wax Hm .fw WE Wm mm 9% mm?. 03.3w ?3 . . . $.33 w? ?Hgwa m? . ?2.33} {53; 3 >03 3 m. gm. WWme mm mme wk wmwm. Mm? Wm mm ?gmme mm WE mm x??mm mam M?m?mmw MEN mummy gum .Mwmm Wm m? wwme gm. m??mww wwmw?wwmm @me mg mama.? gm Mm?mw?m mw? Emma mam m?wa?w?m mwm??ww?m?mww ?g ww?mwm Wm mmw?mm mm ?me gm Wmme 3&3me . 4w mama mg mg mm? gm W,me mam mam mam. mmw?w gm mm, @me wmw?m 3mg wwme magma mm Mm ?mwmw mg??mwgf .. w. Mm ., 5 . a. ji??iw?m i QGYUNG 51?1ng $350?? 93%: 2 Page 1 of 2 ?23m, Pam?s: itammigs?aner SUMMARY USE j; :4 535 cpmmam Rt: 1 gamma-12:45 ?2.15; :S??fsdp??gm??s . 3 A {9 77'7". ?3 3:812; 13 3,0335:er I @515 rsasa- 1 mm; 1"?1?3592 3 40m: id?i? - 11943 @6be camom %msgacxausmamt?tam JOHR F, QNE Pm 2 QETECRVE may; F. ONE PM 3031mm mama? -- 1 12?) PAH LEXUSQOGQ MGM TO $55 WWOWTR 2 MA L20 PAN MOWES, MRRAEVE MRRAWVE FOR QREGINAL 33i1?f2812 63:32 AM: Abaut {36:55 an Saturda mazz Wears Caf?asa (H41 5A) Ceiby meley (8mm) Masi?nnan {a a ra?i?a gaff as? a at the @35ng Egg 895 Celambia Rd, 01'; arrival the Basiaa Fire De amneni and 8:338:21?; EMS A125 {83:29:33 8; $5 baiangeiax) GZN (away) were as: mane. Mews absaw Bastian MS rams?? infant ?gm??xe rear passa?ge; side 8833: 91? a master whisk; ma: was pame? inside the: gaming The Want was; ?mughi amide ma mb?ianw aria: Suhwquea?y immga?ed is {ha Eastern me?iaa; Center, #339 resgmding it: the: seam was $132 V832 {33$ Safiaha?} V3312: (L: {Eise?ey} ?Sgi mg} ?gg? {Sgt 333%} a; @313 a& ?ag a?mg mam @39ng mi: {Grif?n} 3: Vim {Gii?x ?gg Ea?ig?g {32:82 35%: ?wm?i 31% mg ?i?g 3 7_ ea?y m?r?i? Mam sf ?afc? ., 2 am g??sangwi is; a?vaf at the Basim sma- f? 32$ 3; $33 ms?wig fam?g m?mi?gm imim?rgg ?miagiga? mgi?ggf gag faigg? as Wei: as ads??isgai Ema; mam?em {3:3 gamma as: gag: ?ha mg? 33mg? m: ?gs; mg?g? $3 isggagra?a? is a?ga ?aga? fags am? gimmgiggma m: ?w ?gi?g?gg a $13? ?g K3123 ?hea Sa??sga Q?gmai?ad 353?; GBEEWEEQ $333 Page 2 of 2 NARRATIVE FOR SUPPLEMENT NUMBER 2 0811612012 06:25 PM: Pursuant to the ongoin inves ation into the death of_, which occurred during the evenin hours of March 9th, 012 and mid the ea morning hours of March 10th, 2012, that at 5:15 PM on March 12m, 201 . Sergeant Detective Richard Daley and the undersigned writer, assisted by Boston Of?cers Taurus Jefferson and Usope Ctviius (Boston Police Cnme Scene Res onse Unit). executed an Lin-numbered Doer Court search warrant upon a btack catered 2000 Lexus RX SUV a Mass reg. of ZF [20, described above in deta?, which was {secured inside of the evidence bay at Boston Poi 0e Head uaiters. During the sub uent search, numerous artlcies 0f evidenttagaveiue were phetegmphed an?daeetzed. rier to commencing sea . the writer utilized the vehicie?s sin ie keg and rted the engine." Upon engine. the writer and others observed that the heat was in the settin end-the fan wagon one,er hart .4 ate: the fan has a tetai of 7 wer bars). in other words, the fan was on the west Said we of persenai sewetions documentation. videotapeend BED 'hotographs. During . numerous articies and items of ewdentia vaiue