University tar-Florida Tho Foundation Honda Tomorrow UF Froominonoo Giving . ConlactUs Home About the Foundation 2013/2014 Honor Roll of Donors Search Results for monsanto Organizations Monsanto Co. Gold Donor WooMail I o-Loa'nirg I I rzyL- FL I Campos-5.1a; I Hows I I Dir-odor}- I Woo List-rag I Asl-r UH IVE 511' Hf Twin SHE- I D'sab'llty Boo-"ions: I Privacy Policy I Regulations I Go'tlaol Webmaster I hoof-La a Ears-r35 Io UP I make a Girl CouorgefLI'uit I UFF Elmo-mom I Eioo' Halos Coolor 2o11 of Former. Eainowillo. FL soon; (3521 soo-som Lani UFIEJEWEIEI n? mem??fm' Th? mm? This pago Arab-tins [Eonrglo Privacy: Policy] Home About the Foundation 2013/2014 Honor Roll of Donors Search Results for syngenta {lrganizations Syngonia - Diamond Donor '?'eh'?ail FL Eamon-:5- Map hows Ea'errdar Direolury Web Lialzng AEi-c I 1" [If AtlL: :Jl. T";i5 E-ilo I Sow-"rows I Privacy Policy I Flwgu?ations I Uuolacl Wabmaatur Mai-:5 a Harem? Gift IL: LIF I Make a Girl El. I E-?ocioahro Ele?emenl I LAFF E-IJE IJE '.lor . I . 2o11 harmony ol Florida. Gaines-.rille. FL 33511; [3521 392-3261 Last Updated ?moon. 1L Jr" THE This page Holes. '3qu Analytics [Goo-gm Privacy Policy] University of Florida Tho Foundation - Honda Tomorrow UF Prosminsnos Giving - Contact Us Home About the Foundation 2013/2014 Honor Roll of Donors Search Results for basf Organizations EAEF Corp. - Gold Donor . Wow-Jail I e-Lou'nirg I I I UHF-PUB I I Gaigr'da" I I we? 3 '3 Lib-bsoon: T"-is. Sis-a Sew-cos I I HEEL-HUME I '35 ?lam Maia i:l Ger'orai Eli" 1L1 UP I Mal-cs! a Gifl a Collage-fist I E?sofoso'u Elmo-maul I L-FF ELM-5 nosis Us . I . 2o11 Lowers-Hy of Hausa. Gaineswille. FL 32s11; [352] 392-3331 Last Updated wsrsom. THE This page users, Goo; a Analytic-s. [Booglu F'Lllioy] University of Florida The Foundation - Florida Tomorrow UF Preeminenee Giving - Contact Us Home About the Foundation 2013/2014 Honor Fioll oi Donors Search Results for pioneer Drgenizetione Pioneer Hi-Ereo International, Ino. - Silver Donor . Wehhlail I e-L-erJ'nir'g I ESIE- I FL I Coirpue Help IHHWE. I I Direolory I We: 5 le- Llet-ng I ail-Lila UH I VE 51'1" ?f About Site- I Beet-dire Sewmee I Privacy Policy I Regulations I BL: '-lel;l I rule-re a Eerreru- Gill Io LIF I foal-1e a Gift to a I meantime Stelernenl I L- FF E-ue-ne'je tie-"tor . . I . eon Lni'eersilyr oi Florio'e. Gaines-ri?e. FL 325111352] one-32:31 Leet Update-d Ti? ?Md?m? Jr? 7 mm? Thie plague noes, Guoge er'elytioe [Dougie Privacy Policy]    (/) President's Council The President’s Council is the University of Florida’s leadership giving society.  It is named in honor of UF presidents, past and present, who have helped create and preserve the University’s legacy of distinction and excellence in research, education and service.  We honor you for your role in helping UF continue to build on this legacy. Your generosity is crucial to sustaining the fine educational and research opportunities that make the University of Florida unique—opportunities for which public funding may not always be readily available.  Thanks to your support, we have the ability to make these opportunities a reality for the UF community and promote the high standards of learning and achievement for which the University of Florida is renowned.   President’s Council Membership Levels () Membership in the President’s Council is based on cumulative giving from generous alumni, friends and organizations.  Gifts of cash, securities, real estate or insurance premiums, employer matches and gifts in kind are all counted toward your cumulative giving, which determines your President’s Council level.  Deferred gifts at 50 percent of their face value are also included in your overall giving total. DIAMOND Cumulative Giving of $10 Million+ GOLD Cumulative Giving of $1 Million+ SILVER Cumulative Giving of $100,000+ President’s Council Benefits () Silver Level Membership card Football parking pass lottery Complimentary day parking passes President’s Council decal Listing in the Honor Roll of Donors University of Florida Alumni Association Life Member Subscription to Florida GATOR magazine 20% discount at Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art and Florida Museum of Natural History gift shops Gold Level All Silver level benefits Concierge services Option to purchase a UF Official Business parking decal Diamond Level All Silver and Gold level benefits Invitations to private events hosted by the President   Concierge Services () President’s Council Concierge Babysitting Services Qualified student ambassadors from the University of Florida can provide top­notch babysitting services for your children while you are in town.  Whether you are in Gainesville for business or pleasure, the kids will have fun with a capable and responsible student sitter. )URP 5(',1* + .(,7+ $* >PDLOWR K NHLWK UHGLQJ#PRQVDQWR FRP@ 6HQW :HGQHVGD\ $SULO 30 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6XEMHFW VZHHW FRUQ WDEOH +L 'U )ROWD , UHDG \RXU FRPPHQW RQ KWWS ZZZ PRPVDFURVVDPHULFD FRP VWXQQLQJBFRUQBFRPSDULVRQBJPRBYHUVXVBQRQBJPR WU\LQJ WR H[SODLQ WKH VFLHQFH 7KRXJKW \RX PD\ OLNH WR VHH DQ DUWLFOH RQ WKH 0RQVDQWR EORJ DGGUHVVLQJ WKLV WDEOH KWWS PRQVDQWREORJ FRP QXWULWLRQ DQG JP FRUQ RQH RI WKHVH WDEOHV LV QRW OLNH WKH RWKHU 5HJDUGV .HLWK 5HGLQJ 3K ' 5HJXODWRU\ 3ROLF\ /HDG : & 7KLV H PDLO PHVVDJH PD\ FRQWDLQ SULYLOHJHG DQG RU FRQILGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG LV LQWHQGHG WR EH UHFHLYHG RQO\ E\ SHUVRQV HQWLWOHG WR UHFHLYH VXFK LQIRUPDWLRQ ,I \RX KDYH UHFHLYHG WKLV H PDLO LQ HUURU SOHDVH QRWLI\ WKH VHQGHU LPPHGLDWHO\ 3OHDVH GHOHWH LW DQG DOO DWWDFKPHQWV IURP DQ\ VHUYHUV KDUG GULYHV RU DQ\ RWKHU PHGLD 2WKHU XVH RI WKLV H PDLO E\ \RX LV VWULFWO\ SURKLELWHG $OO H PDLOV DQG DWWDFKPHQWV VHQW DQG UHFHLYHG DUH VXEMHFW WR PRQLWRULQJ UHDGLQJ DQG DUFKLYDO E\ 0RQVDQWR LQFOXGLQJ LWV VXEVLGLDULHV 7KH UHFLSLHQW RI WKLV H PDLO LV VROHO\ UHVSRQVLEOH IRU FKHFNLQJ IRU WKH SUHVHQFH RI 9LUXVHV RU RWKHU 0DOZDUH 0RQVDQWR DORQJ ZLWK LWV VXEVLGLDULHV DFFHSWV QR OLDELOLW\ IRU DQ\ GDPDJH FDXVHG E\ DQ\ VXFK FRGH WUDQVPLWWHG E\ RU DFFRPSDQ\LQJ WKLV H PDLO RU DQ\ DWWDFKPHQW )URP 5(',1* + .(,7+ $* K NHLWK UHGLQJ#PRQVDQWR FRP! 6HQW WLPH 30 7R &F )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6$&+6 (5,& 6 $* HULF V VDFKV#PRQVDQWR FRP! 6:$57+287 -2+1 7 $* MRKQ W VZDUWKRXW#PRQVDQWR FRP! '2%(57 5$<021' & $* UD\PRQG F GREHUW#PRQVDQWR FRP! *$2 <21* $* \RQJ JDR#PRQVDQWR FRP! 6XEMHFW 5( VZHHW FRUQ WDEOH +L .HYLQ , DP FF¶LQJ P\ FROOHDJXHV LQ VFLHQWLILF DIIDLUV ,I \RX HYHU QHHG DQ\ LQIRUPDWLRQ IURP XV SOHDVH OHW XV NQRZ :H UHDOO\ DSSUHFLDWH LQGHSHQGHQW VFLHQWLVWV ZRUNLQJ WR HGXFDWH WKH SXEOLF .HLWK )URP )ROWD .HYLQ 0 >PDLOWR NIROWD#XIO HGX@ 6HQW :HGQHVGD\ $SULO 30 7R 5(',1* + .(,7+ >$* @ 6XEMHFW 5( VZHHW FRUQ WDEOH +L .HLWK , UHDG WKH EORJ RQ WKLV VLWH ULJKW DIWHU WKH WZLWWHU SRVW ODVW QLJKW ,¶P RQ DQ HPDLO ULJKW QRZ ZLWK VRPHRQH QRW WKLV RQH WKDW VWLOO WKLQNV WKRVH QXPEHUV DUH OHJLW ,¶P EORZQ DZD\ WKDW SHRSOH FRXOG EH VR LQFUHGLEO\ JXOOLEOH DQG ODFN DQ\ VFLHQWLILF VFUXWLQ\ ,W¶V WRXJK WR EH D VFLHQWLILF FRPPXQLFDWRU WKHVH GD\V , GLG D SXEOLF WDON RQ V\QWKHWLF ELRORJ\ WRGD\ PRVWO\ PLFURELDO 7KH ZKROH 4 $ ZDV DERXW WKH ³0RQVDQWR SURWHFWLRQ $FW´ 7KH ZRUOG LV RIILFLDOO\ QXWV .HHS PH LQ PLQG LI \RX HYHU QHHG D JRRG SXEOLF LQWHUIDFH ZLWK QR FRUSRUDWH WLHV WKDW NQRZV WKH VXEMHFW LQVLGH DQG RXW DQG FDQ WKLQN RQ KLV IHHW .HYLQ From: GAO, YONG (AGl1000) Sent time: 0411 712013 05:19:09 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: RE: sweet corn tabic Dr. Folta, Misinformation campaign in ag biotech area is more than overwhelming, it is really hurting the progress of translating science and knowledge into ag productivity improvement to produce more (while conserve more on per unit basis) to feed the world. I am grateful that academics like you are willing to speak out on the science in this area to the public, as I know how tough it is to do because everyone is already too busy and because there are people there who do not like to hear the truth of science for all kinds of reasons. Thank you for supporting science and for educating those who are open to science. Yong Yong Gao, PhD, MBA Director Global Regulatory Policy & Scientific Affairs Monsanto Company +1 314 694-3855 office 800 North Lindbergh Blvd +1 3 14 488-0971 nlobile St Louis, Missouri 63 167 +I 314 694-8414 fax USA y)ne.~~1;lc~&111unsirn1u,cc11u Internet Facebook Twitter YouTube www, littps:!lw\ h~tps:i/twilter.coiiiii~lonsantoCt, http::/ From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 3:47 PM To: REDING, H KEITH [AG/1000] Cc: SACHS, ERIC S [AG/1000]; SWARTHOUT, JOHN T [AG/1000]; DOBERT, RAYMOND C [AG/1000]; GAO, YONG [AG/1000] Subject: RE: sweet corn table Thanks Keith. I'm an academic scientist and love making complex Lopics approachable. I've spoken about transgenic technology in whole foods co-ops, vegan groups and in anti-GMO debates. The vegans are cool-I actually have cl~angedquite a few llli~ldsthere. They tend to be critical thiilkers! I'm always here and glad to help. My background is in communications aiid my Ph.D in molecular biology.. . good mix. Did a lot of discussio~~ ill the press pre-prop37. From: REDING, H KEITH (AG/1000) [] Sent: Wednesday, April 17,2013 4:38 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Cc: SACHS, ERIC S (AG/1000); SWARTHOUT, JOHN T (AG/1000); DOBERT, RAYMOND C (AG/1000); GAO, YONG (AG/l000) Subject: RE: sweet corn table Hi Kevin, I am cc'ing my collcagucs in scientific affairs. If you cvcr nced any infonnation fi-om us, plcasc let us know. Wc rcally apprcciatc indepcndclit scientists working to cducatc the public. From: Folta, Kevin M. [mailto:kFalta@ufl ~ d u ] Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 3:31 PM To: REDING, H KEITH [AG/l000] Subject: RE: sweet corn table Hi Keith. I read the blog on this sitc right after thc twittcr post: last night. I'm on an cmail right now with soiilconc (not this one) that still thinks those nullibcrs arc legit. From: Ly, Christie Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:57 AM To: kl?l'i?ll?i?ll??kl Subject: New forum to address GMO Hello Mr. Folta, On behalf of The Council for Biotechnology Information we would like to introduce you to a new forum designed to address the challenging questions about biotechnology in food and agriculture. The number of everyday people wanting to understand GMOs better is increasing, but we haven?t always done a great job of communicating with the public. C81 is committed to responding to consumer questions about how our food is grown. We?re inviting experts from academia, government, the industry, and others to help address consumers? questions with facts and insight that shed more light on the complicated nature of GMOs. This is a new way to build trust, dialogue and support for biotech in agriculture. Given your expertise, we would like to preview our program with you and ask for your feedback. As a respected leader in the nation?s food conversation, your opinion is critical - and we hope you will consider providing input. Could we set up a brief call to walk you through the CBI program, planned activities, and possible ways to support this endeavor? We?re coordinating calls with experts across the industry in advance of our launch, and hope we can spend a few minutes with you. We welcome an opportunity to speak with you further, and thank you in advance for your attention to this invitation. Thank you for your time. Best, Christie Christie C. Ly Ketchum for Council for Biotechnology Information mobile: 917-617-2437 From: Ly, Christie Sent time: 06/07/2013 04:19:51PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: RE: New forum to address GMO Thanks, Kevin. No need for nights /weekends :) but thanks for the offer. What day works best for you next week? The briefings should last no longer than 30 minutes. The team is based on the west coast so anytime 12noon ET / 9 am PT after is best. ... The only exception is on Tuesday, June 11 the team is available 2pm ET or after. Thank you! Christie Christie C. Ly Ketchum for CBI mobile: 917-617-2437 From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Friday, June 07,2013 1:15 PM To: Ly, Christie Subject: Re: New forum to address GMO Hi Christie, glad to participate. I can take a call anytime, even nightstweekends,or we can schedule next week. Kevin ***** Sent fiom my phone. On Jun 7, 2013, at 11:37 AM, "Ly, Christie" < C ' ~ ~ r t s r i c . l , ~ ~ r r . k c ~ c l ~ ~wrote:> Hello Mr. Folta, Iwanted to follow up to see if you'd be interested in learning more about this new forum. I f so, we'd like to set up a brief call in the next couple of weeks. Best Christie Christie C. Ly Ketchum for CBI mobile: 917-617-2437 From: Ly, Christie Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:57 AM To: kfo! Subject: New forum to address GMO Hello Mr. Folta, On behalf of The Council for Biotechnology Information (CBI), we would like to introduce you to a new forum designed to address the challenging questions about biotechnology in food and agriculture. The number of everyday people wanting to understand GMOs better is increasing, but we haven't always done a great job of communicating with the public. CBI is committed to responding to consumer questions about how our food is grown. me: Schmidt. Emily Sent time: 3li'2013 09:15.20 PM To: Fultu. Kevin M. Subject: Additional GMU Answers Question - Assistancc Requested Hi Kevin- I hope you are doing well. I believe you in Hawaii w/ I hope things are going well sounded like you folks were headed out there for a real boondoggle. following up on the GMO Answers front now live at The conversation on the site is very lively, we have received tons of new comments and questions from consumers as expected the website has invited some diverse viewpoints - many are critical of biotechnology. Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback on the site we are still working through a few functionalities since the launch of the site. Curious if you would be willing to respond to a question posted to the site (see there are a lot of request of your time and we certainly understand if you will not be able to respond, just let us know and we will develop a new approach for the question responses. Thanks. Can you describe in detail the process by which genes are altered in foods? Background information: (Please free to revise and use your own words background information) in the wild, the transfer of genes within and across species is fairly common, either through traditional reproduction (breeding) or through non-traditional means. Viruses and bacteria do this all the time, as do plants and animals. Human DNA, for instance, is full of viral genes. When humans began to farm about ten thousand years ago, they took the seeds from edible wild plants and sowed them to create crops. Early farmers selected the most desirable plants to provide seeds for the next year?s crop. They looked for faster growth, higher yields, larger seeds, tastier fruit, bigger plants, resistance to insects, other pests, and disease, and other desirable traits. Eventually they learned that plants within the same species, and in the 1700?s, across different species could be arti?cially mated or cross-pollinated to improve the characteristics of the plant. These farmers knew nothing of genes, of course, but were actually altering the genetic makeup of the plants. By creating better plants through selective breeding, they were practicing what is now called genetic modification. In the 20th century, scientists began to experiment with a new different form of breeding in corn called hybridization. This involves developing a "pure" line of com (a strain in which desired characteristics are present in successive generations) and then combining (?crossing?) it with another pure line to create an even better and more vigorous line. Hybrids came to dominate the corn market, and the technique was applied to other crops as well. In the United States, 95 percent of the corn acreage is planted with hybrid corn, enabling us to produce six times more com on three percent fewer acres than we did 80 years ago. in the 19405 Scientists also learned that they could alter the genetic makeup of plants by exposing them to chemicals, x-rays and other forms of radiation, and then selected the plants that expressed the traits that were being sought. This is called "mutagenesis" and has created many varieties of important crops. These techniques and many others are called, "traditional or conventional breeding,? and there is a high degree of uncertainty and unpredictability associated with these types of genetic modification, as large amounts of genetic material are exchanged when two organisms? genomes are crossed, or in the case of mutagenesis, genetic changes are created randomly. Genetic engineering is more precise. Only a few genes that are needed to achieve the desired trait are transferred from one organism to another. The difference between traditional breeding and genetic engineering is illustrated in the picture below from the U.S. Food 8L Drug Administration. In popular culture, genetic engineering has become synonymous with genetic modi?cation and an organism that has been genetic engineered is often referred to as a genetically engineered organism or GMO. Methods of Plant Breeding Traditional The traditional plant breeding process introduces a number of genes into the plant. These genes may include the gene responsible for the desired characteristic. as well as genes responsible for unwanted characteristics. Donor Variety DNA Strand Recipient va'iety New Variety DNA Strand DNA strands contain a portion of an DNA 5" ?6 Many genes are transferred organism's entire genome. a with the desired gene. Heck Desired gene Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering enables the introduction into the plant of the speci?c gene or genes responsible for the characteristic(s) of interest. By narrowing the introduction to one Or a few identi?ed genes, scientists can introduce the desired characteristic without also introducing genes responsible for unwanted characteristics. Donor Organism DNA Strand . . . New Variety .DNA Strand The desired gene is copied from human ?new only the 595"? the donor organism's. genome, DNA Strand transferred to a location in the recipient genOnreDesired gene Err-er yeur uuesiien ASK il-EE BA SEES STUDIES AHEAHTIELES DIE ABOUT [il'il? FIS Ask Us Anything Abeut How is ynur question answered? Can yeu describe in detail the precess by which genes are altered in feeds? ?uestien Submitted By: BE ?uesriens submitted re EMU Answers appeal." as i-i'rr'rten at the time ei? submissien. blues hens are Farrier-tree .tc' ensure rhey cenferm with em heuse rules. bur are never edrrecl erar'teree? EMU Answers. Hetificatien Preferences Expert Answer By: Heyin Felta. F'refesserand Chairman, Herticultural Sciences Deeartmeht, ef Flerida en Thursday- In the wild, the transfer ef genes within and acress species is fairly cemmen, either threugh traditienal repreductien [breeding] er threugh nen-traditienal means. Viruses and bacteria de this all the time, as de plants and animals. Human fer instance, is full ef yiral genes- humans began te farm between 1B and EU theusand years age, they teek the seeds frem their best edible wild plants and sewed them te create creps- Early farmers selected the must desirable plants te preyide seeds fer the nest year's crep- They leeked fer faster grewth; higher yields; larger seeds; tastier fruit; bigger plants; resistance te insects, ether pests, and disease; and ether desirable traits. [the ef the meat impertant traits was that the plants didn't make them sick- learned that plants within the same species, and, in the acress different species, ceuld be artificially mated er cress-pellinated te impreye the characteristics ef the plant. These farmers knew nething ef genes, ef ceurse, but were actually altering the genetic makeup ef the plant s- By creating better plants threugh selective breeding, they were practicing genetic medificatien?changing a geneme threugh human interyentien- In the 20th century, scientists began te experiment with a new, different fe rm ef breeding in cern, called hybridizatien- This inyelyes deyeleping an "inbred" line ef cern [a genetically "pure" line where desired characteristics breed true in eyery subsequent generatien] and then cembining ["cressing'j it with an ether pure line te create an eyen better and mere yigereus line- Hybrids carne te deminate the cern market, and the technique was applied te ether creps as well. In the United States, SS percent ef the cern acreage is planted with hybrid cern, enabling us te preduce six times mere cern en three percent fewer acres than we did Bl] years age. Hybrids were great fer the seed industry. Because they ewned the parental inbred lines, enly they ceuld preduce a specific hybrid, meaning that farmers weuld return annually fer the impreyed seeds. In the iSst, scientists alse learned that they ceuld alter the genetic makeup ef plants by ei-zpesing them te chemicals, ll- rays and ether ferms ef radiatien, and then select the plants that expressed the traits that were being seught- This is called "mutatien breeding" and has created many yarieties ef impertant creps- These techniques and many ethers are called "traditienal er cenyen?enal breeding," and there is a high degree ef uncertainty and unpredictability asseciated with these types ef genetic medificatien, as large ameunts ef genetic material are exchanged when twe erganisms' grandmas are cressed er, in the case ef mutagenesis, genetic changes are created randemly. Mebile feund in every plant and animal else is mixed- These transpesable elements jump in and put ef genemes, remedeling the geneme centinueusly- The precess ef geneticengineering is a mere precise methed ef genetic medificatien- ?nly ene gene, er maybe a few genes, are needed te achieye the desired trait and are transferred frem ene erganisni te anether- The difference between traditienal breeding and genetic engineering is illustrated in the picture belew, frem the US- Feed and Drug Administratien. In pepular culture, genetic engineering has beceme synenymeus with genetic medificatien, and an erganism that has been genetically engineered is eften referred te as a genetically medified erganism, er EMU. The technical term is "transgenic-" Search Entire Sitc- lug-Ir 009696 Mederater Updates tn the EMU Answers cemmunity! Please remember te yete en the cluestiens yeu'd like te see answered first. Kevin Felta Prefesser and their man, Hertic ultural Sciences Department, University ef Flerida Keyin Felta is a prefesser in and chairman ef the Herticu Itural Sciences Department at the Llniyersity ef Flerida, Gainesyille- l-Ie get his Phi]. in Melecular Bielegy frem Uniyersity ef Illineis at Ehicage in 1993, and he has werked at University ef befere settling in at Uniyersity ef Flerida. Dr. Felta researches the functienal genemics ef small fruit creps, the plant transferrnatien, the genetic basis ef flayers, and studies at phetemerphegenesis and flewering. He has alse written many publicatiens and edited beeks, mest recently was the E?ii Genetics, Benemics, and Breeding ef Berries. Dr. Felta receiyed the NSF CAREER Award, an HHMI Mentering Award and was recegnized as "Uniyersity ef Flerida Feundatien Research Prefesser" in Hill]. Fer mere than :11] years, scientists have been able tn cut DNA and paste it intc a new ccunte-irt. Transgenic plants rely nn scientists identifying and amplifying the gene at interest and then inserting it intn ?grnbacterium, a bacterial species that maires natural genetic exchanges with plants- Scientists have disarmed Agra-bacterium tp werlr them- The lab strains at Agrebacterium [usually referred te as simply ?Agre'ii can depdsit DNA into a Scientists place the gene pf interest intd Agra and incubate it with plant tissues- Agra places the DNA intd dne cell, and then it is integrated inte the ge e. The pne cell can be placed intn media where it will divide intn a clump called a callus, a pf generic cells- Elantcells maire decisinns based en plant hermenes- Placing a cailus en varidus hermnne cnmbinatinns causes the callus tc prdduce nrganized ceilular structures that eventually emerge as new nrgans er that iater emerge inth a whale plant. If that fdundatinnal cell has ynur gene in it, it will be present in every cell at the new plant- This is the precess in a shert term In any lab, it is reaspnably simple fer species- Tnday, labs ddn't even bnther- Instead, they centract the nut tcu dne at several cnmpanies pr university services that make the transgenic fer ydu. Basically, ypu can get ycuur favprite gene installed in meat ag pretty easily. there, the gene might instruct the plant tn de snmething it never did, prnduce mere gt a preduct that is naturaliy there an even turn a gene eit- Fil] at these are valuable putce mes {if the precess- Methods of Plant Breeding Traditicinal The traditienal plant breeding precess i ntreduces a number at genes int-c the plant. These genes may include the gene fer the desired characteristic. as well as genes fer unwanted characteristics. Eisner 'u'eriety DNA nd Realm!? Irma-t! New lli'slriety DNA Strand [ii-hi. strands cnntaln a pnrtinn at an mm Strand Ma ny genes are transferred nrganisrn's entire gennme. Irrith the desired ge ne- . Desired gene Genetic Engineering Genetic engin eering enables the inth the plant at the speci?c gene or genes responsible fer the characteristic{s] cf interest. By the intreductien tn- nne er a few identi?ed genes. scientists can intredu ce the desired characteristic Ililithnut alsn intreducing genes fer unwanted characteristics. [inner ?rganisrn DNA Strand HEW Strand The desired gene is cn-pied irern Recipient ml "at! ?nl?i'r the giant-is the dunm ?l?gani?mrs Ewan-IE. DNA Strand transferred tn a la cab en in the recipient gennme. 00?? halt?; it. :32? Desired gene Tcrpic: Science and EMU Eiasics - 3 Enmments I Add Ecmment _sHeeE Tc past a cemment- please legin- From: Ly, Chrlstie [] Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 1:57 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: GMO Answers - Your assistance is requested Hello Kevin, Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. As we shared with you in our briefing, we would like to include you in our new G M O Answers forum, whicli is designed to address the challenging qucstions about biotccl~nologyin food and agriculture. The Council for Biotechnology Inforn~ation(CBI) is committed to responding to consumer questions about how our food is grown through this forum. As a critical component to addressing consumer questions, we're inviting experts fron~academia, government, the industry and others to share Facts, insight and stories that help explain in an inclependent voice what GMOs are, and how and why they are used. This is a ncw way to build trust, dialogue and support for biotech in agriculture. We've compiled frequently asked questions in preparation for our site launcli this month arid w e need your help responding. Wc sclectecl several cluestions that fit your expertise (below). In addition, we've provided information (sample answers and references) that may be helpful in formulating your response. However, we'd like to draw on your experiences and expertise. We want your responses to be authenlically yours. Please feel h-ec to edit or draft all-new responses. In an effort to meet the neetls of the G M O Answers community, we'd appreciate feedbaclc by next Wednesday, Jtlly 10.If ilJs not possible, please let us lcnow and we'll determine a new approach. Finally, we'd liltc to credit you For your thoughtful responses. I f possible, we'rl appreciate the Following: Photo (jpg image) Linlc to your bio Prcfcrrecl title As a respected leader in the nation's food conversation, your voice is critical and we hope you will consider sharing perspective in your own w o ~ d sThanlt . you in advance. Thanks, Christie Christie C. Ly I(etchum for CBI mohilc: 917-617-2437 cl~risric,llrfi~ctcI~~~nz.cutt~ Q1: W h a t processes a r e in place to protect t h e genetics purity of plant varieties? Seed purity has been closely monitored for much longer than CMOS have been around, because Farmers are very choosy about the seed varieties they prefer. The Federal Secd Act, administered by the USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service, establishes labeling requirements for seeds, including the percent ofa certain genetic variety in a seer1 bag. With respect to C M traits, the trait itself also is listed, SO that fhrrners ltnow which trait they are purchasing. Same farmers g140wcrops not for food but to supply s e e d s for seed companies, These certified seed growers follow very strict practices to ensure purity of t h e seeds, in accorclatice with the Federal Seed Act. TIiese include isolating tlie seed crop from o t h e r genetic varieties of tliat crop; Iceeping cropsfroni p~.eviousyears from growing a s volunteer plants; cleaning planting equipment and Itceping e q i ~ i l s ~ n c fnot ~seed . production separate from equipnient for crop pi-oduction. In addition, post-harvesting handling, storage, ant1 transport a r e important factors in maintaining tlic genetic integrity of' each varicly. These measures a r e important For sceds for all types of crops, 110th G M and non-GM. For more info~+mation on the various practices that growers use to prcsc~.vcthe gcnelic integrity of a seed variety: l1l~p://'~-Cou~i~t~11~~1~1'c1cl~1~tit11~Pt'i~ctic~s.~~~l~ I~ttl?: //~~i~~~v.an1sr~cr1.1~~~~~~Is/1\S'I'A-Ctrc~is~1~1ict'1'1~i1~inl~'s.1~rl l' For more information about certified secd production for specific crops in different countries, visit the Association of Official Seed Gel-tifying Agencies website at wtvw.aosczl.urg, Q2: Is it p o s s i b l e t o c r e a t e o r g a n i c s e e d s f r o m GMOs in t h e f u t u r e ? If we turn ttrc cloclt alicatl 20 years I rlrinl( this is whc+~.e we'll be. Qrganic p r o r l i ~ c ~ i ~lias ) l i no1 hinl: to d o with gcnctics-i~ is proti L I ~ion I ; ~ n dIl;lntllir~gtcclinirlt~csfor plant yrrt~duvlsas ou tlinctl Ircr'c I ~ ~ L ~ ~ : / / ~ ~ ~ . U ~ ~ ~ ~ I . I : ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ S / ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~CERTICICATIO ~ I ~ I ~ S I ~. ~Scientists /IIS~I~~I~CI~I~I~~~II ant1 con:;nnrcrs ol'all I1arlq;roi1ntls ap111-ecialcLhc aim of growing m o r e food with T C \ Y ~ I inpilts ant1 less cnvi~.onmcritali ~ n l ~ a cWc'rc l. all on the S B I I I ~page there. .1 ransgcnic l c c h ~ ~ o l o gisy;I conll,lclncrit to, rlol in opl~ositionof, organic p r o c l ~ ~ c l i otech~iicl~~c:s. n BL crops Iiavc cu( tile rrsc trl'pcsticides, 'l'hc: f~cliircpronliscs crops that niay maltc I ~ c t t c rilsc o f fcrlilizcr, r Fucl. Thesc bcnerits may be resist disoasc, ;lnd pcrliaps can protluce mure fcrotl with less l a l ~ o and au~;nie~itctl when Lcanlctl \viLll cll'ectivc organic production teclinic-luos. Iiowcvc!~.,the National Organic Program (NOP) \\!auld need to rcvisc its rather arbitv;lry policy chat transgenic ( C M O ) nlalcl.ials not hc alloweil within organic ccrtificatio~lguitlelincs. Tllo original ~ ~ o l i cwya s basell o n puhlic f'ccdbacl~,nut scicnce. This remains tlie pcdicy. 'Tllcrc wonlcl ~lcctllo be a railical change in thinlting, I J L I ivitlr ~ cducatior~and letling science tlictate dccisiorzs, it will Irappcn. Q3: H o w c a n b i o t e c h s e e d s help w i t h c l i m a t e c h a n g e a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l s w i n g s ? CM seeds can play an important role in helping world agriculture a d a p t to climate change. Certain CM s c e d s give plants protection against insects that leads t o stronger root systems From less insect damage, This will enable these crops to absorb the available moisture better and allow them to grow in drier conditions. G M s e e d s a r e also being used to grow plants that require less rainfall anti still produce gootl harvests d i ~ cto traits tliat inipart drought resistance. In addition, l~er~\~icide-tole~-anC crops rlcvclopcd with biot.ccIinology Iiavc significantly increased the use of no-till agriculture, preserving precious soil m o i s t ~ ~ ~ - e . Anotller way in which G M sceds a r c helping with c l i n ~ a t cchange is the reduction In the n u m b e r of tractor trips through tlic farnl field d i ~ cto better seed technology. By making crops lierbicidetolerant and insect-resist an^, it means farmer need fewer trips through the field to control these t pests. T h ~ rlec~.eases s tho use or File1 and greenhouse gas emissions, t h u s promating lcss i ~ n p a c on c l i ~ n tc a change. 44:Can you give any examples of h o w biotech seeds have improved sustainnbility? Herb~cide-toler.nntcrops have encouraged Farlnel-s to practice no-till farming. In conventional farming, the fields a r c plowed ("t~llcd")every year to get rid of weeds. Because of the superior wccd control from GM crops, farmers now have to till much less often. This lias lecl to improved soil health arid w a t e r retenLio11, reclucerl runoR, ant1 reduced greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. (National Academy of Sciences, Impact of Ccnctically Engineered Crops on Farm Sustainability in the U n ~ t e dStates, 2 0 1 0 ) ~ ] ~ : / / w r v w , n n p . c t t u / c ~ ~ ; 1 I n ~ 1 I 1 ~ 1 7 rld=128@ cco1~d Inscct-resistant crops have greatly reduced the a m o u n t of insecticide tliat has to b e applied to insectprotected crops. It's cstirnated that an astounding 600 million pounds IXSS active ingredient of insecticide has been used in the United States because of the use of CM crops, significantly reducing farmers' costs and environmental footprint. (Broc~ltesand Barfoot, Key environmental impacts of global GM crop use 1996-2011, in CM Crops and Food, 4/26/20 13) Iltt 17: / / ~ ~ r t ~ w . l ~ j ~ c ~ r : r ~ ~ ~/!>I[ t ~ ~(120 ~ i i 13~lo~~~li1~i~;lclst1~~1vI~i1l~I1~~!1~oi~I.1~~1I~ In developing countries, the increased production from CM seeds has allowed small farmers to generate more income off of the same amount oF land, thus reducing the practice of cutting down forest for mare cropland. 'This message is intended only Ibr thc pcrson or eutily to which it is addressed nntl rilny contain ii~lbrmntiond ~ n ris privileged, conlirlcntial or otherwise protected from disclosure. Disscrninatian, distribution or copying of this niessage or the inrorolation herein by anyone other than thc intended recipient, or an employec or agcnt respoilsible tbr drlivering [he message to the iuiendcd recipient, is pl.ohibited. If you have receivcd this lilcssagc by mistilke. please destl-ny it imrtlcdiarely and iiotiij, tlre sender. Eoteryour question ASK IJLIESTIBHS THE EASE .- STUDIES [Ill] AND ARTICLES ABDUT Stall] ANSWERS Ask Us Anything About How is you question answered? I am interested in learning more about how biotech seeds improve sustainability. Can you provide examples?I Cluestion Submitted By: SM from San Francisco, CA Clues trens submitted to EMS Ans were appear as written at the time of submission. ?ees none are reweL-veo' to ensure the conform with our house rules, but are never ee'r?teo' or altered by EMS Answers. 3 Notification Preferences Expert Answer By: Kevin Folta, Professor and Chairman- Horticultural Sciences Department, University of Florida on Sunday, iClt?i'EtliS 5:15 pm Herbicide-tolerant crops have encouraged farmers to practice no-ti farming. In conventional farming, the fields are plowed E'tilled?] to control weeds- Because of the superior weed control from GM crops, farmers now have to till much less often. This has led to improved soil health and water retention, reduced runoff, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. [National Academy of Sciences, Impact of Genetically Engineered Crops on Farm Sustainability in the United States. 