BankofAmerIca Menu": Customer Relniians Olfiw uHhc I: 0 AIM Picsidcni 30 1013 MI Luarsc i ueneddmc Mu). 20.20l3 oi \in-i 0.21m. (1i inn i l'roicuion Burwii. We ueIcomu lIIc oppominil} [0 imam. your concerns. In .nin cniiccrn uilli [he durmion ofin process and that the mail pcrind In i npccicii; resulting in accrued Iaic i'ees. delinquency. and ncgullvc credit reporting. cu HIM gh Wu: ciniein in the beginning urine Iriu] period. aniicr. )nu min mikquii ii I'cgunlinglalefcea. Ith me Equall) ynu are disputing [he terms ol'ilic modificmion agrecluem offered In i in in; and pi Incipzil As suclL inc mqnming [hill terms be recalcquch Io ohmln I- will in: mniesnng an upiniianon ns Io the pnncipni balance increased. Ullimutcl) mu ni-i mi in ciedil ing and pzmdueamloumbcuaiwd. min i ninnii of nii inn-mil lme pawn-ins Ncu, you are icqimiing niodnicniion Io be Implemented along ni 'In I'ninnicni (med rcqucsl: I :i ilh. )iiu mm the quulil) ul'cmlomer service and receixcd. Imisi Hm I Inni- in. inniul} caplilrcd Hi i Icuyids rcncu mm mungagx Inan accounl rm) mum I: IIprlurdalc and )(mr i: lieu due for .u c\\in 1 him: confinich Io. "orLoul assistance was iniliulsnl In Februar} 20H niin . i . in a ri-ini Period i>inn mm in lake era-several cmucrsaIions Ilh Conlunli: making innei) ma] payments unlil a pcrmancm niodincaiion wen Ml'crcd mudi Icalion Nmember 2m 2 an cl ecuw am hm Ii' 0H |10\\c\ci, II "as (Human! Ihzu (he dociimcnh mm: rammed l0 Ihu I lived Ind hm'c bean io inipicincni In term: in )our Iilongagc loan. In mm- mm cixuliu I on Juno :9 7013, you were Informed Bunk he i 5mm:v new nii in in- lmodi .iIiun (I. 7 lo IU busincs: digs. In order for inc permanent nmdificziliou [0 he II) nmewi. Iluy cunlml i nninin inn changes or (him: we receive me signch II'quiIImliun .ic will Ihen Illc iinniimiinn >ld_es OHIIC modification LN Ih'l mini wink 4' 1m Nunh 1min Emu, 0mm, 2:1 mm ava Mimi" Uwansc854 June 26. 2013 Mr. Julius O. Uwansc Page TWO Should you have any quesrions in the meantime, you may contact me directly at 1.877.471.4367, extension 366289. Monday through Friday from 8 5 pm. Eastern. Please understand that the process of modifying a loan is not a simple one. We must take the time necessary to carefully evaluate alternatives and to achieve the best possible result for the customer. Sometimes this means extending the trial payment period so your account can be thoroughly reviewed for all available assistance options. Please know that the purpose of a loan modi?cation is to help our homeowners bring their accounts current, not necessarily to lower their payments, or eliminate the debt. Depending on the delinquency of an account at the time of modi?cation, payments may increase. Additionally, the principal balance of a loan may increase as the delinquent principal, interest, fees, and escrow balances are added to the principal balance in order to bring the account current. When mortgage loan payments are made according to an agreed-upon workout arrangement, such as a modi?cation trial period plan, generally the amount of each payment is less than the originally scheduled mortgage installment amount. In such cases, payments received are held in a non-interest-bearing suspense account. also known as a partial balance account, until further payments are collected and there are enough funds in the account to pay an amount equal to the full originally scheduled installment amount to the mortgage loan ace own. If suf?cient funds are not received before the normally scheduled installment due date, the account is considered past due and, as a result, late charges may be assessed and you may receive collection-related communications. Because your account was approved for a Home Affordable Modi?cation Program (HAMP) loan modi?cation, Bank ol?America will waive any late fees, penalties, stop-payment fees, and other similar fees assessed to your account upon implementation of a permanent modi?cation. In addition, HAMP guidelines require that we analyze each loan using a speci?c series of steps required to arrive at an affordable payment. In your case, that process included reallocating a portion of the principal of your loan as ?principal forbearance.? The principal forbearance amount does not bear interest and is non-amortizing. The HA MP program guidelines require that this principal forbearance amount be treated as a balloon payment. The amount of the balloon payment is nor due and payable until: you sell or transfer your property; (ii) the date you pay off the interest-bearing principal balance of your mortgage loan; or the ?nal maturity date of your mortgage loan, whichever occurs ?rst. How credit is treated during the loan modi?cation process varies depending on if a borrower is current or delinquent on their loan. Either way. the Fair Credit Reporting Act requires Bank of America to report all credit accurately to credit reporting agencies when a customer is in review for a loan modi?cation. Homeowners who are current on their mortgage when they enter into the trial modi?cation period arevnot reported as late, and will i be reported as paying underaa partial or modi?ed payment?agreement. If, after emerging from the trial period, the customer is approved fora permanent loan modi?cation, our servicing system will be updated to show the account as current, but modi?ed, on the credit reporthherefore, we must respectfully decline your request that Bank of America remove the negative reporting fromyour credit ?lgl WW Glit'l?h'lctl l?Jpc'l? Uwansc852 June 26. 2013 Mr. Julius O. Uwansc Page Three Account infomtation in your credit file cannot be revised or changed by the credit agencies unless it can be demonstrated that the information is inaccurate or there was an error in reporting. You have the option of contacting the following credit agencies to request to add a statement of explanation to your credit ?le: Equifax 1.866.640.2273 Experian 1.888.397.3742 Innovis l.800.540.2505 TransUnion 1.800.888.4213 iderstand that the level of customer service and communications you received did not meet your expectations. At Bank of America, we strive to provide our customers with quality service. We believe our customers deserve the utmost courtesy and respect during all interactions. Valuable input, such as you provided, is vital to our ability to monitor the service we provide. If you have any further questions, please contact me at the aforementioned telephone number. We are committed to working with you to resolve your concerns and we appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve your home loan needs. Sit?eerely. .. (we/R Cori Harden On behalf of Porter Customer Relationship Manager Of?ce of the CEO and President if ar?ter reviewing your request. we determine that you have made inquiries about the servicing of your account which requires us to treat your correspondence as a "quali?ed written request? under Section 6(6) of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), we will provide you with a ?nal response to your inquiry within 60 business days (excluding legal public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays) of the date ot?onr receipt of your correspondence. in accordance with RESPA, this letter will be deemed to satisfy our obligation to provide written acknowledgement ofyour correspondence. Bat ol? America, NA. is required by law to inform you that this communication is from a debt collector. If you are currently in a ban kruptc) proceeding. or have previously obtained a discharge of this debt under applicable bankruptcy law, this notice is for information only and is not an attempt to collect the debt, a demand for payment, or an attempt to impose personal liability for that debt. You are not ohl?gated to discuss your home loan with us or enter into a loan modi?cation or other loan-assistance program. You should consult with your bankruptcy attorney or other advisor about your legal rights and options. Mortgages funded and administered by an 6-3 Equal Housing Lender. {3 Protect )0ur personal infonnation before recycling this document. Gilt-ruled l?npt-r Uwansc853