were seized-from "and on said vehicle? A-iist of e?dence seized wai?tbe, {eterencem in detail, upon search weneni Patent. i be mdoundedhy ?26 ?re?sgge?vezmun of ?uriedtd?en: .Aman, theayidenee seized, the ,53 1' f' .du?n?g p?a gees at 7 graph {Sentatihn?wemwlzed 7 . rmed. Which will begreferenced upenthegw?ter'sinves?tigatwe report. ?f12:05A?M:?on 0311212012. Requested by 10515 Requested on 03I27f2012 08:11:31 PM Edward De 3311.! W5, Polioe Comn?ss lone-r INCIDENT REPORT ORIGINAL STATUS: APPROVED KEY COMPLAM N0. RPT DIST. CAD RA EFT RA CLEAR. 015T. JUVENILE 220140559 011 240 240 UCR FINAL STATUS FROM DATE OCCURRED TO DEATH INVESTIGATEON DEATH INVESTIGATION - 0311012012 LOCATION TIME TMEGGCURREQ FROM THE OCCURRED TO 695 RD I 12:46 AM we OF BUILDING PLACE OF ,l um DOROHESTER . b?SlDEa- NIGHT- me OF ouseecrgooe OF WORTAW VICTIMS :1 sneeze? r' OF .O 1' ~4 maul): 4 1 5:5. "Dali-w? 4. . "f VICTIM mom: TO COMMONWEALTH 3 . ADDRESS - 2 003 I AGE 3 I. emu: 4 HAIR EYES MARFTN. CONTACTM SPECIAL i 2 we 4 a I 3.5. No.3 9 v. DDQKETND. REPORTER KNOWN TD COMMONWEALTH I . . I ALIAS RACE DOB AGE 5 HEIGHT WIGHT BUILD HAIR EYES OCCUPATTOH WM. EMALADDRESS #1 CONTACT #2 SPECIAL NARRANVE AND momowu. ?6 About 00:55 on Saturday, 03/1012012 Of?cers Cardoso (H415A) Colby 8; Crowley Mackinnon H902 responded to a radio call for 3 unknown at the KEG lot, 695 Columbla Rd. On arrwal the Boston Flre epa ent E21)ancl BostonE.M.S A125 (Bennett Abbatengelo) DZN (Hurley) were on scene. Of?pers observed Boston EM. remove an infant the rear passenger side seat of a motor vehicle, that was parked Inside the parking lot The mfanl was brought lnsede the ambulance and subsequently transpo?ed? to the Boston medical Center? Also the scene was the V812 Del Callahan) VA04 (l1 Greeley) V947 (Sgt Duff) H980 (Sgt Clancy) as well as the onme scene response unit V046 (an?n) 8: V049 ASSENED SHIFT OFFICERS WE REPORTEHG OFFICERS IO ID H415A 1 331311053, CARDOSO 99788 a SPECUKL DATE OF COMPLETED APPROVING HAME APPROVING SUPERVISOR ?9 9311012012 DANIEL c. KEANE 11943 I ?My; EMam ?avfs, Paffce Commissianex SUMMARY REPORT BEPARWEW USE QNLY m? Nm?semnm gum i'mamaw I 5 .. .. a 3% 9:25:12 32:43 (:11 69-5 comma as .rsazam 1 g?wam 12:43 21-1 - $95 cawmvs am - 93am {E?mcaa mmammw -. i L: 23-, . ?d?f?AiU-ma. 11943 1 was: 3 mm 3838 maiaumcm mm FERSQR mamf. . . 1 .. 0:45 scuaoamea PLAZA m?a?mwmq .- sew. WMWVE FQR $235368?? 03f? 9129?? {33:32 AM: Abaat 00:55 hm can Saturda Of?mrs Gamma (HMSA) Cam meiay (HKMAJ: Mackinaw (8932} {3390315361 :0 a rac?s cai? a :1an at the KEG ?aking ion 8&5 ?30 umbia Rd. Or: arrival the Bosth Fi-z'a and Sammy; EMS NEE {Eama? mnggic) ?15233 (Hudey) were an scam? Smears sbserved Easter: M. ramsve an infant mm the mar pawn-gar side semi ef?a matar vehic?e, that was parka? Insicie the parking 2:31 The Want was brought imic?ie the ambufance and w?sec?uen?y {zanng is: tha 84:35:93 ma?a-3% Samar: A1307 te- ther scam was 32% Elam Gmelay} 4? {Sgt {Buff} (Sgt Siam?) as we}! as the Gama swam mi31332;:312 {32:32 PM: Wigwam tha cagei? iwas?iga?an ?3113; {ha 698%: 6% men?wfd ma am}; hams cef Mama ?1 2&2, that we? and su?wqaant am; at {1?36 Swim .