MM: Yos good afternoon, is Margaret Melanson calling, the CEO of Horizon. Disp: Hi Margaret, how's t going? MIM: Fm great thank you. Listen Fue got problem and fm hoping you can help. fv got a atiot that needs got to JER ore NRE on 1 nod he patot to goto NNN Dis S01 was, uh, so made a couple alls Higher up, they're currently talking about right now, | can talk to J not sure what he's abl to do wiv wasn't ale to do anything and that's why 'm calling you. Wht | need i ut somebody to take the patient to JESSEN oi tho far tht thoy have to take Jomo, thy'l have to figure out getting [lllnome, but [lias to go down to NNN to got assessed. Disp Are you goo fora conference calf hink Fm going to confarance you ith my superior because our policy I if they call 911 we transport them tothe closest hospitL. MM Yosh and you se, hiss the problem, This i politcal issue JI tl you vo got the Pramir caling me, ve gota gt thio Oisp- Okay just hold on a secon Pm just going to put you in with my superior JN -- Hi Margaret, fv sso go J on th ine. wim Hill, listen um Fv got a patient I need the ambulance to take| Jand | know that's not your Protocolo go straight ther but thi is polticl suo, and nod for [lt bo assessod in INN J Otay, is thor. carfllima t there on [flown MIM: No, tho thing is tht talked to this sa politcal issu | realize It's outside your protocol but can you just got BER to} Jand I'l toll I that Jllis going to have to figure out gating Mlhome, okay? Jl so = someone going to accept Jn [NERD 1 thoro offoad delays in NNER There's more Teporcussons than whatever happanad, 0s someone going to accept Jn NENRY i MM: Well the thing is | haven't called SEEN 1 ct INR ext. But tho thing is is that yeah Vl ave to cal IEEE for somebody to accopt BE Do you want ma to got JER cll you back? J 11 hove to koa few phon cals argart, whats your phon numba? | Mv: My phone number JENN | ox MM: moan the things dosn't have to b assessed by a neurosurgeon n SEN Mca just bo assossdby the ER Doc n BEER I's ust that’ political ssue, the NEP, the Pramior's upst, | nood BBto go down to bo seen there. [Okey wre going to make few phon cals and call you back. MM- Thanks a mil.