A review of FMV from a RECOil feed re'w'ealed unKnown individuals moving into a target area during a striKe on PIO ISIL fighters under SROE 001. Allegation I sv 9/28/2014 12:00:00 AM AII.~ cation 2. Syrian Obs~tVatory Human Rif!hts reported that civilians were killed and wounded during US strilc:es conducted into S\'ria . 4/1/2015: The SNHR alleges t hat an internatio n ~1 warplane ttJrReting ANF weapons storage warehouses, caused the collapse of a residence nearby, killine 13. 10/6/2014 8:00:00 AM Sources I 09/14/14: TF conducted Inquiry. inqLl iry determine that cllIilia ns were requred. prf'sent at the site . Open source images prese nted as casualtie.s from the strikes actuallv came from previous GoS strikes. 10/5/7.014 No furthp-f inquiry rcqurcd . AlleGation 3 described US airstri!ce in the viHaee of Hit On reviewing WSV from 111.1 1' " Alleeation 4 AUS FI8F) following a strike on an Isrl checkpoint to tne West of requred due to a review of Ramadl r ,,' 6BU 12 lams delav) it was apparent that a truck entered the target ~rea between weapon relea,e lUll'" and impact. covering the strike. FMV. 1.,1.0 , 10 TO ._-­ 1. •• - 1O!15/2014 12,00,00 AM AlieBation S Sources I 10/15/2014 Sy 'I'""'''''I 1-_' .... • sources reported that 10/17/14: TF conducted an killed during a dvnamic stirke initial crcd i bilit~' determination on both IVO Kobanl, and that two alle gations. an 87 year old woman was main hospitals 10/17/20 were destroyed by us bombing. Sources 12:00:00 AM 110/17/2014 IEVfV lei Zoir{DeZI SVlseven civilians were killed Ireported Iconducted a delibe-ratc strike I Idetf'rlnine CIVCAS. CFACe Allegation 6 Collection Point. DOS provided a the SNHR 3 civilians were killed durinll the stirke. personnel present in the target area. Allegation 7 I Iconducted on se.-eral and (03-0 that no operationCiI reports wer~ Irequred. r~ceivcd about alleged ClVCAS from this strik.e. 10/25/14. JOe JA spoke to fb~'I' I. She t:Onfirmed that TF had rec.eived no r~port.5 of Olleged CIVCAS C1rising from this strike . Note: TF has previously self-reported one potential CIVeAS incid~nt. and conducted credibility determinations on two allegations. Allegation 8 I Ireport that coalition forces I 10/29/2014, Reviewed the INO further dynamic strikes for Syria Dn inquir.,.. 28 OCT. The onl,' strike that requred corresponded w ith the report was a strike on CI tank about 70 krn N of Raqaa . Review of the aircrew's video tj . showed that t rike, conducted wit ~ GM struck the target. No civilIans were present on the video either pre- or post -strike. An inilial review of a strike during the Initial dclibcrdle strik.es in SVria prior to 29 September on the area IVO grain silos in Idlib had been conducted, determined not to have been ClVCAS. received social report that civilians Irlled or lniured during am: on a named Syria Photos are cloned dead dilidren alleged to tut-I tilled in the suite TF nominated term. can: carried the strike Cut: the initial In NOV 14]. 25 14. leaehred two through nos with man and and 1 report on :4 NOV widens end mini: of 25 M. Rescued err-nil from CENTCOM LNG rear-ruining email im a member the N60 GUM and some Wen! allegation 9 and lo. initially cm was hmi?cim to umdude the alleged CIVCAS are audible. was unebie to assess civilians were to with the targeted KG After ailth was received, was naked with an additional assessment on the new urn/nu this elegance that ehlld durlru the as potentially ?