- 6933mm} if; 3: was pag??yegs by inauciia bkzsiagimi maker and fa?ae: as we as .ditiar?ai E?amiiy memb?rag $2313 'm?uw if} ?maf ?ag amiamg?e? w? as; @3323: magmas: that this matter be aggm?e? ii: a hamisgzida ?nvasti 35%? u?h?mamg base?f 33mm @225 am aircumsianmsg whie?z wig as? he rafaranca? harem? Sargaa?t Sam:th iahar? ?ied a 5% Katie wi?ih {ha ?amacmgatts {Emarimaa? Semigeg? gagging HOMICIDE REPORT (20:15120140569 Area ?mu Date $10,261; Type Cam: ?Location of Time 1555 AM Incident Sank-Ilia m" mmries . M- Name {LasLFIrst Ml) Address City State Z?p Fm? DOB Age Gender Race 4 Victim Alias ww MW m?m? INVESTIGATQMS) DEFENDANHS) Summary 5-2 1 Jazm- Harri-:05 non?e: :5 respond *3 fl?E .0: cf i395 :zv d- my? 35:; .e'ec ?0053' $5355 53-?1? :6 m: 5-1-12 a: ?as .5 r-"He' 1 .us?gallcn mgr"; ?9 I 3 Schweer Haze}, MA Date: March 19} 2012 T0: Lismman?t Darrin 6166135? Can?mandef, Grimm Sea-?3m Raspg?se Unit me: Serg?am Batectiva Em?ci Duff Subject: Eaath Inves?ggtien, Calamhia 1331mm: 1} CC #i 125? 14G E59 Sir: I, Sargaant Detectiva Dame} Su?: BI) :55. 10529} resPect?l?y Submit that an Saturday March 10, 2012 at 1:14 AM I mmivad a page: K: call th? Qpemtions Division. Upcn calling Opara?gns I rawivad information that Pull Noti?catians being requssted fer a Daath Investigation 0f a 6 month 01d child a? 695 Coimbia Rd. Irespandad from my; @523de and amived at 1:50 AM. On arrivai at the sec-3:15: I mat with Sergsaat Charles MacKimen, the: Patml Supervisor from District 11. Of?mrs Mama G??n mad Adam Gill 1:323 Crime Scam Raspanse were already anascaney I absarved a black Lexus SUV, 1315i: QFFLEQ parked in the, parking 10: 9f ingd Chicken. The; ama was mpad {sff with trims 3mm mm and nuifama? a?icers were pos?aci in the parking 1man the 31mg? in ?an: {sf that Lieutenant Dates?ve Darrin Greeley I.th Crim? Scene Respansa Unit and Sargemt Detective Richard Ciancy Simiet 11 ami?vszd ma?a-r3213. I. {132333 spake by plume with ?e?iea?w 39hr: Caiiahan ?es-m aha Ramada? Um {Egane? that a famzaie was; ?3qu it: the SUV magpma? fat} the 1133;332:316 A 6 33:31:35 aid Mam was $312351 E31 $123 332* W?h ?338 $831833 T1321 1:153:13: was grammaed.? ?33: Ca?ahag the my semi ?ns gmgm??ag km ghgiegmpha?a 313 alias :gqaagtsii ?338: ?328? gar b3 tawazi ta Esa?gmartam 53:51:23 35: Ragga: {24? ?gs: fig}: w?gtzge?wg? {Seama??gr 33$ ?a?y?r Egg-mm a; Sfm?gg area wgg?ggw 3?3 Homicide Unit RE: Baby- On 03/10/12 at 1:09am, Operations noti?ed Homicide to respond to 695 Columbia Rd. for a report of a child removed from a motor vehicle in distress. I traveled to the Boston Medical Center (BMC) to check on the condition and identity of the baby. Det. John Callahan responded to Columbia Rd. The baby was identi?ed as Hispanic female, DOB Her mother,_ was also in the emergency room of the BMC. She had been transported separately from her infant daughter. On arrival, and after treatment, the baby was been pronounced by Dr. David