213 11]} 12BClt-l Insect-resistant crops have greatly reduced the amount of insecticide that has to be applied to insect-protected crops. It's estimated that an astounding million pounds LESS active ingredient of insecticide has been used in the United States because of the use of GM crops, significantly reducing farmers' costs and environ mental footprint. [Brooxes and Barfoot, Hey environmental impacts of global ISM crop use 1996-21311, in GM Crops and Food, AIEBEEB 13] balimpactstudyfinalreport-pde In developing countries. the increased production from GM seeds has allowed small farmers to generate more income off of the same amount of land, thus reducing the practice of cu tting down forest for more cropland- The greatest gains are yet to come. EM plants with more efficient use of nitrogen and other important nutrients mean less fertiliser will be needed, saving farmers money, and less fertilizer ends up in the environment. As mentioned previously, EM plants are available to with stand moderate water deficits- In the near future these same traits may allow the same yields or better while consuming less water. Such technologies have been demonstrated as effective in the laboratory and in field contexts- Eoing forward, as we apply what we learning about organic, low-input and sustainable production practices to GM crops, we'll see comparable or improved performance with less cost and environmental impact- Topic: Impact on Environment . 2 Comments I Add Comment "sHees Tn a rnmmont Ins-in [login] Search Entire Site 0 6 Moderator Updates favorite question! Click here to learn more about the independent S: company experts answering your questions- Hevin Folta Professor and Chairman, Horticultural Sciences Department, University of Florida lrtevin Folta is a professor in and chairman of the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida, Gainesville- He got his in Molecular Biology from University of Illinois at Chicago in and he has worked at University of Wisconsin before settling in at University of Florida. Folta researches the functional genomics of small fruit cmps, the plant transformation, the genetic basis of flavors, and studies at photomorphogenesis and flowering. He has also written many publications and edited books, most recently was the Hill Genetics, Benomics, and Breeding of Berries. Dr- Folta received the NSF CAREER Award. an HHMI Mentoring Award and was recognis ed as "University of Florida Foundation Flesearch Professor" in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evin Felta - Professor and Chairman Sciences Department at cl? Flcurida As an independent academic scientist I'm simply appalled lav this level at tear mpngering. GM differs he mere rislt than traditional breeding and that is a hard statement lav the fdrempst scientific and medical eddies- This article isjust thrdughdut- HUNDREDS df independent studies have been peridrmed- The cinlv dnes that shciw evidence at harm are never repeated. are activist driven- and are higth criticized as had science lav independent academic scientists- The wthIe thing can allergies here is writing Net is it ppssihle tp assess allergenicitv- it has been ddne with he evidence at interacticin human sera. I cduld gci cIn tcir hciurs after reading this- I'm glad the authpr's dissipated- but she's blaming the There are genes in mm hvprids cpntain genetic mixes w'rth tens pt gene variants- Is it cprn- certain hvhrids? pr can inserting a transgene even cause a mechanisticaliv';l The blame df GMD is part dfthe that this seund techncilpgv is Very sad- itvdu ddn't believe me, write an email td any plant scientist at am; university anywhere in the wand Dpn?t mal-te decisipns pased en tear- Mal-te them based en science- Lile Reply 1383 JLII Fro'n: Alicia Maluafiti - HC[A Sent 0711 112013 02:45:04 PM To: Renee Kestcr ; Jon Entine Cc: Karl Haro voll Mogel ;Steve Savage ; Kevin M. M. Folta ;Folta, Kevin M.; Kirby Kester RE; Kauai Conf Call # I just want everyone to know that we ARE moving forward on this! So I defer to Renee as the lead but we will need to craft out short term (leading up to July 31 hearing) and longer term strategy (post July 31) using the Biofortified boys (do you mind if I call you that? I think I'm the oldest of the bunch) :0) So please know that you are part of our overall public education strategy and specifically - how do we use your valuable time wisely while you are here in Hawaii (besides hitting the beaches!) I'd love to hear your thoughts. Aloha! Alicia Maluafiti, Executive Director Hawaii Crop Improvement Association Growing the Future of Worldwide Agriculture in Hawaii -----Original Message----From: Renee Kester [] Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 8:23 AM To: Jon Entine Cc: Karl Haro von Mogel; Steve Savage; Kevin M. M. Folta; Kevin M. Folta; Kirby Kester; Alicia Maluafiti Subject: Kauai Conf Call # Ha! For once something moved faster than I expected ... Dial in: 1 866 206 9743 Code: 808 337 2065# Again 2pm Hawaii time. Mahalo, Renee Kester 808-651-5672 On Jul 11, 2013, at 8:19 AM, Renee Kester wrote: > Okay, we are confirmed for 2pm Hawaii time conference call. 5pm west coast, 7 pm midwest, 8pm east coast. Kirby will be setting up the conference call through his office at BASE. Currently he is in a meeting and will send out the call in # after his meeting is adjourned. > > Looking forward to speaking with you all. > > Mahalo, > Renee > > On Jul 11, 2013, at 6:51 AM, Jon Entine wrote: > >> Yes, let us know exact time and call in # . >> >> On Jul 11, 2013, at 12:44 PM, Karl Haro von Mogel wrote: >> >>> Yes, I can do 7 pm Central (2 ppm HI, 8 pm EST). A little less convenient for me, but happy to accomodate! >>> Karl >>> >>> On 7/11/2013 11:36 AM, Renee Kester wrote: >>>> Great to hear from everyone! Would everyone still be available if we pushed it back 2 hours so that Kevin could join? >>>> >>>> Mahalo, >>>> Renee >>>> >>>> On Jul 11, 2013, at 1:38 AM, Jon Entine wrote: >>>> >>>>> Works for me. # ? >>>>> >>>>> Jon Entine >>>>> . Exec Director, Genetic Literacy Project: >>>>> . Sr Fellow, Center for Health & Risk >>>>> Communication, George Mason University >>>>> (513) 319-8388 >>>>> >>>>> On Jul 11, 2013, at 3:47 AM, Renee Kester wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Aloha Jon, Karl, Kevin and Steven, >>>>>> >>>>>> First off I would like to thank you for all of the support you have given us over here in Hawaii with regards to our recent legislative battles, it means a lot to all of us over here. >>>>>> >>>>>> I realize this is short notice but I am hoping you would all be available for a conference call at noon Hawaii time tomorrow (thursday 7/11), I believe that would be 3pm west coast, 5pm midwest, 6pm east coast. Hoping to get you all on the line to officially discuss strategy and your availability to support us with a trip over to Hawaii for the next hearing on the 31st or the one after. We have lots of ideas to keep you all busy! Again, sorry for the short notice and I hope you are all available tomorrow, I think we can be somewhat flexible on the exact time of the call if we need to nudge it one way or the other to accommodate you. >>>>>> >>>>>> Many Mahalos, >>>>>> Renee Kester >>>>>> 808-742-1934 >>>> >>> >> > From: Alicia Malua?ti - HCIA ?mu 07/24/2013 04:00:18 AM To: Steve Savage Folta. Kevin M. Cc. Kirby Kester Renee Kester McFarland. Scott sub-lee? Breakfast with Kauai Business Council OK you are on for breakfast on Tuesday, July 30, 8:30 am (location tbd). You each get 10 minutes to present. The goal is to get the Council to oppose the bill (publicly - with written and/or oral testimony and maybe even an op/ed! Wowee!). So the time will be spent 1) educating them about the ?aws in the bill and its impact on the island, 2) giving them peace of mind about the pesticides being used and the crops being grown, and 3) increasing awareness about the overall economic contribution of the seed farms on Kauai. So splitting this up: 1. Pesticides (Steve) 2. Ag Biotechnology (Kevin) 3. Seed Farmers (Kirby) This is a working breakfast meeting. 50 probably no video projector but possibly handouts would help. I am cc?ing Frank Rizzo to see if he has time to attend as well. Scott or Kirby - HCIA is picking up the bill for this breakfast. Can one of you take care of this? Alicia Maluafiti, Executive Director Hawaii Crop Improvement Association Growing the Future of Worldwide Agriculture in Hawaii From: Gomstein? Cindy Sent time: muorzon 03:49 22 PM McFarland, Scott (SE) Frank Riuo Steve Savage Fella. Kevin Alicia Malna?ti - HCIA delinlsgonsal {dennisgonsalf?-gmailcom?" sub-lo?: Expect Gary Hooscr to try to insert himself at Just a heads up to everyone involved with the forum. Gary Hooser may try to insert himself and take the ?oor as part of our forums. Others may have heard the same and suggest the moderators and panelists are prepared to handle Gary Hooser trying to take over for his own purposes. Not sure ifTim Bynum plans to do the same. but have seen him do this at other meetings. Cindy Cindy Goldstein DuPont Pioneer Industry Relations Manager. Hawaii office: 808-637-0I00 ext 1 [7 cell: 808-722-7819 From: McFarland, Scott (SE) [] Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 8:56 AM To: Goldstein, Cindy;;; 'Frank Rizzo?; Steve Savage; Kevin M. Folta; Alicia Malua?ti - HCIA Subject: RE: Breakfast 8:30 am with Kauai Business Council Yep, this breakfast is Steve and Kevin?s agenda for Tuesday morning at 8:30am From: Goldstein, Cindy Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 8:43 AM To:; McFarland, Scott Subject: Breakfast 8:30 am with Kauai Business Council I am not sure who is organizing the event with Randy Francisco and the Kauai Business Council, but Randy passed along infomtation that you may, or may not, already have. The breakfast with the speakers and others participating is from 8:30 to 10 at the Aston Aloha Beach Resort in the back private dining room area. Expect 15 to 20 people. PUBLIC HEARING JULY 31, 2013 A public hearing of the Council of the County of Kaua'i was called to order by Gary L. Hooser, Chair, Economic Development (Sustainability / Agriculture / Food / Energy) & Intergovernmental Relations Committee, on Wednesday, July 31, 2013, a t 1:30 p.m., a t the Kaua'i Veterans Center, 3215 Kapule Highway, Lihu'e, and the presence of the following was noted: Honorable Ross Kagawa Honorable Nadine K. Nakamura Honorable Me1 Rapozo Honorable JoAnn A. Yukimura Honorable Gary L. Hooser Honorable Tim Bynum, Ex-Officio Member Honorable Jay Furfaro, Ex-Officio Member The Clerk read the notice of the public hearing on the following: "Bill No. 2491 - A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987, AS AMENDED, BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE 22 TO CHAPTER 22, RELATING TO PESTICIDES AND GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS," which was passed on first reading and ordered to print by the Council of the County of Kaua'i on June 26, 2013, and published in The Garden Island newspaper on July 26, 2013. The following communications were received for the record: 1. Tchouboukjian, Tiffany, July 31, 2013 2. Whitlock, Ned, July 31, 2013 3. Wooton, Ryan, July 31, 2013 4. Barca, Nicolai, July 31, 2013 5. Ching, Jon, July 31, 2013 6. Oso, Barame, July 31, 2013 7. Jaskova, Marketa, July 31, 2013 8. Errico, Vera, July 31, 2013 9. Meharg, Amy, July 31, 2013 10.Bachcater, Ricardo, July 3 1, 2013 11.Schwed, Craig, July 31, 2013 lZ.Bronstein, Eric, July 31, 2013 13.Scheraldo, Vinny, July 31, 2013 14.Thorne, Cherie, July 31, 2013 15.Hopman, Arius and Sterling, July 31, 2013 16.Brun, Arthur, July 31, 2013 17.Brontser, Margery, July 31, 2013 18.Folta, Kevin, July 31, 2013 19. Savage, Steven, July 31, 2013 20. Watanabe, Cade, July 31, 2013 21.Murashige, Conrad, July 31, 2013 22. Williams, Greg, July 31, 2013 BILL NO. 2491 2 JULY 31, 2013 23. Iona, Stephanie, July 31, 2013 24. Beall, Matthew, July 31, 2013 25.Trujill0, James, July 31, 2013 26. Smith, Dane, July 31, 2013 27. L7Hote,Yoshi, July 31, 2013 28. Campbell, Eric, July 31, 2013 29. Barnes, Walter, July 31, 2013 30. Kilar, Kyler, July 31, 2013 31. Wyse, Thomas, July 31, 20 13 32.Ma, Kristen, July 31, 2013 33. Waimea Nurses and Medical Assistants (See List), July 31, 2013 34. Rojas-Garcia, Gerardo, July 31, 2013 35. Oyama, Ryan, July 31,2013 36.Heckman7Bruce, July 31, 2013 37.Davis7Steve, July 31, 2013 38.Petition to Support Bill No. 2491 (See List of Signatures), July 31, 2013 39. Kelley 111, Lindsay, July 31, 2013 40. Semeff, Stephanie, July 31, 2013 41. Pope, Antonio, July 31, 2013 42.Tausend7Peter, July 31, 2013 43.Valdez7Pablo, July 31, 2013 44. Price, Evan, July 31, 2013 45. Rita, Leslie, July 31, 2013 46. Barton, David, July 31, 2013 47. Kuehu, Jason, July 31, 2013 48. Shimatsu, Jaqcueleen, July 31, 2013 49. Shimatsu, Rodney, July 31, 2013 50.Riha, Robert, July 31, 2013 51.Beckett7Wendy, July 31, 2013 52. Raelson, Jim, July 31, 2013 53.Rogoff, Steve, July 31, 2013 54. Chatkupt, S., July 31, 2013 55. Wichert, John, July 31, 2013 The hearing proceeded as follows: Chair Hooser: Before we begin, I would like to address a few housekeeping measures. Can people in the back hear-raise your hand if you can hear, yes? Okay, great. It is my intention is this Committee's intention that we will take public testimony and conclude this Public Hearing a t approximately 10:30 p.m. The last Kaua'i Bus returning to Vidinha Stadium will leave this building a t 11:30 p.m. For those who decide to walk back to your vehicles, please exercise caution as you are doing so a t your own risk. For those of you here with us inside the building, there are restrooms and a drinking fountain in the back of the room. Please be considerate with one another when you return to your seats after getting up to use the facilities. For those of you outside on the Kaua'i Veterans Center's grounds, where there are speakers, which you should be able to hear me today-the County has provided portable toilets for you to use. This building has reached capacity. Staff will not permit any further entry into the building a t this time. People outside who require restrooms must use the outside portable toilets and we will not allow standing room or saving seats inside. Now for the way the business will be conducted-we have a short stand-up line that you see against the wall. We have invited five (5) people from the various BILL NO. 2491 3 JULY 31, 2013 sides of the issue, a total of ten (10) people, to take turns offering differing viewpoints a t the beginning of the hearing. We will begin by hearing from these people, immediately followed by the line of people who are behind them from the prior hearing of the first reading. When this line is nearing its end, we will make a n announcement, and then we will begin to line up speakers based on rows of seats. We are going to s t a r t in the front of the room, closest to the stage right here, and we are going to go row by row, all the way to the back. Please follow the Council Staff who will be giving you instructions. Please wait for the Staff to assist you. We will go all the way to the back of the room by row. Anyone who wishes to give testimony will be told to form a line. If you do not want to present testimony, you are welcome to remain in your seat. Please keep track of when your row will be called next because t h a t will be your opportunity to testify. If you need to use the restroom, please take your own breaks a s needed and be courteous to those around you. If you are only here to observe, a n d obviously you are welcome to do so, and do not want to speak, you can remain i n your seat for the entire duration of the Public Hearing if you want to. However, please be aware it would be helpful for someone waiting outside whenever a seat vacancy occurs because Staff may periodically offer to bring people from outside in who want to observe and not speak a t this time. For those not present when the row is called, and you a r e not in your seat, you miss your opportunity to speak. You will have to wait until the end of the Public Hearing in order to speak. Everyone will be given a n opportunity to speak a t some point. Please pay attention when it is your row's turn. Based on the amount of people here in attendance, because not all attendees can come in here, we will first process everyone in here who wants to speak, and then we will reach outside and let those people come in a n d form a line to also testify. As testimony from those inside is occurring, Staff will periodically attempt to locate vacant seats and as people leave the Public Hearing, make those seats available to people who want to observe only. We will not be taking breaks for the duration of this Public Hearing, except every four (4) hours to take a tape change. It takes five (5) minutes to change the videotape. Those five (5) minutes is not to get up a n d walk around because it takes too long. Our objective is to allow a s many people-you got up early and took your time to come out here and we want to hear what you have to say, and so we are trying to give a s many people a s possible t h a t time, which is why this meeting is structured the way it is. For those t h a t are i n the building, you will not be permitted to leave and reenter. We need to keep track where everyone is, so if you leave you will need to stay outside. This event; this Public Hearing today is taking a tremendous amount of work by Council Staff. It was originally scheduled for Kaua'i Community College and a s most of you know, t h a t option was taken away from us. I t was double work for the Council Staff. On behalf of the Council and the community, I want you to help me thank the Council Staff for all of their work on putting this together. Thank you. They have spent hours and hours, and sleepless nights worrying about, fretting about, and planning the details. I ask for your patience because a s we move forward, there may be things t h a t we did not think about, and there are a lot of people here, so I ask for your patience. Please hold the applause in the future if you can because your applause or cheering will slow things down. Please be considerate of all the speakers, even those of differing viewpoints. We will not be allowing any disruptions. We cannot afford disruptions. It is not fair to everyone who is here so we will not be allowing disruptions. Be considerate of the people waiting behind you. When possible, be brief. If other people have already made your point, you do not have to take your full three (3) minutes. You can say whatever you want to say, BILL NO. 2491 4 JULY 31, 2013 and then leave and let somebody else speak. Finally, we should applaud the Kaua'i Veterans Center because they have really stepped up to the plate, last minute, to let u s be here today. Let u s thank them. They really came through. They have faith in us a s a Council and in our community t h a t we are going to conduct ourselves in a way t h a t we are all proud of and respect their property here. Please honor that. Because the purpose of the Public Hearing is to hear what you have to say, we are going to be asking Councilmembers to limit their questions. This is a Public Hearing. We are here to listen to what you have to say. If you ask us to direct questions, we will not normally be answering that. We will take notes and answer those later if you provide E-mails. It is to hear what you have to say. We will have another Committee Meeting on Monday, August 5 t h . There will be a n opportunity for vigorous discussion and dialogue there. There may be some questions but we are asking Councilmembers to please refrain from asking questions, a s much a s possible, again, to allow more people to speak. We will now begin to allow speakers to approach the microphone. You must state your full name for the record. It is helpful if say if you "support" or "oppose." Every speaker will have three (3) minutes to speak i n the beginning. We have the ability to amend our rules or to suspend our rules and change t h a t time period, but we are going to start with three (3) minutes. We are going to try to get everybody. As the evening wears on, it is possible t h a t the majority of the Council may decide that, "Listen, we have heard a lot. Let us shorten t h a t time, whether i t is two (2) minutes or a minute and a half (1.5)," but t h a t decision has not been made. We will try to get through a s many people as possible. Before we call the first speaker, I would like to recognize the Mayor of the County of KauaLi,Mayor Bernard P. Carvalho, J r . for joining u s today. Mayor, please stand-up. I have spoken to the Mayor personally on this issue and I know it is very important to him a s it is to many people i n the community. I appreciate him being here today. We would appreciate it if you provide your contact information so t h a t we can make it to Councilmembers who wish to follow-up and respond. Mr. Clerk, could you call the first speaker? JADE K. FOUNTAIN-TANIGAWA, Deputy County C1erk:The first speaker is Steve Savage. STEVE SAVAGE: Hi, my name is Steve Savage. I a m a n Agricultural Scientist. I have been here for about a week. I want to thank everyone for their hospitality for the week t h a t I have been here and particularly thankful t h a t you would let me speak a s a Californian here. I have been working in Agriculture for about thirty-five (35) years. During t h a t time, I have considered it a great honor to know all sorts of farmers from lots of places around the world and enjoyed meeting many farmers here this week. I n all of t h a t time, I have never met a farmer of any type, large, small, conventional, organic, whatever, who did not have to sometimes use pesticides. They never did t h a t because they enjoyed that, i t is just t h a t the reality is there are pests. I realize there is a lot of controversy about some of the pesticides used on the island. All I would like to do is somewhere some information, which is available from public resources, websites, and whatnot, and I would be happy to share with anyone on how to find t h a t information. The pesticides t h a t are on something t h a t a r e called the "Restricted Use List," it is not restricted in the sense-that it is a unique set of things. They are restricted in who can use them a n d who can use them is restricted to the people with the highest level of training. Everybody who uses pesticides commercially has to have training but if you use these, you have to have the highest level. If you go through the list of those things and see what they are, they a r e first of all, not really BILL NO. 2491 5 JULY 31, 2013 unusual things for other crops. For instance, if I look a t the California Use Data in 2011, two point eight (2.8) million pounds of the same things were used on more t h a n one hundred fifty (150) crops in California. The things t h a t are used here particularly, I think people have focused a lot on what is used in the Corn Seed Industry. If I look a t the data from the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) about what gets used where the tens of millions of acres of corn are grown in the Midwest, it is basically the same list of things and a t very similar use rates throughout the year. I t is not extraordinary chemicals and it is not extraordinary rates. The reason things are on the Restricted Use List can vary, and some could be on t h a t list because they are particularly toxic and they require particular care for the person spraying them, for workers, or for anybody in the area. That is actually a very small part of what is on the list here. Most of the things t h a t we are talking about here are herbicides t h a t are not particularly toxic to people. In fact ninety-eight percent (98%) of the active ingredients used here are less toxic than the caffeine in your normal coffee, gram for gram. Again, there is a lot of information about these pesticides t h a t can sort of demystify them a bit. I guess the last thing I would say t h a t it h a s been fifty-one (51) years since the publication of "Silent Spring," and t h a t book initiated a n environmental movement t h a t actually accomplished a tremendous amount.. . Chair Hooser: Can you please summarize? Mr. Savage: I think we are not talking about the 1960s when we are talking about the chemicals here. There are a lot of rules. There is a lot of regulation i n place. Chair Hooser: from Councilmember Yukimura. Thank you very much. We have a question Ms. Yukimura: Dr. Savage, I know you will not be a t our Committee Meeting. I have two (2) questions t h a t I would like you to answer, not now, but later. I just want to get on the record. I would like to have any factual information from you relevant to the findings in the Bill. I would also like you-on a panel last night, you said t h a t Restricted Use Pesticides are sometimes labeled a s such because of danger in water. Mr. Savage: Right. Ms. Yukimura: I would like you to submit the proposed or the required buffers actually based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s requirements for each of the pesticides t h a t are on the list. Mr. Savage: Okay. Ms. Yukimura: Thank you very much. Chair Hooser: Thank you. Thank you, Councilmember. Next speaker, please. Please walk up while your name is being called. Ms. Fountain-Tanigawa: Chris Broussard, followed by Kevin Folta. CHRIS BROUSSARD: Greetings to the County Council. Gary Hooser, Tim Bynum, a n d all concerned citizens of Kaua'i who have taken the time to be a t this forum. Thank you for allowing me to have a moment to speak to this BILL NO. 2491 6 JULY 31, 2013 issue. My name is Chris Broussard. I have lived and worked here since 1990. I a m here to testify in support of Bill No. 2491 and in doing so, I wear two (2) hats. I a m the Vice President of the Hawai'i Nurses Association (HNA). I want this Committee and all present to know t h a t the nurses of Hawai'i fully support the passing of this Bill. Protecting our citizens, water, land, and ocean should be the number one (1) priority. As a Registered Nurse (RN) having worked a t Wilcox Hospital for over twenty (20) years, I a m very concerned over these hazardous chemicals t h a t are being indiscriminately spread on this island, exposing those of us who are most vulnerable to their effects. I have seen patients of all ages who suffer various health problems, some very serious, after being inadvertently exposed to these chemicals t h a t the Ag companies are assuring us are "safe." These patients come to our hospital suffering from respiratory problems and difficulty breathing, and some have neurological problems. Some cannot walk steady. They have tremors and they have overall body weakness. Their blood tests can be abnormal. They have problems with some of their organs; their kidneys and livers are not functioning properly. Some of these patients have been shipped to O'ahu for further treatment. Some of them may never fully return to their prior state of health due to this exposure. We note t h a t these chemicals are especially harmful to young children due to the fact t h a t their bodies are growing and developing a t a fast pace, and t h a t continual exposure over time will most surely lead to other types of illnesses, possibly leukemia and brain tumors. As a health care worker, the other alarming fact to me is t h a t when a person comes into our hospital needing care for chemical exposure, we do not even know what to treat them for because the disclosure from the Ag companies as to what is being sprayed into the air is hidden to all us. The Ag companies refuse to say what they are spraying around our schools, homes, and near our streams. This is absurd to me. Knowing what the chemical is and being able to properly treat the patient is absolutely imperative i n order to ensure a successful outcome for t h a t patient. What is truly a t the core of this issue is our 'ight to know what we are being exposed to t h a t can cause us harm. What is drifting through the air that we breathe? What is placed in our soil and our water, t h a t eventually i s put into our bodies by the food we eat, the fish we catch, and the waters we swim in. The fact t h a t corporations want to hide this information sends a very obvious message: "There is something worth hiding." Nowhere in this defensiveness is a stated corporate concern for transparency for the truth, for caring about the Zina and its peoples. I am, and HNA, whole heartedly support all the concerned people of Kaua'i and the right to know what chemicals are being introduced to our air, water, and soil. Thank you. Chair Hooser: Thank you very much. Next speaker. Please, I know people a r e very excited and passionate on both sides, but we really need to move through and it holds things up. We can cheer inside but let us move it forward. Thank you. My name is Kevin Folta. I a m the Chairman KEVIN FOLTA: of the Horticultural Sciences Department a t the University of Florida and a Professor in the Department. I was asked to come here to talk about biotechnology. I should state upfront t h a t I have not been compensated for any testimony. Biotechnology and the way t h a t it is out framed inside Bill No. 2491-the way t h a t i t is framed in Bill No. 2491 is inconsistent with what we know about the technology a n d its safety. We have been able to look a t biotechnology or what we call "Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Crops" or what we refer to a s "Transgenic Crops" are some of t h e best studied and most analyzed plants on this planet. They BILL NO. 2491 7 JULY 31, 2013 are planted over ninety percent (90%) of the acreage of corn, canola, cotton, and soy in the Continental United States and many other places in the world. The technology is safe and is used because it helps farmers compete. I t allows them to use les pesticide, a s much as sixty percent (60%) less pesticide a s estimated by the USDA. All of these are public statistics. Some of the provisions of Bill No. 2491 will severely curtail the use and deployment of biotechnology throughout the world because Kaua'i is a winter nursery. This is the place where you can grow three (3) or four (4) seasons a year of a given crop to accelerate breeding and opportunities to improve genetics. Some of that happens to contain biotechnology or transgenic seeds. The moratorium t h a t is presented would make it almost impossible for any of these companies to do business here. Forcing the companies to work and citing closures would be impossible because of the nature of this work. The issues that are concerns about pollination and escape of the materials have really been shown to be mitigating strictly by proper planting by smaller zones and understanding how far pollen really drifts, as well a s being sensitive to those plants in the environment that they can outcross with t h a t do not exist here. I n addition to all of those types of concerns a s they were listed-when you go to the idea of disclosure by disclosing where these crops are located precisely, you open them up to vandalism, but also for escape because people opposed to the technology would be compelled to find the seeds and distribute them elsewhere to cause harm to the companies t h a t have it. I will conclude by saying t h a t I do not really wear a red shirt or blue shirt. I am not here being pro or anti but I am here because of science. Science is not a democracy. I t is not about how many people stand up for it or against it. I t is about what the facts and the truth really are. This is a good, sound technology a s evidenced by its safe use for over fifteen (15) years. Chair Hooser: Yukimura has a question for you. Thank you very much. Councilmember Ms. Yukimura: Dr. Folta, last night you talked about the rats experiment t h a t was used to say that GMO foods are damaging. I just want a yes or no answer, if possible. You showed that the control r a t had tumors, a s well a s the ones that were treated with GMO? Mr. Folta: Yes. Ms. Yukimura: Thank you. Chair Hooser: Thank you. Next speaker, please. Please speak close to the microphone. I a m being asked to instruct everyone to speak close to the microphone. Thank you. Ms. Fountain-Tanigawa: Margery Bronster. Next speaker is Dr. Shabert, followed by JUDY SHABERT: My name is Dr. Judy Shabert. I a m a Physician, Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Nutritionist, and Public Health Advocate with a degree in Public Health from Harvard University. I have published medical scientific research. My husband and I currently farm north of Anahola. I a m in full support of Bill No. 2491. I n the 1970s, while a medical student a t the University of Hawai'i, a young woman was transferred into the obstetrical high-risk unit and delivered a grossly malformed baby, who deformities were incompatible with life. She had exposure to glue and paint in early pregnancy. I n the 1970s, we barely BILL NO. 2491 64 JULY 31, 2013 NOMI CARMONA: Aloha Councilmembers and Chair. My name is Nomi Carmona. I a m the President and founder of a local nonprofit called "Babes Against Biotech." We have eight thousand seven hundred fifty (8,750) members since we founded just a year ago. Our first march was one hundred fifty (150) and our last march was two thousand five hundred (2,500) i n Waikiki. We have a reach of about four hundred fifty thousand (450,000) i n social media internationally, including all of our partners. What we do is campaign for funds and notify the public of Legislatures who are voting in favor of GMO corporations. We actively campaign against them and support those who have the integrity to stand up to these companies who are poisoning the Zina. The FDA, EPA, and USDA will not protect us. They are full of GMO Lobbyists from Syngenta, Monsato, et cetera. Those are the same Lobbyists who are here today against our disclosure and the same ones who fought to strike your ability to protect our life and health a t the County level. If you remove the Federal subsidies t h a t GMO crops receive, organic farming is three (3) times cheaper than GMO farming. You do not have to buy chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers. Permaculture is perfect just a s nature made it. Can we really afford to sacrifice all of this experimental Ag land where we are importing ninety percent (90%) of our food? I highly doubt it. Our State Legislators, a s of August 2012, had accepted over three hundred ninety-one thousand dollars ($391,000) from GMO companies and Lobbyists. I call that "selling out." The giant chemical companies t h a t this Bill does affect do not pay General Excise Taxes or Enterprise Zone Taxes so we are basically just allowing them to do whatever they want a t the cost of our health. Pesticides have been linked to sterility, miscarriages, birth defects, cancer, eye problems, skin disorders, and kidney damage, but the most important thing t h a t I would like to bring forth for the workers who spray these pesticides is t h a t the National Academy's report, depending on the dose of pesticides can cause a range of adverse affects including cancer, acute and chronic injury to the nervous system, lung damage, reproductive dysfunction, and things t h a t you have heard already. The most important thing I want to point out is t h a t one (1) of six (6) children of people who sprays pesticides for a living ...occupational hazards (1) of six (6) kids whose parents sprays pesticides will get brain cancer before the age six (6). Do you really think these companies are telling you the truth? Do you think I a m just doing this for fun? I have given up my whole life to stop these companies from destroying the 'tiina. I care about the children. Everybody i n here care about the children. I think these workers have been misled. Prenatal and early childhood exposure to pesticides is also associated with pediatric cancers, decreased cognitive function, and behavioral problems. I have a petition. I will send you a link to it. As of now, it has thirty-two thousand (32,000) signatures to ban GMOs. We launched it i n March. I want to point out that while Kevin Folta was not paid directly by HCIA, they are taking care of his airfare, accommodations, and food. I will go ahead and wrap it up. Pesticide, herbicide, insecticide, suicide, homicide, genocide, and matricide of Mother Earth. Mahalo. Chair Hooser: Thank you. Next speaker, please. Aloha people of Kaua'i. My name is Allison ALLISON LUM: Lum. I am with The Aikea Movement. This is a movement that is new. I t is less t h a n one (1) year old. Our goal is to unite our people to build power to change our future. I came over here this morning from O'ahu because I wanted to come here and stand united with the people of Kaua'i. I a m very honored and proud to stand with these people. The question of the day is about leadership and power. I think the people of Kaua'i have a n opportunity to play a leadership role, a s does the City Council. I want to recognize the City Council's leadership on this issue and share a mei Kirby Kester Sent ?In? 08/03/20l3 04:32:03 PM Folta. Kevin Steve Savage sunk?: Alan McHughen visiting Kauai for Monday, August 5th hearing Aloha Kevin and Steve, I miss you guys already and can't thank you enough for your time on Kauai last week and professional attention to our issue. We just found out yesterday afternoon that the council is bringing in experts from Pesticide Action Network, and Center for food safety to talk more about health and environmental impacts about pesticides. Thus, not having any experts on hand to help refute them, our industry has reached out (in a rather fast pace) to get some more support over here. One such visitor is Dr. Alan McHughen from UC Riverside. I'm sure Dr. McHughen is in search of some background about our issue. I've sent him a link to bioforti?ed, and many of our social media pages that can give some perspective about bill 2491. I was wondering however, if at all possible, if you had some time, you could reach out with a call, or perhaps a short email from your perspective? He will be landing on Kauai tomorrow around noon. His number is: 951 -312-6878. email is: Best Regards, Kirby Kester Applied Genetics Manager Phone: +1 808 337-2065, Mobile: 808-954-5305. Fax: +1 808 337-2067, E-Mail: Postal Address: BASF Plant Science LP. PO Box 127 Kekaha. Hawaii, 96752 Shipping Address: 9555 Kaumualii Hwy, Waimea, HI 96796, USA BASF - The Chemical Company SACHS. ElUC S (AGIIOM)) : Nicholm Kelaimdonakes ~ a l a i ~ d o n a k s ~ N ~ i ~ ~ w i ~ d u ) ~KalaiImndonalr~h'~ssouriuriedu>; David S b \ v (DShaw@nscanhmr~ld.sdu) Q ) S h a w @ ~ h . m ~ l e t o . c d ~Rogor ; Bcachy To: uboschy@biology2.wus11.sdu>; Jume. Calcalour < s a l o ~ t o u i u m s ~ n r d . e Carl d ~ ;E. Ray ;Phillips. Parer ~!er.philUpr@uwk.c~;Folta, Kevin M.;Tony Shellon Cc: SACHS. ERIC fi (Aa11000) ~ ' C . S . M C ~ ~ @ ~ O W I O .Beth ~ C ~Annc ~ , Mumford +eIhnMem-buildmun.