"Notes from meeting held on 14l11i06' worn added no: in original notes Attendees Gill McTeagus $9 7' -- Tony Evans -- QP 1 Steve Grainger Sean Walters Tracy Bell A . :3 Minuteiaklng' Jo Siamese Purpose 2c: reach a DDS on where we can identify 3 lead and cr OCU lead fc:r business gmup, Purpose (Main a risk assessment from Simon and la assist wifh a way forward. No capability around investigation for 8014' -- History: intelligence given re Pc Pages" financesr' $014 heavily into dent sick at ine moment in r16?)th ?3 million. Group of Asians have lent "50,000. This group have edopted legal methods amt new intelligence suggesis that P: Page will be kidnapped by suspect. Histon'c information by a numberof people, has been talking abnm ll for some 'llme -- waiting for pauerworkl Not Osman at net imminent and brlei SG Steve Gralnger (Mon). DPS consulted -- Knew about it but no victim of crime Lil;er that P: Page also knows. 1) Has hit man got ability-- (yes -- high risk) -- 2) Lixelihood orange Medium r: If C) ide that can intewiew P: Page given MGM -- warn him, TONY phone Cali 86 Steve Gralnger ELAN - Financial Investigaiion Uni! Jan 2005 -- mie ligence avaiiabie Pc Page gambling problem spending money on iniernei. inieiligencs to suggest criminal, Between Jan and C6 min .gence suggesls PC Page dealing in propeny invesimems and 6 identified individuals. Pc $2199 and Others ln CMC Spreadbet-- high risx -- high value, Link between lr'vestmenls betting and spreadbet. Belween Jan 06 and nuw -- paekage now ready i0 mn. ?125,6er to PC Page for property investments but has had nothing back person wishes to go down civil action. 3% 61 different actions and subjects afinierest -- cauid be ~ilm> PC Page and wife involved at heart. Sirate is inve igaiel people in fii'd victim With View (0 arms: . New Yaar, ?962,000 dam in civil court range from ?450 - ?291,000 -- mesa are lodged. 3 charges on properly 1) mortgage 2) laan 3> CMC spreadsheat No credit rating. Company has had ?1.51 mililcy: going thrcugh it in 8 yeah 20 peaple paid in 15 pad ow. Need to gel MG1 forms from Mona)! transfers 2 3014 victims, --W?25k and ?35k 2"d perscm ?15k Wu: 2 MOO farmer MP3 6 pioy'aes, N: Victims as yai -- ail civil and arre Med and subject to misconduct, if we do that ii is unl'kely that he wcuid face discip JM believe should be JW lim Wingrave Whatwas clone In Jan 2005 Tak'ng legal advme re MP8 position .-- Vamng issueS "re they DV SC Are they being iefi vulriemble' I TE Tony Evans Aim is to get mis officer out, - After meeting in Jan Oi": -- and before Jan 06 2 $014 offir. someway 1) Safety 9f film \houid we be living somethan repula iabaut ioaKing after him i? medium risk $014 Commandar can and see him and say we careful Arid Sordugh Commanderde in Essex - regular pah'oL CAD 3W Sean Walters daesw'z mink Essex will Su'ppCi'i him, We have a C)us of care in him 4M Jill need bac'umund on Individual -- What gain by telling parser: 7 -- can I presume ha knows lhal file is in danger. Err on Side of caution - and speak to him to alert rs inv DF 'lolON 1 let him kr' MGH crazied saying that if eel/"a not to asked, 4 Should cwsider re>>housing him consider his capabilily Consider rs 3 -- Consider re weifam 10 regain some gwund fl'cm Jan 2065 -- agreed 9f wardsl '5 been warnsd anyihmg lhae is. their 0' 1 him was to be ?ham! NOT witness pratesiion - shoum ask. if can be remaused. .JHLL MCTEGUE inform 810?s that poteniiai. Pugsugmg ?nanciai awed. W551 mead a dedicated weifare of?cer, Should we tail him that it is being DPS-investigation. 86% Steve Graimger" suggest-3t strategy of arrest puts him an bail we can put him Gr: we?fame TE - Tony {EA/arrM if gets caiied En - DPS can serve invest?gation Q?g 8% EU SIOWWanfare (Trasy. 88H) Gasman and weifare and Essex 5014 Kidnap ACTIGNS 1, Find him DPS trace and imam Reg 9 Wise {3538 - prepare. Research targeai (kidnapper) - JELL 83mm prepare a farm (3f wards far OSMAN. Sean and TraCy -- (Weifam Osman) if fendeer resignation Wm accept. Wham found PC Pages-2 than spaak t0 two 8034 amwrs. DPAE presasirseg - cwert mp not at this wage. Meeting Fri?ay am.