?f a I I 3 PERSONAL ESTATE I nds; (It in. desired that the app raiser should classify" the preperty I111 the followmg erdecr. 3 Bonde on Real Estate, Prom1ssory Notes, etc. 4, as All other Personal Propemy.) I. zw?jiim FAIR MARKET VAIWE AT DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY PARIYALUIE I OF DECEDEET . -1 . I I 50 Shares stecliz-uChieago,Mil a St.Paul pfd. . I I - a -dec. inti- 557 .66 Bond and mortgage Of Henry 1301 nhOff I 89$ 50 Peter A. Luger I ?q 5 4 2266.28 Fri-tam ez?ael Gold'ln In In? ste?ihen Hendrickson 5059 4015 53 I Joseph Manger a . ?i . . "r Benjamin Fooshkill 50489 it a El HF i - 2575 August Hoffmann 1' i 511.,25 Emmdeaery note at" amee Dickie . . nil; $.08 Rezacaunt in Hilleid? 'Bf?kadec?J?nt 3 3'5 151986 ?3 Balm Long Island, joint}?an .- I it "3 559.73? Gamma Savings Bank . I {a Life ineuraheenlmtual Life Inga .Cm I M: . i_ mt?t 51059.20 l; at ?Eh - II .l I I. I.-*mIr-Ir?51r3'- thi?J?n? .1. . . I r-LlREAL ESTAT E: Insert reference to other lien thereon tn} be statefl and deductedj-P?l? rl-q-ql. - - I, Emu-?-F-?ul' I huh-II? II I a. briazrf of each parcel of real. eetate, mime-lent tut: identity 1*Iszc::u::rds of the Clerk?s of?ce of the preper County, or otherwme. I: I II I FAIR IME 015? I315: DEATH I..- - II-- - I . I II, II-I I II- -I I .Ill-aIII. u-nll 17333Ighm?dI1I'P'qu'l' alga-?Edd H??ln?l? I-I-t?uln I-Ilb - H-Ihl- i? raw?Ilantha- F?wFIgvuf?l -I u. I'll.fu'lhll i .IIHp-y l-Ihl. - ?laid-- -- - iI?Ilql II- mum-Emirmtg-5? -11. - - .- - uni-Ilr-I-I-?-Im-ai?Ili?hil'l'lu-I- --II{:III?-i I. Tr?in?I- Irv-Iii FIIIna-n-.. I. In. - Erna-F-?n1 I I I--?nil-hr ?Inn-I I1 .I -.- I-I- II I fll'Ir? .I rl-I I'llEwiuh?Jm Int-Hh-J?-..-?at-InuInn-Ir.? -.I-I- II 1 :Ill I i" ?rmTudu-I- I I: I W-I-H I '1 id:- Tth??l-I I "h .l I. iftl . as-..IIll. Il"--.1.I .I "mur- II- . 'F'h'h . II 51-- . I 1" . L: fl-?I_ll - I i . .ril - rI-I-fuI-I'aqn-TIthm-I-f 1' 1"..I-.. Iranking-t: -I- Whip mnilhl ?Inna?un- v' 'w??n?'iip?I'lm 'II?n'n" - ?i?l-qFI-r-l?IlII."l.II?h-IHH-u?u I I In- - 11?" PHI?twink?. Atmll??h. i?-?HHm-Iflm-1? i mhfh? ?if.IIlynqu ..lI- . . I.'53sun-Ii?r?Idi'ilid.?qu -I "Iv-fr ?linl?lh?'??lfi-rur'I ?111'WI?mw??muh??- .II.Ihull-HI I WEI?mm?w? I . . --I I timl?ung-:3" .- -I-II -I- A I - Him-ii- I-IIHIHII .01? F?m ?ing-?I_IliWtle-I?rr r1 I I 1 .1..F . #?fn?the follow dco 615511 .I.. I IOIHIZIIE. dedx .Ctic >111 jec lil'bhel' 1?613016 that the decedent?s esta, I I 151;ra,t10n an in min ?rms on account of 0115, as follows expenses of 3.111 311:3, 013, i- ?-nr NATURE OF SAME . DEBT OR . I..I . .I. (I. I - .ul Undertaker' a bill - ll-rhlr-I- Hit-?IIn-I-u?w h?I I name ter plot. I . .- -.-. -- medic a1 bill 11?! I i 100 643' A ..-. .. h?urul- I Ii; -.- II- ?hmwiLWI-? N-.I.