~m> Subjec(: Invitation ta Authors Polioy Brief in tho Soriss "Pmpctivsr on Seisnce Manan* All, As some of you know based on Initial contacts, I have started an important project to produce a series of short pollcy brlefs on important topics In the agricultural blotechnology arena called "Perspectives on Science Matters." Based on initial feedback, I decided to reach out t o all of you collectively. I understand and appreclate that you need me to be completely transparent and I am keenly aware that your Independence and reputations must be protected. I hope after reviewing this message you will support thc vision and agree to author one of the briefs. Prospective authors and topics are listed below. lndlvidually and collectivelythe toplcs were selected because of their Influence on publlc policy, GM crop regulation and consumer acceptance. The specific goal Is to frame some of the imponant issues facing biotechnology with reasoned thoughtful messages In a way that helps thought leaders and influencers to better appreclate the growlng body of knowledge available on the safety and benefits of GM crops. The broader goal Is to elevate the publlc dlalogue and public policy discussion from Its current over-emphasis on perceived rlsks toward a broader understanding of the societal benefits of GM crops and needed improvement in policies that are unnecessarily limltlng innovatlon In the biotechnology arena. I am convlnced that thls lnltiatlve to publish and promote seven policy briefs on agricultural biotechnology will spark new opportunltles for outreach and engagement wlth pollcy makers and consumers, The key to success Is participation by all of you recognized experts and leaders with the knowledge, reputation and communicatfon experience needed to communicate authoritatively to the target groups. You represent ar elite group whose credibility wlll be strengthened by working together, Naturally, If you would like to add a co-author that Is entirely up to you and welcome. - To ensure that the pollcy brlefs have the greatest Impact, the American Council for Sclence & Health is partnerlng wlth CMA Consulting to drive the project. The completed policy briefs wlll be offered on the ACSH web site. The serles of brlefs as envisioned will facilitate policy maker engagement and serve as a basis for supplemental knowledge mobllizatlonto a range of audiences. Both ACSH and CMA have expertise to leverage experts, knowledge and key messages to serve the project goals. CMA Consulting wl manage the process of producingthe policy brlefs. This Is an lmportant element because Monsanto wants the authors to cornmunlcate freely without involvement by Monsanto. As the process develops, CMA and ACSH will coordinate web site posting and promotion. CMA and ACSH also will merchandize the pollcy brlefs, Includlng development of media-speclflc materials, such as op-eds, blog postings, speaking engagements, events, weblnars, etc. The brlefs will cover a range of lmportant toplcs and themes. Some background is included below but this Is only a suggestion. As the author, you will know how to best approach the topic and are free to do so In your own way. a Meeting World Challenges Carl Pray and Prabhu Pengali Background: Explore the ways In whlch the use of GM crops and foods can help to address many of the world's most pressing challenges and Improve the global standard of living today and for future generations. Speclflcally, dlscuss how GM technology helps address key pollcy concerns, such as shrlnklng agricultural resources (land, water), food security, food affordablllty and environmental sustainabillty. In addition, provide an overview of the challenges inherent In farming and how GM technology addresses these challenges by providlngfarmers with beneficlal tools for on-farm management. =. ' Stifling Innovation Peter Phillips Background: Dlscuss how over burdensome regulation of GM crops and food stifles the innovatic and technological advancements important for helping support global food securlty and improve overall quallty of Ilfe. Consider the llmltations to innovation and advancements In GM technology that results from a regulatory process that dlsmisses positive scientific conclusions and assumes molecular modification technlques carry a hlgher risk than other techniques used to generate new crop varieties. Holding Activists Accountable Kevin Folta Background: Demonstrate how activist'snessages and tactlcs regarding Genetically Modified (GM) crops and plant blotechnology undermine worldwide effotts to ensure a safe, nutrltious, plentiful and affordable food supply using responslble and sustainable agricultural pradces. Provlde examples of advist campaigns that spread false information that goes unchallenged and results In further erosion of the public's confidence in agricultural innovation. Detail how the impact of these efforts If not challenged ultimately would llmlt consumer cholce, lncrease food prices, decrease farmer viabllity, and undermine global food securlty. Roger Beachy GM Crop Safety Background: Address consumer and policy-maker concerns that GM crops and foods are not adequately tested for safety compared to other crop and food products approved for human consumption. Explain early GM crop evaluation, event selection, equivalence characterization and product safety assessment through each step of development and regulatory assessment; and detall how this comprehensive process meets the same strlngent sclentific and regulatory standards developed for other crop and food products. Consequences of Rejecting GM Crops Calestous Juma Background: Explore the issues and consequences wlthln both developed and developlng countrles that lead t o rejection of or barriers to adoption of GM crop and food technology at the farmer, consumer and regulatory level. Understand the combination of Issues; including consumer and political resistance, food safety and public health fears, concerns about blodiverslty and biological safety, restrictive regulation, and lack of Information (or existence of mlslnformation)about intellectual property rights that create barrlers to GM acceptance. Detail the consequences, lncludlng impacts on yield, household Income, food securlty and soclal Impacts, as well as on pesticide use, health risks from pesticide exposure and on blodiversitythat result. Sustainable Crop Systems Tony Shelton and David Shaw Background: Detail how GM crop technology provldes farmers wlth safe, efficient and effective tools to manage crop pests (Insects/weeds/dlsease), delivers environmental benefits, increases yields and Improves producttvity. Specifically dlscuss the use of GM crops contalning herblclde tolerant (HT) and Insect resistance (IR) traits and the risk versus benefit of their use. in addition, detall how educational outreach and a focus on responslble use can address public concerns about plant resistance and the envlronmental/eco-system impacts of GM crop technology. Responsible Choice ? Background: Explore the competing issues inherent in crop production used for food versus crop produdon used for fuel and highlight the role GM crop technology can play In ensuring we can adequately lncrease production and balance our needs for food, feed, fiber and fuel. Your role would be to wrlte a short brief aimed at a broad audlence, lncludlng academlcs, opinion leaders, policy-makers, regulators and other Influencers. Each brief should be about 4-6 pages In length and include key themes and messages related to the specific topic, recommendations, and a call to action. The briefs will serve as the foundation for further outreach and engagement to extended audiences and the broader public via supplemental media platforms, Includingallled organizations web sites, blogs and social media. Be assured that nothing will ever be dlstrlbuted under your authorship unless you have approved the contents and use in i t s entirety. + . I have copied Beth Anne Mumford of CMA ( she and her colleagues that have been working on this Initiative, Please feel free t o contact Beth Anne if you continue t o have questions. Of course you can contact me a s well b u t I need t o step aside so that I doh compromise the project, This will be an important project and is deslgned t o lead t o increased engagement on critical topics that are barriers t o broader use and acceptance of GM crops globally. You are the best possible messengers and I hope you will make t i m e t o participate. Warm Regards, Eric Eric Sachv Reyula~oryPolicy & Scienlilic Arrnirs Drsk: (3 14) 694-1709 Mobile: (3 14) 637-7650 lir1c.S.Sl~chs/~r~n1~~n~n111o.ct~n1 This e-mail message ]nay contain privileged and/or confidential infornlation, and is intended to be received only by persons entitled to receive such infonnation. If you havc received this e- nail in error, please notiQ the sender immediately. Please delete it and all attacliments from any servers, hard drives or any other naledia.Other use of this e-mail by you is strictly prohibited. All e-mails and attachments sent and received are subject to monitoring, reading and archival by Monsanto, including its subsidiaries. The recipient ofthis e-mail is solely responsible for checking for the presence of "Viruses" or other "Malware". Monsanto, along with its subsidiaries, accepts no liability for any damage caused by any such code transniitted by or accompanying this e-mail or any attachment. The information contained in this elnail may be subject to the export control laws and regillations of the United States, potentially including but not limited lo the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and sanctions regulations issued by the U S . Departnlcnt of Treasury, Office of Foreign Asset Controls (OFAC). As a recipient of this information you are obligated to comply with all applicable U.S, export laws and regulations. From: David Shaw Sent time: 08/0912013 10:59:21 PM Prabl~uPengali (plp39@comelI,edu) ; Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes( 'To: ;Carl E. Pray ; Roger Bcachy ~rbeachy@biology2.wustl.cdu>; Tony Shclton ; Calestous"Juma ; ERIC S (AG/1000) SACHS ; Folta, Kevin M.; Pctcr' 'Ph~llips Cc: Beth Anne Mumford Subject: Re: Invitation to Author a Policy Brief in the Series "Perspectives on Science Matters" Thanks for organizing this, Eric. I'm definitely interested. David David R. Shaw Vice President for Research and Economic Development Mississippi State University Box 6343 Mississippi State, MS 39762 6621325-3570 FAX: 6621325-8028 dshaw@research, >>> "SACHS, ERIC S (AG11000)" 81712013 11:06 PM >>> All, As some of you know based on initial contacts, I have started an important project t o produce a series of short policy briefs on important topics in the agricultural biotechnology arena called "Perspectives on Science Matters." Based on initial feedback, I decided t o reach out t o all of you collectively. I understand and appreciate that you need me to be completely transparent and I am keenly aware that your independence and reputations must be protected. I hope after reviewing this message you will support thl vision and agree t o author one of the briefs. Prospective authors and topics are listed below. Individually and collectively the topics were selected because of their influence on public policy, GM crop regulation and consumer acceptance. The specific goal is to frame some of the important issues facing biotechnology with reasoned thoughtFul messages in a way that helps thought leaders and influencers to better appreciate the growing body of knowledge available on the safety and benefits of GM crops. The broader goal is t o elevate the public dialogue and public policy discussion from its current over-emphasis on perceived risks toward a broader understanding of the societal benefits of GM crops and needed improvement in policies that are unnecessarily limiting innovation in the biotechnology arena. I am convinced that this initiative to publish and promote seven policy briefs on agricultural biotechnology will spark new opportunities for outreach and engagement with policy makers and consumers. The key t o success is participation by all of you - recognized experts and leaders with the knowledge, reputation and communication experience needed t o communicate authoritatively t o the target groups. You represent at elite group whose credibility will be strengthened by working together. Naturally, if you would like t o add a co-author that is entirely up t o you and welcome. To ensure that the policy briefs have the greatest impact, the American Council for Science & Health is partnering with CMA Consulting to drive the project. The completed policy briefs will be offered on the ACSH web site. The series of briefs as envisioned will facilitate policy maker engagement and serve as a basis for supplemental knowledge mobilization t o a range of audiences. Both ACSH and CMA have expertise t o leverage experts, knowledge and key messages t o serve the project goals. CMA Consulting wi manage the process of producing the policy briefs. This is an important element because Monsanto wants From: Anthony M. Shelton David Sliaw (DSliaw@researcli.msstate.edt~); Kalaitzandonakes,Nicholas ; To: SACHS, ERIC S (AG11000) ; Rogcr Beachy ; Juma, Calcstous ; Prabhu Pingali ;Carl E. Pray ; Philltps, Petcr : Folta. Kcvin M. Cc: Beth Anne Mumford Subject: Re: Invitation to Author a Policy Brief in the Series "Perspectives 011Science Matters" Eric, What is the timeline for these? Nickolas, Nick Storer (Dow) was heading an effort to publish an article on overburdening regulations of GM crops. You might want to contact him. Tony ***** Tony Shelton: LmbProrrrdcdr~ Professor, Department of Entomology International Professor; Assoc. Director IP C4LS CorneN University/NYSAES, Barton Lab 416 630 W. North St,, Geneva NY 14456 PH 315 787-2352; FAX 315 787-2326; CPN 315 729-5932 From: , Nicholas Date: Sunday, August 11,2013 11:04AM To: Sachs-Eric ,Roger Beachy , "'Juma, Calestous"' , Prabhu Pingali < ~ p c o r n e l I . e d u > ,"'Carl E. Pray"' , "'Phillips, Peter"' , "Kevin M. Folta (" ,Tony Shelton , "David Shaw (" Cc: 'Beth Anne Mumford' <> Subject: RE: Invitation to Author a Policy Brief in the Series "Perspectives on Science Matters" 1 li Eric.. . thanks Tor your thoughts below. Peter Phillips and I have been kicking around lhe issue of regulatoly costs and their ilnplications on innovation flow for s o ~ n lime c now. We are about to start worlting on this matter so your invitation is timely. From: SACHS, ERIC S (AG/1000) [mailto:eric.s,] Fro'n: Juma, Calestous Sent 08/08/2013 01:25:53 PM Prabhu Pengali ( ; Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes ( To: ; David Shaw (DShaw@rcsca~' ; SACHS. ERIC S (AG/1000) ; ; Rogcr Beachy ; Carl E. Pray ; Phillips, Peter Folta. Kcvin M.; Tony Shclton Cc : Beth Anne Mu~nford Subject: RE: I!tvilation to Author a Policy Brief in the Series "Perspectives on Science Matters" I likc thc topic you havc assigncd Kevin though 1 would proposc n changc in the titlc: "Holding Technological Vandals to the Fire and Keeping There for Some Time." From: SACHS, ERIC S (AG/1000) [] Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2013 12:07 AM To: Roger Beachy; Juma, Calestous; Prabhu Pengali (;'Carl E. Pray'; 'Phillips, Peter'; Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes (; Kevin M. Folta (;Tony Shelton; David Shaw ( Cc: SACHS, ERIC S (AG/1000); 'Beth Anne Mumford' Subject: Invitation to Author a Policy Brief in the Series "Perspectives on Science Matters" All, As some of you know based on initial contacts, I have started an important project to produce a series of short policy briefs on important topics in the agricultural biotechnology arena called "Perspectives on Science Matters." Based on initial feedback, I decided to reach out to all of you collectively. I understand and appreciate that you need me to be completely transparent and I am keenly aware that your independence and reputations must be protected. I hope after reviewing this message you will support the vision and agree to author one of the briefs. Prospective authors and topics are listed below. Individually and collectively the topics were selected because of their influence on public policy, GM crop regulation and consumer acceptance. The specific goal is to frame some of the important issues facing biotechnology with reasoned thoughtful messages in a way that helps thought leaders and influencers to better appreciate the growing body of knowledge available on the safety and benefits of GM crops. The broader goal is to elevate the public dialogue and public policy discussion from its current over-emphasis on perceived risks toward a broader understanding of the societal benefits of GM crops and needed improvement in policies that are unnecessarily limiting innovation in the biotechnology arena. I am convinced that this initiative to publish and promote seven policy briefs on agricultural biotechnology will spark new opportunities for outreach and engagement with policy makers and consumers. The key to success is participation by all of you - recognized experts and leaders with the knowledge, reputation and communication experience needed to communicate authoritatively to the target groups. You represent an elite group whose credibility will be strengthened by working together. Naturally, if you would like to add a co-author that is entirely up to you and welcome. From: Roger Beachy [] Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 12:38 PM To: SACHS, ERIC S (AG/1000); Juma, Calestous;; Carl E. Pray; Phillips, Peter;;; Tony Shelton; Cc: Beth Anne Mumford Subject: RE: Invitation to Author a Policy Brief in the Series "Perspectives on Science Matters" Eric: Can you clarify the timeline for completing these pieces? I am inclined to participate as indicated to Beth Anne, in particular if others on this mailing list are involved. It's a good group and some good topics - but the impact will be lessened unless there is broad participation. A suggestion: Will someone include, at least in passing, recognition that GM technologies are part of a portfolio of technologies required for agriculture? Perhaps as part of a general introduction. Without such, it may appear to readers that we are pushing a technology per se rather than a technology that provides potential for achieving global food and nutrition security as well as economic and environmental sustainability. thanks Roger From: SACHS, ERIC S (AG/1000) [rnailto;] Sent: Wed 8/7/2013 11:06 PM To: Roger Beachy; 'Juma, Calestous'; Prabhu Pengali (plp39@cornell,edu); 'Carl E. Pray'; 'Phillips, Peter'; Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes (KalaitzandonakesN@mi~sou~';Kevin M. Folta (k<a@ufl.cdu); Tony Shelton; David Shaw (DShaw@rcscarch,mssttatc~ Cc: SACHS, ERIC S (AG/1000); 'Beth Anne Mumford' Subject: Invitation to Author a Policy Brief in the Series "Perspectives on Science Matters" All, A s some o f y o u k n o w based o n initial contacts, Ihave started an important project t o produce a series o f short p o l i c y briefs o n important topics in the agricultural biotechnology arena called "Perspectives o n Science Matters." Based o n initial feedback, I decided to reach out to a l l o f you collectively. Iunderstand and appreciate that y o u need m e to be completely transparent and Iam keenly aware that your independence and reputations must be protected. Ihope after reviewing this message y o u w i l l support the vision and agree to author one o f the briefs. Prospective authors and topics are listed below. Belh Anne Moniford Sent 08/12/2013 08:16:11 AM;;; Roger Beachy ; SACHS, To: ERIC S (AG11000) ; Junia, Calestous ; Carl E. Pray>; Phillips, Peter ; Folta, Kevin M.;Tony Shelton RE: Inv~laliol,to Aulhor a Policy Bricf in the Scries "Perspeclivcs on Science Matters" All, I am going to jump in as I am responsible for moving this project forward from here. I will be contacting cach of you ii~dividuallybut sincc tlniing is a common thcmc I wantcd to addrcss that as a group. Ideally, we \vould like to have all clrafts coinpleted in the next 30 days and the first of the final papers rclcascd witl1ir145-60 days. Thc goal is to rclcasc thc scries of policy bricfs in an organized fasl~ionover a period of time to nlaxin~izeexposure and invite new dialogue around each lopic, I llowevei-, we recognize and respect that you also have many other important con~n~itmc~its, Wc call work with you individually on timing if nccessaiy. I look fo~wardto working with each of you on this important prqject. You will be hearing froill ine in the next r e ~ vdays, but please feel free to share any additional questiolis you may have in the nicantimc. Chccrs, Bcth Anne Beth Anne Mumford CMA (81 6)556-3 137 office 1 (81 6)801 -7059 fax 1 (309)256-0755 cell Connect with me! - CMA 1 2900 NE Brooktree Lane, Suite 200 1 Gladstone, M O 641 19 SCIENCE THUMPS ABDUT HUMAN F-DCID SPECML RE: Elrc-wse I: GMD BEYOND THE SCIENCE :ct'y-zurs? GMEIJs and Giulia! Feed 590111112}? Safetyr and Regtilatiens Consequences cf?egnlatinns cat?{35d Craps {slnlial Risks at" Rejecting Agricultural Anti-Grew Activism and Its impact an Feed Security Gteen Genes: Sustainability Advantages cf Herbicide Tcderant and Insect Reslstant tam Genetic Literacy Prcject Special Repnrt: DMD: Bet-rend the Science Fron~: Coy. Emily Sent tlme: DX12IROI3 12-59:35 P.Lf To: Folro, K c v i ~&I. i Subjcct: Is tlierc cvc~iolle prorcssional riprcrcnling GMO asks wliu is~i'lpro-GhlO's? Your response is live: t 1 1 ~ p ~ ~ ~ u a ~ ~ ~ ~ r s - c o m / a s k / t : I 1 ~ r ~ ~ e ~ ~ n - 0 n e - 1 ~ r o f e s 5 i o n a ~ - r ~ ~ r e 5 e n t r ' ~ - e m who-isnt-~ro-gmos Ei-nily Goy Senior A c c o u r ~Executive l +I 4"r 598 62't6 Ketchum break t h r ~ u g k PR f o p Places to Work in PR A proud partrlor of Room to Read. Worlrl Change Starts with Educatetl Cliildran@ "f-.l.*I~IC----~IIIIIIC1..."---. This messagc is inta~dcdon!y far thc persol1 01.entity to which it is addressct! and nlay contain infarmntion t t l a ~is privilegeci, confirlential ur otherwise protected from disclosure. Dissenlination, distribution or copying nl'r his mcssngc 01' the inforitlation hcrciu by nnyonc other tlinn the illtended recipient, or an employce or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, is pohibitcd. If yo11 have received this message by misrake, please clcstroy it imn~edintelyand notify the sender. From: Folta. Kevin Coy, Emin sub-i2?: RE: Gino Answers Updalcs for you From: Coy, Emily [] Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 7:32 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Cc: Oates, Kevin Subject: RE: Gmo Answers Updates for you Kevin you are a content machine. Thanks for cranking this out. We?ll send you the link once it is live. Hope things slowdown for you soon. From: Folta, Kevin M. Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 8:31 AM To: Coy, Emily Subject: RE: Gmo Answers Updates for you Finally, know you were working on this response no rush, just including as an FYI ?Why are independent scientists that find GMOS to be unsafe systematically threatened and discredited? This is a great question. and as an independent scientist that understands and promotes biotech, i know what it is like to be threatened and discredited. Not that it has ever mattered in my ?eld (that?s important later on). When we do science our work is set out into public forums viajournals. The work is always carefully analyzed. criticized. and discussed in the context ofour ?elds. it can get nasty. but usually shapes the discussion Forward. But what about "systematic" threats and discreditation?? A systematic response is what we see in reSponse to highly questionable findings. It is not a conspiracy or some organized effort. The systematic response is triggered when scientists see examples were science is potentially being manipulated or presented as rhetoric??making some sort of statement that is fraudulent. false or highly questionable. Scientistsjump on it. There is no conspiracy. it is a reaction ofa scienti?c community that plays by speci?c rules. Threats? Scientists don?t make many threats. if researchers are engaged in dodgy work they sometimes can face institutional charges for academic misconduct, but usually they fade to scientific irrelevance. Nobody believes Except for the lay people duped by the bad science! There are still people that vigorously defend the Andrew Wake?eld vaccine-autism study! The anti-GMO world is dominated by a few (and I?m talking few) scientists that are lauded by their followers. They have little credit with other scientists and don't publish ?ndings in marquis journals. the gold-standard in identifying outstanding work. But let's look at the few "independent" scientists that ?nd GMOs to be unsafe. The primary concerns are levied by GE Scralini, someone i would not necessarily claim to be independent. He is a darling ofthe anti-GMO movement in the USA and Europe. a proli?c anti-biotech bookseller and speaker. His work has been funded by Greenpeace and Auchan. a significant retail group in Europe. His institute is called (Committee for Research and Independent Information on Genetic Engineering) which has a scienti?c board dotted with luminaries from various industries not favorable to bioteeh. He publishes the most anti-GMO work and is hardly independent. But to be intellectually consistent let?s assume his work is free from potential con?ict. Alter all. the science should not. and usually is not, affected by the funding source. The beauty of science is that it is self-policing and self-correcting. When the work is published it goes under scrutiny by the scientific community at large. When the famous lumpy rat study was published in September 2012, a scienti?c community looked carefully at the work and discovered its unbelievable limitations. We collectively asked. "How does this get published?" I took most offense to Figure 3 where three lumpy rats are shown. These tortured animals are presented for fear generation. We know this because they conveniently left off the (also lumpy) control rat that ate standard rat food (Table The scienti?c community criticized the work. appropriately. That's not an attack- that's criticism. That?s what makes science go?continued deep analysis ofour ?ndings. [fin the future independent groups repeat these results you? ll see Seralni get the last laugh and his Nobel Prize. Unfortunately. the small numbers. lax controls and overgenerous interpretations. plus no mechanism to support the ?ndings, plus inCOnsistency with ever other study. suggests we won?t see any more lumpy rats from research team. That?s a long walk to a short answer the scientific community is a great ?lter. The public is not. Pay attention to the consensus. and realize that any ?ndings that want to break a two-decade record of outstanding safety will be prone to great scrutiny. From: Coy, Emily Sent time: 11/01/2013 09:08:36 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: SAVE THE DATE: GMO Answers Updatc Briefing Nov. 6,2013 Hey Kevin - Over the past 3 months, you have played a critical role in addressing consumer questions about biotechnology in agriculture through, launched by the Council for Biotechnology Information. We truly appreciate your support and participation, and want t o share the progress we've made, upgrades t o the site coming shortly and new additions planned for early next year. Please join us for the first GMOAnswers briefing: Date: Wednesday, November 6 Time: 2:30 PM EST / 11:30 AM PST Location: Webinar l~ttp:// Click "Enter as Guest" and type in your full name Know you will be in the car - if you can only dial-in for the audio - that's fine! Audio: r E Attendees will receive a pop up box upon entering the Webinar. They enter the number they would like t o be called on and the system calls that number Alternate audio - direct dial: 866.727.0515 We will send a calendar invite on Monday. Thanks again for your continued interest and feedback. Have a nice weekend. Emily On Behalf of The Council for Biotechnology Information GMO Answers Ketchum Emily Coy + 415 I 984 6216 --------L-I-I-------m---*-h- This message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure. Dissemination, distribution or copying of this message or the information herein by anyone other than the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, is prohibited. If you have received this message by mistake, please destroy it immediately and notify the sender. ----"----- *-I-- From: Coy, Emily Sent tinie: 1 1/02/2013 04:56:21 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: Re: SAVE THE DATE: GMO Answers Update Briefing Nov. 6,2013 Hahah! We'll give out branded mouse pads for the second briefing call:) Have a good weekendtalk to you Wednesday! Sent fiom my iPhone On Nov 1, 2013, at 7: 11 PM, "Folta, Kevin M." wrote: I'll be there. Iwas hoping for a coffee cup or baseball cap, but I'll take a conferece call. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Kevin Kevin M. Folta Interim Chair and Associate Professor Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Institute for Plant Innovation University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Don't tell me it can't be done ... Tell me how you are going to help me do it. From: Coy, Emily [ ~ . C o y @ k e t c h u r n m ] Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 9:08 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: SAVE THE DATE: GMO Answers Update Briefing Nov. 6, 2013 Hey Kevin - Over the past 3 months, you have played a critical role in addressing consumer questions about launched by the Council for Biotechnology Information. biotechnology in agriculture through CiMOA~~swvcn.cnm, We truly appreciate your support and participation, and want to share the progress we've made, upgrades to the site coming shortly and new additions planned for early next year. Please join us for the first GMOAnswers briefing: Date: Wednesday, November 6 Time: 2:30 PM EST 1 11:30 AM PST Location: Webinar Click "Enter as Guest" and type in your full name Know you will be in h e car - if you can only dial-in for the audio - that's fine! * Audio: Attendees will receive a pop up box upon entering the Webinar. They enter the number they would like t o be called on and the system calls that number Alternate audio - direct dial: 866.727.0515 We will send a calendar invite on Monday. Thanks again for your continued interest and feedback. Have a nice weekend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ƌĞĂƚ͘ dŚĂƚ ǁŝůů ǁŽƌŬ͘ ƌŝĐ )URP )ROWD .HYLQ 0 >PDLOWR NIROWD#XIO HGX@ 6HQW 7XHVGD\ 1RYHPEHU $0 7R 6$&+6 (5,& 6 >$* @ 6XEMHFW 5( IRUZDUG ƌŝĐ͕ /͛ůů ƚƌLJ LJŽƵ ƚŽĚĂLJ Ăƚ ϭƉŵ ^d͘ )URP 6$&+6 (5,& 6 $* >PDLOWR HULF V VDFKV#PRQVDQWR FRP@ 6HQW 7XHVGD\ 1RYHPEHU $0 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6XEMHFW 5( IRUZDUG <ĞǀŝŶ ʹ / ĚƌŽƉƉĞĚ ƚŚĞ ďĂůů ŽŶ ŽƵƌ ƉŚŽŶĞ ĐĂůů ƌĞŐĂƌĚŝŶŐ LJŽƵƌ ŝĚĞĂ ĨŽƌ ǀŽůƵŶƚĂƌLJ ůĂďĞůŝŶŐ͘ / Ăŵ ĨƌĞĞ Ăůů ĚĂLJ ƚŽĚĂLJ ĂŶĚ ǁŽƵůĚ ǁĞůĐŽŵĞ Ă ĐŽŶǀĞƌƐĂƟŽŶ͘ WůĞĂƐĞ ĨĞĞů ĨƌĞĞ ƚŽ ĐĂůů ŵĞ ĂŶLJ ƟŵĞ ĂƐ / Ăŵ Ăƚ ŵLJ ĚĞƐŬ ǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ŵŽƵŶƚĂŝŶ ŽĨ ĐƌĂƉ ƚŚĂƚ ƉŝůĞĚ ƵƉ ǁŚŝůĞ / ǁĂƐ ĂǁĂLJ ŝŶ ƵƌŽƉĞ ĂŶĚ ŽŶ ǀĂĐĂƟŽŶ ůĂƐƚ ǁĞĞŬ͘ ;ϯϭϰͿ ϲϯϳͲϳϲϱϬ ĐĞůů ,ĂƉƉLJ dŚĂŶŬƐŐŝǀŝŶŐ ,ŽůŝĚĂLJ͕ ƌŝĐ )URP )ROWD .HYLQ 0 >PDLOWR NIROWD#XIO HGX@ 6HQW 0RQGD\ 1RYHPEHU $0 7R 6$&+6 (5,& 6 >$* @ 6XEMHFW 5( IRUZDUG ƌŝĐ͕ dŚĂŶŬƐ͘ dŽ ŶŽƚ ĚĞƌĂŝů ƚŚĞ ĨĂŵŝůLJ ƟŵĞ͕ ĚŽ LJŽƵ ǁĂŶƚ ƚŽ ũƵƐƚ ŐŝǀĞ ŵĞ Ă ƋƵŝĐŬ ĐĂůů ǁŚĞŶ LJŽƵ ŐĞƚ Ă ĨĞǁ ŵŝŶƵƚĞƐ͍ dƌLJ ŵĞ Ăƚ ϯϱϮͲϮϴϯͲϬϳϵϵ ĂŶLJƟŵĞ ƚŽĚĂLJ ĞdžĐĞƉƚ ϰͲϲ ^d͕ ŶŽƚ ƚŽŵŽƌƌŽǁ͕ ďƵƚ ƚŚĞ ƌĞƐƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ǁĞĞŬ ŝƐ ŽŬĂLJ ƚŽŽ͘ ŬĨ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¶UH ORRNLQJ WR LQFOXGH GLIIHUHQW YRLFHV WKDW FDQ MRLQ &%, GLUHFWRU &DWK\ (QULJKW 7KH HYHQW LV LQWHQGHG WR EH D OLYH LQ SHUVRQ YHUVLRQ RI RXU ZHEVLWH ZLWK D VPDOO DXGLHQFH RI PHGLD FRYHULQJ RQJRLQJ ODEHOLQJ OHJLVODWLRQ DQG RWKHU ELRWHFK WRSLFV 2I FRXUVH ZH¶G ORYH WR KDYH \RX WKHUH EXW UHDOL]H WLPLQJ DQG WUDYHO PDNH WKDW XQOLNHO\ 6R ZH¶UH ORRNLQJ IRU UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV ± DGGLWLRQDO H[SHUWV LQ RU QHDU '& WKDW PD\ SOD\ D UROH 6RPH RI WKH QDPHV ZH¶UH FRQVLGHULQJ LQFOXGH Ͳ /ŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚ ĞdžƉĞƌƚƐ R ŶĂƐƚĂƐŝĂ ŽĚŶĂƌ͕ ŝŽĨŽƌƟĮĞĚ R :ƵůŝĞ ,ŽǁĂƌĚ͕ h^ / R 'ƌĞŐ ŽŶŬŽ͕ ŽŵƉĞƟƟǀĞ ŶƚĞƌƉƌŝƐĞ /ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ $Q\ RWKHU UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV WR DGG" $QG LI WKHUH LV VRPH SRVVLELOLW\ WR LQFOXGH \RX ZH FDQ FHUWDLQO\ GLVFXVV +RSH \RX DUH JHWWLQJ UHDG\ IRU D JUHDW KROLGD\ .HYLQ .HYLQ 2DWHV 93 *URXS 0DQDJHU .HWFKXP EUHDN¬¬WKURXJK &HOHEUDWLQJ Sent time: 12/04/2013 06:05:50 PM To: Follo, Kevin M. Cc : Raeber. Tarn ~ara.Raebc@ke~chumcom>: Oalcs. Kevin Subject: Details: D C Biotcch Roundtable. I2110 Kevin, Here are few details for your visit to DC next week. Thanks again for making yourself available to participate in the roundtable - we are thrilled to have you as part of the dlscussion -and really excited to introduce you to other members of the GMO Answers team! Arrive the evening of ~ e gth c (anytime that works for you) and departing the afternoonlevening on Dec loth (the afternoon will be busy -but feel free t o book a flight anytime after 5 or 6pm) December 1 0 2013 ~ Location: Biotechnology Industry Organization 1201 Maryland Avenue, SW Suite 900. Washington, DC 20024 (Near the mandarin hotel) Time: Arrive at 8:OOam for quick prep session in advance of the roundtable; roundtable starts at 9am (likely last about an hour) Confirmed media: Georgina Gustin, CQ Rollcall Christopher Doering, Gannett / USA Today Jenny Hopkinson, POLITICO Alan Bjerga, Bloomberg Roundtable Participants: Cathy Enright, CBI Grower, TBD YOU1 She team is developing a discussion guide which will outline the general flow of the conversation, as well as more background information on the media who are attending. I've cc'ed our media expert who I mentioned to you on the phone last night -Tara Raeber. Tara is coordinating the roundtable details and will share the discussion guide with you by the end of the week. Tentative afternoon schedule: If select media cannot attend the roundtable and are interested in speaking with you 1 : l -we may pencil in a few appointments that afternoon. It won't be a lot of interviews -just a few for media who can't attend the briefing -this ok? We are hosting a monthly "Food Value Chain" call on 12/10 - it is a briefing t o update stakeholders on GMO Answers, participants include partners organizations such as the Soybean association, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Seed Trade Association, American Meat Institute, and the American Council on Science and Health o If you are open to it - we would love it if you could join this webinar and speak briefly about your experience participating in the Q/A and engaging w/users on the site, why it's important and any best practices you have. The webinar is at 2pm EST on the loth. If you are available, we will include your name in the invite the team is sending out today thoughts?! We are scheduling a lunch, coffee or drinks for you to sit-down with Cathy from CBI to further discuss GMO Answers Last, but certainly not least!]