Dorfman at 1:17am. The baby?s body temperature when she arrived at the BMC was approximately 107.5 degrees Fahrenheit. I observed the mother,?, holding her deceased daughter in the ER, and she was nodding in and out of consciosnous. She couldn?t keep her eyes open. She was wearing a black hat, white coat and blue jeans. I took a photo of her. Myself and Det. Callahan then met with in a private family room in the heapital. While attempting to interview- she again kept nodding out on us, and the interview was terminated. She was then escorted to the Emergency Room to be evaluated. After an evaluation by the medical staff, she refused to be seen and walked out of the ER. After walking out, RN Cheryl Molnar, informed me that Ms. - stated to her that a friend of hers had given her 5~6 muscle relaxants last night While packaging the baby?s clothing at headquarters for evidence storage, several items of clothing were very wet to the touch. These mainly included the two onesie?s, the blue jeans, and the hood of the white hooded sweater. The clothing had to be dried out prior to packaging. Clothing evidence submitted into the evidence management system. Sgt. Det. Richard Daley Homicide Unit Homicide Unit RE: Death Investigation of On 04/19/12, Sgt. Det. Richard Daley (the writer) and Assistant District Attorney David Deakin met with members of the Boston Fire Department; Lieutenant Paul Souza, and Fire?ghters Matt Nelson and John Mellaoe. This meeting took place on the 6th floor at the Suffolk County Courthouse. The above ?re?ghters, along with driver, Fire?ghter Kevin Minor, responded to the incident that evening. They were assigned to Engine 21. As a result of questions, they state that they arrived almost simultaneously with the ambulance, into the parking lot of the KFC on Columbia Rd. They saw a Lexus with the engine running and a female in the driver?s seat. The doors were locked. Lt. Souza states that the female in the driver?s seat seemed out of it, with her head tilted back. Nelson adds that she had glassy skin and FF Mellaee stated that she was sweaty, and had on a winter coat. FF Mellace went to the passenger side of the car, where an EMT was, and looked into the rear of the ear. The windows were tinted but he saw blanket and a ?nger of what appeared to be a baby. The ?ve of them (3 F?s and 2 began banging on the windows, with Lt. Souza hanging with a key. They were shaking the car as well, to no avail. Just as they were getting a tool to break the window, she awoke. When she opened the door, Lt. Souza stated that there was no big blast of hot air but the interior was warm. The female began looking around astonished and confused. She was lethargic and appeared to not know where she was, and was looking for her bearings. When asked where she was, she did not answer. When asked, she did not know how long she had been there or what time it was. She informed them that she had been eating and pointed to some crumbs on her clothing. In response to questions, she said that she fed the baby