-VI. h- J??m attorneys fees 1:10 136 2-81" I I '1 1.01.123. 321 (311411?}. Inuit-In ILI . IuIrI-r. .3 I. .1. I. .Iwrll. IIails-1II .ujll I\.ul*r?w?mwimh?l?l?I?I?l?lih??Eha I I I wl _lll'l?m" I- l'wlm?lunar - Ira-Ina.l-Iu..rh.r .I.. . JIIl'?w?Ih- ?gm-Midll?l-l W-HrdeII-rwhu?WI?mun-II- II. I. .ImmimFhm?w-?lvl?qH?Ia?i-H I I. .I. '1 Elly-4'- - H1 i' I 1! ll II 'I'n't'r ?ur?il??l-?r 4 I . .1 P. I.I.I. . . .STAA r447i4T4I4 I-.- - .- -.-I -.I .I-I-. I. - . I I-.-Jqli' '1'll A . FifiFa-L I If In.? i'll I Fn-Id-1-. ?fkit?s-i 4 -- - - iiHI-?SCEEIDUIE A . PEESO MAL 5O of Chicago, Milwaukee and IMHKII I money on :BpOSit in Hillside Bank? I I .. Liam and ?Hill, in the joint names .gpf (itiz??d?f?t and Elizabeth 4. rmnp, his an ifs, or the survivor. .one-rmali 43L 4:eposit in the Bank of I Long; Islam?- Woodllaven,I1II1. the. 301m name-3:5 of moment and Elizabeth hiE- Wife, or the iq? 151.81i'inIl?i? on deposit in the German II I I I, I 333-?uw?r i i .r a. ?r/?briggage grade by Henry Born?off?t. if startedthere was due (immanent and I I may 30th, 1918, principal $710.00 WSLTEE jOlI?l?tl? I a ?l intel??st ?5.33. . . .1. a. . one.h21fupfBond I and ?ortgage Peter A. Luger for 1000. on winch there was due 15%? 19 18- principal urn-.glix?igFI?IIi' Bond ?of Fritz Weber L-. for 7? on Whi Oh. there was In due 3n Magi 30th, 1918 for gri?ci??nd; I Bond. and. aortgage of Israel . . . for on amich there was due . May "353th, 19.18, for principal @155? EDI I I til?t?ll?i 55114? Nil Bond and glortgagg of Stephen G, i I HeniiLE'inSin for Egg-3600.00 on . . whim: 1311.31 3 was due i?igy 50th, 1918 I, for princigjal $500. and I - II IEILOOII Bond and, .ortgagge of Joseph hangar gamer on. which a - - - 13" 32:5 was due. May 30th, 1918, for mincij $4000. and. . intezseat 40.15.25 Bond and Lalortgage Bang] emit. Eoosmill for on whim. thaw was; due May 30 ?ch, 191% for principal $13000 In; 1?171-1- 52:45:-- I Carried form ItiiLv-u-u-mf-?uigi T170355 I'll?- I um: I I. Bond and Muartgadge Michael Zurmno, In}. for 4925009, on whi {31:1 thaw was due on ?ivi'aggr 30th, 1915? for principal @2500. am. interest $75.002575IGCII willlit?Eh-aw? - Ifh;rn-Arej?? Ham?; Fm .chbi:Ih II .IrilBond and m?ar?gage Mi chagel; 7 I Zummo, Inc.? "for @2500, on 1 Which. t11?32fP was CLUB on May I: 30th: .19 .53? for. principal . ?-.I 5-in?4 4" .Ii' I Bond. and Mortgage MiChael' ?i ."Zurm?no, Inc}; I for $2500. on - 'Whicl'l ?51 we was on May 30th? 1915? for principal- $25004. am interest . . . . .. . . 22575.0(.? - Bond. and. si-lor'tgage Mi'chwl 731m:an Inc. for $2500., on I WhiCi'l {them was due I911 ?Lamar I II I 30th, 1915interea?; $2335.002575.00 30nd amd it gags?" Mi chael Zl?n?m?h Int}. f0}? 32500e 911 Whi 01': thaws was 0?33 911 affair I 30th 1915-?; for --IIFi?