P2JW338010-4-A01600-1--------XA CMYK Composite 12/04/2010 CX,EE,FL,MW,NE,NY,PN,RM,SA,SC,SW,TU,WB,WE BG,BM,BP,CH,CK,CP,CT,DA,DE,DN,DR,DS,FW,HL,HW,KS,LA,LD,LG,LK,MI,NA,NM,OR,PA,PI,RI,RO,SB,SH,TD,TS,UT,WO A16 Saturday/Sunday, December 4 - 5, 2010 **** This model integrates well within the programmatic design of the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) that was originally intended to develop sufficient quantities of CERs from developing nations to offset greenhouse gas emissions from “developed” countries. “ECCO2 technologies offer fuel efficiency solutions that are universal. Buildings with a fossil fueled boiler or generator, and motor vehicles of any kind all will benefit from our product in terms of fuel consumption and associated reductions in carbon emissions. We are confident ECCO2 technology will enable the fight against global warming to progress at levels not seen since the beginning of the Kyoto Protocol. Our first hand experience working in the Americas and Africa managing the diverse challenges in bringing carbon offset projects to both the voluntary and regulatory markets will prove to be our greatest asset. EVP - Dan Kuipers “Fuel efficiency combustion improvements have long been regarded as one of the greatest opportunities for reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions. ECCO2’s tested technologies offer solutions in many diverse applications ranging from stationary combustion to ground based fleet transportation. ECCO2 will leverage its extensive network of global partners and greenhouse gas professionals to produce verified emission reductions from many projects throughout the world. The development of an inclusive methodology consistent with the strict guidelines set forth by the UNFCCC Executive Board is the critical component that makes the implementation of ECCO2 technologies feasible. President - Cary Lee Peterson Moving forward DBS-ECCO2 is in the process of going public by reverse merger and will pursue expansion into global markets, implementing the same business strategy that has been used with US government agencies and other private businesses over the past decade that ECCO2 technology has been available. – Cary Lee Peterson VP - Kyle Denning “To expand globally, ECCO2 will We believe that the environmental utilize existing carbon-financing mechanisms to bring its advanced condition of our common world will be determined within this next technology and products to the global marketplace. generation. The use of ECCO2 technologies to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions is a necessity to demonstrate how common sense approaches can result in solutions to the difficult challenges that face our world.” – Dan Kuipers THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. At the 2010 UNFCCC COP 16 Conference, the ECCO2 team will showcase a solution that can be implemented worldwide.” – Kyle Denning Partnerships with developing countries and NGOs allows for the creation and sale of compliance based carbon offsets (CERs) that provides the financing necessary to implement ECCO2 projects worldwide. Page by Andre Botelho, Nathan Monks, Brent Demarco For more information please visit www.ecco2usa.com P2JW338010-4-A01600-1--------XA Composite MAGENTA BLACK CYAN YELLOW