other public forums or prowe?ings. Aecor?ingly, the City Missouri Police Degatoient agrees to the following conditions in connection with its ourchase and rue of the Earns Cogent-ion equipment/technology: l. The Kansas City Ms?souri Police Degartroent will ensure ?at operators of. the equipment have met the operator .tfainhlg standards identi?ed by the FBI and are certi?ed to :oondunt operations- .. The Kansas City Bassoon Polio-e Will coordinate with the FBI in advance of its use of the Wireless collection equipment/technology to ensure oe?oou?ifnion of resoectiue missions. 3. The Kansas City h?'ssouri Foliee will not distribute, disseminate? or otherwise disclose any infoonatiou concerning the u?reless collection equipment/technology or any sot?tWare, operating manuals, or related technical (locumentation (including its technical/engineering description(3) and Capabilities) to the Public, including to any pond - law enforcement individuals or agencies. A The City Missouri Police will not distribute, disseminate, or ?o?aerwise disclose any information oonc?err?ng the Wireless collection equipmen?technology or any software, operating manuals, or related teehnieal documentation (including its ?teohnicalj?engineering desc?ption{s) and capabilities) provided to it any other law enforcement or government agency without the prior mitten ayproval of the FELL Prior to any sop-rowed distribution, dissemina?on, or comparable disclosure of any informa?on concerning the wireless collection equipmentftechnoiogy or any software, manuals, U5: related technical documentation related to such equipmentfteohnolo gy, all 35311 be marked ?Law Enforcement Sensitive, For O??ioial Only Not to he Disclosed Ornside of the. Kansas City Missouri Police Department? 5- The City Eolioe Department shall not, in any civil or criminal proceeding use or provide any information oonceming the Harris Coroora?on wireless - colleetion equipmen?technology, its assOoiated software, operating inman and. any related ?ocumentation (including its technical/engineering description(s) and capabilities). beyond. "the evidenuary? results obtained through the use of the eq?oruen?fgch?glogy "out not limited to; during pie?trial matters, in search warrants and relatEd a?davits, in discovery, in response to, court ordered disclosure, in other af?davits, in jug: he?iugs, in the State?s casein?chief, rehuttd, or on apeeal, or in testimony in any phase of civil or criminal mfal, without the prior written approval of" the the Kansas City Missouri Police Deparonent ieaufrs that a- District Attorne prosecution or a court is considen'ng or hitenrls to use or provide any i?ormation concerning the Harris Corporation wo?rlreless collection equioorent/technolo gy, its. associated software, operating Emmi-:5; and any related documentation {including its techoi eel/engineering tiescriptio?s} ?116. eapahilit?ies) beyond the evidentin-g,7 results ohtaiued ?enough the use of ?le in mannc'er that, W?l cause law e?orcement sensitive nifor'mauon relating to the teehnoio to be made inonn to the public: the Kmas City Missouri "Police Department will immediate: notify the ?31 in order to allow suf?cient time for to protect the eoinprnene?technoro g; information from. and potentis l, compromise. .1 a . 751"? 5?5: u? [if ?17* - in: Aw 2' 1 :7m??m1nmlr?xnmma?man . I 7? I UL: .1: .2: it. UNCLAS SEEDJE03 OFFICE-EAL USE Ne??ea?en shall be d??eeted $0 fee aft-52mm of: gigsisiani D?h'eetez Operaimnel Teehaolegy Enigma Federal Bureau of Eaves?ga?on ii! and Unit Chief Tra??hg Teemelogy Unit Qpera?enai Tech?ology Divisien Federal Emeau ef Inma?ga?on In aidi?em the Cit-y Pe??e Department will, 8i ?the recfues?i: 0f the FBI, see}: ?jsmissal of the ease in ?eil of using 0: wedding, or 211101:ng e??lers its use 91: pre??e, any iufmma?-en eo?eeming the Corpdrai?e'n wifelesg eollee?en equipmen?tech?elng? its Software? opera??g manuals, and any felaied dementa?on (bEyend the e?den?ary _resu1?ts obtained through The 1:156 01" the eq?pmen?teebmlogy?), if using or pro?ting such informatien wemd potentiale or "actually ebmprenjise ?ne equipmen?teeblolegy. A eepy {if any court order in any ii; Kansas Ciiy Misgumi Pe?ce Department is 3. party direc??g disclosure of isfoma?on .ceneeming the Corpsm?on equipmen?feetmology aad 311.57 software, og'm?a??g m'a?uels, Dr relaied ?oeumem?a?en {including its teehniea?enga?lee?ng desc?p?ii-Onf?s) 311d eapab?i?es) will immediately be previded to the FBI in elder t0 allow su?eieni?me for ?le FBI to intervene :0 protect the equipmen?teebnology and ipfonna?on ?om diselospre mid "petejgtial compromise. Any Such court shall be The :itien?on Of:- - 4555355551? D?eetor . Spera?ozial Teehjelogy Division Farsi Trecmg Teeh?olegy'U?i: I'Opera?egal Teeh?ology Divisig? Federal Bureau of Investigaiien ?17i121; UN ewe;- .r 31.4. n. l~ 1-. Tu OFHCLAL USE, SEN 7, The Kansas Ciiy Missouri Felice Depam?eni 110i publicize its pmehme or use e?fThe DO UNCLAS 1:19;; Rig-3:? Harris Cerperetien equipment/technology or any ef die capabilities afforded by sueh eqmpmen?ieehneiegy ?e ?le pubic, either law enfereement agencies, er Odie]: gevemmee?i ageneles, including, but 110: limited 10, in any news DI press reieasesa miemiewsj e: ditth or midi:th staiemenis :0 the media in ?95 event The: the 'Ci'w Mieseu? Felice Deparhneili feceives requesi put-gum: to the Fteedem of inferme?en Act {5 USE. 552) or an equivaleni siate Dr 10031 law, The er discovery or edler judicial, legisiadive, or administrative ere-0e53, disclose i?emetion ceneemiug the Harris wireless Se?ee?on eqz?pmen?teeheo?legj, its epera??lg manuals; mid 5113* related fmeind?ig its mowed/engineering d639?p?03<53 and capabilities); the Kansas Ciiy Missouri. Police DBpaE?I'le?i W131 immediately ne??r die FBI of any each request telephoniea?y and in w?ting 3'11 order to allow Suf?cie?t time for -the FBI to seek it?) prevent disclosuxe Though epprogzi'aie eha?nels. No?d?edtien she'll be directed to The atten?en of: - - Assistam Dixeeior I Operational Techno 10 gy Division Federai Bureau; eff byes?ga?en end Unii Chief Tracking Technology Um't Operational TeChnelegjr Division Federal Bureau of ge?en a. 31815.5: EWIEGR USE #1453?- ENE SEN ??11 :1 35Law P0456 353381;: 25-2. ?ccarfni. a 0; aware magma-Es I: .L sm?sac?? a simiaa'farss 5f miheri'a Eupz?ergeafa?va an? wiraiegs so?ec?og magma-1f. spa-z?? IS 8? 253333 Cit? E?s? CE Be Siracer?iyb Amy B. Assistant Directs: Technology Division Fedsral Bureau 0f Inges?ga?e? AC-E?mwladgeei arid agreed to this day of 29 11 . Chesyi Rage Chief . Kassas City Missami Fo?ee Dapa?mant Xmas City, MO Mag or Ian 2533135331311 - Eric Graanwe? CemaE?-er 43f Narcotics Ed Vice. Divisiq? Sergeant Magical: Defective Datec?ve Beiac?va Data?Give Betas-?ve