around 9:30-9:45pm. FF Me?ace stated {hat a pink. blankei appears-d dropp?d 0n the. baby, wile was in a seat She was warm wash and haii What appeaxad :0 b6 dried bubbles ammd bar mouth area. She was wearing a mapped suit, Sweatsr, Gn?si? and 311933. The {3:133:36 was damp :0 {ha mush. He felt it was EGG much ?aming far inside a can The car was very muttered with chihng debzis, l?ka sameena wag in it. They have no memary of Sim vehicles radio be:ng 1011:}, Th: Fire?ghters stated that {my {11d mt small any alcaohai (311 bar, but in :h?ir apinion, She was high an something maybe hemin a methadasne wekta?. Whey: Li, sza infemgd bar that that baby had smppad breathing; aha guddenly beg-mm aim and get an the {tail Th? paiise an:in and they returned t9 the ?rshause? The famai? operater was 13ft in tha of the arriving psiige. The Fira?ghters also: stated that there was 8. 311011;: heavy set white male:, 250 lbs, whe was siand?ng nearby, and stated that hf?: knew her street, and that aha was a drug user. They ware 1101: saw if he was an undercaver polici: suf?ce}: or 110:, Lt. 891323 pmvided us with a Boston Fire Department inciden: report 0f the cal}. Sgt, Det, Richard Daisy Hemiaidsz Unit ?9 {3:19 SchmederPigzef 363mm 022mm Page I of 2 Date 3! 13/32 CC 129140569 (341/ HKQIA T0: CMTAIN RICHARD SEXTON: AREA 011 COMMNDER FROM: POLICE OFFICER DEWES CROMEY #103749 SUBJECT: 695 CGLUMBM RQAD I, Felice Offiser Dennis Crowiay, rsspeaifuily report can Saturday March 10, 2012 1 was war}:ng a 133i haif assignad it} thf: aicng wi?i my partner Christopher Calby, A5: appreximaisiy 00:55 am Iraspandcd to a radii) call a: 695 Celambia Read, {ha KFC paz?king 10$ f0: an Udalan Problam. Dispatch rammed a calla was ramming a female appaared 1:0 be passed Gut inside 0f 3, black Lexus vehicie and them was a baby imide. A130 mspond?ng t0 the: call was office: Card?sa in the: HMSA. On amval at 695 Coiumbia Rea? I observed efficer Cardeso, 1333mm Fire Department Engine 21 and Boston EMS ambulance; AIZE staffed by Bennet?Abbatangalc: as well as Li, Hmlay I obgewad effigy: speaking with a famaia, subsequen?y as a; I aim ab?ewe? Emma EMS retrieving a baby fram the mar passenger 3:221: and immediamiy hang the baby mm the ambulaact. I was advised the baby, subsequm?y identifiad as - was in gamma arrest, Tm bah}f was {ramparth to Emma Madiaal Canter far fur a: {regiment I then spake mm . siaied she had left ha: ham? at appraximai?y 9:30 pm and headed {a the 3mg: 85 Sharp Makes: {unkmwu Imaiian) Wham aha {1333 Same Shappi?gw She statad aha that: game 111% baby a batik and 33:2 the KFC buy same: fwd? stated Sh?: wag unabla {a p?mha?e any fag? Rcausa RFC: has?: gigg?a-Sta?isd 5&6: was {?ed fag 331%? in ma marking $93; -was unmm h?w 1mg 3% ha? beam parksd in the: Eat, The; was a Lem-.23 RX 30$ $3621:ng Masgaghugaitg yam 1 agkad Ef?g- if hay gab}: was siak a: hm}; 31:1}? mg?igg? - giagg? m3. EEaimi Maa?imm wag mqa?gia? 3m arz?vagi agar; ?aa??mm 23f ?2326: bahng This: v?hi?a seams: ?3262 3g a mag 3mm? mam: was: ?zm if} magma 3a: 3% Eggim ?ags}? 