SEA,TTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: TO Chain of Command LINIT CO2OX F'ROM: Mike Fields Human Resources Director SUBJECT: Proposed Discipline/ Cynthia lVhitlatch/ OPA 15-0117 Iuly 24,2015 Attached are the Cover Letter and Proposed DAR for Officer Whitlatch. The Cover Letter and Proposed DAR need to be given to Officer Whitlatch via her chain of command' Elecfonic copies have been or will be provided to all recipients copied on the cover letter. in the appropriate place below, then complete the bottom section. On the day of service, scan the completed, signed receipt and send it to SPD EmploymentCó Within 7 days of service, return the original signed receipt to the SPD Legal Unit (JC-05-01). Please have Officer Whitlatch sign My signature below indicates that I have received the Cover Letter and Proposed DAR regarding oPA 15-0117 Cynthia rWhitlatch, #6229 Date After providing Officer Whitlatch with the documents, please complete the information below as appropriate. Date Served by: Name/Rank þrint) Comments (if needed): - - Signature: On the tlay of senicer scan the completed, sÍgned receipt and send it to SPD Original receipt should be retumed within 7 days to SPD Legal Unit (JC-05-01) Police Department PROPOSED DISCIPLINARY ACTION REPORT RANIVTIÏLE Officer NAME Cvnthia Whitlatch FILE NUMBER OPA Case 15-4fi7 SERIAL NUMBER UNIT 6229 c020x ALLEGATION(S) LIKELY TO BE SUSTAINED: Violation of Seattle Police Department Policy & Procedure Manual Sections: o o o r . Voluntary Contact and Terry Stops: Terry Stopsare Seizures and Must be Based on Reasonable Suspicion in Order to be Lawful 6.220 (1) lssued 1130/,2014 Standards & Duties: Exercise of Discretion 5.001 (Vll) (A) issued 811512012 Use of Force Core Principles: When Time, Circumstances, and Safety Permit, Officerc Will Take Steps to Gain Compliance and De-Escalate Conflict without Using Physical Force 8.000 (2) lssued 011120,14 Using Force - Use-of-Forcê: When Authorized 8.100 (1) issued 11112014 Bias-Free Policing - Employees Will Not Engage in Bias-Based Policing 5.140 (2) issued 1t30t2014 SPECIFICATION This proposed discipline is based on your interaction with an individual on July 9,2014 which began while you were on-duty, driving a patrol ear near the East Precinct. In your second OPA interview, you reported that as you were driving nr* uitop sign, you saw a blur of motion out of the comer of your eye and heard a sound you lnterpreted as mètal on metáI, and then (after driving past the individual) saw him moving a golf club held patailel to the ground with a look on his face that you described as "angry, you know, funowed bro\ry." You then drove around the block and contacted the individual, making what you admit was a Terry stop. Yau immediately ordered him to drop his'golf club, told him the golf club was a weapon, and told him that he was not permitted to leave. Under Dèpartment policy, a Tewy stop must be based on a reasonable suspicion that an individual has been or is about to be engaged in criminal activity. Based on your statement to OPA, you did not have a reasonable suspicion as required by Department policy for the stop. Further, once you stopped the individual, your behavior towards him was aggressive and unnecessarily escalated the interaction. Thetr were opportunities to assess different tactics and take a softer approach to resolve the incident, This is particularly true once you had observed the individualls lack of threatening demeanor. You repeatedly chose the most aggressive options, accusing the individual of swinging his club at you, and threatening him with arrest. During ihis confrontation, you were holding your nightstick in your hand, -further o'apply reason' escalatinþ the interaction and signaling it as dangerous. Department policy requires you to professional expãrtise and judgment" in rnaking law enforcement decisions, It also requires that you de-escalate *h.n.u.r porrible in ordei to minimize the.possibility of having to use physical force. You failed to do either' There was no point where you reassessed your combative direction with the individual, even after you were out of the field. Yóu instead pushed forward with his arrest, causing him to be booked into jail, and later lobbied the City Attorney's Offrce to fottow through with a prosecution. The unreasonableness of your actions is triglüghted by their contrast with that of another officer, who arrived after you'd confronted the individual, and rpãt to him, and immediately obtained the golf club and compliance from the individual. Officers are required " members of the public considerately and respeotfully, and not behave, as you did, in an aggressive and to treat unreasonable fashion. You also used de minimus force against the individual when you held his left hand on the hood of the car while you searched his pockets. BecausJ you lacked authority under Department policy to detain him, your use of even de rninimus forc" was not compliant with Department Manual Section 8.100(1), which limits use of force to that necessary to achieve a law enforcement purpose' Further, your actions towards the individual violated Department Manual Section 5.140(2), which states that "Employees shall not make decisions or take actions that are influenced by bias, prejudice or discriminatory intent." Your decision to conduct aTeruy stop was based on uffeasonable assumptions about the individual that were influenced by bias, Additionally, sev.rál of your