! We would love shoot a few minutes of video where you respond to questions from the site. is this something you would be willing to do? If so, we can pull some questions from the site (or if there are topics you want to discuss - let us know!) and share them with you. The responses don't need to be scripted, or even very long - just a minute or two where you provide an answer to user's question via video. Fun right? - From: OaLes, Kevin Sent time: 11/12/2013 09:54:55 AM To: Folta, Kevin M.; Coy, Emily> Subject: RE: Mine mine mine minc mine Thank you ... again! From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 4:28 AM To: Oates, Kevin; Coy, Emily Subject: RE: Mine mine mine mine mine Kevin, Try Traci Irani, Ricky Telg rwtelq@ufl.du, Ed Osborne,, or Bryan Myers bmy~rs@ufl,edu Tell them I'm a friend of Ketchum! Kevin Kevin M. Folta Interim Chair and Associate Professor Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Institute for Plant Innovation University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Don't tell me it can't be done... Tell me how you are going to help me do it. From: Oates, Kevin [] Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 11:42 PM To: Folta, Kevin M.; Coy, Emily Subject: RE: Mine mine mine mine mine You beat us to it!! We just asked our group if there was something else behind this question before we asked if you'd take a look. It's all yours. Also, side note - m ' r e interviewing for a role on our team and several University of Florida grads from the Master of Science in Agricultural Education and Communication program have popped up. We haven't hit on the right candidate yet, but thought it might be useful to speak with someone in that program about recruiting from the graduate pool. Any recommendations for a contact? Kevin From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 8:34 PM To: Coy, Emily; Oates, Kevin Subject: Mine mine mine mine mine Can IPLEEEEEEZe have this one? From: Coy, Emily Sent ?me: 1250332013 06:23:28 PM To: Folta. Kevin M. Rachel". Tara Oalcs. Kevin subjec" GMO Answers - DC [In it: Hi Kevm, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! As one of the most enthusiastic and active supports Answers we would like to invite you to participate in a live, in-person session with DC media to discuss biotech issues on Tuesday, Dec. 10th. We?re hoping to gather a small group of experts to form a panel for a group of select media to meet with. This is an intimate conversation not a huge event. We?re calling it a roundtable breakfast. I know you are VERY busy, and asking you to travel to DC next week for the roundtable may be challenging, but we wanted to ask. And if it isn?t possible, we?re very interested in DC-based authorities that might be able to participate. We have a short list, but we?re open to suggestions. Your costs for travel to DC would be covered. Happy to share all the details if this something you are interested in exploring further. And ..while have your attention! I did want to follow up on the response you provided re: UF funding. The original question is how much do biotech companies give to UF. Your response addresses Monsanto but not any of the other biotech companies. I hate to ask you to do this, but did want to see if you would be willing to contact your ?nancial person to see if funding information is available for the other biotech response is greatll But we did want to circle back with you on this to ensure we provide a comprehensive response. Question: How much have the biotech companies donated to the Horticultural Sciences Department, University of Florida? Thanks, Emily Q: HOW MUCH SS DOES UF GET FROM A: I guess the basis of your question is that there are several University of Florida researchers donating their time and expertise to answer questions on GMOanswers. I?m truly honored to be surrounded by the world?s experts in plant science, including some of the foremost experts in organic and sustainable technology. I encourage all to engage the public, as it is part of our mission as a Land Grant Institution. That?s why we participate here, to teach, to extend research ?ndings. Unfortunately, that makes us target. We present the science. When someone does not like the science, they attack the scientist and in this case the institution. They dig through our public, transparent records to seek any evidence of corporate in?uence. Look at what Opponents do to Michael Mann and the East Anglia scientists who present evidence of climate change! To your question. How much money do we get ?'om Monsanto? As the department?s Chairman I should probably have those ?gures off the top of my head. I can?t recall a check from Monsanto passing my desk, so I went down to Candy, our ?scal expert, and asked her to dig out all of the contributions from Monsanto to the Horticultural Sciences Department. How much comes to our department from Monsanto? Exactly, zero, point, zero. At least that?s it in the last several years. Now if you root around on the web you might ?nd that Monsanto funded part of a position in our department back in 2000. That?s true, but that?s part of a position?a really good thing! Check that professor?s stellar publication record- great stuff, wonderful work, nothing Monsanto really cares about much. This is funding to UP at one point, not to our department. One other researcher has a contract with Monsanto to do some work, like but it is nothing to do with GMO. It is work in tomatoes, non-GMO too. None of that comes to the department, that all goes to ?md a person in the lab supplies to do the work. Back in 2008 I asked Monsanto to cover $1500 in graduate student conference travel awards for a poster competition and they declined. Another time I asked them to match a graduate fellowship for for three years and they said no. The only thing they?ve delivered to me is rejection. As a department we get nothing, zero. If we did, life would be no different. See, we?re in the academic world because we don?t want to work for corporations. Our independence is why they would want to contract with us? we?re going to give honest answers to what we ?nd, tell them what we ?nd, and represent the voice of science and reason. I answer this question after spending a Saturday a?emoon up to my elbows in 15 year old Eppendorf5310R centrifuges that are not working and in need of parts. I ?xed them myself 7 years ago. Now they need to be replaced. We don?t have funding to do this. This is why I ?nd the accusations of being a corporate stooge so offensive. I WISH I had access to the deep pockets of corporate ag so I could work on teaching and research rather than defective centri?iges. Here?s where I get pointy. Maybe when activists ?nally harass all of us independent, public, unbiased scientists out of the public domain and into the private sector we?ll look back on such poisonous inferences. We work for you, the public. We?re proud of that, and all of the dollars in the world could not sway our interpretations of science. Not with the faculty in my department, not in my lab, never. We work for you. When activists make up false connections and bogus claims, it does affect the public?s perception science, scientists and the relevant, affordable work we do. Maybe pe0ple will notice when we?re gone. Private sector science will be the only science left. Thanks. )URP &R\ (PLO\ (PLO\ &R\#NHWFKXP FRP! 6HQW WLPH $0 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6XEMHFW 5( 'HWDLOV '& %LRWHFK 5RXQGWDEOH :H ZLOO DLP WR ZUDS WKLQJV XS E\ ± VR \RX FDQ KHDG RYHU WR WKH RWKHU RSSRUWXQLW\ DW «" 'RHV WKDW ZRUN" :H FDQ SUREDEO\ ZUDS HDUOLHU LI WKDW LV KHOSIXO )URP )ROWD .HYLQ 0 >PDLOWR NIROWD#XIO HGX@ 6HQW 7KXUVGD\ 'HFHPEHU $0 7R &R\ (PLO\ 6XEMHFW 5H 'HWDLOV '& %LRWHFK 5RXQGWDEOH (PLO\ +RZ ODWH GR \RX LPDJLQH .HWFKXP ZLOO ZDQW PH WKHUH" $Q\ WLPH LV ILQH +RZHYHU LI \RX DUH GRQH ZLWK PH LQ WKH DIWHUQRRQ , FDQ KLW WKH RWKHU RSSRUWXQLW\ 1R SUHVVXUH HLWKHU ZD\ .HYLQ 6HQW IURP P\ SKRQH 2Q 'HF DW $0 &R\ (PLO\ (PLO\ &R\#NHWFKXP FRP! ZURWH 7KDQNV .HYLQ ± DV ORQJ DV \RX DUHQ¶W IO\LQJ ILUVW FODVV DQG JHWWLQJ PDVVDJHV DW WKH 5LW] RQ XV ± ZH DUH RN - :H ZDQW WKLV WR EH DV FRQYHQLHQW DV SRVVLEOH IRU \RX 7KDQNV IRU ERRNLQJ \RXU WUDYHO 0RUH GHWDLOV WR FRPH«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± ZH VKRXOG EH DEOH WR ZRUN DURXQG WKDW :H¶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± D IHZ XSGDWHV IRU \RX UHJDUGLQJ QH[W 7XHVGD\¶V URXQGWDEOH %HORZ LV WHQWDWLYH VFKHGXOH IRU WKH GD\ 7KH '& WHDP LV VWLOO ILQDOL]LQJ D IHZ WKLQJV EXW ZH ZDQWHG WR JHW WKLV WR \RX WR UHYLHZ LQ WKH PHDQWLPH±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³YLGHR VKRRW ´ .HHS LQ PLQG LI WKHUH DUH VSHFLILF WRSLFV \RX ZDQW WR WDON DERXW ± IHHO IUHH WR VKRRW LW ± ZH¶OO ILQG D ZD\ WR JHW LW RQ WKH VLWH ± SOHDVH MXVW DQVZHU ILUVW KDOI RI WKH TXHVWLRQ ZH FDQ SRVW D PRGHUDWRU FRPPHQW ZKLFK OLQNV WR H[LVWLQJ FRQWHQW ZKLFK GLVFXVVHV ODEHOLQJ ± LI \RX DUHQ¶W IDPLOLDU Z 5DFKHO RU WKH YLGHR ± GRQ¶W IHHO REOLJDWHG WR DQVZHU WKLV TXHVWLRQ MXVW WKRXJKW \RX PLJKW KDYH IXQ ZLWK WKLV RQH ZH WU\ WR UHIUDLQ IURP SHUVRQDOO\ DWWDFNLQJ IRONV VR GRQ¶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nswers Media Roundtable Breakfast 9am on December 10, 2013 at BIO The purpose of the media breakfast is to further our strategic media outreach and create a live version of our Q&A with members of the press. It will allow media to meet GMO Answers spokespeople and experts in person, position GMO Answers as an open and trusted resource, and explore some of the tough questions on GMOs and how our food is grown directly from our spokespeople. CONFIRMED MEDIA Alan Bjerga, Agriculture Reporter, Bloomberg Alan is the author of the book Endless Appetites: How the Commodities Casino Creates Hunger and Unrest and has previously worked closely with Ketchum on moderating Food Dialogues and salon dinner events for USFRA. Alan has been following development on the Farm Bill closely, particularly crop insurance, and tweeting out updates daily. He has yet to write on GMO Answers. Christopher Doering, Agriculture Correspondent, Gannett / USA Today Christopher has previously interviewed Cathy for two articles, both covered by Gannett and posting on the Des Moines Register site — one in early August reporting the launch and more recently in November on the results of the Washington ballot. Christopher joined Gannet in April 2012 after covering agriculture and economics for Reuters since 2000. Sarah Gonzalez, Associate Editor, Agri-Pulse Sarah is a journalism graduate with a biology minor from Iowa State University and spent one year working in the Public Relations/Marketing Department of the Iowa State Daily. Her office is inside USDA so she has established relationships with many of the key influencers impacting Ag and rural policy. Sarah has never written on GMO Answers but Agri-Pulse carried a quote from Jim Greenwood where he mentioned the website in an article about the Washington ballot. Jenny Hopkinson, agriculture and food policy issues reporter, POLITICO Jenny is the editor of Morning Ag as well as the ag and food policy issues reporter for POLITICO. She has reported extensively on GMO Answers and other efforts by the industry. She has interviewed Cathy and Dr. Cami Ryan for stories. Before joining POLITICO, Jenny spent three years at Inside Washington Publishers reporting on the EPA with a focus on chemicals policy, power plant waste and pesticides. Georgina Gustin, CQ RollCall Georgina covers food policy for the CQ RollCall Executive Briefing having joined CQ in September from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch – where she covered Monsanto and the biotech industry. Georgina covered the launch of GMO Answers for the PostDispatch, but not yet for CQ RollCall. Philip Brasher of CQ RollCall has occasionally in the past written on labeling of GMOs and will be working closely with Georgina on this beat. *02 $QVZHUV 0HGLD 5RXQGWDEOH %ULHILQJ %RRN GRF[ DISCUSSION GUIDE Run of Show x Cathy Enright will welcome the group, introduce herself, and introduce Kevin Folta and let him share his background. Then she can let the media guests introduce themselves. As this will be a small group, introductions and the overall format of the event can be informal and conversational. o The purpose of this briefing is to: ƒ Introduce these select media to Cathy as a spokesperson and to one of our independent experts Kevin Folta as a resource. ƒ Provide an update on GMO Answers to date and the future of the initiative. ƒ Introduce GMO Answers resources for future reference on related stories. x Cathy will start by giving an overview of GMO Answers, particularly as a public Q&A and as a resource for media and policymakers. Only a couple of the media in attendance have already reported on GMO Answers. Cathy can welcome discussion from the media guests throughout. x Cathy will give an update on progress of the initiative since launch, including questions received, questions answers, most commonly asked questions, traffic to the site, Twitter customer service, and reception from Capitol Hill, industry, and our biggest skeptics. o So far, 319 questions have been answered on topics covering the gamut of GMO basics, labeling, regulations, health and safety, the environment, seed choice, and the future of GMOs. There is a robust dialogue on the site through the questions and comments. x Cathy can give a brief outlook into 2014 and efforts to continue the open conversation and public Q&A, particularly as consumers have questions around labeling initiatives heating up next year. x Then Cathy can talk about the more than 70 volunteer independent and industry experts, and transition to Kevin Folta to talk about his role. o Kevin has answered 13 questions and commented on dozens more. He has answered questions on the basics of GMOs, pesticide use, Roundup Ready, sustainability, the regulatory approval process, patents, and health concerns. x Kevin will talk about story telling on GMO Answers, fielding questions, and the site as a platform for independent experts like him who work in this field to elevate their work or their voice. o Kevin could use this time to describe examples of valuable interactions he has had on the site with tough questions and skeptics. x Cathy can engage with Kevin and ask about recent questions he has answered. o Why are independent scientists that find GMOs to be unsafe systematically threatened and discredited? o I am interested in learning more about how biotech seeds improve sustainability. Can you provide examples? o I don't understand how you can say GMO food is safe, when farmers are spraying glyphosate on their crops. How can you say that GM foods are safe and nutritionally identical to nonGM foods? x Then Cathy can open up discussion to the group and for questions from the media guests. *02 $QVZHUV 0HGLD 5RXQGWDEOH %ULHILQJ %RRN GRF[ x Cathy can close by offering GMO Answers, herself, Kevin Folta, and other independent experts as resources to them as they explore this topic in the coming year. o Postcards will be available to distribute to the media as a quick reference. Questions for Cathy / Kevin to the Media x What information are you looking for that is not easily available? x What are you most interested in on this topic? Health and safety concerns? New research? Next generation products (like the apple, pineapple, potato, salmon)? x What do you see as the next hot angle on the topic of GMOs and how our food is grown? x What are you hearing about perceptions coming out of the Washington state vote and projections for 2014? x What is the media reception and reaction to the Seralini study retraction? x How can GMO Answers be a good resource / a better resource to you? ### )URP &R\ (PLO\ (PLO\ &R\#NHWFKXP FRP! 6HQW WLPH 30 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6XEMHFW 5( UHLPEXUVHPHQW $WWDFKPHQWV : )RUP ,QVWUXFWLRQV SGI 9HQGRU 3URILOH GRF ,ĞLJ <ĞǀŝŶ Ͳ /Ŷ ŽƌĚĞƌ ƚŽ ŐĞƚ LJŽƵ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ƐLJƐƚĞŵ͕ ǁĞ͛ůů ŶĞĞĚ LJŽƵ ƚŽ Įůů ŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ ĂƩĂĐŚĞĚ ƉĂƉĞƌǁŽƌŬ ʹ / ŬŶŽǁ͊ ŶŶŽLJŝŶŐ͘ Ƶƚ ŝŶ ŽƌĚĞƌ ƚŽ ŐĞƚ LJŽƵ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ƐLJƐƚĞŵ ŝƚ ŵƵƐƚ ďĞ ĚŽŶĞ͘ ůƐŽ ʹ ŝĨ LJŽƵ ĐŽƵůĚ ƐĞŶĚ ŵĞ ďĂĐŬ ƚŚĞ ĞdžƉĞŶƐĞƐ ;ĨƵůů ůŝƐƚ ƉĂƐƚĞĚ ďĞůŽǁͿŝŶ Ă ƐŝŵƉůĞ ŝŶǀŽŝĐĞ ʹ ĚŽĞƐŶ͛ƚ ŶĞĞĚ ƚŽ ďĞ ĨĂŶĐLJ͙ũƵƐƚ LJŽƵƌ ŶĂŵĞͬĂĚĚƌĞƐƐͬƉŚŽŶĞ͕ ƚŚĞ ĞdžƉĞŶƐĞƐ ďƵůůĞƚĞĚ ŽƵƚ ;ůŝŬĞ ďĞůŽǁͿ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ĚĂƚĞ ;ƚŚĞ ĚĂƚĞ ǁŚŝĐŚ LJŽƵ ƐƵďŵŝƚ ƚŚĞ ŝŶǀŽŝĐĞͿ͕ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƌĞĂƐŽŶ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ƚƌŝƉ͙ǁĞ͛ůů ŐĞƚ ŝƚ ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐĞĚ͊ ^ŽƌƌLJ ʹ ƚŚĞLJ ŶĞĞĚ LJŽƵƌ ŝŶĨŽ ĂŶĚ Ăůů ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĞdžƉĞŶƐĞ ŝŶ Ă ǁŽƌĚ ĚŽĐ ŝŶ ŽƌĚĞƌ ƚŽ ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐ ŝƐ ƚŚĂƚ ŽŬ͍ )URP )ROWD .HYLQ 0 >PDLOWR NIROWD#XIO HGX@ 6HQW )ULGD\ 'HFHPEHU $0 7R 2 *RUPDQ &DWH &R\ (PLO\ 6XEMHFW UHLPEXUVHPHQW ŵŝůLJ ĂŶĚ ĂƚĞ͕ dŚĂŶŬ LJŽƵ ĨŽƌ Ă ǁŽŶĚĞƌĨƵů ŝŶƚĞƌĂĐƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ Ă ĐŚĂŶĐĞ ƚŽ ƉĂƌƟĐŝƉĂƚĞ ŽŶ Ă ŶĞǁ ůĞǀĞů͘ /͛ǀĞ ĂƩĂĐŚĞĚ ŵLJ ƌĞĐĞŝƉƚƐ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ƚƌŝƉ͕ / ŵŝŶŝŵŝnjĞĚ ĐŽƐƚƐ ǁŚĞŶĞǀĞƌ ƉŽƐƐŝďůĞ͕ ďƵƚ ĞŶĚĞĚ ŝŶ Ă ĨĞǁ ƐƉŽƚƐ ǁŚĞƌĞ / ŚĂĚ ƚŽ ƚĂŬĞ Ă ĐĂď ŽǀĞƌ ƚŚĞ ŵĞƚƌŽ͙ ƟŵĞ ƌĂŶ ƐŚŽƌƚ͘ ůů ƌĞĐĞŝƉƚƐ ĂƩĂĐŚĞĚ͕ ĞdžĐĞƉƚ ĨŽƌ ŽŶĞ ĐĂď ƌŝĚĞ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŽ ĂƉŝƚŽů ^ŬLJůŝŶĞ ŚŽƚĞů͘ dŚĞ ƚŽƚĂů ďƌĞĂŬĚŽǁŶ ůŽŽŬƐ ůŝŬĞ ƚŚŝƐ͗ ŚŽƚĞů ϭϲϴ͘ϲϮ ĂŝƌĨĂƌĞ ϵϮϵ͘ϭ ƚĂdžŝ ϭϴ ƚĂdžŝ ϮϬ dĂdžŝ Ϯϭ͘Ϯϱ ƉĂƌŬ ϭϴ ϭϭϳϰ͘ϵϳ <ĞǀŝŶ )URP 2 *RUPDQ &DWH >PDLOWR &DWH 2 *RUPDQ#NHWFKXP FRP@ 6HQW 7XHVGD\ 'HFHPEHU $0 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 &F 5DHEHU 7DUD 0DVKHN %LOO 6XEMHFW 0HGLD %ULHILQJ QRZ D WHOHFRQIHUHQFH +L .HYLQ 'XH WR WKH ZHDWKHU DQG %,2 V RIILFHV EHLQJ FORVHG ZH KDYH FKDQJHG WKH PHGLD EULHILQJ LQWR D WHOHFRQIHUHQFH :H ZRXOG VWLOO ORYH WR PHHW \RX VR LI \RX IHHO \RX FDQ FRPH WR WKH .HWFKXP RIILFHV DQG GR ¬ ʥˑ˗˔˃ˉˇ ˋ˕ ˈˇ˃˔ ˖ˊ˃˖ ˊ˃˕ ˕˃ˋˆ ˋ˖˕ ˒˔˃˛ˇ˔˕ʎ ¬ )URP 0DVKHN %LOO >PDLOWR %LOO 0DVKHN#NHWFKXP FRP@ 6HQW )ULGD\ 'HFHPEHU 30 7R 2ZHQV 'DUU\O 6XEMHFW 5( 1XWULWLRQ *02V 3URI1HW 3RVWLQJ 'DUU\O 'U .HYLQ )ROWD RI 8) ZRXOG EH KDSS\ WR ZULWH DQ RSHG ± WKH GHDGOLQH LV QRW D SUREOHP HLWKHU /HW XV NQRZ 7KDQNV %LOO 0DVKHN )URP 0DVKHN %LOO 6HQW )ULGD\ 'HFHPEHU 30 7R GHRZHQV#WULEXQH FRP 6XEMHFW 1XWULWLRQ *02V 3URI1HW 3RVWLQJ 'DUU\O , ZRUN ZLWK WKH &RXQFLO IRU %LRWHFKQRORJ\ ,QIRUPDWLRQ &%, RQ D QHZ SURMHFW FDOOHG *02 $QVZHUV ZZZ JPRDQVZHUV FRP :LWK *02 $QVZHUV &%, LV FRPPLWWHG WR UHVSRQGLQJ WR FRQVXPHU TXHVWLRQV DERXW IRRG DQG FURSV ± XVLQJ WKLUG SDUW\ H[SHUWV :H ZRUN ZLWK D IHZ H[SHUWV DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI )ORULGD 'U .HYLQ )ROWD KWWS ZZZ DUDELGRSVLVWKDOLDQD FRP 'U &XUW +DQQDK KWWS ZZZ KRV XIO HGX IDFXOW\ OFKDQQDK , DP ZULWLQJ WR VHH LI \RX ZRXOG EH LQWHUHVWHG LQ DQ RSHG IURP RQH RI WKHP RQ 1XWULWLRQ ± *02V DV \RX RXWOLQHG RQ 3URI1HW ,I \RX KDYH DQ RSHQLQJ ± , ZRXOG QHHG WR PDNH VXUH RQH RI WKHP LV DYDLODEOH RYHU WKH EUHDN EXW WKH\ DUH VWURQJ DGYRFDWHV RI ELRWHFKQRORJ\ DQG VFLHQFH KDYH D JUHDW )ORULGD SHUVSHFWLYH DQG DUH VWURQJ FRPPXQLFDWRUV ZULWHUV 3OHDVH OHW PH NQRZ LI \RX DUH LQWHUHVWHG 7KDQNV %LOO 0DVKHN %LOO 0DVKHN 93 *URXS 0DQDJHU .HWFKXP EUHDN¬¬WKURXJK &HOHEUDWLQJ Sent time: 0 112012014 07:37:22 PM To: Folta, Kevin M.; Coy, Emily Cc: Oppenheimer,David G; Barnes. Carly Sent tinie: 01/2112014 09:38:29 AM To: Owens, Darryl Cc : Folta. Kevin M Subject: RE: Nutrition - G M O s - ProMet Posting Dr. Folta: Recall late last year GMO Answers notified you about the Orlando Sentinel's oped page looking for experts to weigh in on GMOsIagriculture. Darryl Owens at the Sentinel is interested in you penning a piece about GMOs - he is going to run two columns that have opposing views. Darryl: Thanks again for the follow up note -- are there details you can share with Kevin about length 1 word count 1 timing I the focus you want him to take (Florida / research Ithe safety Ifuture of GMOs / etc.) also do you know who will be writing the opposing view against the use of biotechnology? Thank you both. Happy to do what I can to keep the process moving forward Bill Mashek Bill Mashek VP, Group Manager +I2028359452 Ketchum break through Celebrating 90 Ycars PR *\llwis Top Places to Work in PR A proud partner of Room to Read. World Change Starts with Educated Children@ From: Owens, Darryl [] Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 9:14 AM To: Mashek, Bill Subject: RE: Nutrition - GMOs - ProfNet Posting Sounds good. Thanks! Darryl E. Owens Editorial writer/Columnist The Orlando Sentinel 633 North Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32801 Courage is fear that has said its prayers. From: Mashek, Bill [] Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 7:48 AM To: Owens, Darryl Subject: RE: Nutrition - GMOs - ProfNet Posting Darryl: Bad typing on my handheld. Dr. Kevin Folta at UF is the scientist 1researcher we have worked with in the past. He likes to write - and is obviously based in and focused on Florida-research and issues. I will send the two of you a note shortly making introductions - and you can provide him directly with insights on the article you are looking for. Thanks again. Bill Mashek Bill Mashek VP, Group Manager +I2028359452 Ketchum break through CelebratLnq 90 Years PR :-:evu,s Top Places to Work in PR A proud partner of Room to Read. World Change Starts with Educated Children@ From: Owens, Darryl ~mailto:deowe1-1s@orlandosentine1~corn] Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 10:49 PM To: Mashek, Bill Subject: RE: Nutrition - GMOs - ProfNet Posting Sounds good. Thanks! Darryl E. Owens Editorial writer/Columnist The Orlando Sentinel 633 North Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32801 Courage is fear that has said its prayers. From: Mashek, Bill [] Sent: Monday, January 20,2014 7:56 PM To: Owens, Darryl Subject: RE: Nutrition - GMOs - ProfNet Posting Darryl: thanks for the note! Dr. Colts at UF is a supporter of biotechnology and its contributions t o agriculture. Will be in touch this week. Thanks. Mashek Sent from my Android phone using TouchDown (www.nitrodesk.corn) -----Original Message----From: Owens, Darryl [] Received: Monday, 20 Jan 2014,4:06pm To: Mashek, Bill [] Subject: RE: Nutrition - GMOs - ProfNet Posting Bill: Just saw your follow-up note about Dr. Folta. That's great. Still what, position would he take? DarryI E. Owetas Editorial writer/Columnist/Opinions Channel Manager The Orlando Sentinel 633 North Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32801 ~ww,orland~~e~~tlnef.eom 407-420-9095 Columns: ~://,0,3266830.columnist Twitter: h t t p s : / w Join us o n Google+ Add the Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board to your circles: llltw:!IOrl~ndoSen2in41.c~m/~~i,ni0nPI~~ Courage is fear that has said its prayers. From: Cathleen EorighL Sent time: 02/10/2014 12:38:17 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: Re: Thank you for coming to Orlando last week. Agree that vigilance is needed, but my colleagues in the press believe perspectives are changing for the better--reporters are growing increasingly tired of feeling bamboozled--and as such they are telling our stories. Cathleen Enright, PhD Executive Vice President Food & Agriculture The Biotechnology Industry Organization 1201 Maryland Ave, SW Ste 900 Washington DC 20024 2029626644 Sent from my iPhone On Feb 10,2014, at 10:06 AM, "Folta, Kevin M." wrote: Cathy, Sorry for running out the door, but we all looked at our watches and realized that time did in fact fly when we were having fun. You were engaged with Bobbie Beagles and I didn't want t o interrupt. This whole issue is reaching a dangerous pace. The new assault on science and reason with fear marketing is staggering. Between Cheerios and Chipotle, etc, they are essentially validating the crazy concerns. We need companies t o stand up to the pressure, not to bend. I guess i t is another rant, but we're sliding backwards. Call me whenever you need some extra assistance. I'm here. Kevin From: Cathleen Enright [mailto:cenrisht@bio,orq] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 8:20 AM To: Hannah,Larkin C; Folta, Kevin M. Subject: Thank you for coming to Orlando last week. Dear Curtis and Kevin, I t was a pleasure meeting you at dinner last week. The Ketchum team is sending a note t o all dinner guests on m y behalf, but Iwanted t o thank you personally for taking the time t o participate. We know that it's your voices bringing authority and influence t o the GMO debate. Itruly appreciate your willingness t o get into the fray, both in and out of GMO Answers. All best wishes, Cathy Cathleen Enright, PhD Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:54 AM To: Folta, Kevin M.; Barnes, Carly Cc: Oates, Kevin Subject: RE: GMO Answers: Survey w/ Top Consumer questions THANK YOU KEVIN!! From: Folta, Kevin M. [~ailto:Molta@~~fl,edu] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 6:59 PM To: Barnes, Carly Cc: Coy, Emily; Oates, Kevin Subject: RE: GMO Answers: Survey w/ Top Consumer questions Sure, Ican nail that one. Short form. No problem. Kevin Kevin M. Folta Interim Chair and Associate Professor Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Institute for Plant Innovation University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Don't tell me it can't be done ... Tell me how you are going to help me do it. From: Barnes, Carly [] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 7:44 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Cc: Coy, Emily; Oates, Kevin Subject: GMO Answers: Survey w/ Top Consumer questions From: Coy, Emily Sent tinie: 02/12/2014 07:05:44 PM To: Folta, Kevin M.; Barnes, Carly Cc: Oates, Kevin SubJect: RE: GMO Answers: Survey w/Top Consumer questions Kevin - this is GREAT. Thank you. From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 2:00 PM To: Coy, Emily; Barnes, Carly Cc: Oates, Kevin Subject: RE: GMO Answers: Survey w/ Top Consumer questions Do GMOs cause cancer? The short answer is no, there is absolutely zero reputable evidence that GMO foods cause cancer. Cancer is a name applied to a spectrum of diseases where cells proliferate abnormally. There is no way that the subtle and well understood alterations of a plant's genes can cause cancer. There is nothing about the Bt protein (used in insect resistance, also in organic pest control), the EPSPS enzyme (which confers herbicide resistance, simply by substituting for the native enzyme in the plant) or the process itself, that would induce such cellular changes. It is just not plausible. Some of the confusion comes from reports where the Bt protein or glyphosate (the herbicide used on some GM crops) is applied to cell lines in a petri dish, and the cells show changes associated with stress and perhaps abnormal proliferation. However, cells in a dish do not behave like cells in the body. Through years of careful evaluation there is no reliable evidence that GM foods cause the same changes in a living organism. Quite to the contrary future plants may be engineered to produce nutrients that fightlprevent cancer, or even eliminate compounds that increase cancer risk. One such product is close to commercialization. Potatoes produce a small amount of acrylamide, a potential carcinogen, when heated to high temperatures. A potato has been engineered to not produce that compound, leading to safer food. From: Coy, Emily [] From: Folta, Kevin M. Sent tinie: 04/21/2014 03:09:36 PM To: Mashek, Bill ( 0DVKHN#NHWFKXP FRP@ 6HQW 0RQGD\ 0D\ $0 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6XEMHFW 5( 2UODQGR 6HQWLHQO ,QWUR 3UR &RQ .HYLQ :H ORYHG \RXU RSHG LQ WKH 2UODQGR 6HQWLQHO ± WKLV SRVWLQJ LV SULFHOHVV ,W LV QRW LQ WKH *02 $QVZHUV ³YRLFH´ EXW , WKLQN LW LV SHUIHFW IRU D 8RI) VFLHQFH SURIHVVRU WR VD\ 0\ IDYRULWH OLQH 3XEOLF ,QWHUHVW 5HVHDUFK *URXS LURQLFDOO\ QRW GRLQJ PXFK UHVHDUFK HVSHFLDOO\ LQ VFLHQFH IRU WKH SXEOLF LQWHUHVW 0DVKHN %LOO 0DVKHN 93 *URXS 0DQDJHU .HWFKXP EUHDN¬¬WKURXJK &HOHEUDWLQJ PDLOWR NIROWD#XIO HGX@ 6HQW 0RQGD\ 0D\ $0 7R 0DVKHN %LOO 6XEMHFW 5( 2UODQGR 6HQWLHQO ,QWUR 3UR &RQ %LOO 0DVKHN#NHWFKXP FRP@ 6HQW 0RQGD\ 0D\ $0 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6XEMHFW 5( 2UODQGR 6HQWLHQO ,QWUR 3UR &RQ , DJUHH .HYLQ , WKLQN ODQG JUDQW SURIHVVRUV UHVHDUFKHUV VFLHQWLVWV KDYH D ELJ ZKLWH KDW LQ WKLV GHEDWH DQG VXSSRUWHUV LQ WKHLU VWDWHV ± IURP SROLWLFLDQV WR SURGXFHUV .HHS LW XS $QG RXW RI LV KDOO RI IDPH QXPEHUV 0DVKHN %LOO 0DVKHN Broad‑Based Coalition Launched to Advocate for Congressional Action on a Federal GMO Labeling Solution Legislation Needed to Protect Consumers by Eliminating Confusion and Advancing Food Safety  ()           English  WASHINGTON, Feb. 6, 2014 /PRNewswire­USNewswire/ ­­ American farmers and representatives from a diverse group of almost thirty industry and non­governmental organizations today announced the formation of the Coalition for Safe Affordable Food ( ( and urged Congress to quickly seek a federal solution that would establish standards for the safety and labeling of food and beverage products made with genetically modified ingredients (GMOs). "American families deserve safe, abundant and affordable food," said Martin Barbre, President of the National Corn Growers.  "And America's farmers rely on this proven technology to protect crops from insects, weeds and drought, enabling us to deliver on that promise and to do so through sustainable means.  A federal solution on GMO labeling will bolster consumer confidence in the safety of American food by reaffirming the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) role as the nation's foremost authority on the use and labeling of foods containing genetically modified ingredients." A federal GMO labeling solution is needed that will protect consumers and ensure the safety of food ingredients made through the use of modern agricultural biotechnology: Eliminate Confusion: Remove the confusion and uncertainty of a 50 state patchwork of GMO safety and labeling laws and affirm the FDA as the nation's authority for the use and labeling of genetically modified food ingredients. Advance Food Safety: Require the FDA to conduct a safety review of all new GMO traits before they are introduced into commerce. FDA will be empowered to mandate the labeling of GMO food ingredients if the agency determines there is a health, safety or nutrition issue with an ingredient derived from a GMO. Inform Consumers: The FDA will establish federal standards for companies that want to voluntarily label their product for the absence­of or presence­of GMO food ingredients so that consumers clearly understand their choices in the marketplace. Provide Consistency: The FDA will define the term "natural" for its use on food and beverage products so that food and beverage companies and consumers have a consistent legal framework that will guide food labels and inform consumer choice. "Foods made with genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) are safe and have a number of important benefits for people and our planet," said Pamela G. Bailey, president and CEO of the Grocery Manufacturers Association.  "Our nation's food safety and labeling laws should not be set by political campaigns or state and local legislatures, but by the FDA, the nation's foremost food safety agency. "GMO technology has fostered a revolution in American agriculture that has benefitted consumers in the United States and around the world.  And with global population expected to grow from seven to nine billion by 2050, we will need 70% more food production to keep pace.  A federal GMO labeling solution will provide a framework for the safe and continued use of technology that is essential to the future of our planet." Facts About GMOs ( ( ) Many of the most influential regulatory agencies and organizations that study the safety of the food supply, including the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, the American Medical Association, the World Health Organization, Health Canada, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Academy of Sciences, have found genetically modified food ingredients (GMOs) are safe and there are no negative health effects associated with their use.  GM technology adds desirable traits from nature, without introducing anything unnatural or using chemicals, so that food is more plentiful. GM technology is not new. In fact, it has been around for the past 20 years, and today, 70­80% of the foods we eat in the United States, both at home and away from home, contain ingredients that have been genetically modified.  Ingredients grown using GM technology require fewer pesticides, less water and keep production costs down. In fact, GM technology helps reduce the price of crops used for food, such as corn, soybeans and sugar beets by as much as 15­30%.  One in eight people among the world's growing population of seven billion do not have enough to eat, and safe and effective methods of food production, like crops produced through GM technology, can help us feed the hungry and malnourished in developing nations around the world. The Coalition for Safe Affordable Food is dedicated to providing policy makers, media, consumers and all stakeholders with the facts about ingredients grown through GM technology.  We are also an advocate for common sense policy solutions that will only further enhance the safety of the GM crops and protect the vital role they play in today's modern global food supply chain.  The coalition is comprised of American farmers and representatives from a diverse group of industry and non­governmental organizations. Coalition Members 1.     AACC International/ American Phytopathological Society 2.     American Bakers Association 3.     American Beverage Association 4.     American Farm Bureau Federation 5.     American Feed Industry Association 6.     American Frozen Food Institute 7.     American Seed Trade Association 8.     American Soybean Association 9.     American Sugarbeet Growers Association 10.  Biotechnology Industry Organization 11.  Corn Refiners Association 12.  Council for Responsible Nutrition 13.  Flavor & Extract Manufacturers Association 14.  Global Cold Chain Alliance 15.  Grocery Manufacturers Association 16.  International Dairy Foods Association 17.  National Association of Manufacturers 18.  National Association of Wheat Growers 19.  National Confectioners Association 20.  National Corn Growers Association 21.  National Council of Farmer Cooperatives 22.  National Fisheries Institute 23.  National Grain & Feed Association 24.  National Oilseed Processors Association 25.  National Restaurant Association 26.  National Turkey Federation 27.  North American Millers Association 28.  Snack Food Association 29.  