(512014 matted that three Information assessed ?mm-WI workers had tothestril'e allegation ttuthvoNGD Allegeuon 10 wounded dorm a above. workers were intent! in Harri-lees: Syria. M) GAO: potentially credible. I credibility 1 1112/3?. 14. Received an email CENICOM USAID email statements a member at the H60 and some associated In 11. Source 11/5/2014 source video indicated Review could No further Allegation 11 three civ?ians were determine that the video in a deliberate strike on from the strike in Del. oil collection point in Del. three was a US on the oil collection the target was validated the JTCB. Targeting mitigated-ii was a night on a speci?c target NCV was assessed as with mitigated weapons WSV cleared target. was no way to determme authenticity of allegation. Allegation 12. cative females were IclUed in a strike on a named 081 Mosul. Iva 17 12/10/2014 IOpen Source 12o()(UXlAM Allceat ion 13 C'cd 13 12/13/201 4 4,06,00 PM Source I 12/13/2014 11 Allegation 14 14 12/16/2014 IHO,OOAM AlieCittlon 15 12/16/2014 11 BOA on _strike on nilmed objective (Nebu l:a) 12/1 6/2014 TF assessed the allegation not to be credible based on a rev'iew of all source inleL Review of FMV showed that the 4 individuals in question eventually fled the! s.c~nc of the strike., _,11 1) 1­ indicated thait he only persons killed or injured 15 were those in the targeted vehicle. No reflections of ClVCAS received throuch li t ~ and media report s However, TF is still conducting an investigation into deciSions made relate d to the strike. ~.J/iI\, l\'i'It ~".... AiiOiIOj 12121/2014 12/21/2014 nOO;OOAM At 00202 22 DEC 14,1 , "Tf1 " 11l,22,2014; CAOC Airfield, IF -16 US) conducted re ­ 12/24/2014 Com pleted bV Iln'olf"stiRation ongoing (AF review lAW policy _ attack uSi ~ G8U-54 on an ISIL fighter fleeing from the Allegation 16 CAOC . Forwa rded on 2 MAR 15. orr !)rov\ded potlO! to of an AR 15· 6); Strik.e 1422 checkpoint LTG To..." Need engagement. This fe-attack 16 "'''mCADC. resulted in Ix building damaged. 1x EK1A, and 2x nearby pax possiblV injured . 11/26/2014 12/25/2014 D8S5Z 12( 27/2014 CAOC reported that on Allegation 17 085SZ 26 DEC 14, whilf! conducting dynamic coalition dirslriices on ISIL fichters and technica l vehkles~ ... .)1 1)1 4, 17 (NLD F· l6AMj may have unintentionally struck: two unidentified persons on motorcycles who entered the tctrget area duri ng the strii.::es. 12/26f]014 12/26/2014 IUNclASS 1"1. 1 n;OO ;OOAM 18 unknown 12/30/2014. No further AIle-cation 18 inquiry required . 11/1.7/ 2014 12/21/2014 IS//RCL- FVPI Allegation 19 a result of a deliberate strii.::e by conducted by the ustrlians on a suspected weapons factory 'In Fallujah. and CAO( recommends cholt there is insufficient 19 information to warrant further inquiry. Australia used the materials resultinl from the initial credibility directed in the a similar prisoner~ ott a pri50nlociillion in AI Bab City that it k:new would be targeted by the coalition. 20 SFG w e re operating a.s range safeties while an Iraqi Special Ta ctics Unit (STU) wa s conducting a .50 cal range . On 2: JAN, the unit received 21 I reports that 2 civilians living in the vicinitv of the ran!!e received minor injuries . The US members were not firing at the rang~. 5: J2 targets Not credible. ndueted it review of recent Nafurt strikes in and around At inqUIry Hassatah. '2 engagements required . found. 