-tp-rlwwIhulr Mortga of David Li 4::jirEchezdenft for 53.550? on ?nish there and Wle was {1113 3:133 30 13h I 2501' - - .f I. - I..meowMortgga is August Hoffmann Izzlegeadent which there. and mf 301.171th . was zine May 30th 1318 'f or - -. priming $206.06, mtares} .3: I?>?1?55?iiu ili?ll i a 1114:: 5? 3" Prom. Eisoz?y' note of James I 13131115: for $1009. on which them was due Macy BOth; 1918 *f or principal . . . . interast . a .. . a. Proc asads of Li 3T6 .Ingurance . Policy rqurL?Lber {13623 Mutual .. .. . I I I I . I 4450? (31:3, Life insurance ..I- I.I I . II.. .I I II...I..I L. I - -I -II.-I.II.I- ilk].er -IF.-..I .. - ..I . . ..I I.I ..I.-. .I I. 1-. .I. I- l.Ill. ..I .I .I I I 1131'. .1: I1I1..I .II.: I II. I .II..I- II .I. .I .II.I . I .II I11II.II..II. I I I.I. l- II .II. . .II II . . II....I. . I .1. l..I II.I.I. .II..IFII .r IF.I I I.I.I .II.-air..JI-nl 1 . I I. . II.ILI II: ..I. ..I kiln-[Iii Eti' IE II.I .l.I .. I I I ..I Ill-?u I?ll.II. I I I II I'llrlii . ...1If! II.III.I ..I.h?mgnh?lt ..I. . ill l1? t I. I I ..I fill. iilii?gpl - - . .. [Finn-ma mm et'ljlaltm human: I a. UNITE STATES OF AM ERIC A, S?I'A'l?ltl I. Army. a AND 1mm. 3:111:11: herehy ?11111le tn the Ikzpartment of State. at \K-'a511ingtun, far a 11:15::- ll)' I Ill I I 1 llanlemnly awear that I waa horn m'arf. 0r ahnut thefi??l'tlay ?Luff/m: . . . . 181:3: that I emigrated tn the Unitatl States. sailing on heard an at ahuat the IR .55: that I tmlaterruhardly. in the . United States. Irothf . ..: that 11111:: naturallxetl . :15: :1 citizen of the United States: l::eI:1re thug!? arum??aa? m. 2? an as ahtm'n the ae- Certi?cate af Natur:1ll:?atinn; that 1 am the Plateaus in Hilltl. :45) I Certi?cate; that I am :lemicihal in the United Statea. my permanent residence heing at 14h..- . . . . . . . in the State UI. tt'ht'l?tt I lullmt' the HI .Klaf??w that I an: ahnat tn 54:: ahrnatl tempnrarily; and that I intentl tn return I the States . . with the ef residing antl lmr?wming the duties: of aitlaenahil: there' . Further. I Halemnly swear that I will and defend the art" the Unitetl Stateh' against all enemiea. l'nrelgn and domestic: that I will hear true faith and alle- giance tn the 5311111; and that I take thh: uhligatinn freely. witheut any mental {11' purpeae nI et'aaitm: St: Mt: Ht?t'tll'?(lily mi? _Age: Meuth: ling. Chin: u/Atmimm .. Hair: .. IEyea: .. Canthlexian: .. Name: .. .. Face: . ll I herehy certin that I knew the aheve-nametl . El?tm'persunally. and knew lm'w. t0 he the itlentlcal lawn-am relerretl tn in the Cer- nf and that the lace: stated in attalat'it :fye true In the at f. 111): knewletlge antl heliel?llama?it-LL}: depart at?! to ?r?aw?rg addrr? .- . . ?Matti.