U.S. Beet Sugar Association SOURCE Coalition for Safe Affordable Food available to help farmers, the environment or the needy". That is the message. We need to continue t o focus the discussion forward into missed opportunities, win back the emotional capital. MON, DOW, etc need to run commercials about the future products of biotech ag. Get people excited about what can be, what will be, unless some do-gooder tries to stop it. Thanks Kevin From: claire@cfsaf.or~[mai!t~:claire@cfsaf.orq] Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:Ol AM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: Coalition for Safe Affordable Food Informational Call Dr. Folta, As you know, The Coalition for Safe Affordable Food applauded the recent introduction of the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act by Representatives Mike Pompeo and G.K. Butterfield. This important legislation is a common sense policy solution that will further enhance the safety of GM crops and protect the vital role they play in today's modem global food supply chain. Our Coalition will be working tirelessly over the coming months to advocate for passage of the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act. Unfortunately, activist opponents have launched an all-out attack on the bill since its introduction. Their attacks are based on false and misleading claims about the bill and GM technology itself. An important part of the Coalition's work is to counter these unsubstantiated claims and communicate to policy makers and consumers the facts about the legislation and this vital technology. Please join us for a briefing and discussion with GMA President Pam Bailey, National Council of Farm Cooperatives President and CEO Chuck Conner, and BIO Executive Vice President Cathy Enright. May 7,2014,3 PM EDT Dial in: 1-877-61 1-03341Pass Code:3488659 During the briefing we'll update you on the Coalition's efforts, review the current legislative landscape and next steps in Congress, and explore additional ways to engage you in our efforts. We look forward to updating you, hearing your thoughts and discussing ways to advance this issue. Cathy and Claire, I was on the phone call, missed instructions on how t o answer question, so I was out there talking to a phone a bunch and not getting through. A few thoughts: 1. Bruce and Dan hit it out of the park. This legislations singles out a PROCESS, not a product. That's a bad move. To CORRECT it ...the law should make ANY new genotype (traditional breeding, hybrids, mutation breeding, whatever) provide its safety testing. I think that would solve the problem. You see what I mean. 2. This legislation will not be looked upon favorably by the antis. It will be noted as "Monsanto Protection Act 11". They'll vilify the FDA as a rubber stamp of Big Ag. Long story short, I think it is the best idea out there, but we need a bigger venue for the science than GMO Answers. I LOVED Cathy's thoughts about ethics and that has been my current approach. Last week I said, "As a scientist i t would be unethical for me t o not want to implement the best tools available t o help farmers, the environment or the needy". That is the message. We need t o continue t o focus the discussion forward into missed opportunities, win back the emotional capital. MON, DOW, etc need t o run commercials about the future products of biotech ag. Get people excited about what can be, what will be, unless some do-gooder tries to stop it. Thanks. Kevin From: claire6cfsaf.orq [mailto:claire@cfsaf.orq] Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:Ol AM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: Coalition for Safe Affordable Food Informational Call Dr. Folta, As you know, The Coalition for Safe Affordable Food applauded the recent introduction of the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act by Representatives Mike Pompeo and G.K.Butterfield. This important legislation is a common sensc policy solution that will Ii~rtherenhance the safety of GM crops and protect the vj tal role they play in today's modem global food supply chain. From: Cathleen Enright [cenriqhL:@bio.orq] Sent: Tuesday, May 27,2014 10:38 AM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: RE: Coalition for Safe Affordable Food Informational Call Thanks Kevin. It's important for the scientific perspective t o remain f i r m as more work is done t o advance and shape this bill. As indicated, t h e bill has provided us the single best opportunity t o brief Congress about biotech, and to reinforce the science behind the technology. Best wishes, Cathy Cathleen Enright, PhD Executive Vice President, Food and Agriculture The Biotechnology Industry Organization 1 2 0 1 Maryland Ave, SW, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20024 202-962-664419200 directlmain 202-735-4025 cell cenriqht@bio.orq Got a question about GMOs? Ask us anything a t Learn more about Biotechnology a t bio.orq Engage with the Biotech Community a t BIOtech-NOW.orq Follow us on Twitter (@IAmBiotech) Become a fan on Facebook ( From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Wednesday, May 07,2014 4:49 PM To: claire@cfsaf.orq; Cathleen Enright Subject: RE: Coalition for Safe Affordable Food Informational Call Fro'n: Cami Ryan Sent tinle: 0612112014 05:49:30 PM To: Peter J. Davies Coy, Emily ( ; Wayne Parrott ( ; Jon Entine ~ o n @ j o ~ ~ e n t i ~ l e .; co~n) Ronald J. Heming ; Ann Grodzins Gold ; Deepthi Cc: Elizabeth Kolady : Sarali Davidson Evanega ; Peter Hobbs ;Janice E. Thies ; Folta, Kevin M.; Ronnic Coffman ; Elizabeth D. Earle ; Anthony M. Shclton Subject: Re: More NGO drama in India: Ron Herring and Comell attacked by Vandana and Aruna Rodriguez We are all bad-ass shills for the truth. It's a pleasure shilling with you. Camille (Cami) D. Ryan, B .Comrn.,Ph.D. Independent Research Consultant and Public Speaker Professional Affiliate, Department of Bioresource Policy, Business & Economics College of Agriculture University of Saskatchewan Canada 403-809-283 1 (cell) it y a n . ~ v o s c l p r c s s . c t ~ ~ ~ i / t ~ c s t - O F - c m Blog: Iittp:/l~!~ucnm Twitter me @DocCamiRyan On Jun 21,2014, at 1:32 PM, "Peter J. Davies" wrote: Congratulations Ron! ! When you are called one "who promotes GMOs and the monopoly of Monsanto. It is ironic that the IB report relies on the evidence of Herring with his antecedents in Cornell University, a hub of blind GMO promotion" we are getting noticed. Peter From: Ronald 1. Herring Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2014 3:19 PM To: Ann Grodzins Gold; Deepthi Elizabeth Kolady; Sarah Davidson Evanega; Peter Hobbs; Peter 1. Davies; cami.ryan Cc: Ronnie Coffman; Elizabeth D. Earle Subject: Fwd: More NGO drama in India: Ron Herring and Cornell attacked by Vandana and Aruna Rodriguez Subject: More NGO drama in India: Ron Herring and Cornell attacked by Vandana and Aruna Rodriguez " It is ironic that the IB report relies on the evidence of Herring with his antecedents in Cornell University, a 11ub of blind GMO promotion,"" As NC;Os c r y h u l , seed irlti~ls~l-y body del'cnds IB report 'I'irr~esof [ndin It said, "Sustained c a ~ n p a i yhas Icd to derailment ofvital genetically n~odified(GM) Fr'm? REDING. KEITH ?h.kcith.reding@monsanlo com? time: 06 131-15 PM T0: Folla. Kenn call with Monsanto Hi Kevin, Here is the call info. Number: 1-855-694-5212 Passcode: 804 610 584 From Monsanto, it will be Mike Lohuis, Scientific Community Engagement Lead, and John Vicini and me from Regulatory Policy and Scienti?c Affairs. Regards, Keith Reding, 314-694-6615 314-809-9624 DŝŬĞ )URP 5(',1* + .(,7+ >$* @ 6HQW 7XHVGD\ -XO\ 30 7R /2+8,6 0,&+$(/ 0 >$* @ &F '2%(57 5$<021' & >$* @ 5(<12/'6 75$&(< / >$* @ 6XEMHFW ): SURSVRDO ,ŝ DŝŬĞ͕ ,ĞƌĞ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽƉŽƐĂů ĨƌŽŵ <ĞǀŝŶ &ŽůƚĂ͘ <ĞŝƚŚ )URP )ROWD .HYLQ 0 >PDLOWR NIROWD#XIO HGX@ 6HQW 7XHVGD\ -XO\ $0 7R 5(',1* + .(,7+ >$* @ 6XEMHFW SURSVRDO <ĞŝƚŚ͕ dŚŝƐ ŝƐ Ă ƌĞĂů ǁŝŶŶĞƌ͘ /ƚ ǁŝůů ƚĂŬĞ Ă ŚƵŐĞ ĂŵŽƵŶƚ ŽĨ ƟŵĞ͕ ďƵƚ / ƚŚŝŶŬ ŝƚ ǁŝůů ŚĂǀĞ Ă ůŽƚ ŽĨ ŝŵƉĂĐƚ͘ WůĞĂƐĞ ĨŽƌǁĂƌĚ ĂƐ ŶĞĐĞƐƐĂƌLJ͘ dŚĂŶŬ LJŽƵ ĨŽƌ ƚŚŝƐ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ͘ /ƚ ǁĂƐ Ă ŐŽŽĚ ƟŵĞ ƚŽ ƚŚŝŶŬ ĂďŽƵƚ ŚŽǁ ƚŽ ƐŽůǀĞ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽďůĞŵ ĂŶĚ ĚĞǀŝƐĞ Ă ĐůĞǀĞƌ ƐŽůƵƟŽŶ͘ <ĞǀŝŶ <ĞǀŝŶ D͘ &ŽůƚĂ WƌŽĨĞƐƐŽƌ ĂŶĚ ŚĂŝƌŵĂŶ ,ŽƌƟĐƵůƚƵƌĂů ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞƐ ĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ ŽĨ &ůŽƌŝĚĂ 'ĂŝŶĞƐǀŝůůĞ͕ &> ϯϮϲϬϲ ϯϱϮͲϮϳϯͲϰϴϭϮ 3DUW RI PH QRZ WKLQNV , VKRXOG WU\ FURZG IXQGLQJ P\ UHVHDUFK DQG WKH RWKHU SDUW WKLQNV %XW KRZ ZLOO LW IHHO WR ORVH WR SRWDWR VDODG" %LRWDONQRZOHGJH\ SGI Bio·talk·knowledge·y : Training Scientists How to Teach Concepts in Transgenic Crop Improvement Kevin M. Folta Ph.D. Professor and Chairman, Horticultural Sciences Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 Rationale and Justification While transgenic crop varieties have been undeniably advantageous to farmers and hold tremendous potential for future advances, the general population does not understand the realistic benefits and limitations to the technology. Recent surveys by the University of Florida PIE Center report that while a small percentage of Americans stands firmly against the technology, the vast majority has no knowledge of it, and no opinion about it. However, the fearful narratives from activist websites are highly influential and compel those without a firm opinion to adopt “cautious” food choices. These fear-based narratives and practices are fueled by deceptive rhetoric or language designed to promote non-transgenic food choices. Crop improvement though transgenic technology was deployed without a preemptive education program, presenting a perfect storm for public misunderstanding and rejection of the technology. The effect of this relationship is fear and undue cynicism about transgenic crop technology, the companies that develop it, and the farmers that deploy it. Safe food products with no plausible means of harm become stigmatized. Technologies useful to farmers in the developing world are arrested in slow-moving pipelines. Activists promote strict adherence to precaution, and the well fed in the industrialized world manipulate public perception and manufacture risk to advance their agendas. Activist control of public perception has many casualties, including limiting options for farmers, decreased use of farm inputs, and food security domestically and abroad. There is a strong push for clunky and unnecessary food labeling efforts that are destined to increase food costs and limit product choices. One solution is education, followed by enhancing effective communication of complex scientific food topics. While those professed to stopping biotechnology at all costs are not likely to change, we can influence the vast general public that is still clearly forming an opinion. Over the last 12 years I have been visiting public forums to discuss how the process works, what are the actual risks, and what are the benefits to four central clientele: the farmer, the consumer, the needy and the environment. It took twelve years of listening and talking, for fearless integration with the strongest dissenting voices, to understand the failures of technology adoption by the general public. It is not about the science. It is about how the science is communicated. Using this starting point, the activities in this proposal seek to teach scientists how to engage public audiences about transgenic crop technology. %LRWDONQRZOHGJH\ SGI Project Plan There is a three-tiered solution to this biotech communications problem. The proposal will fund monthly one-day excursions for Kevin Folta to visit a major domestic university campus. During the day, the activity will be to train the trainers. The 3-hour program will provide a strong discussion and guidelines about how to teach concepts in biotechnology- providing both content and presentation skills. After the training, participants will be invited to participate in a public presentation on transgenic crop improvement later that day. Coupling training and application will allow participants an opportunity to test what they have learned, build confidence, and encourage sustained efforts in teaching biotechnology in public forums. The other central activity is a Biotechnology Communication Conference at the University of Florida. AIM 1. Train the Trainers. The first step is to provide at least one presentation per month at a major agriculture campus to teach faculty, staff and students how to most effectively communicate topics in biotechnology. Folta will visit one location per month for a training session and then and outreach activity the same day. The locations have been determined based on current interest- several universities have contacted Folta to provide such a training session. The closer, and more cost-flexible locations have been listed last in this plan to enable effective budgeting. All funding will be used, so cost savings translate into more training sessions. The basic plan is to provide this information in a half-day activity. A. Content. Participants will learn about transgenic crop improvement in several major areas. Basic nuts and bolts. First they will learn which crops are engineered and how the transgenes work. The focus will be restricted to existing technologies in insect resistance, herbicide resistance and viral resistance. (40 min) Common myths and responses. Participants will learn the typical arguments posed by those positioned against biotechnology. They will then learn the actual information and where to find additional resources, including the primary literature. (30 min) Basics of Regulation. It is critical to understand the fundamentals of the regulatory process. These concepts will be discussed briefly (20 min) The pipeline. What’s next? What are some of the products in industry pipelines and what problems could they solve? What are some of the products generated in academic labs that could solve major world issues- yet are not candidates for deregulation or commercialization? (20 min) %LRWDONQRZOHGJH\ SGI B. Presentation. Participants will learn how to effectively engage public audiences and share information. Understanding risk and public perception. Essentially a psychology lesson about how the public responds to risk. It is essential to understand how the average nonscientist makes decisions in order to be effective at persuasion. (20 min) How to persuade. This section will be a basic primer on rhetoric and argument as applied to biotechnology. Concepts such as logos, ethos and pathos will be discussed in the context of biotechnology. How is a concept viewed as sterile or threatening to the public presented most effectively? (30 min) C. The Importance of Social Media. (20 min) AIM 2. Engage the Public. After the training session there will be a same-day public forum on biotechnology. Faculty, staff, and especially students will be invited to participate in a local public discussion. The presentation will be led by Folta, but parts will involve individual presenters from the earlier activity, especially favoring student and postdoc presenters. We will strategically orchestrate a meeting through local a local food co-op, organic group or a campus organization. This will be arranged principally by the local students and postdocs participating in the training forum. The format will be a one-hour prepared presentation followed by an “Ask Me Anything” and it will be a transparent and honest discussion of biotechnology. The goal is to provide a starting point, an introduction to scientists (some local) that can and will address their questions and concerns at that time and going forward. These presentations typically discuss: x How plants are improved genetically by humans, comparing and contrasting traditional breeding, mutation breeding, polyploid inductions and transgenics. x What are the current transgenic plants available? x How do you make a transgenic plant? x What are the mechanisms? What are the strengths and limitations? x What is regulation like and how do we know the products are safe? x What are the next generation of plant products? %LRWDONQRZOHGJH\ SGI Breakout Session. We will use this platform to then create some one-on-one breakout time with interested members from the public meeting. While visiting campuses small groups of influential individuals with dissenting opinions (maybe 3-5) will be invited to social discussions over coffee or appetizers at a venue of their choosing. The goal is to provide a comfortable conversation and inroads into reframing the discussion. In the past, these discussions have been extremely effective. When engaging a group with scientific information, strong personalities associated with scientific denial tend to provide great contrast, and influence the general tone of the conversation. In my estimation, these are the most powerful and influential opportunities. These breakout sessions also will allow student and postdoc presenters to make local contacts, as well as learn how to effectively work with difficult personalities. AIM 3. On-Campus Training at UF. An expanded version of the program will be presented at the University of Florida and will be open to students, faculty and other academics. The two-day program will feature talks on biotechnology and science communication from experts at UF and several others brought in from the outside, including industry representatives, journalist experts in science communication (e.g. Tamar Haskel, Amy Harmon), and experts in public risk perception and psychology (e.g. Dan Kahan). We also may draw from the UF School of Journalism, where Drs. Joe Keys and Ann Christiano have shown enthusiasm about participating in such efforts. The program will be a two-day, 9 am- 5pm event. A catered buffet-style dinner will be provided. Lunch will not be provided, but time will be available. The general plan will follow the same course as the off-campus sessions presented in AIM I- only expanded and presented by outside experts. A. Content. Participants will learn about transgenic crop improvement in several major areas, approximately 1-2 hours each: x Basic nuts and bolts. First they will learn which crops are engineered and how the transgenes work. The focus will be restricted to existing technologies in insect resistance, herbicide resistance and viral resistance. x Common myths and responses. Participants will learn the typical arguments posed by those positioned against biotechnology. They will then learn the actual information and where to find additional resources, including the primary literature. x Basics of Regulation. It is critical to understand the fundamentals of the regulatory process. These concepts will be discussed in detail. x The pipeline. What’s next? What are some of the products in industry pipelines and what problems could they solve? What are some of the products generated in academic labs that could solve major world issues- yet are not candidates for deregulation or commercialization? B. Presentation. Participants will learn how to effectively engage public audiences and share information. x Understanding risk and public perception. Essentially a psychology lesson about how the public responds to perceived risk. It is essential to understand how the average non-scientist makes decisions in order to be effective at persuasion. x How to persuade. This section will be a basic primer on rhetoric and argument as applied to biotechnology. Concepts such as logos, ethos and pathos will be discussed in the context of biotechnology. How is a concept viewed as sterile or threatening to the public presented most effectively? C. The Importance of Social Media. Claiming space and effective public engagement. D. Student/postdoc Participation. There will be a competitive opportunity or six Ph.D. students or postdocs interested in the topic of transgenic technology and science communication. Their participant costs, airfare and lodging, will be covered by this funding. The competition will be a simple essay as to the importance of the training to their long-term endeavors in science. We will strongly encourage participation from students in the Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology program ( This is a graduate program where at least a subset of the students and postdocs will be eager to participate. I would anticipate about 30-40 participants. E. Wider Participation. The conference will be open to any student or postdoc, or faculty member, that wishes to attend. There will be no cost to attend, but they will need to cover their own transportation and lodging costs, and pre-registration will be necessary. We will promote participation by county extension agents and local farmers. %LRWDONQRZOHGJH\ SGI The preliminary schedule for the 2014-2015 effort is: September 2014- Los Angeles, CA Meet with journalist Cara Santa Maria for the ‘Talk Nerdy’ podcast. She has wanted to do a show on GMO and there have not been resources to do it. The podcast has wide listenership. It is possible this effort will be a live recording with public Q&A. November 2014- N.C. State, Raleigh, NC I was contacted by from Agronomy requesting that I assist in teaching I will be in town for a biotechnology conference and will have no major costs to funding provided. December 2014- University of California- Davis January 2015- University of California San Diego; plus a session at the Plant Animal Genome Conference February 2015- Michigan State University or Oregon State University March 2015- University of Hawaii, Manoa HI I was invited by Dr. Anja Weiscorsek to visit their campus and provide on-site discussion. I have close ties with the Hawaii Crop Improvement Association and they will likely provide opportunities and funding for intra-island travel and discussion at Farmer Forms. April 2015- University of Wisconsin, Madison WI. I have spoken with Dr. Rick Amasino about providing a discussion for students, faculty and staff about biotechnology communications. A session will be provided on campus, and discussion will be arranged at Willy St. Co-op, an organic foods co-op in town. May 2015- Washington State University, Pullman, WI June 2015- Purdue University, Lafayette, IN. *includes farmer forum* July 2015- On-campus training event at University of Florida August 2015- Cornell University September 2015- Auburn University, Auburn AL October 2015- University of Georgia %LRWDONQRZOHGJH\ SGI Other Notes: Assessment We will need to gauge the effectiveness of the program. There will be two questionnaires, one presented before and after each public seminar. The data will be assessed and used to strengthen next efforts Social Media Presence Funds will be used to build and promote a Biotalknowledgey website at that describes and promotes the activities of these events. A twitter account has been established at @biotalknowledge Accountability and Delieverables A report of metrics, such as number of participants in public forums and in the training sessions will be provided. A report of expenses and how funds were used will be provided to the funding agency on a quarterly basis. Video presentations from the UF forum will be placed online using YouTube, as well as via the Bio·talk·knowledge·y website. Video or audio from the individual forums will also be presented online as available. %LRWDONQRZOHGJH\ SGI Budget- ($25,000) There is no salary compensation for Folta. The work is voluntary, and part of the expectations of his role as a public scientist. 1. Off-Campus Training. ($12,600) The plan is $1000 per off-campus training session. This is the average cost, based on my minimal costs of: x x x x Economy-class air fare (<$600) Cheap hotel (<$100/night) Potential rental car (state contract rate is <$50/day) Reasonable per diem for meals (<$50?) This budget should, on average, leave discretionary funds built for $200-400/session, earmarked for: x Purchasing light break refreshments (coffee, soda, water, etc) x Rental costs for space for public dialog session if necessary x Purchasing refreshments at the public event x Meeting one-on-one with participants and public as necessary. These small-group sessions have been shown to be the optimal opportunities to connect with those not sharing enthusiasm for biotechnology. x Promotion. Local paper ads, etc = $600 2. Two-Day Biotechnology Communications Training at University of Florida (UF). ($11,400) x x Transportation, lodging and per diem for four keynote speakers ($1000 ea, $4000 total) Airfare and lodging allowance for six Ph.D. students or postdocs ($800; $4,800 total) (Airfare to Gainesville, FL is more expensive than other cities, but usually is around $500-600. Lodging at The Lodge at Gainesville is about $100 per night, including breakfast, so two nights would be included for each paid participant) x x x x Rental fee for Emerson Alumni Hall (~$200/day; $400 total) Refreshments for breaks (~$200/day) Professional recording from UF/IFAS communications (~$500) Dinner for <75 participants, catered at $20 ea= $1500 3. Miscellaneous Items ($1000) x Dedicated projector for use in these activities- $800 %LRWDONQRZOHGJH\ SGI x Domain name and server space for website (several years purchased up front, email accounts, etc)- $200 Total Budget The total budget is $25,000. If funded directly to the program as a SHARE contribution (essentially unrestricted funds) it is not subject to IDC and is not in a “conflict-ofinterest” account. In other words, SHARE contributions are not publicly noted. This eliminates the potential concern of the funding organization influencing the message. )URP '$/< &$52/<1 $ >$* @ FDURO\Q D GDO\#PRQVDQWR FRP! 6HQW WLPH $0 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 &F '2%(57 5$<021' & >$* @ UD\PRQG F GREHUW#PRQVDQWR FRP! 6$&+6 (5,& 6 >$* @ HULF V VDFKV#PRQVDQWR FRP! 5(<12/'6 75$&(< / >$* @ WUDFH\ O UH\QROGV#PRQVDQWR FRP! 5(',1* + .(,7+ >$* @ K NHLWK UHGLQJ#PRQVDQWR FRP! /2+8,6 0,&+$(/ 0 >$* @ PLFKDHO P ORKXLV#PRQVDQWR FRP! 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DALY, CAROLYN A Folta, Kewn REDING, KEITH (h.keith.reding@monsanto.c0m> subject: Tour of Monsanto Chester?eld Appointment Required attendees: Location: Meet Tour group atAA Lobby Start time: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:00:00 AM End time: Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:30:00 AM When: Thursday, August 14, 2014 9:00 AM Central Time (US Canadai Where: Meet Tour group at AA Lobby Note: The GMT offset above does not re?ect daylight saving time adjustments. This is a place holder for the Monsanto Chester?eld site tour for Kevin Folta and Keith Reding. You will be joining another large group from Wyn?eld. Thank you. Carolyn Daly ?Pm: DALY, CAROLYN A [Aeneas] 59'? ?m3: osrouzom 04:3?:35 PM DALY, CAROLYN A EPPARD. BOYES, DOUG BRAUN, CARL BROWN, SHERRI CALABOTTA, BETH CALDWELL, DAVID CONCIBIDO, VERGEL ANA MARIA CRAWFORD, MICHAELJ CULLER, ANGELA HENDRICKSON DOHLEMAN, FRANK DONG, FENGGAO FABBRI, BRADON FITZGERALD, ALLISON FREY, TRAVIS JAMES GOLDSTEIN, DANIEL A GREENPLATE, JOHN HAUGE, BRIAN HECK, GREGORY HOOD, AIMEE KARUNANANDAA, GALA KEMPER, EDSON RANDALL ALAN LOHUIS, MICHAEL LUSSENDEN, ROGER MAJEE, DIANAH MILLER, WILLIAM MONTEZUMA, MARCELO NARENDRA, SAUITHA NICKELL, AN DREW PETRACEK, MARIE PETRICK, JAY PITKIN, JOHN PRADO, JOSE RAFAEL REDING, KEITH REMUNO, KIRK RICE, ELENA A RITER, LEAH SACHS, ERIC 5 SALTMIRAS, DAVID A SAMMONS, DOUGLAS SCHNEIDER, KRISTIN PIERRE SHARMA, SIVASUPRAMANIAM, SAKUNTALA URSZULAJ SPENCER, MICHAEL STAUB, To: JEFFREY STEPHENS, SWARTHOUT, JOHN TURNER, CATHERINE LOUISE VICINI, JOHN VOELKER, TONI WARD, JASON WARNOCK, DANIEL YAN, JIA YATES, JENNIFER YE, XUDONG COFFMAN, KEVIN HENSON, MARK BOYD. LAKISHA DOBERT, RAYMOND GLICK, HARVEY HORAK, MICHAELJ KURTYKA, LUCYNA LEBBING, BRITTANIA MARIE Ll, YUE JIN NAIR, RASHMI REEVES, WILLIAM Folta, Kevin REYNOLDS, TRACEY MARTHA A QUARLES, LEE NEU, JEFFREY COMBEST, JOHN A ALTEMUS, JIM JONES, ERIN ERICSON, BECKY ROBINSON, CHELSEY FUCHS, DANIELLE [AG-ContractorIIDOO]; VOSNIDOU, NANCY WILSON, THOMAS GAO, WEI MODENA, NATALIA (RAMAMOHAN, CLARA [A6x50001>; ALESSANDRA JOHN BRUNO ROGERIO CHARLES (BODDUPALLI, SEKHAR 5 JEAN- PIERRE (EDGERTON, MIKE LARRYA KEVIN ICHARRIGAN, GEORGE GREGORY 2 MICHAEL (POPI, JON TERRY sumac? Seminar and Discussion "Reframing Biotechnology Communication" Dr. Kevin Folta, University of Florida Appointment Required attendees: Location: Monsanto Chesterfield - BBZ415/Webex Start time: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 4:00:00 PM End time: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 5:30:00 PM When: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 3:00 PM Central Time (US CanadaL Where: Monsanto Chester?eld - BBZ415/Webex Note: The GMT offset above does not re?ect daylight saving time adjustments. Dr. Kevin Folta of the University of Florida will present a seminar and discussion on "Reframing Biotechnology Communication.? Dr. Folta is Professor and Chairman of the Horticultural Sciences Department and active in the Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology and Plant Innovation programs. His research focus is functional genomics of small fruit quality and use of light to modulate fruit ?avor and postharvest attributes. He has published two seminal texts in fruit genomics and over 70 peer?reviewed manuscripts. He has led the International Strawberry Genome Sequencing Consortium that published the 12th completed plant genome in 2011, received the NSF CAREER Award, an HHMI Mentoring Award, and was recognized as "University of Florida Foundation Research Professor" in 2010. Dr. Folta?s seminar is also part of the series of opportunities to see different styles of presenting biotechnology, how to exchange perspectives on best ways to address issues, and glean from his experiences. Schedule permitting, please plan on attending and feel free to invite others to attend either in person or by WebEx. Host: Keith Reding, Regulatory Policy Lead, RPSA, 4?6615 CAROLYN DALY invites you to an online meeting using WebEx. Meeting Number: 809 419 447 Meeting Password: This meeting does not require a password. To join this meeting (Now from mobile devices!) 1. Go to 2. if requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: This meeting does not require a password. 4. Click "Join". 5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen. Teleconference information 1. Provide your number when you join the meeting to receive a call back. Alternatively, you can call one of the following numbers: Monsanto Audio: 1-314-694-5212 USA/Canada Toll Free: 1-855-694-5212 Argentina Toll Free: 0800-333-2255 2. Follow the instructions that you hear on the phone. Your Cisco Uni?ed MeetingPlace meeting ID: 809 419 447 )URP '$/< &$52/<1 $ >$* @ FDURO\Q D GDO\#PRQVDQWR FRP! 6HQW WLPH 30 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6XEMHFW 5H +RWHO IRU 9LVLW WR 6W /RXLV :LOO \RX VHQG PH DQ LQYRLFH RU VKRXOG , GR D FKHFN UHTXHVW IRU \RXU SD\PHQW" 7KDQN \RX &DURO\Q 'DO\ 6HQW IURP P\ L3DG 2Q $XJ DW 30 )ROWD .HYLQ 0 NIROWD#XIO HGX! ZURWH 7KDQNV &DURO\Q 7KDW V DOO WKH\ QHHG RWKHUZLVH ZH KDYH WR GHDO ZLWK RYHUKHDG , P JUDWHIXO IRU WKLV RSSRUWXQLW\ DQG SURPLVH D VROLG UHWXUQ RQ WKH LQYHVWPHQW 7KDQN \RX IRU DOO RI \RXU DVVLVWDQFH .HYLQ .HYLQ 0 )ROWD 3URIHVVRU DQG &KDLUPDQ +RUWLFXOWXUDO 6FLHQFHV 'HSDUWPHQW 3ODQW 0ROHFXODU DQG &HOOXODU %LRORJ\ 3URJUDP DQG 3ODQW ,QQRYDWLRQ 3URJUDP 8QLYHUVLW\ RI )ORULGD *DLQHVYLOOH )/ ´ ' R Q·W WHOO PH ZKDW FDQ·W EH GRQH 7HOO PH ZKDW QHHGV WR EH GRQH DQG OHW PH GR LW µ ² 1RUPDQ %RUODXJ ,OOXPLQDWLRQ EORJ KWWS NIROWD EORJVSRW FRP 7ZLWWHU #NHYLQIROWD )URP '$/< &$52/<1 $ >$* @ >FDURO\Q D GDO\#PRQVDQWR FRP@ 6HQW :HGQHVGD\ $XJXVW 30 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6XEMHFW 5( +RWHO IRU 9LVLW WR 6W /RXLV .HYLQ $WWDFKHG LV WKH OHWWHU \RX UHTXHVWHG 3OHDVH QRWLI\ PH LI WKLV QHHGV WR EH FKDQJHG 7KDQN \RX &DURO\Q 'DO\ 65 $'0,1,675$7,9( $66,67$17 _ 0216$172 _6WDNHKROGHU (QJDJHPHQW 1257+ /,1'%(5*+ %/9' 67 /28,6 02 0$,/ =21( $ 1$ MONSANTO ~. MONSANTO COMPANY 800 N ORTH LINDBERGH BLVD ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63167 PHONE (314)694-1000 August 8, 2014 Dr. Kevin Folta University of Florida Environmental Horticulture 1533 Fifield Hall P.O. Box 110670 Gainesville, FL 32611 Dear Dr. Folta, Please accept this unrestricted grant in the amount of $25,000.00 which may be used at your discretion in support of your research and outreach projects. The payment will be sent from Monsanto Accounts Payable in the near future. Sincerely, Mike Lohuis, Ph.D. Director, Scientific Engagement Monsanto Company )ROWD 8RI) 3') From REDING, KEITH ?me: 08/11/2014 06:04:06 PM To:; Folta, Kevin M. EPPARD. PHILIP DALY, CAROLYN A 1000] BOYD. LAKISHA 1000] DOBERT. RAYMOND 1000] sum-e?: Folta Visit Monsanto lninerary Am'd?mem?i Folta Itinerary Monsanto Visit.docx Dr. Kevin Folta Visit to Monsanto ltinerary Wednesday, August 13 2:30 pm arrive at the Monsanto Chester?eld campus. 700 Chester?eld Pkwy W, Chester?eld, MO 63017. Stop at the ?ont gate to get a visitor parking pass. Drive past the construction and turn le?. Park in visitor parking. I will meet you at the front entrance of A building to get your visitor pass. 3:00 4:30 pm seminar ?Re?aming Biotechnology Communication? in room I will run the Webex from my computer. We can transfer the presentation on a ?ash drive. 5:00 pm? check into hotel. Room is prepaid by Monsanto. Hotel DRURY PLAZA CHESTERFIELD LOCATION . 7 CONTACT, . 355 CENTER EAST Tel 636-532-3300 CHESTERFIELD, MO US 63017 Fax 800-470-0326 Reserved For KEVTN FOLTA Status Con?rmed Check-1n Aug 13, 2014 Check-Out Aug 15, 2014 Number of 1 Rooms Rate USD 96.00/night Cancellation Cancel by 6PM Policy 7: 15 pm meet Phil Eppard in the lobby for Dinner at Annie Gunn?s. Several others will attend. Thursday, August 14 7:30 am. Breakfast with Mike Lohuis at Drury Hotel. 9:00 am - Tour of Chester?eld 10 am Optional Seminar ?Weeding out the truth What can we learn from and about organic farming?? by Carl Jones, Vegetable Trait Integration Strategy Lead, and former organic farmer or Continue last 30 min of tour. 1 1:30 Drive to Creve Coeur Campus 12:00 Lunch in A cafe' with Cliff Lawson to discuss Monsanto?s NEO program for Technology Acquisition. 1:30 5:00 Discussion with Monsanto folks. Odessy Room, building. People may come and go during this time, depending on their schedules. 5:00 Travel back to Chester?eld 7:15 Dinner hosted by Keith Reding at the Wildhorse Grill, l0 Chester?eld Towne Center Chesterfield. MO 63005 Cross Street: Long. Road (636) 532?8750. Keith will pick up Kevin at 7:00 at the Drury Inn. Friday, August 15 travel back to Florida Keith Reding, 314-694-6615 314-809-9624 From: CAROLYN A [Ag/[000] Sent tim? 03/05/2014 01:03:04 PM REDING. KEITH MICHAEL ; Folla, Kevin M. To: Breakfast with Kevin Folta When: Thursday, August 14, 2014 7:30 AM Central Time (US Canada). Where: Meet at drury Plaza Hotel Chester?eld Note: The GMT offset above does not re?ect daylight saving time adjustments. Aug 23 2014 Kevin Folta Blogspot University of Florida's Deep Monsanto Ties Last week was so happy to answer a thousand thoughtful questions on Science Reddit. Many questions were moderator blocked (which I discouraged). so angry queries found a home over on the "Kevin Folta Monsanto Cheerleader" reddit thread. related Monsanto Cheerleader screntist' lx'evrn Folta had an AMA today ADBcomments Share Save hide glvegnld repon Monsanto cheerleader? And then they put the word scientist in quotes. They are convinced ("In a corpomte cheerleader and not a scientist. Shows how well they know me and what I do. I'm really proud to say that I'm a Professor at UF. lwork with some of the best science minds out there and am always humbled by the amazing work going on here. That's no secret. But Monsanto Cheerleader? When I told them that I had no formal connection to Monsanto (other than visiting there last week to talk about how they could improve their outreach, first time ever there), GM opponents scoured the web, searching for any morsel of evidence to connect me to deep financial collusion with the Big M. They were certain they had me busted. Clearly, billions of dollars were flowing from Monsanto right into my lab and into my pocket, and in return I'd sacrifice my life's duty. 30 years of training. reputation and legacy to lie about science on an obscure website that calls me a cheerleader. Makes perfect sense. Here are their claims: They EVIDENCE! SMOKING GUN! Here they have utilized high-end web sleuthing to undeniably connect me to the Monsanto Corporation! Let's look at those brilliant connections. But first, let's start with reality. I work for the University of Florida, we are the State's Land-Grant University. There are 4,000 faculty. Our central job is to educate the public, perform cutting-edge research, and communicate that research to citizens in our state. That's the Land Grant mission. Our area, IFAS, receives about $80 million a year in research support. Most of that is federal and state, with 3% coming from corporate sources. Of that, maybe $200-400k come from Monsanto annually to specific research programs. In other words, they pay for work to be done here in a lab (not mine) and finance maybe a postdoc to two. This is small potatoes. Nobody sees any of that money outside of the lab that is being compensated for the work. To his claims: 1. Cargill Inc, Dow Chemical and Monsanto give millions to the University of Florida SMOKING GUN!! Not so much. The first page goes to a dead link. I guess that still convinces some of the Monspiracy. 