11894, 11-M JANIS, ISll I.. . Personnel targeted 66k.m NE 22 I [ntnP'''' AI Hasalcah. NatlVO citv or structu res; t;nget was in open terrain . "1918, , 101111' III JAN1S, Covered Revetment, 25km SE AI Hasalcah . Occurred after reported time. inquiry required. 23 (@lva;,d_ a\sc nJary) 24 in Ninawa Pro___ inceon 21 linqU iry 22JAN IS. 6 strilces inllolved required. buildings. Initial aSsess.ment is that only 2: stnlces possiblt! for this allcgation (one was cngaged by UAV, both had UAV coverage) : - 1.980.22 !IAN 15; -1990 2J. r ~ AN 15. I".• II' " 25 4/150319 Allcgation 26 Web Op.s . ISll media office inMMul, N;"nawa Media . 26 and time of allegation. .m., specific I .". . CENTCOM responsible for conducting iii determination of credibility of the accusations and a first impressions report . It should be noted t haI (JOC legad opinion is that, under th~ for the CAF to Aw.,iting Not credIble . After assessing the information on the four ta{l~et$ ".... I CAOC agrees that IS it not iI credible allegation . Against ill (LAOe assesses n01 .r; . . enough information to confirm credibility. 28 Awaiting Not credible . Closest strike Ghunah oilfield. ReVIew of WSV conducted and did not show .,ny people in the WSV throughout the strike. W3S 29 i,l ·1 Allegation 30 llree:ts f Tishrin In AI Hasakah Governorate, killing several I '~}"" Itt')1 J. CAoe ilsrees that is it not a credible allc':J tion . A8aiflS1 '~., poe assesses not employees and work.ers. enough information to 30 confirm credibility. 2/3/2015 Allega tion 31. CAOC 2/3/2015 CENTCOM CHOPS report via Ops Not credible. INT reflections that individuals struck were posslhle child entering a targeted bu nker and then disappei:uing out of the field of view (FOV) appro'ltimate!" 19 m inut e5 before Strike. fightc rs. 31 At (. :lit , 03 FEB 15. CJTF·OIR conducted II dynamic strilce on the target ed bunlcerbv Race 43 11' III t (M ~ 2000 FRAJ using 9U-49 reSUlting in 5x EKIA. 2/4/2015 Allegation 32 OSINT unknown IU II~uo Raqaa, SV Twiner usp.~ I" ~ f I I:-::--} that No further inquiry required . t he killing of Jordan ian pilot Mu' ttdh al-KasClslbah. The allegation was accompanied by an attached photo showinR; th~ alicHed lIictims wrapped in white doth. Jordanian alrstrikc Raqaa,SV . 33 Not credible. entire famity in an airstrilce on Ar RaQqah " in response to 32 Unknown coalition aircraft killed an tWI!t:tcd Iva Allegation 34 struck a Mosque in Had itha, AI Anbar Province during inqu iry required. afternoon hours on 18 February 201S causing 15 civilian casualties. 34 Open Sources I 2/24/2015 IUI/fOUG- IZ AlleEation 35 Open source media reports, Not credIble. iflc!udinC No further Inquiry I Co.,lition <)ircraft '-I alleged required. struck seven houses in the villages of Abu Sauda tlnd Abu Jasim located east of AI­ Karmah, AI Anbar Province, IRQ. on 24 FEB 15 cClusine 20 civilian casuallic.s and 30 35 more civilian injuries . Upon initial review of Coalition airs trikes since 15 FEB 2015, only two strikes have been conducted ,,,0 the AI­ Karmah area . Qa im, IZ 12:0000 AM Allegation 36 Open 50ruce media report that the hospital source in alQaim, a town on the Euphrates River, ho!.pila l said nine ,i..,iUans were killed and 29 militants were wounded in the strike bV the U.S.-led 0' 36 [he coalition. Some wounded were taken across the border to Syria for treatmenl . inquiry required. AlIel3tion 17 3-' strike rSR imagery shO'oVed t hat an unintentional potential ClVCAS mav have occurred. Unidentified and unex.pected personnel were seen Iva of the detonations. CAOC is ilsses-.lng. 38 3/29/2015 ICAOC UoOO