EFFECTIVE DATE: 9DEC2008 ALEXANDER CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT DEADLY FORCE SUBJEC Standard 1.3.2, SPECIAL INSTRUCTION 5 Policy P-302.2 1.3.distinction shall be made relative to the age or sex of the intendler: targ?t deadly force. Self-defense and imminent threat shall be the only p0 1 guideline for employing d?adl?orc? . hot A police of?cer is not justi?ed in usmg his ?rearm to ?re a warning -h an Of?cers are prohibited from discharging ?rearms when it appears likely a innocent person may be injured. G. Of?cers shall not discharge a ?rearm at or from a moving vehicle except as the ultimate measure of self-defense or defense of another when the suspect is usmg deadly force. H. The killing of an animal is justi?ed in the following situations: 1. For self-defense. 2. To prevent substantial harm to the of?cer or another. 3. When the animal is so badly injured that humanity requires its relief from RescindS 711?? . . 'n con With other sections of this policy. formance J. Medical attention will be . prowded anytime a use of dead] force TheEmedical attention may be one of the following: takes place. valuation by Fire Medics. Evaluation by medic of injuries dictates. x: inv01VC . a i fro; force encounters, where serious physical in- ts pendin of deadly force, shall be removed from line du Jury or ., I review of the incident. ty a1 professionals if seriousness By Order of: 1 :0 1'.57. 3' a