2. U of F Scientists Collaborate with Monsanto -- SMOKING GUN!! Not so much. The article is about two UF researchers that worked in collaboration with Monsanto in 2011 to develop publicdomain software to help model corn growth in the southeast. These simulation models help farmers make choices in a changing climate. From what I can tell, I can find no evidence that there was any funding to UF associated with this relationship. It is not on Dr. Boote's CV or in the UF grants database. 3. Monsanto supports a professorship in his department -- SMOKING GUN. Not so much. That evil Monsanto had the audacity to provide funding to hire a new professor. Fifteen years ago. The nerve. In the days when budgets are cut, faculty hires are few, and students need more science training, it is shameful that they'd actually provide a way for us to expand service to the citizens of out state. Yes, Monsanto did put up part of the funding for Mark's appointment. The funny part is, he has no associations with them and his research is not of direct impact to Monsanto's interests. Plus it happened two years before I joined UF. BUT... that's the best they can find... 4. Folta claims he's an "independent contractor" for the State of Florida -- SMOKING GUN. Not so much. Here the author of the post cherry picks a line from a comment thread and tries to use it to discredit me on the page. The exact quote is: "I'm an independent contractor that works for the State of Florida. They give me a paycheck and a lab space. Every test tube, person, bag of soil, etc. comes from grants that I apply for. Period." This is how we sometimes represent ourselves in university science. There is no magical funding that comes from the institution that pays for our research. We pay for it, from grants. We're small business operators. We have employees, tight budgets, and expected deliverables. Sure, our paychecks for teaching and research come from the state, but they give nothing toward our research work. In fact, from a 3-year $500,000 NSF grant our institution gets about $250,000 of it for "administration and facilities" to keep the paperwork straight and the lights on. Finally, it is sad to see someone dig through the web in an attempt to discredit someone that works for them. Rather than ask for information, explanations, assistance in learning, they want to tear down scientists that don't subscribe to their warped views (which is all of the scientists). I guess it should be noted that Monsanto and other companies sponsor websites like where I answer questions. For free. Maybe that's a connection. Sad. At least he didn't go after the "hot chick with the lip ring" (last line of image above, in reference to Cara Santa Maria on the HuffPo video). Maybe if I get a lip ring he'll give me a pass too. )URP )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6HQW WLPH 30 7R '5$.( /,6$ 0 >$* @ OLVD P GUDNH#PRQVDQWR FRP OLVD P GUDNH#PRQVDQWR FRP! 6XEMHFW DOWHUQDWLYH LGHD >ŝƐĂ͕ DŝŐŚƚ ŝƚ ďĞ ƉŽƐƐŝďůĞ ƚŽ ũƵƐƚ ĂƐŬ ƚŚĞ ƉŽǁĞƌƐ ƚŚĂƚ ďĞ ƚŽ ĚŽ ĂŶ ͚ƵŶƌĞƐƚƌŝĐƚĞĚ ŐŝŌ͛ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ĂŵŽƵŶƚ ƚŽ h&͍ / ĐĂŶ ƚŚĞŶ ũƵƐƚ ĐŚĂƌŐĞ ƚŚĞ ƚƌĂǀĞů ƚŽ ƚŚĂƚ ĂĐĐŽƵŶƚ͘ / ĐŽƵůĚ Įůů ŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ tϵ ĞƚĐ͕ ďƵƚ ƚŚĞŶ /͟ůů ĞŶĚ ƵƉ ŐĞƫŶŐ ƚĂdžĞĚ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ĚŽůůĂƌƐ ĂƐ ŝŶĐŽŵĞ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞŶ ŚĂǀĞ ƚŽ ĐŽƵŶƚĞƌ ƚŚĂƚ ǁŝƚŚ ŵLJ ĐŚĂƌŐĞƐ͘ EŽƚ Ă ŚƵŐĞ ĚĞĂů͕ ďƵƚ ĞdžƚƌĂ ƉĂƉĞƌ ĂŶĚ ƟŵĞ͕ ůŽŶŐ ĂŌĞƌ ŵLJ ďƌĂŝŶ ŝƐ ĞƌĂƐĞĚ͘ /Ĩ ŝƚ ŝƐ ĐŽŶǀĞŶŝĞŶƚ ŝƚ ǁŽƵůĚ ďĞ ŚĞůƉĨƵů͕ ďƵƚ ŝƚ ŝƐ ŶŽƚ ŶĞĐĞƐƐĂƌLJ͘ <ĞǀŝŶ <ĞǀŝŶ D͘ &ŽůƚĂ WƌŽĨĞƐƐŽƌ ĂŶĚ ŚĂŝƌŵĂŶ ,ŽƌƟĐƵůƚƵƌĂů ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞƐ ĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ ŽĨ &ůŽƌŝĚĂ 'ĂŝŶĞƐǀŝůůĞ͕ &> ϯϮϲϬϲ ϯϱϮͲϮϳϯͲϰϴϭϮ ³'RQ¶W WHOO PH LW FDQ¶W EH GRQH 7HOO PH ZKDW WR GR DQG KHOS PH GR LW ´ ± 1RUPDQ %RUODXJ ,ŝ WĞŐŐLJ͕ EŽ͕ ŝĨ ǁĞ͛ƌĞ ƌĞŝŵďƵƌƐŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽĨ ĨŽƌ ŚŝƐ ƚƌĂǀĞů ĂŶĚ ŝŶĐŝĚĞŶƚĂůƐ ǁĞ ĐĂŶ͛ƚ ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐ ŝƚ ĂƐ ĂŶ ƵŶƌĞƐƚƌŝĐƚĞĚ ŐŝŌ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ͘ /ƚ ƐŚŽƵůĚ ƉĂLJ ĚŝƌĞĐƚůLJ ƚŽ Śŝŵ͘ ,ĂǀĞ Ă ŐŽŽĚ ĚĂLJ͕ DĂƌLJ )URP /(9,1( 3(**< $ >$* @ 6HQW 0RQGD\ 2FWREHU $0 7R +8567 0$5< ( >$* @ 6XEMHFW ): DOWHUQDWLYH LGHD +L 0DU\ :H QHHG WR UHLPEXUVH D SURIHVVRU IRU KLV WUDYHO DQG LQFLGHQWDOV IRU D FRQIHUHQFH KH DWWHQGHG IRU XV , DVNHG KLP IRU D Z VR , FRXOG SURFHVV LW DV DQ LQYRLFH RQH WLPH YHQGRU DQG KH SURSRVHG ZH UHLPEXUVH KLP DV DQ ³XQUHVWULFWHG JLIW´ WR WKH XQLYHUVLW\ , KDYH QHYHU GRQH LW WKLV ZD\ EHIRUH ± LV WKLV SRVVLEOH" 7KDQNV 3HJJ\ /HYLQH )URP '5$.( /,6$ 0 >$* @ 6HQW 7XHVGD\ 6HSWHPEHU 30 7R /(9,1( 3(**< $ >$* @ 6XEMHFW )ZG DOWHUQDWLYH LGHD ĂŶ LJŽƵ ĐŚĞĐŬ ŝŶƚŽ ƚŚŝƐ͍ ĂŶĚ ŝĨ ŝƚ ŝƐ ƉŽƐƐŝďůĞ͍ >ŝƐĂ >ŝƐĂ ƌĂŬĞ >ĞĂĚ͕ DŽŶƐĂŶƚŽ ^ƚĂƚĞ ĂŶĚ >ŽĐĂů 'ŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚ īĂŝƌƐ >ŝƐĂ͘ŵ͘ĚƌĂŬĞΛŵŽŶƐĂŶƚŽ͘ĐŽŵ ϯϬϯͲϱϭϰͲϱϱϯϯ ^ĞŶƚ ĨƌŽŵ ŵLJ ŝWĂĚ ĞŐŝŶ ĨŽƌǁĂƌĚĞĚ ŵĞƐƐĂŐĞ͗ &ƌŽŵ͗ Η&ŽůƚĂ͕ <ĞǀŝŶ D͘Η фŬĨŽůƚĂΛƵŇ͘ĞĚƵх ĂƚĞ͗ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϯϬ͕ ϮϬϭϰ Ăƚ Ϯ͗Ϭϰ͗ϭϮ WD W d dŽ͗ Η Z < ͕ >/^ D ΀ 'ͬϭϬϬϬ΁ ;ůŝƐĂ͘ŵ͘ĚƌĂŬĞΛŵŽŶƐĂŶƚŽ͘ĐŽŵͿΗ фůŝƐĂ͘ŵ͘ĚƌĂŬĞΛŵŽŶƐĂŶƚŽ͘ĐŽŵх ^ƵďũĞĐƚ͗ ĂůƚĞƌŶĂƟǀĞ ŝĚĞĂ͘͘͘ >ŝƐĂ͕ DŝŐŚƚ ŝƚ ďĞ ƉŽƐƐŝďůĞ ƚŽ ũƵƐƚ ĂƐŬ ƚŚĞ ƉŽǁĞƌƐ ƚŚĂƚ ďĞ ƚŽ ĚŽ ĂŶ ͚ƵŶƌĞƐƚƌŝĐƚĞĚ ŐŝŌ͛ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ĂŵŽƵŶƚ ƚŽ h&͍ / ĐĂŶ ƚŚĞŶ ũƵƐƚ ĐŚĂƌŐĞ ƚŚĞ ƚƌĂǀĞů ƚŽ ƚŚĂƚ ĂĐĐŽƵŶƚ͘ / ĐŽƵůĚ Įůů ŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ tϵ ĞƚĐ͕ ďƵƚ ƚŚĞŶ /͟ůů ĞŶĚ ƵƉ ŐĞƫŶŐ ƚĂdžĞĚ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ĚŽůůĂƌƐ ĂƐ ŝŶĐŽŵĞ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞŶ ŚĂǀĞ ƚŽ ĐŽƵŶƚĞƌ ƚŚĂƚ ǁŝƚŚ ŵLJ ĐŚĂƌŐĞƐ͘ EŽƚ Ă ŚƵŐĞ )URP )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6HQW WLPH 30 7R '5$.( /,6$ 0 >$* @ OLVD P GUDNH#PRQVDQWR FRP! 6XEMHFW 5( DOWHUQDWLYH LGHD $WWDFKPHQWV B B B B B SGI ,ŝ >ŝƐĂ͕ ,ĞƌĞ͛Ɛ ŵLJ ĨŽƌŵ͘ ^ŽƌƌLJ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ĚĞůĂLJ͕ ĂŶĚ ŚŽƉĞ ǁĞ ĐĂŶ ǁŽƌŬ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ ƐŽŵĞƟŵĞ ƐŽŽŶ ĂŐĂŝŶ͘ <ĞǀŝŶ )URP '5$.( /,6$ 0 >$* @ >PDLOWR OLVD P GUDNH#PRQVDQWR FRP@ 6HQW 7XHVGD\ 2FWREHU $0 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6XEMHFW 5H DOWHUQDWLYH LGHD tĞ ĂƉƉƌĞĐŝĂƚĞ LJŽƵƌ ĞdžƉĞƌƟƐĞ ĂŶĚ ĐŽŵŵĞŶƚĂƌLJ Ͳ / ƚŚŝŶŬ ŝƚ ŝƐ ƐŽ ŚĞůƉĨƵů ĨŽƌ ƐƚĂŬĞŚŽůĚĞƌƐ ƚŽ ŚĞĂƌ Ă ďĂůĂŶĐĞĚ ǀŝĞǁ Ͳ >ŝƐĂ ^ĞŶƚ ĨƌŽŵ ŵLJ ŝWŚŽŶĞ KŶ KĐƚ ϲ͕ ϮϬϭϰ͕ Ăƚ Ϯ͗Ϭϱ WD͕ Η&ŽůƚĂ͕ <ĞǀŝŶ D͘Η фŬĨŽůƚĂΛƵŇ͘ĞĚƵх ǁƌŽƚĞ͗ tŝůů ĚŽ͘ :ƵƐƚ ĮŶŝƐŚĞĚ ŝŶ W ͘ tĞŶƚ ǁĞůů͘ / ƚŚŝŶŬ ĞŶďƌŽŽŬ ŝƐ ƐĞĞŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ůŝŐŚƚ͕ ďƵƚ ^ĞŶĞī ŝƐ ĐƌĂnjLJ͊͊͊ <ĞǀŝŶ ΎΎΎΎΎ ^ĞŶƚ ĨƌŽŵ ŵLJ ƉŚŽŶĞ͘ KŶ KĐƚ ϲ͕ ϮϬϭϰ͕ Ăƚ ϭϮ͗Ϯϵ WD͕ Η Z < ͕ >/^ D ΀ 'ͬϭϬϬϬ΁Η фůŝƐĂ͘ŵ͘ĚƌĂŬĞΛŵŽŶƐĂŶƚŽ͘ĐŽŵх ǁƌŽƚĞ͗ ,ŽƉĞ ƚŚŝƐ ĐĂŶ ǁŽƌŬ Ͳ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ƐĞŶĚ ƚŚĞ tϵ ĂƐ ǁĞůů͕ ĂŶĚ ƐŽƌƌLJ ĨŽƌ ĂŶLJ ŝŶĐŽŶǀĞŶŝĞŶĐĞ͘ >ŝƐĂ ^ĞŶƚ ĨƌŽŵ ŵLJ ŝWŚŽŶĞ ĞŐŝŶ ĨŽƌǁĂƌĚĞĚ ŵĞƐƐĂŐĞ͗ &ƌŽŵ͗ Η> s/E ͕ W ''z ΀ 'ͬϭϬϬϬ΁Η фƉĞŐŐLJ͘Ă͘ůĞǀŝŶĞΛŵŽŶƐĂŶƚŽ͘ĐŽŵх ĂƚĞ͗ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϲ͕ ϮϬϭϰ Ăƚ ϭϭ͗Ϯϯ͗Ϭϲ D d dŽ͗ Η Z < ͕ >/^ D ΀ 'ͬϭϬϬϬ΁Η фůŝƐĂ͘ŵ͘ĚƌĂŬĞΛŵŽŶƐĂŶƚŽ͘ĐŽŵх ^ƵďũĞĐƚ͗ &t͗ ĂůƚĞƌŶĂƟǀĞ ŝĚĞĂ͘͘͘ , ZLOO QHHG D : IURP KLP WR UHLPEXUVH 3HJJ\ )URP +8567 0$5< ( >$* @ 6HQW 0RQGD\ 2FWREHU $0 7R /(9,1( 3(**< $ >$* @ 6XEMHFW 5( DOWHUQDWLYH LGHD From: DRAKE. LISA M [AGIiOOO] Qira.m.draks@monnan~o.c~m> sent time: 09118t2014 10:40:41A M To: Foie. Ksvin M. Cr: SACHS. ERIC S [AGIIOOOI ~ ~ s . r . m r h r @ m o n r m l o . c o m ~ Subjeck Colorado Kevin: Thank you, thank you! By all measures, our Farm to Table Harvest event was a big successTuesday evening, and you were a large part of that success. As you recall, our target audience was the presidents or directors of the many biomedical and device companies headquartered in the Boulder area, in an effort t o get them more comfortable with ag biotechnology and the applications of the technology in agriculture. Of course, we also had Boulder County staff there and the farmers who are the backbone of the community. Many people were invigorated by your positive and uplifting talk and the need to speak out. It was also nice to meet Roxanne. Dr. Staehelin had several suggestions following the dinner, and was impressed by your ability t o communicate. He had a great idea around the Guinness Book of World Records on the large animal review you mentioned -clever idea t o gain media around that "billion" animals studied and they are as safe and healthy as ever before. The dinner gave the staff at Boulder County some thoughts about additional education and celebrations of co-existence in agriculture in the county - so great outcomes. I haven't forgotten about your question about CE credits with the Seeds of Doubt conference. I asked someone to follow up on that and I will see her for lunch today so will come back t o you as soon as I can. I saw you had been writing on that already! Hope you made it back without complications - Best -- Lisa Drake Monsanto Company Lead, U.S. State and Local Government Affairs 9816 Glenstone Trail Highlands Ranch CO 80130 303-514-5533 T h i s e-mail message may c o n t a i n p r i v i l e g e d and/or c o n f i d e n t i a l i n f o r m a t i o n , and t o r e c e i v e such i n f o r m a t i o n . Ifyou have r e c e i v e d t h i s e - m a i l in e r r o r , p l e a s e a l l attachments from any servers, h a r d d r i v e s or any o t h e r media. O t h e r use of A l l e-mails and a t t a c h m e n t s Sent and r e c e i v e * a r e s u b j e c t t o m o n i t o r i n g , r e s d i n s u b s i d i a r i e s . The r e c i p i e n t o f t h i s B-mail i s s o l e l y r e s w n s i b l e f o r c h e c k i n g f Monsanto, a l o n g with i t s s u b s i d i a r i e s , accepts nb l i a b i l i t y f o r afiy damage caus t h i s e-niail o r any attachment. The i n f o r m a t i g R ~ Q n t ~ i n ei n d t h l s e m a i l may be s u b j s c t to t h e cfxpmrt c o n t x o l l a i n c l u d i n g but n o t l i m i t e d t o t h e E x p o r t R W n i s t r a t i m R e i g n l a t i o m lEM) aod, sa Treasury, O f f i c e of F o r e i g n Asset C o n t r o l s (OFAC). As a r e c i p i e n t a f t h i s isf4. a p p l i c a b l e U.S. e z p o r t laws and r e g u l a t i o n s . From: Cathleen Ellright Sent time: 09/25/2014 11:01 :19 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: Re: suggestions Hi Kevin. Thanks very much for your help today. What an experience. I ?nished up the outstanding Qs tonight. Thanks also for supporting for the upcoming hearing. I have travel funding available under GMO Answers but please stay in a nicer hotel Ok for you to use this? Warm regards, Cathy Cathleen Enright, Executive Vice President Food Agriculture The Biotechnology Industry Organization 1201 Maryland Ave, SW Ste 900 Washington DC 20024 202 962 6644 Sent ?'om my iPhone On Sep 25, 2014, at 10:42 PM, "Folta, Kevin wrote: Cathy, Good stuff today. I didn't want to chime in-- but had to on that one issue. Can you give me some guidance? I was asked by Representative John Maher to participate in a hearing of the Agriculture Committee on October 6. They have pressure to push a labeling bill forward and he wants it killed with science. He invited me up to give a presentation and answer questions. They're also bringing in Mortensen from Penn State and Seneff. Sounds like fun. I've dealt with both before and this will be simple. The problem is that they have no support for my travel. I don't really have it here in my program or department that I could use for such things. It would not be appropriate. Can you point me to potential industry sources, maybe even I'd need a cheap plane ticket a night in a motel 6 and a rental car to go from Philadelphia to Harrisburg. I can ?y to Harrisburg directly but it is a 16 hour trip and $800 ticket. If industry can put me in that room, I'll save them a few bucks down the Thanks. Kevin Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 352-273-4812 "Don?t tell me what can?t be done. Tell me what needs to be done, and let me do it.? Norman Borlaug. From: Cathleen Enright Sent time: 09/25/2014 11:15:34 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: Re: suggestions I'm glad this will work. No need to endure hardship! Our guide is to approach spending as you would on your own time. All that is needed are receipts: airfare, car rental, gas, hotel and meals. We turn around reimbursement pretty quickly. I'm in the of?ce all day tomorrow for a chat and will be on the call too. Thanks again for your tireless voice. Cathleen Enright, Executive Vice President Food Agriculture The Biotechnology Industry Organization 1201 Maryland Ave, SW Ste 900 Washington DC 20024 202 962 6644 Sent from my iPhone On Sep 25, 2014, at 11:02 PM, "Folta, Kevin wrote: Cathy, It would be very helpful. This is important, and I'd end up financing it personally. I'll keep it cheap. Thank you for the suggestion. Maybe talk to you tomorrow? I'll be on the conference call. Kevin Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 352-273-4812 ?Don?t tell me what can't be done. Tell me what needs to be done, and let me do it.? Norman Boriaug. Illumination (blog) 5 putting Twitter @kevinfolta From: Cathleen Enright Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 11:01 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: Re: suggestions Hi Kevin. Thanks very much for your help today. What an experience. I ?nished up the outstanding Qs tonight. Thanks also for supporting for the upcoming hearing. I have travel funding available under GMO Answers but please stay in a nicer hotel Ok for you to use this? Warm regards, Cathy Cathleen Enright, Executive Vice President Food Agriculture The Biotechnology Industry Organization 1201 Maryland Ave, SW Ste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in? museum 04:46:50 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Cc: OBRIEN. KIMBERLY subject: FW: See below: PA hearing agenda. Op?cd in MA from Rep. Kevin: I see you follow Benbrook he will hammer at all sorts of draconian issues as a result of biotech crops, especially pesticide increased use. However, it needs to be pointed out that insecticide use has dramatically decreased Barfoot and Brooks study documents, as does Also Benbrook is fond of saying he is with a public university, but he is also funded by MANY organic interests as well, rarely discloses. Good luck you will be great. Lisa From: John Heffernan Sent: Friday, October 03, 2014 11:23 AM To: Ab Basu; Alan Ayers; allen . scarborough; Charles Leitgeb;; David J. McQuade; Debra Vanderbeek;; Elizabeth M. Gemski;; Jay Bonitt; Jeff Blackwood; Jennifer Daiy; Kate Hall;;; DRAKE, LISA Margaret Laggis; 0BRIEN, KIMBERLY Paul Flake; Provost;; Rick; Robert Gray; Robert Tardy Subject: See below: PA hearing agenda, Op-ed in MA from Rep. Dykema Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Introduction to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) October 6, 2014 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Room 140 Main Capitol, Harrisburg AGENDA 9:00 a.m. Call to order-Representative John Maher, Chairman 9:05 Dr. Troy Ott, Professor of Reproductive Physiology The State University 9:30 John Tooker, Associate Professor of Entomology and Extension Specialist The State University 9:50 David Mortensen, Professor of Weed and Applied Plant Ecology The State University 10:10 Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist Ml'i' Computer Science and Arti?cial Intelligence Laboratory 10:30 Chuck Benbrook, Manager, Measure to Manage (MZM) Farm and Food Diagnostics for Sustainability and Health Washington State University 10:50 Kevin M. Folta, Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department University of Florida 11:10 L. Val Giddings, Senior Fellow Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Washington, DC. 1 1:30 Adjourn by Representative Carolyn Dykema October 1, 2014 Representative Dykema Editorial: The Case for Labeling Food Several years ago I had never heard of GMO food. Today, increasing consumer interest has led some companies, like Whole Foods Markets, to voluntarily adopt GMO labeling requirements on all of their products by 2018. GMO food is de?ned by the World Health Organization as ?food with DNA that has been altered in such a way that does not occur naturally." Whether we know it or not, most of us have eaten genetically modi?ed food since it became common in 1994. A common example is Bt corn, found in a wide range of products containing corn syrup, such as most baked goods and juices. As the public becomes more aware of the extensive use of GMOs in food products, discussion is increasing exponentially. A quick internet search of food? reveals the extent of the dialogue which includes efforts across the country to pass legislation requiring consumer labeling of products produced with GMOs. What are the concerns with Many highlight unknown long-term health impacts of genetically modi?ed foods. Some studies suggest that the increasing prevalence of food allergies may be due, at least in part, to our increased consumption of foods containing GMOs. Additional studies raise other health concerns that merit further attention. In addition to public health worries, there are concerns about impacts on the world?s food supply, including evidence suggesting GMO crops may harm pollinators like bees and butter?ies which are essential to food production. While yet others speculate that over time the use of GMO seeds, which are protected by intellectual property law, may restrict the world?s seed supply to ownership by only a few large corporations. All of these concerns are troubling and merit further study. However, there?s a compelling reason to act today on GMO labeling. And that reason is rooted in an unlikely place: capitalism. The success of the American economy, the strongest and most innovative in the world, lies in capitalism. As a capitalist society we believe that our economic prosperity is tied to a simple formula: companies that reSpond to the needs of the consumer prosper, while those that don?t, fail. This model assumes that consumers have enough information - including information about whether their food contains GMOs -to make informed choices about their purchases. Providing consumers with GMO labeling is good for competitive markets and supports informed consumer choice. Most important, it?s good for the public which has the right to know and to choose what?s in the food we eat and feed our families. Now is the time for the legislature to act on GMO labeling. State Representative Carolyn Dykema represents the towns of Holliston, Hopkinton, Southborough and Westborough (pct. 2) and has served on the Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture since 2009. This e?mail message may contain privileged andfor confidential information, and )URP '5$.( /,6$ 0 >$* @ OLVD P GUDNH#PRQVDQWR FRP! 6HQW WLPH 30 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6XEMHFW 5H DOWHUQDWLYH LGHD 7KDQNV ZH ZLOO SURFHVV /LVD 6HQW IURP P\ L3KRQH 2Q 2FW DW $0 )ROWD .HYLQ 0 NIROWD#XIO HGX! ZURWH ,ŝ >ŝƐĂ͕ ,ĞƌĞ͛Ɛ ŵLJ ĨŽƌŵ͘ ^ŽƌƌLJ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ĚĞůĂLJ͕ ĂŶĚ ŚŽƉĞ ǁĞ ĐĂŶ ǁŽƌŬ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ ƐŽŵĞƟŵĞ ƐŽŽŶ ĂŐĂŝŶ͘ <ĞǀŝŶ )URP '5$.( /,6$ 0 >$* @ >PDLOWR OLVD P GUDNH#PRQVDQWR FRP@ 6HQW 7XHVGD\ 2FWREHU $0 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 6XEMHFW 5H DOWHUQDWLYH LGHD tĞ ĂƉƉƌĞĐŝĂƚĞ LJŽƵƌ ĞdžƉĞƌƟƐĞ ĂŶĚ ĐŽŵŵĞŶƚĂƌLJ Ͳ / ƚŚŝŶŬ ŝƚ ŝƐ ƐŽ ŚĞůƉĨƵů ĨŽƌ ƐƚĂŬĞŚŽůĚĞƌƐ ƚŽ ŚĞĂƌ Ă ďĂůĂŶĐĞĚ ǀŝĞǁ Ͳ >ŝƐĂ ^ĞŶƚ ĨƌŽŵ ŵLJ ŝWŚŽŶĞ KŶ KĐƚ ϲ͕ ϮϬϭϰ͕ Ăƚ Ϯ͗Ϭϱ WD͕ Η&ŽůƚĂ͕ <ĞǀŝŶ D͘Η фŬĨŽůƚĂΛƵŇ͘ĞĚƵх ǁƌŽƚĞ͗ tŝůů ĚŽ͘ :ƵƐƚ ĮŶŝƐŚĞĚ ŝŶ W ͘ tĞŶƚ ǁĞůů͘ / ƚŚŝŶŬ ĞŶďƌŽŽŬ ŝƐ ƐĞĞŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ůŝŐŚƚ͕ ďƵƚ ^ĞŶĞī ŝƐ ĐƌĂnjLJ͊͊͊ <ĞǀŝŶ ΎΎΎΎΎ ^ĞŶƚ ĨƌŽŵ ŵLJ ƉŚŽŶĞ͘ KŶ KĐƚ ϲ͕ ϮϬϭϰ͕ Ăƚ ϭϮ͗Ϯϵ WD͕ Η Z < ͕ >/^ D ΀ 'ͬϭϬϬϬ΁Η фůŝƐĂ͘ŵ͘ĚƌĂŬĞΛŵŽŶƐĂŶƚŽ͘ĐŽŵх ǁƌŽƚĞ͗ ,ŽƉĞ ƚŚŝƐ ĐĂŶ ǁŽƌŬ Ͳ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ƐĞŶĚ ƚŚĞ tϵ ĂƐ ǁĞůů͕ ĂŶĚ ƐŽƌƌLJ ĨŽƌ ĂŶLJ ŝŶĐŽŶǀĞŶŝĞŶĐĞ͘ >ŝƐĂ ^ĞŶƚ ĨƌŽŵ ŵLJ ŝWŚŽŶĞ ĞŐŝŶ ĨŽƌǁĂƌĚĞĚ ŵĞƐƐĂŐĞ͗ &ƌŽŵ͗ Η> s/E ͕ W ''z ΀ 'ͬϭϬϬϬ΁Η фƉĞŐŐLJ͘Ă͘ůĞǀŝŶĞΛŵŽŶƐĂŶƚŽ͘ĐŽŵх ĂƚĞ͗ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϲ͕ ϮϬϭϰ Ăƚ ϭϭ͗Ϯϯ͗Ϭϲ D d dŽ͗ Η Z < ͕ >/^ D ΀ 'ͬϭϬϬϬ΁Η фůŝƐĂ͘ŵ͘ĚƌĂŬĞΛŵŽŶƐĂŶƚŽ͘ĐŽŵх ^ƵďũĞĐƚ͗ &t͗ ĂůƚĞƌŶĂƟǀĞ ŝĚĞĂ͘͘͘ , ZLOO QHHG D : IURP KLP WR UHLPEXUVH 3HJJ\ From: OBRIEN. KIMBERLY Sent time: mom-20:4 10:06:55 PM To: Val Folta. Kevin M. Subject: Fwd: House Ag Committee Attachments: House Agriculture lO-O-Mdocx Val, Kevin, Thanks again for participating in this important policy event. Transcript is attached for your information. - Kimberly Begin forwarded message: From: MeeCee Baker Date: October 7, 2014 at 7:58:54 PM CDT To: Subject: Fw: House Ag Committee FYI MeeCee Baker, President/CEO Versant Strategies 116 North Pine Street 5th Floor Harrisburg PA 17101 Cell - 717-860-8463 Of?ce - 717-635?2320 From: Debbie Chappell Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 08:30 PM To: MeeCee Baker Subject: House Ag Committee From yesterday's meeting as recorded by PLS Debbie Chappell Versant Strategies 116 Pine St., 5th Fl. Harrisburg, PA 17101 (717) 635-2320 FAX (717) 635-2317 Cell (717) 307-1881 ATTDDOU House Agriculture and Rural Affairs House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee 10/6/14, 9:00 am, 140 Main Capitol Committee(s): House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Meeting type: Informational Meeting Subject: Genetically Modi?ed Organisms Bills discussed: Keyword(s): GMOs, genetically modi?ed, Testimony: Troy Ott, Professor of Reproductive Physiology, State University John Tooker, Associate Professor of Entomology David Mortensen, Professor of Weed and Applied Ecology, Penn State University Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Science, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Chuck Benbrook, Manager, Measure to Measure, Farm and Food Diagnostics for Sustainability and Health, Washington State University Kevin Folta, Chairman, Horticulture Sciences Department, University of Florida L. Val Giddings, Senior Fellow, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Members Present: Chairman John Maher (D?Allegheny), Minority Chair Joseph Petrarca (D~Westmoreland), and Representatives Gordon Denlinger (R-Lancaster), Mindy Fee (R-Lancaster), Marcia Hahn Northampton), Stephen Bloom (R-Cumberland) Jake Wheatley (D-Allegheny), David Millard (R?Columbia), Pamela DeLissio (D-Philadelphia), Dan Moul (R?Adams), Rick Mirabito (D- Lycoming), Mark Painter (D-Montgomery), Joe Emrick (R-Northampton), Sid Kavulich (D- Lackawanna), David Hickernell (R-Lancaster), and Mark Keller (R-Perry). The committee met to learn about genetically modi?ed organisms (GMOs) in food. Chairman John Maher (D-Allegheny) welcomed the "esteemed panel of those with high pro?les" in their ?elds, adding that testimony should be from an informational point to create a "threshold of scientific understanding" for the legislators before they consider further legislation on the subject. Troy Ott, Professor of Reproductive Physiology, State University, began by addressing the cause of creating GMOs, which he explained is the need to feed the rapidly growing population of the world. He continued that, "the planet will add the equivalent of two more Chinas in population between now and the end of the century." Because 70 percent of available fresh water and the majority of good agricultural land is already in use, Ott said, food producers will need to create more food out of less resources in order to keep up with the demand. "The letters of life are shared among all life forms," Ott said, stating that scientists' understanding of genetics has greatly increased in the past thirty years. He added that in the 705, methods were developed to copy, cut, and paste DNA in cells, which can be used to develop tools for medicine such as creating animal models of human diseases and producing transplantable organs or tissues. He said that natural genetic engineering has also lead to humans developing placentas for babies, and that eight percent of the human genome actually comes from viruses. Ott explained many other instances of GMOs that could benefit people - carp that grow faster; goats that produce vaccines or additional proteins in their milk; pigs that produce less phosphorous pollution; and chickens that resist bird ?u transmission. Some GMO deveIOpers try to move to Brazil, he said, "to have a more clear regulatory pathway." Ott continued that while GMOs can go from concept "to live birth in less than a year." they can also be "subject to one of the longest regulatory assessments in Food and Drug Administration history," as is a genetically modified salmon that grows two to four times faster than normal. which has been waiting for approval for almost twenty years. Ott said that "every major scienti?c organization" has found that there is "nothing inherently dangerous" in the process or products of genetic engineering. He added that much of the opposition to genetic engineering comes from "bad science" and sensationalized headlines. which rely on correlation instead of causation or "cherry picked results." Each GMO must be evaluated individually for its bene?ts or risks. Ott said, adding that are not the only solution to feeding a growing population sustainably, but they are an essential tool to that end." Chairman Maher said that a food shortage was predicted decades ago in regards to the growing population. which is still 15 percent higher what was predicted and still needs to be fed. Minority Chairman Joseph Petrarca (D-Westmoreland) asked the doctor's opinion on labeling. Ott indicated that decision is left to legislators, but said that an organism being genetically modified has no relation to its safety and thus is not necessary. The minority chairman asked if consumers have a right to know. Ott said that the only effective label is the United States Department of Agriculture Organic label, as merely a label merely showing the presence GMOS in general does not provide any real. useful information. Rep. Jake Wheatley (D?Allegheny) addressed the concern of producing more with less in the future. and asked if there are any other alternatives. Ott said that there is an "array of important technologies" and that GMOS arejust "one important tool in the tool box." Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams) asked what percentage of food is genetically modi?ed. Ott said that greater than 90% of corn production is. while none of the genetically modified animals have been approved to be on the market. Rep. Moul then asked if it would be easier to label those that are not genetically modi?ed, but Ott said he is not sure, adding that the GMO label does not signify anything useful. John Tooker. Associate Professor of Entomology and Extension Specialist. State University. began by stating how crucial integrated pest management is in cautioning that it must be used appropriately or it could lead to resistance or other problems. He said that a popular strategy to combat insects is altering the genetic makeup of plants to create the bacillus thuringiensis (BT) bacterium, which is engineered to only target specific larvae. It is activated in pests' alkaline stomach. he explained. and thus will not be activated in humans' acidic stomachs. Tooker said that "70 percent of grain corn in the United States" is grown using this BT gene. adding that because of it "no longer do we need to spray insecticides across the landscape." This provides economic benefit to not only BT users who see less of their crop eaten. but also non-BT users. he said, as pest populations lower in even non-BT corn. which also becomes cheaper to grow when BT corn seeds are preferred. Two specific pests, Tooker added, the European corn borer and the western corn rootworm, are one of the targets of the BT gene, which can target either or both of the "billion dollar pests? that can cost growers in the Northeast large amounts of money. While BT can kill virtually all of the former, some of the latter are expected to survive. he said, which has created a "suspected ?eld resistance" in 12 states and Mifflin. Cumberland, and Centre counties in BT technology fosters a silver bullet mentality. Tooker said. but stressed that full IPM is the best solution. which includes both BT crops and crop rotation. Tooker also explained that because BT seeds are a high investment, farmers and sellers may also apply insecticides to the seeds, such as neonicotincids, to better guarantee their growth, which is suspected as a factor in the collapse of honey bee populations. These insecticides, he explained, can also pollute water sources and in some cases make slug populations. These are not problems caused by BT crops, he said. but they come along with BT mindset. Genetically modified corn has clear benefits for farmers, he said, but it must be used judicially and appropriately. Rep. Pamela DeLissio (D-Philadelphia) asked if the insecticide was a form of genetic modification, but Tooker responded that it was not, though they do go hand-in-hand and the insecticide becomes systemic in the plant. Rep. Stephen Bloom (R-Cumberland) said that he studied European corn borer damage at during his time at State University, and asked if there are any risks in ST corn or conventional pesticides. Tooker said that to his knowledge there are no negative effects for the corn, but added that there are toxicity concerns with most pesticides. Chairman Maher asked about the corn kernels with insecticide residue. Both BT and non treated kernels would not have any pesticide covering, Tooker explained, though if there were neonicotinoids sprayed on them that would be found. For pesticides that must be sprayed on, he continued, corn would remain largely unaffected because of husk, but tomatoes and other non-protected plants would likely have a residue. Neonicotinoids are different beast, he explained, and are systemic in the plant itself. Rep. Wheatley asked if there are any studies that attempt to find the combined impact of all genetically modified grains, animals, and food on a population, if there are any. Tooker said he is not aware of any studies that have explored interaction between all GMOs and humans, but that more speci?c studies have shown the effects with specific GMOs. He added that some individuals could be allergic to something in a modi?ed organism, but that he has not seen a holistic study. Rep. Rick Mirabito (D-Lycoming) asked Tooker to expand on the honeybee situation. Honeybees are experiencing a colony collapse disorder, he said, which he said comes from a litany of factors, and that it is unclear how big of a contributor neonicontinoids are. David Mortensen, Professor of Weed and Applied Ecology, Penn State University, explained another popular crop protection method called packaging involves genetically engineering a crop to be resistant to herbicides such as Roundup in order to use that herbicide to control weeds without killing the crops. This two-fold process has caused an increase in both GMO use and herbicide use, as well as a "very serious pest resistance problem" of which has been on the receiving end. Mortensen explained that there are now "28 species infecting 60 million of acres crop land in United States" that are some level of herbicide resistant, increased "from none in 1995." Farmers are searching for the next generation of crops to be resistant to a new herbicide, Mortensen said, and there are already 40 pending patent applications on herbicides attempting to fill that role. He calls this an "herbicide treadmill," adding that these practices are being too heavily relied upon and are not truly going to be sustainable. Research indicates, Mortensen said, that the portion of the landscape which is treated and the frequency of which treatment is applied correlate with how much of the treatment appears in drinking water due to runoff. He added that while herbicides are not directly toxic to bees. they are designed to be toxic to plants, which results in fewer plants for the bees to use and thrive upon. Farming practices must be compatible with the diversity and the environment of Mortensen said. Chairman Maher attempted to confirm that Mortensen is advocating for integrated weed management, involving balance and rotation as no single approach is the fully correct one. Mortensen said that he is "definitely advocating an integrated approach." The chairman asked if is dangerous not because of the residue it may leave but because of the resistance it inspire, which will call for the use of older herbicides that may cause more pollution damage. Mortensen said it was, adding that the silver bullet approach does not work, and even the silver bullet plus one, or packaging, approach "appears unwise," and stressed how much he felt this was not the proper course of action. Rep. David Millard (R?Columbia) asked if there have been any generational studies, saying how important he feels they are. It is very hard to get funding to do, but critically important, Mortensen agreed. Snapshots in time often over simplify the image and miss many factors. he said, adding that a holistic view in time needs to be taken and considered. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Science, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. said she ?rst noticed a rise in autism ten years ago and believed it had non-genetic causes. She showed charts indicating the growing increase in children with autism. saying it is a "terrifying trend and it needs to be stopped." Many factors can explain part of the increase, she said, but there is still a large amount left unexplained. Once she learned about Roundup and though, she found an extremely high correlation coef?cient between the herbicide and autism, she said. Seneff continued that "Roundup crops produce Roundup ingredients," adding that the BT gene, neonicotinoid, and the herbicide 2,4-d produce very toxic food. She explained that while humans do not have the shikimate pathway that travels through, there are necessary bacteria in the human stomach that do. Damaging these bacteria, she said, can have many negative effects on human health, from sleeping problems to Crohn's disease, which has seen a 49 percent increase in the past decade. Seneff said that in a study on rats consuming many of them grew massive tumors, affecting the females more, which she said could partially account for the recent increase in breast cancer after accounting for other factors. She added that there are more interviews, papers. and publications as evidence of the negative health effects on her website. A GMO label, she said, would indicate that there is likely on the food. and she would avoid it for the safety of her family. Future generations will look back on this time and the chemicals in the food with "alarm and disbelief," she said. Chairman Maher said that most of Seneff's testimony focused on giyphosates, and asked if she felt GMO food is dangerous. Seneff said she does not know but that there should be more studies on the health of effects of GMOs. Chairman Maher asked if the greater concern is with herbicides. Seneff said it is, adding that 2,4-d and other herbicides are poisons, and that she expects to see increases in more diseases with the increased use of 2,4-d. The chairman said he appreciates her variety of charts Chairman Maher asked about if these correlations could be con?rmed as causations. Seneff said that she looked at the many readings, journals, and data on both sides of the correlation, then "connected the dots." The correlation is so strong, she said, that it could not happen by accident. She has published five papers that talk about that go onto more detail, she said. Rep. Mirabito asked her to talk abdut autism and Alzheimer?s disease in relation to the herbicides. Seneff said that there are many similar between the two diseases and that she has seen very similar increases in Alzheimer?s as well. She explained that is known to cause manganese de?ciency in cows, and that manganese de?ciency also leaves the mitochondria more susceptible to damage, which is a key factor in both autism and Alzheimer's. She continued that there is a similar substance in the MMR vaccine that contains glutamate, which is linked to autism as well. Rep. Bloom asked what remedy she would impose. Seneff responded that she would introduce a bill that bans which been done in two countries already. Chuck Benbrook, Manager, Measure to Measure, Farm and Food Diagnostics for Sustainability and Health. Washington State University said that he has extensive pesticide expertise and that he has testi?ed before on the subject. Many people that are concerned about agriculture have those concerns based on genetic engineering, he said. Benbrook added that while the technology is very good at cutting and copying DNA, it lacks the precision in reinserting it into cells. Humans and other organisms do not like intrusions like viruses. he said, and cells have multiple defenses against them. The current method of adding a DNA sequence involves coating the metal in the sequence and shooting it into a petri dish, he said. He continued that this method, while successful, is not very precise and has no control over where the gene is expressed, only that it is expressed at all. A Safety and Genetically Engineered Foods report, Benbrook said, indicated that "no adverse health effects have been documented" in humans due to GMOs. He explained that this does not mean that there is no harm being done, only that it has not been explicitly documented. There is not a global consensus, he continued, saying that more countries are banning certain GMOs while the United States is embracing them. Much of Europe and China, for example. are refusing some genetically modi?ed apples and alfalfa hay, which will have negative effects on the United States' status as an exporter, he said. Benbrook said that due to seemingly low toxicity level, it has increased to the most sprayed pesticide in history, calling it an "incredibly ubiquitous chemical." He speculated that it might require a smaller threshold, as though it appears safe in some ways it seems to have more long-term effects. He added that he hopes it is as safe as its users say it is. Chairman Maher attempted to clarify that the issue is not yet about the actual known effects of GMOs, but the insecticides that are welcome because of them. Benbrook said that it was, and also expressed concern about sweet corn expressing three BT proteins, which "no human being has been exposed to" at all. The lax view of the proteins has been based on the notions that they break down very quickly in the stomach, he said, but added that there is now evidence that BT proteins may get directly into the blood stream through the mouth. Chairman Maher referred back to the statement that there are no documented health effects on humans and asked if the National Academy of Science had conducted any more recent studies that contradict that. Benbrook said that another report came out in 2010, though it focused solely on environmental impact, so the previously referred to study is the last assessment. At the time, he added, there was not any corn that expressed more than one BT protein, while now there are types that have six BT proteins. There is even less research into the cumulative effects of stacking BT proteins, he said, adding that the cost of seeds goes up incrementally with each additional trait. This is something that scientists "simply haven?t dealt with," he said. Kevin Folta, Chairman, Horticulture Sciences Department, University of Florida, explained his experience in genetics and produce, saying his lab has sequenced the strawberry genome and is currently researching non chemical means to improve shelf life. He continued that debates based on hysteria often "stops the flow of good communication in science." Folta continued that these genetically engineering techniques pose "less risk than traditional breeding." In traditional breeding, he explained, thousands of genes can be different without knowing exactly which have changed. Compared to genetic engineering that can purposefully change a single gene, he said, it seems like the former is the more risky option. "This is a social debate and it's fueled by misinformation," Folta said, adding that once people understand how GMOs work they will seem "not so scary." He said that in studies on animals, no health risks were seen after 15 years of a diet composed entirely of GMOs. right to know only works if there is a willingness to learn." he said. saying that there are already many options for consumers to find non-GMO if they so choose, making the GMO label unnecessary. GMOs can help with bio-forti?cation, higher stress tolerance, better consumer products, and a cleaner environment, he said. If GMOs are rejected, the real losers will be developing nations struggling to feed their citizens, he said, citing President Jimmy Carter. Chairman Maher asked if, one way or another, everything humans eat is a GMO. Folta said it is, as "everything we consume is the result of human intervention." The chairman asked if every banana is genetically identical to every other banana. Folta said that was accurate. as they have all propagated from a single crop which could cause lower disease resistance. Chairman Maher said the charts were interesting, and asked if he could be provided a copy. Folta said it could be easily accessed online by searching for "franken food paradox." He continued that the previously cited figures of BT proteins in humans' bloodstreams came from a study that used a kit meant for plants that provided results much lower than the accepted detection range of the kit. He said the kit is able to ?nd BT proteins if they are present. but that this test had an unreliable standard. Chairman Maher asked if strawberries are not GMOs. Folta said that they are not, though through a rigorous effort a fungus resistant strawberry has been developed, though it has not been approved and thus cannot be used. L. Val Giddings, Senior Fellow, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, explained his vast experience in bio technology including work as a geneticist. risk assessments for deveIOping GMOs, food options for developing countries, and currently a think tank that focuses on "fostering policies that favor innovation." He continued that as a lifelong lover of wilderness, one of his main focuses in the field of agriculture, being the single greatest threat to nature, is to reduce its effects on native lands. As a parent whose son has a potentially life threatening allergy to peanuts, Giddings understands the need for food labels to help people "avoid those hazards." but maintains that legislation on the subject would not only fail to improve the situation, but may even have a negative impact as it would imply there is a threat where there is none. Giddings said that merely labeling a product with GMOs says nothing about the product or its safety, and if consumers were legitimately concerned with this they would demand labels that show specific protein or construct of the GMO. There is already a label for organic food and even apps that can be downloaded to show consumers which foods have GMOs in them, he said, making a mandated GMO label unnecessary for safety concerns. Giddings explained, via a list of quotations from many proponents of GMO labeling, that many of the biggest supporters do so in order to strengthen the market share of organic farmers as opposed to the health reasons discussed at the meeting. Chairman Maher asked if FDA had concluded that GMOs are safe, if it had ever concluded the same about organic food, and what the process for labeling something as safe is. Giddings said that it had not deemed either class of food safe, because it does not do that as an organization, adding that the organic label is a marketing ploy. FDA makes sure that the food producers bare legal responsibility for safety and follows and applies the policies of the National Academy of Sciences in regards to safety, Giddings said. Though the approval process is dejure voluntary, they are de facto mandatory, he continued, and every food product on the market has gone through this consultation process. Chairman Maher asked if FDA had ever determined food products to be unacceptable. Giddings said that it had not, though a company developing genetically modi?ed soy beans for poultry rejected its own product when it found that the soy beans contained a nut allergen due to the added protein from the Brazil nut that was used. Brazil requested the soy beans anyway to ?ght malnutrition, Giddings continued, though it was not sold to them. While products are rejected before the consultation process with FDA, he said. none were rejected during the process. Rep. Mirabito added that he feels a GMO label does not feed fears of GMOs, but allows for choice "until science catches up and is able to educate everyone." The representative. mentioning that House Bill 1770 would require products containing GMOs be labeled, asked what Giddings would suggest as proper labeling, or if he opposes all of it. Giddings said that a good standard would look very much like what FDA requires today. While it requires useful and necessary information, some consumers may want to know more, Giddings said, which can be ful?lled through market based and voluntary labels, such as the organic label. To mandate a label that will mislead con5umers, he said, would be "bad policy." "Everything living on the planet has been genetically modi?ed in one way or another," Giddings added, even the "single most common gene in a human genome is a gene from viral origin." From: Calhleen Enright Sent time: 10118/2014 09:24:31 AM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: Re: suggestions Your email made my day! Thank you. We so appreciate your participation in these opportunities. Very interesting about Benbrook... Please send all receipts to us whenever you get around to it. No rush. Best wishes, Cathy Cathleen Enright, PhD Executive Vice President Food & Agriculture The Biotechnology Industry Organization 1201 Maryland Ave, SW Ste 900 Washington DC 20024 2029626644 Sent from my iPhone On Oct 13,2014, at 3: 19 PM, "Folta, Kevin M." wrote: Cathy, The PA meeting was good. 'in preparing a note for Biofortified, hopefully will have that done late tonight if email dies down. Val Giddings was fantastic and I think my points were well received. The guys from Penn State were a mixed bag. Troy Ott was great. He is an animal physiologist that did a beautiful job laying out biotech and ag, focusing mostly on missed opportunities with animal science. John Tooker was good, and did a nice job on explaining Bt and its benefits, but wandered into neonics, which is a non-sequitur in this discussion. It seemed t o confuse more than assist, and turned the focus t o bees, which makes zero sense, as transgenic crops help there tremendously . Dave Mortensen was his usual self, essentially playing thgpesticide treadmill" trope, never mentioning that a pesticide treadmill is natural, expected, not just GMO, and keeps us off of the pesticide superhighway. Seneff was out of her mind. Even Jeff Smith pales in comparison. Her entire presentation was "I think that ... ", "It probably is ... " and endless confusion of correlations with causality. She was a complete bastardization of hypothesis-driven science. She received applause afterwards, and was mobbed outside the Capitol by adoring legions, one hugging her and saying, "Thank you for confirming everything I believe." Benbrook seems defeated. I think he's smart enough t o know that the scam is crumbling and he has to decide if he's going t o continue down the road t o crazy land or se.ttle back into reality, focusing on actual limitations of transgenic crop technology. His presentation was outdated, boring and easily refuted. He stated that the crops were safe, that glyphosate was safe, and pretty much threw Seneff under the bus. I had fun, the usual push to teach the basics and focus on missed opportunities. I got solid praise from Rep Maher right after and in communication since, which I think was genuine. I do hope I can pass some receipts forward if that's still okay. I havett had a minute to get such things together since, but will do asap. I'm glad t o help on any of these efforts-this was right in my wheelhouse. Thanks. Kevin From: Cathleen Enright [mailto:cenriqht@bio.orq] Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 4:20 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: Re: suggestions Kevin, Enjoyed your blog yesterday on Dr Huber. What a saga for you. Wanted to ask you how the PA hearing went. Best regards, Cathy Cathleen Enright, PhD Executive Vice President Food & Agriculture The Biotechnology Industry Organization 1201 Maryland Ave, SW Ste 900 Washington DC 20024 2029626644 Sent from my iPhone On Sep 25, 2014, at 10:42 PM, "Folta, Kevin M." wrote: Cathy, Good stuff today. Ididn't want to chime in-- but had to on that one issue. Can you give me some guidance? Iwas asked by Pennsylvania Representative John Maher to participate in a hearing of the Agriculture Committee on October 6. They have pressure to push a labeling bill forward and he wants it killed with science. He invited me up to give a presentation and answer questions. They're also bringing in Mortensen from Penn State and Seneff. Sounds like fun. I've dealt with both before and this will be simple. The problem is that they have no support for my travel. Idon't really have it here in my program or department that Icould use for such things. It would not be appropriate. Can you point me to potential industry sources, maybe even BIO? I'd need a Prom: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/10001 c l i r a . m . ~ c @ o ~ a n f f . f f f f Sent lime: lOR3ROl4 10:16:34AM To: Val Ciddinaa clvg@audook,com>; Falta, Kevin M. Subject! Colmda and Orrgon l a b c l i n g m p a i w Kevin and Val: Idon't know if you have been following the Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns, but they are gem'ng increasingly nasty and strident, attacking the safety of biotech seeds. Check out YouTube yes on 105 Colorado and yes on 92 Oregon. Of particular shamelessness are the ads featuring Ray Seidler and the one with mothers keeping their babies safe. The ads are hitting home in Oregon in particular, scaring people, who currently have ballots, into voting yes, not because they support labeling, but because they are afraid. To me, the safety of GMOs has always been the primary target by these cynical anti-GM activists - and while they say these campaigns are ail about right to know, their constant hammering about safety, and what is in ourfoods, and kids getting sick, is driving votes. I have asked the campaign to consider a letter that will go out in a news release that i hope many scientists will sign onto, to refute these safety allegations, not t o debate labeling. What are your thoughts on such an approach? Lisa Drake Monsanto Company Lead, U.S. State and Local Government Affairs 9816 Glenstone Trail Highlands Ranch CO 80130 303-514-5533 This e-mail message may c o n t a i n p r i v i l e g e d a n d / e r c o d i d e n t i a l i n f o r m a t i o n , and t o r e c e i v e such i n f o r m a t i o n . I f you have r e c e i v e d t h i s e-mail m error, p l e a s e a l l a t t a c h m e n t s from a n y s e r v e r s , h a r d d r i v e s o r any o t h e r media. Other u s e of A l l e-mails and a t t a c h m e n t s s e n t and r@ce.ived a r e 5 u b j e c t it6 monitorinq, r e a d i n s ' u b s i d i a r i e s . The r e c i p i e n t of t h i s e-mail is s o l e l y r e s p o n s i b l e f 6 r checking f Mons;anto, a1ong:wifh its s u t i s i d i a r i e s , a c e e p t s Bo 1 i a B i l i C y f d r M y damage. i a u s this: e-i@$l .any a t t a c w ~ n t . .. . . - Tite ihfolsmation contaimid i n t h i s eatail may be s u b j a r t t o t h e :export controf La i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t l ~ t e .to d t&eEatpost:A W n t ; s t r a t i o n Reg.ubatians (iZ%R) ard. sa Treasury., Q f f , i c e of FoEelgn A5se.t CQR'trols (Q.FAC). A s a r e c i p i e n t of t h i s i n f o appl2cable U. S. export laws and r e q q l a t - i o n s . From: DRAKE. LISA M [AG/1000] Sent time: 10/27/2014 09:34:16 AM To: Folta,Kevin M.; Val Giddings Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Thanks for your blog, Kevin -saw i t this weekend and it is making an impact. In the meantime, the campaign is poised to film another voice on this matter, and also submit a letter from a renowned pediatrician. The ASA has said it will respond t o the scare allegations in a letter t o editor and also post on website. I will make everyone aware of links when they become available, Sometimes i t is like moving a boulder uphill, but I appreciate your advice and efforts. Lisa From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 9:47 AM To: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000]; Val Giddings Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Well that's why I'm a science goof and not a pollster. I'm glad to sign on to whatever you like, or write whatever you like. Isaw Seidler's videos and the are 100% scare based. I'd be happy to write the op-ed on making decisions on facts. When someone says, "Agent Orange" you know they are trying to fool you. Kevin Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 ... There are a bunch of them out there ! Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 'Don't tell me what can't be done. Tell me what needs to be done, and let me do It." - Norman Borlaug. Illumination (blog) http:// kFolta,bloqs~rdf~~:~m Twitter @kevinfolta From: Val Giddings [] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 10:31 AM To: DRAKE, LISA M AGJ1085; Folta, Kevin M. Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Lisa -- I've been watching both OR & CO closely, and agree with you on the deterioration in the discourse and the effectiveness of the antis with their dishonest approach. 1am a little skeptical that a letter with a lot of scientist signatures will be enough to counter the flood of fearmongering, though. N H O what the situation requires is a suite of TV spots featuring attractive young women, preferably mommy fam~ers,explaining why biotech derived foods are the safest & greenest in the history of ag and worthy of support. I also think the dishonest fear mongering needs to be addressed directly and called out. If something like this cannot be brought to happen, I fear these initiatives will pass, and then we'll be looking for a lot of litigation that will wind up before SCOTUS. FYI, I was contacted a while back by Bethany Gravel1 of the No on 105 coalition, asking for help. She was delighted to have connected with me and promised her supeiiors would come back for more concrete conversations, but that hasn't happened. As you know well, I'd be delighted to help. I know CO fairly well, and I know OR even better. I've spent a lot of time in OR, always had many fiends there, and have personal family history in the state going back over a hundred years... Best. Val I ~ ~ i ~ . i i i , t l r ~f~ixan!n ~ k ~ ( ~coin t!~~i~ To: l ~ ~ ~ ~ ( i , o ~ ~ ~ ll,ti~l~:~[ri;~~ll.~~l~~ ~ii)lc.~o~~~; Subject: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:16:34 +0000 Kevin and Val: I don't know if you have been following the Colorado and Oregon labeling campaibms, but they are getting increasingly nasty and strident, attacking the safety of biotech seeds. Check out YouTube yes on 105 Colorado and yes on 92 Oregon. Of particular shamelessness are the ads featuring Ray Seidler and the one with mothers keeping their babies safe. The ads are hitting home in Oregon in particular, scaring people, who currently have ballots, into voting yes, not because they support labeling, but because they are afiaid. To me, the safety of GMOs has always been the primluy target by these cynical anti-GM activists - and while they say these campaibms are all about right to know, their constant hammering about safety, and what is in our foods, and kids getting sick, is "Don't tell m e w h a t can't be done. Tell me what needs to be done, and let m e d o it." - Norman Borlaug. Illumination (blog) h~p:I( Twitter Okevinfolta From: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] [] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 11:38 AM To: Folta, Kevin M.; Val Giddings Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Doesn't poll as well as credible third party scientists ....l know hard to believe but I have seen the poll results myself, and that is why the campaigns work the way they do .... From: Folta, Kevin M. [_n?] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 9:14 AM To: Val Giddings; DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Val is right, we can't fight emotion with lists of scientists. It needs a connection to farming mothers. There are a bunch of them out there ...! Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 "Don't tell m e w h a t can't be done. Tell me what needs to be done, and let m e d o it." - Norman Borlaug. Illumination (blog) h~p:I( Twitter Okevinfolta From: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] [] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 11:38 AM To: Folta, Kevin M.; Val Giddings Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Doesn't poll as well as credible third party scientists ....l know hard to believe but I have seen the poll results myself, and that is why the campaigns work the way they do .... From: Folta, Kevin M. [_n?] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 9:14 AM To: Val Giddings; DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Val is right, we can't fight emotion with lists of scientists. It needs a connection to farming mothers. There are a bunch of them out there ...! Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 From: Val Giddings Sent time: 10/2312014 12:01:07 PM To: Folta, Kevin M.; DRAKE, LISA M AG11085 Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns there's a lot of completely counter intuitive black art in polling. it's enough to drive a scientist around the twist. Lisa -- I have not yet heard back from Prakash. I suspect he may be teaching this AM or something. If I have not heard back by midafternoon I will call him. From: To:;lvg@outlook,com Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:47:00 +0000 Well that's why I'm a science goof and not a pollster. I'm glad to sign on to whatever you like, or write whatever you like. Isaw Seidler's videos and the are 10O0/0 scare based. I'd be happy to write the op-ed on making decisions on facts. When someone says, "Agent Orange" you know they are trying to fool you. Kevin Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 "Don't tell me what can't be done. Tell me what needs to be done, and let me do It." - Norman Borlaug. Illumination (blog) Twitter gkevinfolta From: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] [] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 11:38 AM To: Folta, Kevin M.; Val Giddings Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Doesn't poll as well as credible third party scientists ....l know hard to believe but I have seen the poll results myself, and that is why the campaigns work the way they do .... From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 9: 14 AM To: Val Giddings; DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Val is right, we can't fight emotion with lists of scientists. It needs a connection to farming mothers. From: Val Giddings Sent time: 10123/2014 10:40:51 AM To: DRAKE, LISA M AG11085 ; Folta, Kevin M. Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labcling campaigns Glad to hear it. Most of what I've seen has been anti propaganda, but I'm not watching local TV. On social media they're killing us. I don't know how much impact that will have on the general electorate, though.... it's very hard to gauge. (I'm sure it's impactful in Boulder, which bis already a lost cause, but less sure of any SM impacts in Colorado Springs or Grand Junction...) If properly deployed, a letter such as you suggest might be helpful. But do we need to start from scratch, or could we use Prakash's position statement? Last I heard it had over 2,000 sigs including 17 or 18 Nobel Laureates. I will check with him and see if I can get a current status update. I know he was having IT probs with the list recently. From: To:; Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:36:28 +0000 Hi Val: The ads you suggest are up and are effective, especially here. But the attacks are quickly increasing. Call me na'ive, but both states are fairly highly educated, and I believe a certain kind of common-sense letter will resonate, especially if it gets wide distribution, which the campaigns are good at. Talking t o Eric Lisa From: Val Giddings [] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 8:32 AM To: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000]; Folta, Kevin M. Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Lisa -- I've been watching both OR & CO closely, and agree with you on the deterioration in the discourse and the effectiveness of the antis with their dishonest approach. I am a little skeptical that a letter with a lot of scientist signatures will be enough to counter the flood of fearmongering, though. IMHO what the situation requires is a suite of TV spots featuring attractive young women, preferably mommy farmers, explaining why biotech derived foods are the safest & greenest in the history of ag and worthy of support. I also think the dishonest fear mongering needs to be addressed directly and called out. If something like this cannot be brought to happen, I fear these initiatives will pass, and then we'll be looking for a lot of litigation that will wind up before SCOTUS. FYI, I was contacted a while back by Bethany Gravel1 of the No on 105 coalition, asking for help. She was delighted to have connected with me and promised her superiors would come back for more concrete conversations, but that hasn't happened. As you know well, I'd be delighted to help. I know CO fairly well, and I know OR even better. I've spent a lot of time in OR, always had many friends there, and have personal family history in the state going back over a hundred years ... From: Val Giddings Sent time: 10/2312014 12:01:07 PM To: Folta, Kevin M.; DRAKE, LISA M AG11085 Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns there's a lot of completely counter intuitive black art in polling. it's enough to drive a scientist around the twist. Lisa -- I have not yet heard back from Prakash. I suspect he may be teaching this AM or something. If I have not heard back by midafternoon I will call him. From: To:;lvg@outlook,com Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:47:00 +0000 Well that's why I'm a science goof and not a pollster. I'm glad to sign on to whatever you like, or write whatever you like. Isaw Seidler's videos and the are 10O0/0 scare based. I'd be happy to write the op-ed on making decisions on facts. When someone says, "Agent Orange" you know they are trying to fool you. Kevin Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 "Don't tell me what can't be done. Tell me what needs to be done, and let me do It." - Norman Borlaug. Illumination (blog) Twitter gkevinfolta From: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] [] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 11:38 AM To: Folta, Kevin M.; Val Giddings Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Doesn't poll as well as credible third party scientists ....l know hard to believe but I have seen the poll results myself, and that is why the campaigns work the way they do .... From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 9: 14 AM To: Val Giddings; DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Val is right, we can't fight emotion with lists of scientists. It needs a connection to farming mothers. From: DRAKE. LISA M [AG/1000] Sent time: 10/27/2014 09:34:16 AM To: Folta,Kevin M.; Val Giddings Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Thanks for your blog, Kevin -saw i t this weekend and it is making an impact. In the meantime, the campaign is poised to film another voice on this matter, and also submit a letter from a renowned pediatrician. The ASA has said it will respond t o the scare allegations in a letter t o editor and also post on website. I will make everyone aware of links when they become available, Sometimes i t is like moving a boulder uphill, but I appreciate your advice and efforts. Lisa From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 9:47 AM To: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000]; Val Giddings Subject: RE: Colorado and Oregon labeling campaigns Well that's why I'm a science goof and not a pollster. I'm glad to sign on to whatever you like, or write whatever you like. Isaw Seidler's videos and the are 100% scare based. I'd be happy to write the op-ed on making decisions on facts. When someone says, "Agent Orange" you know they are trying to fool you. Kevin Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville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´ ' R Q·· W WHOO PH ZKDW FDQ·W EH GRQH 7HOO PH ZKDW QHHGV WR EH GRQH DQG OHW PH GR LW µ ² 1RUPDQ %RUODXJ ,OOXPLQDWLRQ EORJ KWWS NIROWD EORJVSRW FRP 7ZLWWHU #NHYLQIROWD )URP .DWH +DOO >NKDOO#ELR RUJ@ 6HQW 7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHU 30 7R &DWKOHHQ (QULJKW )ROWD .HYLQ 0 &F 'RQ $WNLQV 6XEMHFW 5( &RORULQJ ERRNV" +L .HYLQ ± , MXVW QHHG WR NQRZ KRZ PDQ\ FRORULQJ ERRNV \RX QHHG DQG ZKHUH , VKRXOG VKLS WKHP :H VKRXOG EH DEOH WR JHW WKHP WR \RX TXLFNO\ %HVW UHJDUGV .DWH +DOO )URP &DWKOHHQ (QULJKW 6HQW 7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHU 30 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 &F .DWH +DOO 'RQ $WNLQV 6XEMHFW 5H &RORULQJ ERRNV" +L .HYLQ :H GR KDYH FRORULQJ ERRNV DYDLODEOH WKDW ZH VHQG RXW XSRQ UHTXHVW /RRSLQJ LQ .DWH DQG 'RQ ZKR FDQ KHOS 7KDQNV DQG KRSH \RX DUH ZHOO &DWK\ &DWKOHHQ (QULJKW 3K' From: SCHAEFER, BENJAMIN ADA-M sent time: 1 [92432014 I 1:33 20 AM To: Fella. Kevin subjcc? Benbrook Nolus Hey Kevin- Did you send Robb your notes on Benbrook? If not, you can them to me, 8: I can make sure he gets them. We only are working 2 days this week, so everyone is busy and I want to make sure he has your notes to take home before the Thanksgiving holiday! Ben Schaefer Scienti?c Communications Monsanto Company 0: 314-694-3319 C: 314?813-7071 From: Folta, Kevin M. Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 3:39 PM To: SCHAEFER, BENJAMIN ADAM 1000] Subject: RE: Fraley visit to ?orida He asked me for info about debating Benbrook. I know how Benbrook rolls, just sat with him recently. Can I just give it to you? He?s expecting it. kf From: SCHAEFER, BENJAMIN ADAM 1000] Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 4:38 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: RE: Fraley visit to ?orida that is a tough one. When i need him, I usually go through his admin. I guess it depends on what you want to get to him. Ben Schaefer Scientific Communications Monsanto Company 0: 314-694-3319 C: 314-813-7071 From: Folta, Kevin M. Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 3:31 PM To: SCHAEFER, BENJAMIN ADAM 1000] Subject: RE: Fraley visit to ?orida Ben, Thanks for your help on this. I have some follow-up stuff for Robb, mostly toward his debate with Benbrook, etc. What is the best way to get it to him? Through his email directly? I can do that, but if there is a better pipeline let me know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ĞĂƌ EŝŶĂ͕ <ĞŶ ĂŶĚ DĂƌƐŚĂůů͗ zŽƵ ĂƌĞ ƋƵŝƚĞ ƌŝŐŚƚ ƚŚĂƚ ǁĞ ŶĞĞĚ ƚŽ ƌĞƚŚŝŶŬ ŽƵƌ ǀŝĞǁƐ ĂƌŽƵŶĚ 'DKƐ ĂŶĚ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ĨŽŽĚ͘ ^ƉĞĂŬŝŶŐ ĂƐ Ă ĨŽƌŵĞƌ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ŐƌĂŝŶ ĨĂƌŵĞƌ ĂŶĚ h^ ͲĐŽŶƚƌĂĐƚ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ŝŶƐƉĞĐƚŽƌ͕ / ĐĂŶ ĂƩĞƐƚ ƚŚĂƚ ĞǀĞƌLJƚŚŝŶŐ LJŽƵ ƐĂLJ ŝŶ LJŽƵƌ ĂƌƟĐůĞ ĂďŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ ƐĞǀĞƌĞ ƐŚŽƌƚĐŽŵŝŶŐƐ ŽĨ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ĨĂƌŵŝŶŐ ǀĞƌƐƵƐ 'DK ĨĂƌŵŝŶŐ ŝƐ ďĂŶŐ ŽŶ͘ ŚƩƉ͗ͬͬǁǁǁ͘ĚĞƐŵŽŝŶĞƐƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌ͘ĐŽŵͬƐƚŽƌLJͬŽƉŝŶŝŽŶͬĐŽůƵŵŶŝƐƚƐͬϮϬϭϰͬϭϭͬϮϮͬƌĞƚŚŝŶŬͲǀŝĞǁƐͲŐŵŽͲ ĐƌŽƉƐͬϭϵϰϮϭϰϱϵͬ ,ŽǁĞǀĞƌ͕ LJŽƵƌ ĂƌƟĐůĞ ĨĂůůƐ ƐŚŽƌƚ ŝŶ ĨĂŝůŝŶŐ ƚŽ ŝĚĞŶƟĨLJ ƚŚĞ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ŵŽǀĞŵĞŶƚ ĂƐ ƚŚĞ ƐŽƵƌĐĞ ŽĨ Ăůů ĂŶƟͲ'DK ƐĞŶƟŵĞŶƚ ĂĐƌŽƐƐ ŵĞƌŝĐĂ͕ ĂŶĚ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ ǁŽƌůĚ͘ Ɛ ƌ͘ WĂƚƌŝĐŬ DŽŽƌĞ ĂŶĚ / ƉŽŝŶƚ ŽƵƚ ŝŶ ŽƵƌ ĂƌƟĐůĞ ŽŶ dŚĞ ĂŝůLJ ĂůůĞƌ͕ ͞zŽƵ ĐĂŶ͛ƚ ƐĞƉĂƌĂƚĞ ƚŚĞ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ŵŽǀĞŵĞŶƚ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ ĂŶƟͲ'DK ŵŽǀĞŵĞŶƚ͘ dŚĞLJ ĂƌĞ ŽŶĞ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƐĂŵĞ͕ ĞdžŝƐƟŶŐ ŝŶ ƉĞƌĨĞĐƚ ĂŶƟͲƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĐĂů ƐLJŵďŝŽƐŝƐ͘ tŚĂƚ͛Ɛ ďĂĚ ĨŽƌ 'DKƐ ŝƐ ŐŽŽĚ ĨŽƌ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐƐ ĂŶĚ ǀŝĐĞ ǀĞƌƐĂ͘͟ ŚƩƉ͗ͬͬĚĂŝůLJĐĂůůĞƌ͘ĐŽŵͬϮϬϭϰͬϬϰͬϬϭͬŽƌŐĂŶŝĐͲĂĐƟǀŝƐƚƐͲŶĞĞĚͲŐŵŽƐͲŶŽǁͲŵŽƌĞͲƚŚĂŶͲĞǀĞƌͬ /ƚ͛Ɛ ŶŽƚ ĞŶŽƵŐŚ ƚŽ ƉŽŝŶƚ ŽƵƚ ƚŚĂƚ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ĨŽŽĚ ŝƐ ŶŽƚ ŵŽƌĞ ŚĞĂůƚŚĨƵů ĂŶĚ ĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůůLJͲƐŽƵŶĚ ĂƐ ĂĚǀĞƌƟƐĞĚ͘ zŽƵ ŚĂǀĞ ƚŽ ƉƵƐŚ ďĂĐŬ ĂŐĂŝŶƐƚ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ĂĐƟǀŝƐƚƐ ǁŚŽ ŚĂǀĞ ƐŝŶĐĞ ƚŚĞ ĞĂƌůLJ ϭϵϵϬƐ ĂĚǀĂŶĐĞĚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ĐĂƵƐĞ ďLJ ĂƩĂĐŬŝŶŐ 'DKƐ͘ Ɛ ƚŚĞ ŽůĚ ƐĂLJŝŶŐ ŐŽĞƐ͕ ͞&ŽůůŽǁ ƚŚĞ ŵŽŶĞLJ͘͟ dŚĞ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ŝƐ ǁŽƌƚŚ ŵŽƌĞ ƚŚĂŶ DĂũŽƌ >ĞĂŐƵĞ ďĂƐĞďĂůů ŚĞƌĞ ŝŶ ŵĞƌŝĐĂ͕ ĂŶĚ ŝƚ͛Ɛ Ăůů ďĂƐĞĚ ŽŶ ďĞŝŶŐ ĂŶƟͲ'DK͘ WůĞĂƐĞ ƚĂŬĞ Ă ŵŽƌĞ ĂŐŐƌĞƐƐŝǀĞ ĂƉƉƌŽĂĐŚ ŝŶ ĞdžƉŽƐŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ͛Ɛ ƚĂdžͲƐƵďƐŝĚŝnjĞĚ ŽƉƉŽƐŝƟŽŶ ƚŽ ŐĞŶĞƟĐ ĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐ͘ tŝƚŚ DĐ ŽŶĂůĚ ZĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚ͛Ɛ ƌĞĐĞŶƚ ĚĞĐŝƐŝŽŶ ƚŽ ƌĞũĞĐƚ ƚŚĞ ůĂƚĞƐƚ ǀĞƌƐŝŽŶ ŽĨ Ă 'DK ƉŽƚĂƚŽ͕ ĂŶĚ ǁŝƚŚ 'DK ǁŚĞĂƚ͕ ŇĂdž ĂŶĚ 'ŽůĚĞŶ ZŝĐĞ ƐŝƫŶŐ ŝĚůLJ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ďĂĐŬ ďƵƌŶĞƌ ĨŽƌ ŽǀĞƌ Ă ĚĞĐĂĚĞ ŶŽǁ͕ ƚŚĞ ƟŵĞ ŝƐ ůŽŶŐ ŽǀĞƌĚƵĞ ƚŽ ƚĂŬĞ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ĂĐƟǀŝƐƚƐ ƚŽ ƚĂƐŬ͘ ůů ƚŚĞ ďĞƐƚ͊ DŝƐĐŚĂ WŽƉŽī͕ ͘ ͘ ;,ŽŶƐ͘Ϳ h͘ ŽĨ ^͘ &ŽƌŵĞƌ h^ ĐŽŶƚƌĂĐƚ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ŝŶƐƉĞĐƚŽƌ ƵƚŚŽƌ ŽĨ /Ɛ ŝƚ KƌŐĂŶŝĐ͍ dŚĞ ŝŶƐŝĚĞ ƐƚŽƌLJ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŽƌŐĂŶŝĐ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ^ŽŵĞ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ǁŽŶΖƚ ůŝŬĞ ƚŚŝƐ Ŭ͕ ďƵƚ LJŽƵ ǁŝůů WŽůŝĐLJ ĚǀŝƐŽƌ ĨŽƌ dŚĞ ,ĞĂƌƚůĂŶĚ /ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ ZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞ ĨŽƌ dŚĞ &ƌŽŶƟĞƌ ĞŶƚƌĞ ĨŽƌ WƵďůŝĐ WŽůŝĐLJ 'ƌĞĞŶǀŝůůĞ dy h^ ϵϬϯͲϰϱϲͲϭϯϲϴ &Žƌ ĐŽŶƐƵůƟŶŐ ĂŶĚ ĞdžƉĞƌƚ ƚĞƐƟŵŽŶLJ͕ ǀŝƐŝƚ ƉŽůLJƉŚĂƐĞ͘ƵƐ &Žƌ ƉƵďůŝĐ ƐƉĞĂŬŝŶŐ ĞŶŐĂŐĞŵĞŶƚƐ͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ ƚŚĞ EĂƟŽŶĂů ^ƉĞĂŬĞƌƐ ƵƌĞĂƵ z 2 2 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ***** Sent from my phone. > > > > > > > > > On Nov 25, 2014, at 9 : 2 6 AM, "claire@cfsaf.orgl' wrote: Good morning, Kevin. I hope you're doing well. Now that the state ballot initiatives are behind us (or almost behind us) and attention is increasingly turning to the Congress, my colleagues (copied above) and I would like to talk with you briefly next week. We were wondering if you would have a some time (not long - maybe 15 minutes) to chat with us? Please let me know. > > > > > > > > Thanks for considering and have a great Thanksgiving. > > > > claire > > > > - > > > Claire Parker > > > Spokeswoman > > > Coalition for Safe Affordable Food F~.o'n: Sent time: 11/25/201401:58:33PM To: Folta,Kevin M. Cc:;; Subject: Re:Pl~oneCall? Great. Thanks very much for getting back to me so quickly. Does 4 pm on Wednesday, December 3, work you? Alternatively sometime Tuesday morning, Dec. 2? claire Claire Parker Spokeswoman Coalition for Safe Affordable Food On Tue, Nov 25, 2014, at 11:02 AM, Folta, Kevin M. wrote: > Sure Claire. Next week is generally good, Can you propose two times > that work for you? > > Kevin > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ***** Sent from my phone. