STATE OFI GENERAL SERVICES PROCUREMENT DIVISION NUMBER NUMBER AMENDMENT AUTHORITY PURCHASE ORDER 3 DATE STD. 65 (REV. 712003) I A SUPPLIER: The numbers identi?ed above PAGE 9F PAGE MUST be shown on Invoice a PackingSlip. [33/0912012 I 2 3 De artment of Caiifornia Hi hwa Patroi . . - AGENCY CODE I Department of Califorma Highway Patrol 03076 FieId Support Section I Am: Of?cer D. Geers 01 ~13 North 7th Street Sacramento,.CA 9581] 0 Accounting Section}: 942901 3 Sacramento, CA 94298-2901 PURCHASING AUTHORITY NUMBER LEVERAGED PROCUREMENT AGREEMENT NO. 1 1 2-5 8-47 TIC) SUPPLIER . ADDRESS Vigilant Vldeo 2021 Las Posita?s INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER _l REQUISITION 02 Livermore, CA 94551 Logfbijj SUPPLIERCONTACT NAME SUPPLIER PHONE NUMBER I SUPPLIER HEX NUMBIER SUPPLIER EMAIL AooREsIs Steve Cintron Randy Robinson (923) 39842079 (925) 398-21 I3 PAYMENTTERMS CERTIFICATION NUMBER Gamma owned) I Cadined EXPIRATION DATE News 1006398 1? Busmess Microbusmess [August 31,2012 DVBE REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE-Z SHIPPING 503. Damnation F-O-B- Daslina?on 1:415, CITY OF ORIGIN STATE ZIP CODE 306 Next page INSTRUCTIONS fm-I? PPDI - coo-stated an no. El 0590? I I I 43211713 I 23' .ea 3?Camera Mobile Automated License Plate 7,650.0000 I 175,950.00 Recognition. (ALPR) system In accor iance with the State of Cal fornia Statewide Contract 1-?12?5 8-47for AutomatedILicense Plate Recognition systems and as speci?ed in the attatihed bid specific ation number 6720-1683 Datedlune 27, 2011. 23 ea 1718 Three (3) Year Warranty, InCIu'ded - 0.0000 covering manufacturing defects or design ?aws (Service, parts, software, and equipment) effe-Ctive from the date of insia?aiion. 3 23 33 moms 43-21-1713 EKtende? Warranty (12. month .incremeats) I 1,050,0000 24,150.00 - I (Coulimietl nexipage) . pet D-ngeralProiIic?i?P?gee?f?m?ed heei?f?gwe 10Formgespg?owoiwma?gwwpe?? I OR Perm IT (rewsi?n dale 175 ,9 5?0. 00 . ?i I sorti?g??wi?? ProcurementAgreemeaHLP?q. Terms and codilions seiiqlhin TAXI-RATE SALES .13 63 13 commons .m we ?m??glggin I3 Gifted 1a Ihe LeveTaQePIoearemenl Agreement No.) are incorooraied harem by reference. as If set 175% 1 TM .5 i Hi?a??g?ncy ciaIProvisfohs? CI Any other Iac? I ??rst I an?l?lt?? es..are ideali?ad in the product or sewices'desc?ption area or on ooniinua as Slalemanl or Information Teohaolrxliy Mode} pages. PROCUREMERWETHOD ?Soiicitalion Number (I?foppiicabie) LEVERAGED DVBE I SMALL BUSINESS [cc 14333.5(an BID [3 EXEMPT 0 $3143 SI CATEGORY {Code and ms} FUND TITLE VERIFIED NO STATE SURPLUS PAID BY CAL-CARD . I Homeiand Security Grant SSW-.0019 AVAILABLE YES No DYES IE NO GRAND TOTAL 213.373 6-13 I ITEM STATUTE PISCALYEAR OBJECT 0F (Code and one) (1E. 2720-001?0044 33 201 1 11/12 3065 468.01 70506 EaUREUCUMEERED REMAINDER AFTER CERTIFICARON Ara) APPROVAL or OFFICER I POSTING THISORDER To ALLWENT on pet-3mm! broir'feque, {barrios ozd?gjforpm?ohosbig the items spasmch above is EXPEPIDITURE LEDGER accordance with progrede prescribedby Fair. gov?ming The purchase ofsuc'h iremsfoi' Ike ADJUSTMENT oanhfomI?a; and That of! one}; Iago! regar?i?emenfs have bee??db? coiiwiied INCREASING ENCUMBRANCES AUTHORIZING NAME {Print or Type; TITLE M. KUROSAKA: og??b Purchasing Manager ENCUMBRANCES AUTHORIZINI who ?9 CERTIFIED 3,51,, a lo.- DE 6130/ LT ESE Ukmk bk 3) i DISTRIBUTION: C?npy I Sumner I, Cop?? - DGS Pmburem?nl Copy 3 - Paokiug Sh?p Copies 4-6 - Ag?ncy Procurement Fae Sid? 5H1 209.p?f