THIS IS PHIHT THE THE REGISTER DETAIHED PEDH EH LIED REGISTEE THE ENTRIES EDBEISTIHG IH THE REGISTER 11 HAY EDIE AT BUT PLELEE THIS REEIETER UIEH IE IR A EGUHT TEE EIHE Hi! I5 RH DFFIEIAL HITHIH THE HEAHIHG E.ET Lh?? ECT IODI. UHLIHE EH DEFICIRL DEPT. IT HAT NET EHTITLE I PERSDH TU HE IHEEHMIFIED 3! THE HEEISTRIR 1? EE DR SHE LDEB Bf A HITEIH THE ENTRIES DU TREE IEEDUHT PENDING 1H TEE REGISTRH. FDR SEARCH THE issue DATE SHOULD BE USED HE THE 5513:! PRDH DATE. THIS TITLE 15 DEALT HITH ET L??n REGISTRY, HILES EFFICE. TITLE HUNBEH: EGL519315 There is no application or eEficial search pending against this title. A: Property Register This register describes the land and estate comprised in the title. Except as mentioned below, the title includes any legal easements granted by the registered lease but is subject to any rights that it reservesr so far as these easements and rights exist and benefit or affect the registered land. HAHLETS 1 The Leasehcld lend shewn edged with red on the plan of the above title filed at the Registry and being Flat 5, 3 Limeharbour, London [?14 9L5). only the ground floor flat is included in the title. 1 {15.11.2??7: Short particulars of the leasezs} [or under-leaseisg: under which the land is held: Date 13 September inc? Term 125 years from 11 June Parties {ll Toynbee Partnership Housing Association Limited {11 Roman Haeirov HDTE l: The Lease contains a right of pre-emption. 2: The Tenant is under an obligation to surrender the lease in the circumstances therein mentioned. 3 There are excepted from the effect of registration all estates. rights. interests. powers and remedies arising upon. or by reason Di, any dealing made in breach Of the prohibition or restriction against dealings therewith inter yivns contained in the Lease. 4 [15.11.2001] The title includes any legal easements referred to in clause LR11.1 of the registered lease but is subject to any rights that are granted or reserved by the lease and affect the registered land. 5 The registrar has not seen any consent to the grant of this sub?lease that the superior lease, out of which it was granted, may have required. 6 {15.11.2??1: The landlord's title is registered. E: Proprietorship Register This register specifies the class of title and identifies the owner. It contains any entries that affect the right of disposal. Title absolute 1 {15.11.2097l Di Flat 5. 3 Limcharbour. London 51? 9L5. Quad Title number EGLSEQBTS E: Proprietorship Register centinued 2 The price. ether than rents, stated te have been paid en the grant of the lease was ?95,250. 3 {15.11.200?i RESTRICTION: He dispesitien ef the registered estate {ether than a charge} by the preprieter ef the registered estate er by the preprieter of any registered charge is tc be registered witheut a certificate signed by the preprieter fer the time being cf the estate registered under title number EGL523113 er signed en such preprieter's behalt by its secretary er cenyeyancer that the precisiens ef Clauses and 3:13} cf the registered lease have been cemplied with. C: Charges Register This register centains any charges and ether matters that affect the land. 1 a Transfer ef land and water at West India Deck and Hillwall Decks dated 1a estate: 199? made between Lendcn Dechlande Develepment Cerperatien 1Trans?ereri and British Waterways Beard {Transfereep centains cayenants by the Transferer details ef which are set cut in the schedule at restrictive ceyenants herete. 2 (15.11.2001: The land is subject re the rights reserved by a lease dated 11 June er Flats and (inclusive: 3 Limeharbeur and Flats 12?21 {inclusive} IE Reffey Street fer a term eE 250 years frem 1 January iea7. MUTE: Copy filed under Schedule ef restrictive cevenants 1 {15.11.2??7l The fellewing are details ef the ccyenants centained in the Transfer dated 10 ecteber 1997 referred te in the Charges Register:- "The Transferer cevenants with the Transferee fer the benefit cf the Preperty and each and every part at it as set cut in Schedule 3 {presided always that the Transferer shall net be liable fer any breach er nen-ehseryance e1 such ceyenants by any lessee c! any part of parts at the Retained Land under any lease granted an er befere the date cf this Transfer and?er fer any breach at its succeesers in title er assigns ef any parts at the Retained Land: presided further always that the Transferee shall release Lenden Dechlands Deyelepment Cerberatien frem such cayenants en a transfer cf the Retained Land [er any part thereef} where substantially similar ceyenants are obtained from the fer the benefit ef the Freperty and the Transferee shall if se required by Lenden necklands Cerperatien and at their seat enter inte a Deed of Release in a term te be prepared by er en behalf cf London Decklands ?euelepment Cerperaticn SCHEDULE 3 Transferer's Ceyenants 1. Net to materially lessen the support afferded by the Retained Land {er any part: of the Preperty by any piling cr ether werks which may be carried cut span the Retained Land 1. Net tc cause any damage te the Freperty 3. He: tc discharge er permit er nutter te be discharged inte the Decks any eil grease er ether deleterieus matter er pellutant er any substance which may be er beceme a seurce ei pellutien er danger te the Decks the Deck Walls or water in the Decks." Title number EGLSEQJTS Schedule ef restrictive eevenante eentinued Lend! referred meluded the lane Liile and ether land. End of register