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > On Nov 25, 2014, at 9:26 AM, "claire@cfsaf .orgU wrote: Good morning, Kevin. I hope you're doing well. Now that the state ballot initiatives are behind us (or almost behind us) and attention is increasingly turning to the Congress, my colleagues (copied above) and I would like to talk with you briefly next week. We were wondering if you would have a some time (not long - maybe 15 minutes) to chat with us? Please let me know. Thanks for considering and have a great Thanksgiving, claire -Claire Parker Spokeswoman Coalition for Safe Affordable Food From: Richard Cullen Sent tin'e: 12/02/2014 05:15:19 PM To: claire@cfsaEorg; Folta, Kevin M. Cc:;Danny Diaz : Joseph Carruth Subject: Re: Phone Call? Adding Joe Carruth who will send around a calendar item. Thx Richard Cullen FP1 Strategies LLC 0: 202-677-7086 C: 804-514-5832 On 12/2/14, 11:45 AM, "" wrote: >Kevin -- > >Here is the dial in number 202-780-1281 (no pin is necessary). > >Talk tomorrow! > >cbp > >->Claire Parker >Spokeswoman >Coalition for Safe Affordable Food > > >On Tue, Dec 2, 2014, at 11:34 AM, Folta, Kevin M. wrote: >> That's it! Looking forward to it. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> kf -----Original Message----From: [] Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2014 11:33 AM To: Folta, Kevin M. Cc:;; Subject: Re: Phone Call? Sorry to be confused -- what day/time are we on your schedule for? tomorrow? Thanks. cbp -Claire Parker Spokeswoman Coalition for Safe Affordable Food On Tue, Dec 2, 2014, at 11:29 AM, Folta, Kevin M. wrote: > Hi Claire, > 4 pm To: Joseph Carruth < j c a r r u l h @ l p l s t r a t e g ~ c rcornz; clalrc@cfsal o r y ; Folta. K e v ~ nM.: h k e n n e d y @ g m a o ~ l l ~ n c . o r gDalilry : D i a l ; Richard Cullen Subject: CFSAF/Kevln Folta Coil Appointment Required attendees: Location: Start time: End time: 202-780-1281 Wednesday, December 03,2014 4:00:00 PM Wednesday, December 03,2014 4:30:00 PM From: Folla, Kevin M. Sen' lime: 12/04/2014 08:14:20 AM To: clairc@cfsoforg;;Joseph Cmlh :Fol~o,Kevin M. Subjecl: Follow UP: CFSAFIKcvin Folla Call Hello Everyone, Thank you for your time yesterday. The 'debate' last night was quite energizing and I'm excited to move forward. Let's ink our next steps soon. My next four months are fllling fast, and Iwant these efforts to get appropriate attention. Also, If you can please direct me to good resources on the federal plan, I'd be glad to get up to speed on them. Thank you again for considering me for this role, and Ilook forward to working wlth you. Lees make a good change. Kevin Kevln M. Folta Professor and Chalnnan Horblcultural Sdences Depattment Plant Molecular and Cellular Blology Program and Plant Innovation Pmgram University of Rorida Galnanllle, FL 32611 'Don't tell me what can't be done. Tell me what needs to be done, and let me do It.' - Norman Borlaug. Illumlnatlon (blog) http://ldolta.blogspotcom Twitter akevlnfolb From: Joseph Carruth] Sent: Tuesday, December 02,2014 220 PM Required: Joseph Carruth;; Folta, Kevln M.;; Danny Dlaz; Richard Cullen Subject: CFSAFIKevin Folta Call When: Wednesday, December 03,2014 4:00 PM4:30 PM. Where: 202-780-1281 )URP -RVHSK &DUUXWK MFDUUXWK#IS VWUDWHJLHV FRP! 6HQW WLPH 30 7R )ROWD .HYLQ 0 &F FODLUH#FIVDI RUJ ENHQQHG\#JPDRQOLQH RUJ 5LFKDUG &XOOHQ 5&XOOHQ#IS VWUDWHJLHV FRP! 6XEMHFW 5( )ROORZ 83 &)6$) .HYLQ )ROWD &DOO .HYLQ :H¶G OLNH WR DUUDQJH WKH IROORZ XS FDOO VRRQ DIWHU WKH KROLGD\V LI WKDW ZRUNV IRU \RX +RZ¶V \RXU DYDLODELOLW\ WKH ZHHN RI -DQXDU\ WK" ,I WKDW ZHHN ZRUNV IRU \RX ZRXOG \RX PLQG VKRRWLQJ XV D IHZ WLPHV DQG ZH¶OO JHW VRPHWKLQJ RQ WKH ERRNV 7KDQNV -RH &ƌŽŵ͗ :ŽƐĞƉŚ ĂƌƌƵƚŚ ^ĞŶƚ͗ DŽŶĚĂLJ͕ ĞĐĞŵďĞƌ ϴ͕ ϮϬϭϰ Ϯ͗ϬϮ WD dŽ͗ Ζ&ŽůƚĂ͕ <ĞǀŝŶ D͘Ζ Đ͗ ĐůĂŝƌĞΛĐĨƐĂĨ͘ŽƌŐ͖ ďŬĞŶŶĞĚLJΛŐŵĂŽŶůŝŶĞ͘ŽƌŐ͖ ZŝĐŚĂƌĚ ƵůůĞŶ ^ƵďũĞĐƚ͗ Z ͗ &ŽůůŽǁ hW͗ &^ &ͬ<ĞǀŝŶ &ŽůƚĂ Ăůů .HYLQ +RSH WKLV ILQGV \RX ZHOO 6RUU\ IRU WKH VORZ UHVSRQVH EXW ZH¶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ƌŽŵ͗ &ŽůƚĂ͕ <ĞǀŝŶ D͘ ΀ŵĂŝůƚŽ͗ŬĨŽůƚĂΛƵŇ͘ĞĚƵ΁ ^ĞŶƚ͗ dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ͕ ĞĐĞŵďĞƌ ϰ͕ ϮϬϭϰ ϴ͗ϭϰ D dŽ͗ :ŽƐĞƉŚ ĂƌƌƵƚŚ͖ ĐůĂŝƌĞΛĐĨƐĂĨ͘ŽƌŐ͖ &ŽůƚĂ͕ <ĞǀŝŶ D͖͘ ďŬĞŶŶĞĚLJΛŐŵĂŽŶůŝŶĞ͘ŽƌŐ ^ƵďũĞĐƚ͗ &ŽůůŽǁ hW͗ &^ &ͬ<ĞǀŝŶ &ŽůƚĂ Ăůů +HOOR (YHU\RQH 7KDQN \RX IRU \RXU WLPH \HVWHUGD\ 7KH GHEDWH ODVW QLJKW ZDV TXLWH HQHUJL]LQJ DQG , P H[FLWHG WR PRYH IRUZDUG /HW V LQN RXU QH[W VWHSV VRRQ 0\ QH[W IRXU PRQWKV DUH ILOOLQJ IDVW DQG , ZDQW WKHVH HIIRUWV WR JHW DSSURSULDWH DWWHQWLRQ $OVR LI \RX FDQ SOHDVH GLUHFW PH WR JRRG UHVRXUFHV RQ WKH IHGHUDO SODQ , G EH JODG WR JHW XS WR VSHHG RQ From: Rory Fry Sent time: 01/12/2015 12:38:09 PM To: Folta, Kevin M Subject: RE:CBI PA Hearing Receipts Thank you for your quick response. I just emailed accounting to double check so I will let you know what Lhey say. Thanllk you again! From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 12:24 PM To: Rory Fry S u b j e c t : RE: CBI PA Hearing Receipts Hi Rory, 1 c a n d o this, i'm t r a v e l i n g a t t h e m o m e n t , s o it w i l l b e l a t e r t o d a y . BIO s h o u l d h a v e o n e o n file f o r me, it m a y h a v e b e e n t h r o u g h K e t c h u m . I f not, I'll d o t h i s o n e . Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 "Don't tell me what can't be done. Tell me what needs to be done, and let me do it." - Norman Borlaug. Illumination (blog) ~ ~ l k f 0 1 t a . L r 1 0 c i s p o t . ~ Twitter Qkevinfolta From: Rory Fry Sent: Monday, January 12,2015 12:21 PM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: CBI PA Hearing Receipts Good afternoon, Mr. Folta; My nainc is Rory Fry and I ain the new coordinator at CBI. I am in the midst of processing your receipts from the Pennslyvania hearing but received word from our accounting departillent that you also need to fill out a W-9 form. I have attached a .pdf vcrsion to this cmail. Please fill this out as soon as possible and I will submit it along with the rest of your reimbursements. Please do not hesitate to contact me wit11 any questions. Thank you! Rory Rory Fry Biotechnology Indust~yOrganization 1201 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Suite 900 Washington, DC 20024 JosephCarnth 01/13/2015 02:29:25 PM To: Folla. Kevin M. Cc: Richerd Cullm ; Kennedy, Brim :Claire Buchan Parker> Subject: CFSAF Spokcrpcnan Call Hey Kevin, Apologies for the delay on this, but we'd love to get another call scheduled at your convenience. Do you have any availability over the next few days or early next week? If you could just shoot us a few times that work for you we'll get something on the books. Appreciate your flexibility and look forward to talking soon. Thanks, Joe BRIEFING-S LUNCHES HECEPTIDNS SUBMIT BRIEFING: The Debunkingthe Science uf The Science at EMU Funds GMO Foods Featuring: Thur'id?i'r June 2512915 Dr. Kevin Faita, University cf Flericla E??am 9:00am Dr. Faitcr ia chair at the Harticuiture Sciences Department at 2325 Rayburn the Universi?r cit Ficrric'c. With cr in maiecuicrr {map} hicicrgy, he is an expert in the functicrnUi gencrmica cit amcrii fruit craps and an cutapcriren aciencehcraeca' Calendar - IE5 pciiciea. Dr. hnastasia Bednar, Bicicrgy Inc. Dr. ia cr Ei'cgrd Member at Eicicgy Fcrtitiecf, inc., and the LTD?Executive Ecir'tcr crir the Bing. She tha in genetics with a minor in auatgr'ncrhie cgricuiture tram inwg State Univeraigc with Home Science, Space, and Technalagy Ccmmittee Chair Frank Lucaa June 25,3315 tn 9:0[1 am. 2325 Rayburn HUB RSVP to I-(arl ?nderacrn at kanderacntiilacie nceacrcietieacrg Tagged Briefing Hana Archives Categories rAgrioulture Aquaculture Citms Crops Cultivars Economics Forestry Livestock New Technology Pests Safety 1v'v'eather rEnvironment Eliocontnols Eiofuels Consewation Green Living tnvasive Species Pollution Ell'ld 4-H Disaster Preparedness Finances Food Safety Household Pests Nutrition I-IFAS Announcements GALE Departments Entomology and Hematology Extension Honors and Appointments RECs Research II- Lawn Garden Florida Friendly Landscaping Vegetables Stand-Alone Photos rUncategorized Archives cum was UFIIFAS researchers to testify before Congress about GMCIs June 22.21115 Topicrs}: Agriculture. Announcements. Crops. Cultivars. Environment. IFAS. New Technology HEIH Kevin Folta Fla. Two graduate students will advise a congressional committee as lawmakers question them about biotechnology and genetically modi?ed organisms Chris Elarbey and Alejandra April Guevara. doctoral students in Plant lvlolecular and Cellular Eliology. will head to Washington DC. with UFJIFAS horticultural sciences Professor Kevin Folta to answerguestions fromthe US. House Science Committee at a June 25 hearing. Folta said there is no set agenda forthe discussions. but he expects the researchers to ?eld many questions relating to the GMC regulatory processes. food labeling and product safety. 'It is great that this committee is consulting with scientists that understand the evidence. and hopefully evidence will help them devise new policy.? Folta said. Elarbey hopes to provide clari?cation about some ofthe prevalent 'The safety of CMCIs has been established and con?rmed again and again. However. there is still substan?al distance between the scienti?c facts and public perception.? he said. A?er 13 years. most crop plants are engineered with just two traits. both ofwhich have been around since the mills: the ET gene to protect the plant against insect pests and a modi?ed amino acid gene thatconfers resistance to the herbicide called ?Cur knowledge ofplantgenetics has obviously increased signi?cantly since then,? Elarbey said. ?We are decades behind where we could be in crop development. because in the current climate. it makes little ?nancial sense foranyone to commercialize these innovations. Decades ofpublically??Jnded crop research sits on the shelf." Additionally. said ?bril Guevara. ?We are scientists. but we also are consumers. As scientists. we want to orient the discussion toward the facts and help the public make decisions based on evidence and not on fear.? Elarbey said they are visiting to discuss the scienti?c and limitations ofthe technologies and suggest new thinking, given the safety track record of CleCIs. 'This is about discussing the science?based and limitations ofthis technology.? Folta said. 'l'm grateful that ourstudents will have a chance to presentthe current state ofthe science.? Ely: Elrad Eluck. 352-294-33EI3. Source: Hevin Folta. From: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Sent time: 01/21/2015 11:27:11 A M To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: RE: WcbMD proccss Thanks, Kevin -- Lisa From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Wednesday, January 21,2015 9:00 AM To: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Subject: RE: WebMD process Lisa, I'm glad do t o this and will bounce something off you soon. I'm absoultely slammed and behind on everything. If it gets t o the point where you need this done-done, shoot me a note. It's on my list, just not first priority. Let me know when it needs t o be. Kevin Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 "Don't t e l l me w h a t can't be done. Tell me whar needs t o b e done, and let me d o It." - Norman Borlaug. Illumination (blog) ~ ~ : l l l t f o ~ t a , b t 0 q s ~ o t : . c a m Twitter gkevinfolta From: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Sent: Wednesday, January 21,2015 1 2 : l l AM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: RE: WebMD process Kevin: one more thing for your consideration: as you consider writing something, please consider insert the word "labeling" somewhere in the content in order t o get search algorithms t o pick i t up. Thanks again! Lisa From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 10:32 AM To: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Subject: Re: WebMD process Can do! My pleasure. I'm traveling... So if you don't get a timely response please tap me on the shoulder Sent from my iPhone On Jan 15, 2015, at 10:25 AM, DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Scnr tlmc: 01!1512015 10:25:04 r\hl Ta: Folra. Kcvin M. Subjcct: PIV: WcbMD procos -. . - .- . Kevin: Happy New Year t o you1 I hope you are well, and able to spend some time at home over the holidays. I have enjoyed monitoring your activity and commentary o n Twitter the past several months - I don't know how you have time t o do all the things you do, and still do research1 Of course -that won't slap me from asking another favor1 This one relates to Web MD. Over the past six months, we have worked hard through third partles to insert fresh and current material on Web MDJs website relating t o biotechnology health and safety, especially since before that, the material popping up on relation to the topic dredged up highly negaeive input from Qrganic Consumers Association and other anti-GMQ critics, A recent article on Web Ma has improved the search r e s ~ ~ lsomewhat ts (see link), but we understand another way t o improve the resources on the wcbsite is through bloggers to the website. It is a fairly simple process and I would appreciate your consideration of submitting a blag on the safety and health of blotech t o WebMD, if at all possible? The instructions for how t o do such a thing are below, and I would be grateful for your considerah'on of this request. Best wishes - Lisa Drake Monsanto Carnpany Lead, U.5, State and Local Government Affairs 91316 Glenstone Trail tiiyhlands Ranch CQ 80130 303-514-5533 -Iis; .--.------- -- Were is the article discussed above: Food & Recipes The Truth About GMOs By Amy Paturel WebMD Feature Reviewed by Jennifer Robinson, MD If you've eaten today, chances are you've had a food that's been touched by science as well as Mother Nature. Up to 80% of processed foods in the U.S. have something that's been genetically modified (GM), and that number is growing by leaps and bounds. Key crops include corn, soybeans, and cotton. (Yes, cotton products are in foods.) Scientists tinker with plants for many reasons. They often take a gene that controls a desired trait in one plant - less need for water, so it can survive a drought, for example - and Insert R Into a different plant. The end result: hardier crops, more colorful berries, even seedless watermelons and grapes. 'What that means is, like it or not, genetically modified foods are almost impossible to avoid," says Sheldon Krimsky, PhD, an adjunct professor of public health and community medicine at Tufts Medical School in Boston. The Pros The World Health Organization, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Medical Association all say these crops are at least as safe as, and often safer than, foods modified the old-fashioned way, such as through crossbreeding. In the U.S., three groups play a role in bringing GM products to grocery store shelves. The EPA rates GM plants for environmental safety, the USDA decides whether the plant is safe to grow, and the FDA decides whether the plant is safe to eat. "They're the most thoroughly tested food on the market," says Dan Goldstein, MD, senlor science fellow at Monsanto, an agriculture company responsible for a large share of genetically modified crops worldwide. Those in favor of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) count these among their top selling points: More food: Genetic engineering helps farmers boost their yield by making crops that can live through a drought or the cold and resist disease. Backers say GM products will help us feed the extra 2 billion people that will fill the planet by 2050. "Not using these tools would push us back 40 to 50 years in food production," says Kent Bradford, PhD, distinguished professor of plant sciences and director of the Seed Biotechnology Center at the University of California, Davis. Less stress on the environment: Supporters say biotechnology is better for the planet than older farming methods. Crops built to resist pests lower farmers' need for toxic chemical pesticides, Goldstein says, They also require less soil to be tilled, reduce runoff, and keep erosion down. Better products: Scientists can engineer crops to contain vital nutrients. Swiss researchers created a strain of "golden" rice with high amounts of beta-carotene. Monsanto produced soybeans with lots of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Other crops, like papaya and cassava, can be made to withstand disease. "Naturally occurring molds (if we don't prevent them by creating GM crops) present huge health hazards," Bradford says. "Why reject a technology that has the potential to benefit so many people worldwide?" The Cons Environmental activists, public interest groups, even religious organizations hold that GM foods can ca1ts.l alleraies, make your body resist antibinitc~,or even lead to cancer. Independent scientists without a stake on either side see pitfalls to these high-profit, high-tech products. Top concerns about GMOs include: The rise of supenrveeds: Crops built to withstand herbicides could cross-breed and transfer their genes to weeds. These "superweeds" would also withstand the herbicides. On the other hand, GM fans say this is nothing new. "Even nonchemical technologies create superweeds," Bradford says. Health problems: The process often mixes or adds proteins that don't exist in the original plant. GMO foes fear these will create new allergic reactions. They also worry that foods made to resist disease and viruses will linger in your system after you eat thern, and that could make antibiotics less effective. But no studies confirm this claim. "Frankenfood" fears: The long-term effects of splicing new genes into common crops are still unclear. While the industry and health leaders cite hundreds of studies to support the technology's safety, not to mention 20 years of animal data, experts like Krimsky claim studies that show bad effects on animals -- like harm to the kichevs, b, or other organs -- should carry more weight. "The prominent scientists who say the ha, controversy surrounding GMOs has been resolved are dismissing at least 23 studies showing ill effects," he says. "It has to be a balancing act that weighs the benefits of GMOs against the risks, and that is driven by science, not political pressure or profits." The FDA's only litmus test for safety is based on a policy that says GM foods are close enough to natural foods that they don't need regulation. "The question is, how can they make that determination?" Krimsky says. The Right to Know Whether they think of them as Frankenfoods or a way to feed the world, both sides agree consumers have a right to know what's in their food. Countries that require labels for GM foods include China, Australia, and the European Union. But the U.S. doesn't make food companies label products with GM ingredients. So it's no surprise many Americans don't realize they're eating them. The FDA says companies can label foods on their own to say they are or aren't genetically modified, provided they keep it truthful. But that puts an added burden on farmers to plant, harvest, and ship GM crops separately from non-GM crops. That creates extra cost, which is passed along to the consumer. Food companies like Nature's Path and Gerber bahv food choose to use non-GM ingredients. The fast food chain Chipotle removed GM foods from its menu. Whole Foods Market promises to label all GM products at its U.S. and Canadian stores by 2018, J (and eat) in the U.S., unless it's otherwise stated The bottom line: If ~ O L live -- or it's certified organic -- it's a safe bet that your food is GM. Makers who don't use GM ingredients clearly say so on labels. SOURCES: Dan Goldstein, MD, senior science fellow, Monsanto, St. Louis, MO. Sheldon Krimsky, PhD, adjunct professor of public health and community medicine, Tufts Medical School, Boston, Kent Bradford, PhD, Distinguished professor of plant sciences; director, Seed Biotechnology Center, University of California, Davis. CSA Discovery Guides: "Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?" FDA: "FDA's Role in Regulating Safety of GE Foods." Klumper, W. PLOS ONE, November 2014. de Vendomois, J. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2009, Iowa State University: "The Debate on Labeling Genetically Modified Food." Brown University: "What is Genetically Modified Food?" A Review of International Labeling Policies of Genetically Modified Food to Evaluate India's Proposed Rule. 2007, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Statewide Biotechnology Workgroup. California Prop 37: "Right to Know." Reviewed on December 07. 2014 O 2014 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved. ...and here is the directions for how t o be accepted as a blogger. Pharik yo11far yo1.11' interest to become a \:'!ebb117 G~rest\/V~.ltera1 Healtl? Experls, &her in ccrnmcinity or in blags Please write to ?l?bMD Cornrnun~lyManagement at ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n a nl?j1 ~ ~Be~sure i eto ~indue6 j f lpour ~ Cu~riculurn ~ ~ e h ~ o r t Vitae and an explanation as to why you would be a good candidate to ?n/orkwith us her? at WebMD. b\l,: appraciate yairr riter rest ancl looic fo~warclto hearing back from you Yours 111 health, WebMD Custonler Care Emall Inforrnatlon: Eniall #: 18003-:4'12?4 1 Dale Created' 1'1/24/2014 '10-08 AM EST Subject: pl.ncess for hlog S L ~ O I I ? I S S ~ ~ ~ ~ rfil s c-mail message riiay c:or~t~iirlpr i v i i i ~ c j e i ia:lii/or: confl.cierLt. i al. i,r~for:at ion, arid t o r e c ~ ? l v eS L L C ~icf3r:na:. in1.i. Xi: Y(?I; ki.ive recc-?ive!i chis 6:-n!lil la err-or, please a l L at;.schlt:onts f t o n : ;:;;y s e r v e r s , r;a:~d rir-i vas o r zr?y ciThsl: r.:?di;i, O t h e r u5e of r 1 ,411 e-mails and attachm:.r?i-e, sL?llt&:id !:i;ceivef-I are s u b j s c i : tc, r.nni tcr i n g , r e d d i n sub~s.i:liarios. 'l'hii r e c i p i e r i t o f t - h ' s e - - n a i l i s s o l e l y ~ e : i p 0 1 1 ~ i b lfeo r ct-~ec:kirlcj Ir Mi.r:santci, along i*.i!.h i t s :;utnicii;lrie:?, 8t:c~p:s nc. Il,j!,i!.lr.y f s i - a n y 3arnr;ge c a u s t h i s e - i ~ i a i1 o r a n y a ! . Ti,, .ii:i^::rna::ior. r9r;:clincrl it! ? . h i s c . ~ , ~ i !nay i: be subject tc. t h e R:IFC)It, C C ~ ~ I ~ IS T C Inolildi bi-:t not i i r n i tec'i t-o the Zxport A~&ni.nisLrar.ior1 Ke!)illst i.ons ( E A R ) 3 r d sa I r e a s : r r y , Ciffl::e cE F'?rei.g:i k s s e ? ConrroLs (OF'RCI , As a r.i?,;ipi.ent 01: t h i s i r i f c i app:l cah:t. 1). 9 . e x p u r t laws dncl requlcl-,ioni;. ) ~ From: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Sent time: 01/21/2015 12:11:20 AM To: Folla, Kevin M. Subjcct: RE: WebMD process - Kevin: one more thing for your consideration: as you consider writing something, please consider insert the word "labeling" somewhere in the content in order t o get search algorithms t o pick it up. Thanks again! Lisa From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 10:32 AM To: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Subject: Re: WebMD process Can do! My pleasure, I'm traveling... So if you don't get a timely response please tap me on the shoulder. Sent from my iPhone On Jan 15, 2015, at 10.25 AM, DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] wrote: Kevin: Happy New Year t o you! I hope you are well, and able t o spend some time at home over the holidays. I have enjoyed monitoring your activity and commentary on Twitter the past several months - I don't know how you have time t o do all the things you do, and still do research! Of course - that won't stop me from asking another favor! This one relates t o Web MD. Over the past six months, we have worked hard through third parties t o insert fresh and current material on Web MD's website relating t o biotechnology health and safety, especially since before that, the material popping up on relation t o the topic dredged up highly negative input from Organic Consumers Association and other anti-GMO critics. A recent article on Web MD has improved the search results somewhat (see link), but we understand another way t o improve the resources on the website is through bloggers t o the website. It is a fairly simple process and I would appreciate your consideration of submitting a blog on the safety and health of biotech t o WebMD, if at all possible? The instructions for how t o do such a thing are below, and I would be grateful for your consideration of this request. From: DRAKE. LISA M Sent time: 01/21/2015 Il:27:11 AM [AG/1000] To: Folta, Kevin M Subject: RE: WcbMD process Thanks, Kevin -- Lisa From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:00 AM To: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Subject: RE: WebMD process Lisa, I'm glad do t o this and will bounce something off you soon. I'm absoultely slammed and behind on everything. If it gets t o the point where you need this done-done, shoot me a note. It's on my list, just not first priority. Let me know when it needs t o be. Kevin Kevin M. Folta Professor and Chairman Horticultural Sciences Department Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and Plant Innovation Program University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 "Don't tell me what can't be done. Tell m e whar needs to be done, and let m e d o It." - Norman Borlaug. Illumination (blog) &&&/ /kliolta.blo~apoP.corn Twitter gkevinfolta From: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Sent: Wednesday, January 21,2015 1 2 : l l AM To: Folta, Kevin M. Subject: RE: WebMD process IKevin: one more thing for your consideration: as you consider writing something, please consider insert the word "labeling" somewhere in the content in order t o get search algorithms t o pick i t up. Thanks again! Lisa From: Folta, Kevin M. [] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 10:32 AM To: DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] Subject: Re: WebMD process Can do! My pleasure. I'm traveling ... So if you don't get a timely response please tap me on the shoulder. Sent fiom my iPhone On Jan 15, 201 5, at 10:25 AM, DRAKE, LISA M [AG/1000] wrote: 8/28/2015 Activists misuse open records requests to harass researchers ? Get our newsletter ? Activists misuse open records requests to harass researchers August 27, 2015 3.50am EDT A researcher buried in records requests can't attend to actual science. Man image via Jack Payne Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources and Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at University of Florida This winter, Kevin Folta, a plant molecular biologist with the University of Florida's (UF) Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), became the target of a sweeping public records request from US Right to Know, an activist group that seeks to expose what it calls "the failures of the corporate food system," after answering questions on a website called GMO Answers. Folta is chairman of the Department of Horticultural Sciences here, which I oversee as senior vice president of agriculture and natural resources at UF. His research uses genomics tools to guide traditional breeding efforts in Florida crops. On the GMO Answers site, he writes about the science of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), critically evaluating claims about the technology. He is not compensated for his time, and uses GMO Answers as a means to educate interested parties about the technology. The result of this records request has been a months-long vetting of Folta's communications by university attorneys in preparation for handing over thousands of emails to US Right to Know. The request is also a major distraction from his work as a scientist. In my administrative role, I have to oversee these kinds of records requests and make sure we are abiding by both the law and ethical standards of scientific research. Requests such as the one from US Right to Know consume attention and energy, pose the danger of silencing other scientists and impede us from pursuing our true mission of groundbreaking science. 1/5 8/28/2015 Activists misuse open records requests to harass researchers In 2009, Google Suggest was at the ready to serve up results about Climategate. search-engine-land, CC BY 'Climategate' and misrepresented messages Folta is certainly not the first or only scientist to face activists bent on cherry-picking emails to distort research with a goal of applying pressure to men and women who work on controversial topics. The most notorious case has been dubbed "Climategate," in which hackers extracted thousands of emails from the server of a British university in 2009. Climate change deniers asserted that the emails demonstrated global warming was a worldwide scientific conspiracy. In a letter in the journal Science, 225 members of the US National Academy of Sciences condemned the hack as an example of "political assaults on scientists and climate scientists in particular." Scientific organizations worldwide reiterated the scientific consensus around climate change. All that, of course, could not unring the bell and put the controversy to rest. What we've learned from episodes such as Climategate is that emails can be used out of context to confuse the public about issues around which there is, in fact, solid scientific consensus. Open records requests wielded as a weapon The abuse of open records law as an activists' tool wielded against researchers is prevalent enough that the Union of Concerned Scientists, a group long recognized for its hard skeptical stance on agricultural biotechnology, earlier this year published a report titled Freedom to Bully: How Laws Intended to Free Information Are Used to Harass Researchers. It highlights multiple cases similar to Folta's, by no means limited to agricultural biotechnology. For example: An occupational health scientist at West Virginia University received multiple records requests from a mining company after he investigated connections between mountaintop removal mining and adverse health effects. 2/5 8/28/2015 Activists misuse open records requests to harass researchers A University of North Carolina poverty researcher was targeted by a conservative think tank, requiring him to review thousands of emails. A legal scholar of religious freedom at the University of Virginia faced a Freedom of Information Act request backed by an LGBTQ advocacy group for phone and email records between him and various religious liberty groups. Harassing requests threaten scientific enterprise The expense of paper chases bothers me. What worries me more, though, is the prospect that other Kevin Foltas are silent because they do not want to be subjected to the harassment he endures. For instance, our national scientific societies have been silent during this episode. Joy Rumble, an assistant professor of agricultural communication here at UF/IFAS, identifies this phenomenon as part of the spiral of silence. People tend not to publicly share their beliefs if they feel they're in the minority, the theory goes, for fear of isolation or reprisals. That silence feeds greater fear among dissenters as the status quo dominates the public discussion. In a society in which the might of a megaphone too often trumps the power of ideas, self- censorship can mean truth loses. And it's not an abstract concept to Rumble. She, too, answered a question or two on GMO Answers. She, too, was then targeted by a public records request. Her crime, in the view of the detractors who seek to discredit her, appears to be talking about talking about biotechnology. She wants to help scientists become better communicators, to bridge the gap between scientific consensus and public perception. The Union of Concerned Scientists report decries the use of broad records requests that can hijack researchers' time, divert university money, and chill researchers' interest in communicating with the public they serve. It's particularly distressing in an agricultural research context since 3.1 million children under the age of five die each year from malnutrition, while there are no documented cases of a child - or anyone - dying from eating GMO foods in the two decades they have been available to the public. So when Folta gets death threats or has to deal with online posts about his deceased mother, or we have to search emails for nonexistent evidence of a conspiracy theory, that's more than a nuisance. Harassment of researchers contributes to the locking up in labs of potential solutions to worldwide problems. 3/5 8/28/2015 Activists misuse open records requests to harass researchers Legitimate researchers let the sun shine in and don't cloud funding issues - without the need for harassment. Chris Harrison, CC BY Transparency is crucial Yes, Folta's email communications with agricultural companies should be public records. The integrity of public university research is based in part on its transparency. It's germane that the public know where we get our funding, whatever the source. That's different from sifting through 4,600 pages of emails and other records to mine for defamatory out-of-context sentences. Reimbursements for travel and small financial contributions to defray the cost of a conference or student attendance at a meeting are poised to be paraded as bribery-for-service. Yet our scientific statements reflect scientific consensus and experimental evidence, not the influence of funders. While we can point to examples of cozy relationships between scientists and corporations that raise questions of research integrity, I'd argue these instances aren't the norm in the scientific community. A 2009 meta-analysis reports that 2% of scientists admit to fabricating or falsifying data. If recognized, misconduct - such as allowing results to be dictated by a funding source - can destroy careers. For example, researcher Eric Smart was shown to have fabricated cardiovascular-diabetes data for almost a decade. Once discovered, he resigned from his position, is excluded from applying for federal grants for seven years and now teaches high school chemistry. Others typically accept settlements that demand their research be supervised or that any employers certify publications. Such disruptions in publication and grant funding are difficult to overcome in a scientific career. Making up data is a fast track to career suicide. Researchers recognize that, and the overwhelming majority would not deliberately take that kind of risk - above and beyond what their academic integrity would dictate. Yes, it's important to acknowledge the concern that corporate funding could potentially influence or steer research in a way that falls short of falsifying data. But I have faith that the scientific enterprise self-corrects these unintentional lapses. 4/5 8/28/2015 Activists misuse open records requests to harass researchers Most researchers are by the book when it comes to their scientific publications. Selena N B H, CC BY People opposed to this kind of harassment-via-records-request can sign the Cornell Alliance for Science #Science14 letter. It's a petition in support of academic freedom and the 14 scientists at four universities currently targeted by anti-GMO activists' public records requests. As a university administrator, I'd rather spend money on so many things than taxpayer- funded witch hunts. We're forced to divert funds that could be used in the search to alleviate human suffering rooted in starvation and malnutrition, in producing better food with less environmental impact, and keeping our agricultural industries strong. ? Science communication Fraud Scientific method Science funding GMO Scientific inquiry 5/5