5% f?ga?a? {jamm?sz?angz E?z?ww? ?a?g Once on mane 2.: [ha BMC I was acivxsed :he: baby wag 92mg 2934 Dr. David Darfman. The. baby?s {1100133 ware matured in a brawn paper and {11mm war {0 Homicide SgLDei. Daisy (V902). A130 {311 scans was Hamicidc Detective Jack Cailahan (V812). Waile at the BMC I observed: {116 deceage? baby?s faiths}: away the trauma ream. The father having an smot?mal camarsa?on with the baby?s aunt At Same; pc?m duri?g the, canvas-mien I haard the, father siating Sh? {the niece) was 311139036: t9 mama: his baby bacausa the mothar was mt 221315 {on advised Hamicida Datsctives of [his infcmation. My partnar and I evmtua?y telegram BMC by Sgt. Bet. Daisy and wig rammed t9 Distrist 11. Rsspeaifa?y ,4 WE /3 4/4ka ?amis #1 4 - - Ek?qmms we?? 21% Eg?wa?ii? A I 7 GM: Schroede: Piazza, BasicmMA Paga 1 {3f 2 Eate 3f1??f12 CC 120140569 HKQIA TO: Captain Riehar? Swim, gammaiar Area {:31 1. FROM: Paige: Offiga: Christaghsr M. 337%11591 SUBJECT: 33th imagtiga?sn 695 Caiambia Raad Sir: Zrespectfz?ly mpm't that am Saturday March 10, .2012 Iwas asaignad to the HKOIA Unii with Of?am Crawley ID #203?499 Abauz 0055 we meaivad a radii; cal} fer an a: 695 Calumbia Road, Dam-hestar, Operations infarmad us that {hare was famala am? a child Shaping in a car. As mived I obsarvad the, H415A unit Officer Aristidas Car?asa and mem?egs {ha Fire Dapa?mmi Engim 21 spaakmg 8 femal? 121w)? id??ii??d 33 - - Whi} was sitti?g in. {he driver 363% if a black SUV. I ebserved am EMT ?rm: Ambulmw A123 camring a lifeless 109kng infant the back seat 0f 3 black SUV. Ifellawad the EMT is tha back the ambulancs :9 find tbs. stains 0f the infant Th5: infant Iaisr icimiified as was yellow leaking and umasponsive. The EMT informsd me, that the infant was in Cardiac After I depamad the ambulama I abgarvedp 3:311 gazing i1?: mam: which: 313d Ersmovad the: Ecz?ys {a 3mm. 1 infamm {116 Palm} Supm?sar H902 Sergaa?i MaaKi?mn Whi) raspanded and mada full natificatians, I asked What Sh? was dai?g a: KFC am} What SE16: had; bean timing earliar if: 111%: waning? infamed mt: that sh: was shapping 3: Sta}: 3119;: 231d want :0 KEG ?0 gait samethmg eat but it had j?8? c?egsd Whan aha mivada 13:} mad that She had a ?at rim 21:83:13? Shay aan 3mm guy helpad 1151' Cha?ge the: aim I ?id magi:- {333% th& gicie 5mm {its did 21:3: mam: 3:113 $333; szgam: MacK?mgn :33 {ii} magma 3:115 {swim {3f i235: infaz?sa 333352;: Me??m? Simian 911?? Beater David ?gamga? am ?yfamad?a Thai Hgm?sid? Sargam; Riahgrz? {Saw 358:1}; Egg: 3mm: {36:21:33 ??gyas aga?ggmag C?mm?3$?fmaf Ergwa?? 35:3??5 2;?me as .833? agaiwgw a: '9 5 Gne Sc?medes 8353031, MA $323-$031: Page 2 of 2 Data 1/12 CC 220140569 Whila we: W?f? 9.3: Kb: heap?ai?s mnsgancy remn? niew arrived and had a convaysaiion in Spanish and English, and a we aim: I heard 33% mice: in Engiish ?whaz did you do?? dreswadm i1} Spanish 21:15 than [aid the. 23:16:23 ?gm; {ha flick {311$ 3f {ha ream." 13%:ka 23p camarsation with tha mace wha infam?td 113%: {?132 1:116 mfarz: W213 fins: in the