_Vigilant Video 2021 Los Positos Ct Suite 10.1 Livermore, CA 94551 Main: 5225?3982079 ENVOECE INVOICE NO. 5829 Fox: 925398?2113 Vigiiontuideotom DATE March 14, 2012 CUSTOMER ID 1004099 CA 065 Contract Registration No. eP1198228 BILL TO CHP'Fiscat MGMT Section (SAC) Califorma Highway Patrol PO Box 942901 Sacramento, CA 94298-2901 SHIP TO CHP-065 Fieid Support Section. California Highway Patro[ 3300 Reed Ave West Sacramento, CA 95605 916-843-3486 Attn: Officer Dan Geers Note: Vigilant Video is a Certified California Smail Business, hence should be paid sooner than 45 days - - SALESPERSON JOB . METHOD TERMS, I DATE TERMS DUE DATE Randy Robinson FedEx Freight 3114712 Net 30 QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE DESCOU NT LINE TOTAL Commodity Code: 43211718 73.00 Automated License Plate Reader 7,650.00 558,450.00 r/ Paliet 1 - 32 In?ow Kit 102655 Condor SIN: 2121011228 GPS SIN: 12030002 1092512030202 1093512030502 191111029426 10916- Kit 102655 Condor SIN: 2121011228 GPS SIN: 12030002 1092542030202 10935-12030502 19M029426 10916- Kit# 102656 Condor SIN: 2122010002 SIN: 12030003 -1 0925-1 2030203 10935-1 2030503 19M029440 10916? Kit# 102657 Condor SIN: 2122010008 GPS SIN: 12030004 10925-12030204? 10935-1 2030504 191191029438 10916? Kit 102658 Condor SIN: 2121010754 GPS SIN: 12030005 10925?12030205 1093542030505 19M029441 10916? Kit 102659 Condor SIN: 2121010757 (3P8 SIN: 12030006 10925?1 2030206 1093512030506 19M029430 10916- 10111 102660 Condor 90122121010780 GPS SIN: 12030007 109254 2030207 10935-1 2030507 19M029444 10916- Kit# 102661 Condor SIN: 2121010718 GPS SIN: 12030008 10925-1 2030208 10935-12030508 19191029429 10916? 10111 102662 Condor SIN: 2121010677 GPS SIN: 12030009 10925?12030209 10935-12030509 191131029427 10916? Kit# 102663 Condor SIN: 2121010692 GPS SIN: 12030010 1092512030210 10935?12030510 19M030296 10916w Ki1# 102664 Condor SIN: 2121010887 GPS SIN: 12030011 109254 2030211 10935-12030511 19M030037 10916- Kit#102665 Condor SIN: 2121010098 GPS SIN: 12030012 1 09254 2030212 1093542030512 19M029436 10916- 12030013 10925-12030213 10935-12030513 10111 102666 Condor SIN: 2121010906 GPS SIN: 19114029431 10916- 12030014 10925-12030214 10935-12030514 Kit# 102667 Condor SIN: 2121010885 GPS SIN: 191111030027 10916? 12030015 10925-12030215 10935-12030515 Kit# 102668 Condor SIN: 2121010679 GPS SIN: 191171030010 10916- 12030016 10925?12030216 1093542030516 Kit 102669 Condor SIN: 2121010703 GPS 8th 191171021680 10916- Palet 2 32 boxy 12030017 109251203021 7 109351203051 7 Wonder SIN: 2121010722 GPS SIN: 19M021677 10916- 12030018 10925-1203021 8 10935-12030518 Kit# 102671 Condor SIN: 2121010760 GPS SIN: 19111027926 10916? 