3-1 Use of Force (d) VI. Off duty carry of Taser. Carrying the Taser off duty is prohibited. Use of Force Continuum: Deadly Force A. A deputy is justified in the use of force likely to cause death or serious bodily harm only if the deputy reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or serious bodily harm to the deputy or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony. B. The use of deadly force against a "fleeing felon": 1. Deputies may use deadly force to effect the capture or prevent the escape of a felony suspect whose flight is reasonably believed to represent an imminent threat of serious bodily harm or death to the deputies or other person(s). C. Whenever feasible, before using deadly force, deputies should identify themselves and give instructions. For example: A deputy challenges a suspect by shouting; “Police, don’t move”. D. A deputy may also discharge a weapon under the following circumstances: 1. During range practice or competitive sporting events. 2. To destroy an animal that represents a threat to public safety, or as a humanitarian measure where the animal is seriously injured. E. Deputies shall adhere to the following restrictions when their weapon is exhibited: 1. Except for maintenance or during training, deputies shall not draw or exhibit their firearm unless circumstances create reasonable cause to believe that it may be necessary to use the weapon in conformance with this policy. 2. Deputies will not fire warning shots. 3. Deputies may discharge a firearm at a moving vehicle or from a moving vehicle if it is necessary to do so to protect against an imminent threat of serious bodily harm or death to the deputies or others. a. This provision shall not preclude tactical responses in a S.W.A.T. operation by its members. F. VII. A patrol vehicle is a law enforcement tool, which is capable of inflicting serious injury or death when used as an offensive weapon. Therefore, its use should be considered in the same light as any use of deadly force. Deputy Involved Shooting / Deadly Force Procedures: A. Intentional Shooting / Use of Deadly Force: 1. Deputy Responsibilities: a. Deputies involved in the use of deadly physical force, on or off-duty, shall immediately notify a supervisor. If the member is off-duty and outside Yellowstone County when the use of deadly force occurred, the member shall also notify the agency with jurisdiction for investigation of the incident. b. Ensure that the threat from the suspect has been stopped. This includes, but is not limited to handcuffing or otherwise securing the suspect(s). c. Determine the physical condition of any injured person, summon EMS, and render aid when appropriate and safe to do so. d. Secure the incident scene, establish a perimeter, and act to protect all physical evidence in its original location if possible.