actions were taken based on bias, including the angry and confrontational manner in which you approached the individual, ignoring his confusion about your accusation that he swung the club at you, uná youi ãecision to arrest and pursue charges against him, despite altemative options. Whil, you did not ur. slurs or otherwise explicitly raise racial issues during the encounter, your actions and statements (related to this incident and in the recent past) indicate that you interpret events in yqur worþlace to be situations where white police officers, and you specifically, are not being treated fairly or respectfully by members of the public, particularly African Americans, and this cont¡ibuted directly to your polìce work uls-à-vis this individual. During your interviews with OPA, you indicated that your perception of ih" ,u"., sex, and age of others influenced how you interacted with and reacted to events regarding this individual and, moie generally, events in the workplace. You discussed your view that the individual's age and sex contributed to his;eaction towards you as a female officer, and stated that you would not be investigated were you not white. Without prompting, you described how you viewed the resolution of his charges as an of racial bias becausã "guess *ho" - a black judge and black chief were not, in your view, supporting "**rnp6 whitJofficers. Your perceptions of racr and other protected categories appear to be so deeply seated that they impacted the aggressive manner in which you treated this man, whose actions did not warrant such treatment. The violation of Section 5.140(2) is serious enough that, on its own, the allegation would warrant the recommended discipline. It is also notable that you have been previously disciplined and counseled for unprofessional conduct. This includes a verbal reprimand in2002 when you engaged in rude and unprofessional conduct during a traffic stop, and a written reprimand in 1998 when you got into a loud and angry confrontation over a p.rronil dispute rrg*ding $1.04, ideniified yourself as a police officer, and yelled and used inappropriate language in a retaiistore. Vou wire also counseled in February 2014 regarding the Department's expectations of The day prior to your confrontation with the individual, you received training on Biased Free Policing should "o,irt.Jy, and Voiuntary Contact uid Ttrry Stops, yet did not utilize that training or your years of experience that " have taught you that your behavior on July 9,2014 was unacceptable. Your behavior toward and the decisions you made about the individual are deeply damaging to the Department's confidence in your ability to effectively function as a police officer. Your behavior was a violation of public trust and a fundamental violation of your role as a public servant. PROPOSED DisciPline Termination DATE ISSUED July.24,2015 City of Seattle Seattle Pol ice Department July 24,2015 Officer Whitlatch, # 6229 (Hand-deliv.ered) i RE À OPA Case #15-0117 Dear Officer Whitlatch Please be aclvised that the following allegations arising from OPA 15-0117 are likely to be sustained; Violation of SPD Policy & Procedure ll,lanual Sections: . . . . ¡ Voluntary Contact and Terry Stops; Terry Stops are Seizures and Must be Baseú on Reasonable Suspicion in Order to be Lawful 6.220 lll lssued ll30l2014 Standarde & Duties: Exercise of Ðiscretion 5.001 (Vll) (A) issued u15/,2412 Use of Force Core Principles: When Time, Circumstances, and Safety permit, Officers WillTake Steps to Gain Compliance and De-Escalate Gonfliõt without Using Physical Force 8.000 {2} lssued 011120114 Using Force - Use-of-Force: When Authorized 8.100 (1) issued 11112014 Bias-Free Policing - Employees Will Not Engage in Bias-Based Policing 5.140 (2) issued U3Aâ014 of the allegation and proposed discipline is set forth in the enclosed proposed Disciplinäry Action Reportì A copy oi tlre investigative file will be provided to the Seattle Police A clescription Officers Guild upon request. prior to a final disciplinary decision, you will be allowed an opportunþ to meet with Chief of Police Kathleen O'Toole oi her ðesignee. We have scheduled your meeting for Friday, Aug¡s! 21,2015, at g:45 a,m. in the Offìce of ttrJChief of Police, 8'h Floor, Police Headquarters,610 5'n Avenue' You may bring a representative with you if you wish. seattle Police Department, 610 Fiûh Avenue, Po Box 34986, Seattto, An equat employment opportunity, affrmative action employer W A 98124-4986 in advance. Accommodaiioris for people Wlttr áisa¡itities provided upcn request. Call (206) 233-7203 at least two weeks City of Seattle Seattle Police Department 'Ihe meeting with the Chief is your opportunity to present information as to why the recommended disciplinary action should not take place. If you choose not to avail yourself of the opportunity to meeiwith'the Chief or wish to provide a written statement in lieu of a meeting, please advise the Chief s office at 684-5577. Sincerely tVinsÐeüs, S¡qr Mike Fields Human Resources Director Enclosures Cc Kathleen M. O'Toole, Chief of Police Carmen Best, Deputy Chief Steve Wilske, Assistant Chief Paul McDonagh, Captain Pierce Murphy, Director of OPA Ron Smith, SPOG President Seattlo Polioe Department, 610 Fifth Avenue, PO Box 34986, Seattle, WA 98124'4986 An equal employmont opportunity, affirmative action emplcyer, Aooommodaiions for peôple with disabilities provided upcri request, Call (206) 233-7203 at least t\to weeks in advance'