12030019 10925-12030219 10935-12030519 K1111 102672 Condor SIN: 2121010761 GPS SIN: 19111021695 10916- 12030020 10925-12030220 10935-12030520 102673 Condor SIN: 2121010737 GPS SIN: 191171027923 10916 12030021 10925-1 2030221 10935-12030521 K1111 102674 Condor SIN: 2121010879 GPS SIN: 19114030092 10916- 12030022 10925-1 2030222 10935-1 2030522 K1211 102675 Condor SIN: 2121010693 GPS SIN: 19114027748 10916- 12030023 10925-1 2030223 10935-12030523 Kit# 102676 Condor SIN: 2121010903 GPS SIN: 191111030316 10916- 12030024 10925-12030224 10935-1 2030524 K1111 102677 Condor SIN: 2121010696 GPS SIN: 191111029424 10916- 12030025 10925-12030225 10935-12030525 10111102678 Condor SIN: 2121010694 GPS SIN: 191111029445 10916- 12030026 10925-1 2030226 10935-12030526 K1111 102679 Condor SIN: 2121010762 GPS SIN: 191171027901 10916- 12030027 10925-12030227 10935-12030527 Kit# 102680 Condor SIN: 2121010674 GPS SIN: 191111027903 10916? 12030028 10925-12030228 10935-1 2030528 Kit 102681 Condor SIN: 2121010770 GPS SIN: 19114027894 10916- 12030029 109251 2030229 10935-12030529 K1111 102682 Condor SIN: 2121010730 GPS SIN: 1914030012 10916- 12030030 109251 2030230 10935-1 2030530 Kit 102683 Condor SIN: 2121010886 GPS SIN: 1911-1030301 10916- 12030031 10925-1 2030231 10935-12030531 Kit II 102684 Condor SIN: 2121010598 GPS SIN: 191111030312 10916- 12030032 1092512030232 109351 2030532 Kit 102685 Condor SIN: 2121010726 GPS SIN: 191171030306 10916- Pallet 3 - 32 60 12030033 1092542030233 10935-12030533 W6 CondorSIN:2121010905 GPS SIN: 19111030314 10916- 12030034 10925-1 2030234 10935-12030534 K011102687 Condor SIN: 2121010707 GPS SIN: 19114029449 10916- 12030035 109251 2030235 10935-1 2030535 1(it# 102688 Condor SIN: 2121010517 GPS SIN: 19111030292 10916- 12030036 10925-12030236 10935-12030536 Kit 102689 Condor SIN: 2121010781 GPS SIN: 191111029451 10916- 12030037 1092542030237 1093542030537 K1111 102690 Condor SIN: 2121010099 GPS SIN: 191111030309 10916- 12030038 1092512030238 1093542030538 K1111 102691 Condor SIN: 2121010904 GPS SIN: 191171030313 10916- 12030039 1092512030239 109354 2030539 K1111 102692 Condor SIN: 2121010902 GPS SIN: 191111030033 10916- Kit# 102693 Condor SIN: 2121010097 GPS SIN 12030040 10925-12030240 10935-1 2030540 191111030035 10916- 12030041 10925-12030241 10935?1 2030541 Kit# 102694 Condor SIN: 2121010907 GPS SIN: 19111029428 10916- 12030042 10925-12030242 10935-12030542 Kit# 102695 Condor SIN: 2121010779 GPS SIN: 191141030029 10916- 12030043 10925-12030243 109354 2030543 Kit# 102696 Condor SIN: 2121010686 GPS SIN: 191121029439 10916- 12030044 10925-12030244 109354 2030544 Kit# 102697 Condor SIN: 2121010884 GPS SIN: 191111030285 10916? 12030045 10925312030245 10935-1 2030545 Kit# 102698 Condor SIN: 2121010768 GPS SIN: 191121030030 10916? 12030046 10925-12030246 10935-1 2030546 102699 Condor SIN: 2121010688 GPS SIN: 191171030300 10916? 12030047 10925?12030247 10935-12030547 Kit# 102700 Condor SIN: 2121010712 GPS SIN: 191111029437 10916 1203004 Kit# 102701 Condor SIN: 2121010744 GPS SIN: 19111030028 10916- 25-12030248 10935-12030548 2.1; Pallet4-32 xe - . 