COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, ss DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT LOWELL DIVISION NOS: 1 1 ICR005164, 6623 COMMONWEALTH v. CHRISTOPHER S. BERRY MOTION, MEMORANDUM AND AFFIDAVIT FOR PRE-TRIAL DIVERSION The Defendant moves, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 276A that this Honorable Court divert him to a pie?trial diversion program. As reasons therefore, Defendant, as set forth below, meets the statutory requirements under s. 2 for diversion. Moreover, the Defendant ?has been faithfully participating in treatment .. .at the Lowell Vet Center since November of last year. He has identi?ed suitable treatment goals, appropriately related to the legal problems he recently had. He has worked on those goals with good effort and solid results. Prior to his deployment to Afghanistan, Mr. Berry did not demonstrate the kind of decision making and behavior which led to his involvement with the courts. In my professional gpinignilijs com bat experiences signi?cantly affected Mr. Berry and contributed to his roblematic behavior. (See letter from Dr. Paul R. Rivest, Clinical dated 2/29/12, attached.) (Emphasis added.) In support of this motion, the Defendant states as follows: This Honorable Court may exercise ?nal jurisdiction over this matter. The Defendant is 21 years of age, his birthday being May 14, 1990. In addition, he has not been convicted of a violation of any law of the Commonwealth or any other state of the United States in any criminal court proceeding, nor does he have any outstanding warrants, continuances, appeals or criminal cases pending before any other courts of the Commonwealth or of any other state or of the United States. He is a member of the 65m Public Affairs Unit in the Army National Guard and was deployed to Forward Operating Base Hughie, Jalalabad, Afghanistan from 5/2/10 to 3/28/1 I as part of the 1015? Airborne. Ten days before the end of his tour, he and his unit were blown up by a suicide bomber while returning from a mission. As a result of his military service, he was awarded, among others, an Afghanistan Campaign Medal with {?gmpaign Star; 331 Amy Ash?emmsm Ma?a}? Maximal B?fmge ?ewi?e Mg?ai, Glg?aai WM E?a?g?gm Sawics Mada}? Afmff S?fViC?t Ribban} Gversaas gawiw Ribb??g Ma?a? an? Cembat Badga {3?33 3% Fair}: mac-31m.) In addi?ig? Saving 71:: {ha Na?g?al Guards ha is z: fuiiwiim? ?rg?~year Stu?mi 33; Rash Wilm?agmai E23 5: i?i?i?didaf? ?23? Agg?a?aiag Mui??w Ma?a! Upm: F133 gra?m?aa if: {Saga ysargg hi7: ii} swim}: a faurmyeaf BS ??grg? pmgram M: has: ?ng famiiy g?ppafi. Aiihgagh ha hag :13 imfelvsm?m Wiih his fail/1:333 @119 is} an aimhai?i: am Sugars bipgiag he hag liyg? with big Mighg?s if: Ng?h ?i?a?ca? magi 9f his 3:16; mme? has}: $31 ?with bar g??r hi 1mg discharga? frag: {ha ?fmy, if: Ei?g mgihar gfg??i??ik?fg E?im i? ?g?gm E3V3 him 3:9 mam ?23: sag}: agsg?gga?gag Ea/is? 32$? a?em? {wag Egg?3,11% {3f haai?g Mr. "Barry is a har?w?rkimg indiyiduaig Wm mt? his rage?1?22? wages xviih ?le 132% wark?id fuliw?me as a magma? gays at Auig Ea B??erigag While salami arid $6319ng in the N?a?gngl Guard. ?oaaihaiessy he has; bear: searah?ag fa: am is ratumiag f3? 21 f0? 3 Saks pas?t?g? a: ?ears is Bariingim? Smirazy K3 33132 gma?raie? by hi3 mar: {331565} ?afemiggt ?3 a im?ividuai. H5 has airway mqu is} miumesr aaimai shsii?r in stgi?, has sigmd 'up as a, Wigwam {01* ?36 upwming ME Wail: if} 3931:3171. Mi: Barr}: gamma? gxpla?n his bizarre b?havisr in $13 parking Ea: {2f the Eiliariga {335: Aagugt 235 20%} am? Vii}! Sigmu?i Agra {lama a?t 2&0 393mg: Rw?? 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