12030049 10925-12030249 10935-12030549 Kit 102702 Condor SIN: 2121010878 GPS SIN: 191111029448 10916 12030050 109254 2030250 10935-12030550 K014102703 Condor SIN: 2121010748 GPS SIN: 191111030315 10916? 12030051 10925-12030251 10935-12030551 K011102704 Condor SIN: 2122010004 GPS SIN: 191111030196 10916- 12030052 10925-12030252 10935-1 2030552 110111 102705 Condor SIN: 2122010012 GPS SIN: 191111030120 10916- 12030053 1092542030253 10935-12030553 K1111 102706 Condor SIN: 2121011229 GPS SIN: 191121030078 10916- 12030054 10925?12030254 10935-1 2030554 Kit# 102707 Condor SIN: 2122010011 GPS SIN: 19M030237 10916- Kit# 102708 Condor SIN: 2122010003 GPS SIN 12030055 10925-12030255 10935?12030555 19111030098 10916- Kit 102709 Condor SIN: 2122010017 GPS SIN 12030056 10925-12030256 10935-12030556 191111030224 10916 Kit 102710 Condor SIN: 2122010010 GPS SIN 12030057 10925?1 2030257 10935-12030557 19114030200 10916- K011102711 Condor SIN: 2121011225 GPS SIN 12030058 10925?1 2030258 10935-12030558 191111029420 10916- Kit 102712 Condor SIN: 2122010028 GPS SIN 12030059 10925?12030259 10935-12030559 191111030102 10916- K1111 102713 Condor SIN: 2122010027 SIN 12030060 10925-12030260 1093542030560 19111102791 9 10916? Kit#102714 Condor SIN: 2122010026 GPS SIN 12030061 10925-12030261 1093542030561 1910027909 10916- Kit# 102715 Condor SIN: 2122010024 GPS SIN 12030062 10925-12030262 10935-12030562 19111029397 10916- 111111102716 Condor SIN: 2122010025 GPS SIN 12030063 10925-12030263 10935-12030563 191111022730 10916- Kit 102717 Condor SIN: 2121010981 GPS SIN 12030064 10925-12030264 10935-12030564 19114027906 10916- . 15' CondorSIN:2121011227 (3P8 SIN 12030055 1092542030255 1093542030555 191111030212 10916? Kit 102719 Condor SIN: 2121010710 GPS SIN 12030066 10925-12030266 1093542030566 I 191121027915 10916? 102720 Condor SIN: 2121010733 GPS SIN 12030067 10925-1 2030267 -1 09351 2030567 10916? Condor SIN: 2122010022 GPS SIN 12030068 10925-12030268 1093512030568 19111030101 10916- 12030069 10925?1 2030269 10935-12030569 Kiti! 102722 Condor SIN: 2121010778 SIN: 19MO30225 10916? 12030070 10925?12030271 10935-12030570 Kit 102723 Condor SIN: 2121010763 GPS SIN: 19111030227 10916- 12030071 1092542030272 10935?12030571 Kit 102724 Condor SIN: 2121010734 GPS SIN: 19M027832 10916? 12030072 10925-1 2030273 10935412030572 Kit# 102725 Condor SIN: 2121010681 GPS SIN: 19M017354 10916- 12030073 10925?12030274 10935-1 2030573 Kit 1027126 Condor SIN: 2121010724 GPS SIN: 191111027895 10916? Three YearWarranty. Included- manufaoturing defects (service, parts, 73.00 software. and equipment). - 73,00 Extended Warranty (12 month) 1,050.00 76,650.00 QTY (1) Box (146) Ferrites SUBTOTAL 635,100.00 Make all checks payable to Vigilant Video Inc. Taxable Subtotai 553,450.00 A NK 0 FOR YOUR BUSINESS SALES TAX (Rate: 7.75%) 43,279.88 TOTAL 678,379.88